Chapter 117 Premonition of War 【Subscription】

God's Palace.

Because it is the residence of the god king Solator, it has become the most sacred place of glory in the capital of dawn.

Although Rhodes seldom stayed here, the specifications of the palace became more and more grand.

Not only have a large number of new facilities been added to the palace, but the bishops of the cathedral also specially dispatched a large number of young men and women to serve as divine servants.

Sweeping, cooking, gardening, tailoring, library management.
Rhodes wanted to stop it.


His every move now is easy to be over-interpreted.

These young men and women are basically his most devout believers, and they are also of excellent appearance and aptitude. Many of them are even the children of nobles in the city.

Some are even elf envoys with excellent qualifications!

If Rhodes showed a little dislike for them, it might directly ruin their lives.

Rhodes immediately went with the flow.

Starting from a new god, he now understands more and more how to be a god.

The gods need more than mercy, but distance, mystery, and exchange.

This exchange can also be understood as one of the arts of "leadership".

While giving blessings to believers, accepting part of the offerings from believers can also make believers feel more at ease.

Just like the communication between people, the exchange of mutual interests can make the relationship more stable and long-lasting!

of course.

The most important thing is. Powerful!

Nowadays, Rhodes occasionally goes to the God's Palace to rest, and every time he comes, it will cause a huge sensation in the God's Palace.

Rhodes also occasionally gave some guidance to these servants, which made them very excited.

Seeing this, Rhodes also intends to train some usable people.

You can't always do everything on your own.
There is no prestige without magnificence. The wisdom of our ancestors tells us that we must carry it when it is time to carry it.

Because people tend to eat this way!
And every time Rhodes released the signal, the learning atmosphere of the god servants in the palace of the gods became more and more intense, and now they are all working hard to learn.

As for the most talented, it probably belongs to "Alves" and "Beatrice".

Both of them were not very old, and they both officially became elf envoys when Anna sacrificed.

In the capital of dawn, it really belongs to the little seedlings.

The higher-ups of the Dawn City sent them here, probably to let him cultivate them from a young age and use them with confidence.
It's a routine, but it also reflects the sincerity!
Alves made a contract with the former sage Dempsey, while Beatrice made a contract with the scholar Sophia.

It's just that because the contract was signed not long ago, the two have not yet fully awakened the memories of the two elves before they were alive, and they can only rely on the basic abilities of the elves.


These are not problems, they are still very young, and it is not a problem to grow up in the future, not to mention that they are still following Rhodes, so they have a bright future!
"Vice Captain, Archbishop, and knights, please follow me!"

Beatrice skillfully led several important figures to the main hall of the Palace of God.

Seeing that Beatrice's demeanor was dignified, sacred and noble, she was completely different from her initial ignorance and immaturity, Archbishop Boyle, several bishops, and even several knights of the Knights all smiled.

Now it seems that His Majesty the God King has taught and blessed her.

And that's what they want!
Only by deepening their bond with His Majesty the God King can they feel more at ease.

What's more, only by continuously improving their "value" in His Majesty's heart, Dawn City will feel more secure.

Deputy head Martina asked with a smile, "Miss Beatrice, do you know why His Majesty the God King summoned me this time?"

Just like a little girl always likes to wear her mother's high heels to dress up as an adult, people always have fantasies about things they never had.

Beatrice, who was still young, was very happy when Deputy Head Martina called her "Miss" so formally.

The little head was raised high, with the proud appearance of a little adult.


She didn't know the answer to this question, so she could only honestly answer that she didn't know.

In this regard, the few were not surprised, and casually asked a few questions about Beatrice's life recently.

Beatrice answered truthfully, and several people immediately laughed even more satisfied.

Although His Majesty the God King only stays occasionally, it is completely enough to give directions casually!

main hall.

After several salutes were over, Rhode said directly, "The purpose of summoning you this time is to tell you that war is coming!"

After Rhodes said a word, the expressions of several people changed immediately.

