Chapter 103 Add points 【Subscription】

Lin Fan took stock of the harvest this time, and with his calm attitude, he also showed an unprecedented smile on his face.

This time he was at the top of the leaderboard, he was really fat, earning a lot of money.

Even he didn't expect that the income at the top of the list would be so exaggerated.

Really, the winner takes all!

The top of the list not only has additional rewards, but also includes top ten rewards, top three rewards, and championship rewards.

These rewards can be superimposed on each other!
Too bad!
Just being the champion of this leaderboard, let him gain 3500 points; 180 Saint Quartz; 18 free attribute points; 3 permanent titles; one five-star blessing; one silver weapon.

I won’t mention points, it should be the easiest resource to obtain at present.

Even so, this is equivalent to 3500 yuan in the real world. This is just an additional reward, a reward from the list itself, and it can only be regarded as an addition.

But Saint Quartz and free attribute points, this is quite precious!
Especially Saint Quartz, although there is no channel to use it yet, the only way to obtain it is Weiye.

And a great cause brought only 5 Saint Quartz rewards.

With reference to the difficulty of Albert's completion, one can know how high the gold content of a Saint Quartz is.

This made Lin Fan even a little scared. In order to attack the wild boss, he almost missed the biggest treasure.

Fortunately, in order to maintain their influence, they did not let the club's guild points ranking fall below the top 10.

And this also made Lin Fan more vigilant, and began to reflect on the pros and cons of this scene.

For a professional player, it is always one of the essential skills to figure out the planning and even the thinking of the operator.

And this time he obviously made some misjudgments!
I found the Wild Boss in the wild. Of course, there is his strong desire to defeat powerful enemies, and there is also his judgment on the vision of the second act.

Such a powerful wild boss appeared in the wild, and Lin Fan naturally thought that the wild boss was an "easter egg" specially reserved by the planner.

It is the core fun and gameplay, and requires a key strategy.

Obviously, there were some mistakes in his judgment.

This also shows that in the game of Lixiao, it is important to challenge powerful enemies and surpass yourself, but it is much more important to follow the version!

Just like the scene of <The Ultimate Food>, the core of the plan is to help Dawn City complete its food and meat reserves.

Defeating a powerful wild boss is like an additional question in an exam. Although you can get a lot of points if you do it well, it doesn't mean you can give up the previous basic questions.

"It's really a fluke this time!"

But no matter what, it's time to finally reap the results.

"add a bit."

Lin Fan had a thought, and then began to distribute the free attribute points.

But anyone who has played the game knows what free attribute points mean. What is added is the basic attribute of oneself, which is equivalent to a white value.

It's like a one-star protection, which increases the life value by 3.1%, which is all increased on the basis of the basic life (white value).

The improvement of basic attributes can also greatly improve the effects of protection and equipment.

To put it simply, it is equivalent to the principal!
The higher the principal, the higher the interest rate.

Although these free attribute points do not seem to be many, there are not many channels for players to obtain free attribute points.

At present, the most common way to obtain free attribute points is probably only to increase the level.

But the time and energy required to upgrade to one level is not just for fun!

It's been almost two months since the server opened, but none of them have reached level 20 yet.

The experience needed to upgrade from level 19 to level 20 is simply insane!
Lin Fan allocated these precious free attribute points to spirit, agility and attack.

As for life and resistance, it didn't increase much.

The world of Daybreak is a typical world of high attack and low defense.

Even if the players have a digital body, but their vital organs such as the brain are injured, their HP will still drop sharply in an instant.

And defense can still be obtained through armors such as armor!
Therefore, compared with life and defense, the benefits of attack, agility and spirit are obviously higher.

Needless to say, attack and agility are literal.

As for the spirit, Lin Fan speculates that it has something to do with the use of elemental energy, which is equivalent to "elemental affinity" and the like. It should be very important to make a contract with the elves later!
Lin Fan first chose to add 5 points to the spirit to see!

add a bit.

After consuming a free attribute point, Lin Fan suddenly felt that the world in front of him seemed to become brighter.

At the same time, it made him frown.

The world seems to be getting noisier a lot!

Another free attribute point was added to the spirit, this time the feeling was more obvious.

The world is much brighter again!
But I don't know if it is because the world has become clear and clean in his eyes, and the dust in the world has also increased.

It's like being on a cloudy day and you can't see the dust.

But under the bright sun, you can see grains of floating dust instead.

"It feels. It's really weird."

Lin Fan felt a little uncomfortable, but still added some more.

Another three free attribute points were added to the spirit. Suddenly, Lin Fan felt that the whole world was slightly different.

Elemental energy became clear under his perception.

By sensing elemental energy, he can even simply locate the location of others!

Lin Fan's eyes lit up, "Irene, this is the way to investigate!"

Having known Irene for so long, he has long been envious of elves.

But because he hasn't reached level 20, and he doesn't have the qualifications to contract elves yet, no matter how much Irene talks about, he doesn't actually have a specific concept.

But now, he seems to have opened a door to a new world!
Lin Fan thought for a while, and allocated three more free attribute points to the spirit.

After three o'clock again, Lin Fan suddenly felt that the world became a little three-dimensional in front of him.

Everyone has different elemental energy in their body.

By sensing different elemental energies, you can easily locate, judge strength, and judge intent.

"It's really a wonderful feeling like never before!"

Lin Fan was overjoyed.

The strengthening of the spirit is like turning on the sensory cheating device, which makes people intoxicated.

However, Lin Fan also keenly felt that the attribute of spirit is not suitable to be added.

Because, his head felt a little swollen.

It seems that the surge of spirit has brought some oppression to his body, which is still within the bearable range, but if it is added, it will become a burden.

This is really amazing!

Really, the more I know about Daybreak, the more I understand how outrageous the details of this game are.

After adding the remaining free attribute points to attack and agility, Lin Fan suddenly felt countless images of him practicing sword hard in his mind.

From morning to night, sunrise and sunset, smelling chickens and dancing, three provinces a day.
There are even many scenes of him competing with others, and even scenes of him practicing martial arts with his father and grandfather in the martial arts gym at home when he was a child.

He felt as if he was watching him practice martial arts from the perspective of God.

There are many formulas that I didn't understand or thought were very common, but now I have a new understanding.

Even the training in the "Oath" seems to have become clearly visible.

He even saw multiple turnovers in his last practice.
"This is this?"

Lin Fan gasped.

Is this really just a simple game?

Lin Fan was completely shocked.

Lin Fan didn't know if other players had noticed this, but he should be the player who got the most free attribute points at one time.

"That is... I may be the first to find this out?"

Lin Fan was a little dazed, but more excited and excited.

Perhaps we should pay more attention to the game of Breaking Dawn!
Plus, he might find a spellbook to learn from!
After adding points, Lin Fan took out another five-star protection from his backpack.

This is the only five-star protection in the entire dawn!
The moment he saw this protection piece again, Lin Fan's body instinctively conveyed the signal he wanted.

At this time, he completely understood the feeling of "Double Carp" when he saw the five-star protection for the first time!

This is an artifact that can induce the resonance of life instinct!

call out!
Accompanied by a stream of light, the golden five-star plus shield drilled into his body.

In an instant.

A blazing holy light emerged from Lin Fan's body.

An unprecedented powerful feeling directly hit my heart.

at the same time.

Lin Fan suddenly felt that his back suddenly became extremely hot, as if he had been scalded by a red-hot soldering iron.

However, Lin Fan didn't resist, instead he felt very comfortable.

Lin Fan understood that on his back, there should be "divine marks" similar to the "Double Carp" brows, which symbolizes the blessing of strength.

"The protection of the Lion King? The five-star protection is really too strong, but I just don't know when I can get a complete set."

Lin Fan, who knows the taste by eating the marrow, suddenly desires the five-star protection like never before.

After equipping the protection, Lin Fan tried the silver weapon "Moon White" again.

Just looking at the shape of this sword made him fall in love with it.

Although it is not a gold-level holy sword like the Slashing Steel Holy Sword, its attributes are definitely one of the most advanced weapons in the server.

The most important thing is that this sword is also a reward for the ranking champion, which itself is a symbol of honor.

It means a lot to him!

For him this time, it is really an epic enhancement!
If he were to attack wild bosses like the Ice Snow White Jade Scorpion again, he was confident that he could compress the attack time to within a quarter of an hour.

It's really cool!

Lin Fan almost forgot how long it had been since he had gained such pure happiness from games!

Perhaps this is the real essence of playing games!

Just getting stronger is exciting in itself; in order to conquer a boss, you can forget to eat and sleep; and getting achievements and top-quality equipment is even more joyful!

What kind of ultimate experience will the third act bring him?

Lin Fan was looking forward to it!

At this moment, Lin Fan saw that the game world time had reached 58:[-] pm.

According to the usual practice, it's time to lie down and go offline.


Even if it's only the last 2 minutes left and he can't do anything, he still doesn't want to go offline!

Perhaps, this is the real charm of a good game!

I just look forward to unlocking the night mode as soon as possible, so that they can enjoy it all at once.

How can a really good game not have the memory of staying up until dawn?

At seven o'clock, Lin Fan's eyes went dark as expected.

Afterwards, the body ushered in the familiar feeling of falling, as if falling from the clouds into the deep valley.

Looking at the cramped rental house in front of him, Lin Fan instinctively sniffed his nose.

The musty smell of the room was in stark contrast to the refreshing smell of Dawn City, which made him very uncomfortable.

There is also the heavy and weak body in reality, compared with the almost omnipotent body in Dawn City, it is even more difficult for him to adapt.

Although he just went offline, he can't wait to go online again!
(End of this chapter)

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