Although when trying to figure out the true meaning of Rhodes holding the Eternal Feast, they guessed that a war might start - if the Pagli Continent wants to get rid of the dependence on the sap of the Laval Tree and eat authentic food, then it must change The current situation of Pagli Continent.

To change the current situation, you must rely on blood and fire!

Regarding this, none of the knights and bishops had any opinion. On the contrary, they were unprecedentedly joyful and enthusiastic.

Today's Dawn City has reached the point where if it doesn't change, it will wait for death.

Anyone who has a little vision can't fail to see this.

I just don't know how the war will start, and how much sacrifice and price will be paid!

However, when they thought of the players who would not die, everyone felt certain.

How bad the player is as an enemy, how reliable it is as a teammate.

At this time, a large number of light and shadow lines suddenly appeared above the main hall, and the lines intertwined, slowly showing the outline of the city and the direction of mountains and rivers.

Under the city, there is a network of earth veins densely packed like roots.

Everyone could tell at a glance that these trends were exactly the situation in Dawn Capital and its surrounding areas.

Afterwards, these lights and shadows were intertwined, and one key node after another was drawn.

For these nodes, the high-level leaders are no strangers.

Because, they are all on the outskirts of the fortress community, where there are many supply points.

The location of the supply point is not chosen randomly.

Each of them is a key point for the flow of the earth veins, guarded by the remains of one or more martyrs who fought for Dawn City.

And this is the life of the people in Dawn City, fighting fiercely during their lifetime, and still fighting after death, just for the sake of reproduction.

These supply points together constitute a large defensive formation, representing the confluence, confrontation and balance of the forces of the world, the underworld, and the spirit world.

Basically, it is to use the power of the world and the spirit world to jointly resist the invasion of the power of the underworld.

But now these supply points are turning black at a speed visible to the naked eye
This also represents that the power from the underworld is eroding deeply and is about to break through the defense of the formation.

If all these key nodes are turned black, the power of the underworld will erode the world.

Even at the worst, Dawn City will have no harvest this year.

And it's still good!

To make matters worse, outside the fortress community, a large amount of land was directly dragged into the abyss by the underworld, and the consequences would be disastrous!

Everyone was terrified.

They thought they were the active side in this war, but they never thought that the situation had deteriorated to this level.

It is also thanks to His Majesty the God King who found out in advance, otherwise they would be more passive and caught off guard.

Rhodes: "You must have understood the situation. It will take about seven days at the latest before the "Two Worlds Guarding the Underworld" is completely eroded. Let's prepare as much as possible. After three days, we have to enter the Underworld. Since I have returned , then you can't be beaten passively every time! "

Martina, Boyle and other high-level officials all looked solemn.

"Obey, after three days, you must be ready for the expedition!"

They have never been afraid of war.

In other words, they have been fighting wars all these years in order to survive!

Rhodes: "This time, I want to make the land under the Dawn City completely our own, both during the day and at night!"


Everyone is crazy.

To make the night belong to them, this is really a humble and noble goal, they have fantasized about it for too long!
In the past, fantasies were just fantasies, but now with His Majesty the God King, fantasies can truly become reality.

Martina's deputy head: "Your Majesty, may I ask the players how you arrange it?"

Rhodes: "Prepare necessary materials such as the sun lantern. This time, the players will fully cooperate with the legion in combat, but they also have their own combat methods."


Martina and the Knights Templar and other high-level spirits were shocked. His Majesty the God King meant that the overall command was in the hands of the Knights Templar, and the players assisted in the battle.

Really good!

They have already seen the destructive power of the players.

I just don't know what kind of surprise the players can bring them this time!
But no matter what, the thought of having players as teammates gave them a lot of peace of mind.

After leaving the Palace of God, the Knights Templar began to run at full speed immediately, and Dawn City entered the state of war for the first time.

This is no stranger to the citizens of Dawn City!
In the past, every time he entered a wartime state, it was an unprecedented test of life and death, so what about this time?

Many citizens of Dawn City instinctively looked in the direction of the cathedral and the Palace of God.

(End of this chapter)

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