Chapter 118 War Dungeon 【Subscription】

Lin Fan opened his eyes, and what he saw was a wooden ceiling that was completely different from the reality.

Surprisingly, it was the small attic he rented!
Lin Fan was not unfamiliar with this.

What's more, because of the unprecedentedly powerful feeling of the concrete soul, Lin Fan even felt that the world lived in a more realistic sense.

If it weren't for the unprecedented development of the virtual universe, his "symptoms" might have been diagnosed as "Internet addiction."

In the ancient times when the Internet was just beginning, they might be sent to a special rehabilitation school by their parents to receive electrotherapy from the King of Thunder.

When the virtual universe enters thousands of households and everyone studies, works and entertains in the virtual world, the so-called "addiction" will disappear.

Sitting on the wooden bed that was infinitely harder than reality, Lin Fan clenched his fists subconsciously.

The feeling of mastering power and freedom came to my heart again.

In this world, he is not a small mortal, but a knight of honor!

This time, he even smelled freedom!

Just last night, he abolished his Tiankeng contract with Team Longqi, and he no longer has any shackles on his body, so he can go into battle lightly.

There is also more freedom in time, unlike before, you must first spare time to deal with club training and team building.

And the root of everything is because of the dawn!
"I'm back. Daybreak World!"

Lin Fan excitedly got up, folded the quilt, washed, or had a different mood, or even felt that it was just a small thing that couldn't be smaller, all of which were full of meaning.

Lin Fan couldn't wait even more when he thought that the elves could be contracted soon.

After contracting the elves, what kind of changes will the game experience bring?
It can be regarded as stepping into the extraordinary field in one step. How amazing will the extraordinary experience in the dawn world be?

Just thinking about it made him feel a little uncontrollable.

The immersive experience of Daybreak is so well done, only the first 20 levels can really make every player feel like they have really become martial arts masters.

For the extraordinary field, I look forward to it!
After washing up, he came to the lobby.

Immediately, he felt something was wrong!

There were no guests in the lobby, and soldiers marching in formation and neighing war horses could be seen everywhere on the street.

Not only that, even the doors and windows have undergone a series of transformations.

Many defensive facilities have been released.

"This is?"

Lin Fan didn't expect that the world would be completely changed after just sleeping.

At this moment, a soldier walked up to him in a hurry. After standing at attention and saluting, he cut straight to the point and said, "Honorary Knight, the deputy leader asked me to wait for you here. If you have eaten breakfast, please go to the Knights as soon as possible." check in!"

Lin Fan was taken aback for a moment, and immediately realized that something had happened, and immediately started typing.

After a few minutes.

Lin Fan suddenly realized.

Immediately, his eyes were shining brightly, and he was faintly excited.

There is going to be a war. Is Lixiao going to start a war book?
At this moment, Lin Fan felt completely on fire.

As a combat system player, I have always only looked forward to the battle, without any fear!

He comes, he sees, he conquers!
Lin Fan immediately began to contact the "Club" guild, and worked together to find out more information about the war book.

Rosalind's house.

The "Double Carp" that had just re-launched did not expect to start with a critical strike, and heard a big news.

Rosalind patted "Double Carp" on the shoulder and said, "Anna will most likely act with you this time. Please protect her!"

"Double Carp" frowned slightly.

It's not that she doesn't want to protect Anna, but that when the first battle started, all the soldiers who died didn't live well in the end?

At least until now, God King Solethor has never disappointed.

With Father God King here, do you still need to worry?

Hearing the doubts of "Double Carp", Rosalind smiled and said, "Maybe I am worrying too much, but this time the main battlefield is not in the real world, and anything can happen. "Double Carp", don't let yourself have any regrets! "

"Double Carp" was slightly taken aback.

For Lixiao, she no longer just treats it as a game!
Through Rosalind's words, she still felt the imminent solemnity.

Perhaps, this is the real war!
Thinking of losing Anna, a good sister, forever, "Double Carp" suddenly felt blocked by something.

The dog planning this kind of creature just likes to be stabbed suddenly, so it's better to be careful.

"Double Carp" immediately became more dignified than ever, and patted her small chest to reassure, "My good sister, don't worry, I will definitely protect Anna!"

Rosalind smiled immediately.

"You have to protect yourself too. Although you won't really die, you need to run the map again to be resurrected. If something happens in the understand!"

"Double Carp" immediately became serious.

Indeed it is!

If she was really in the process of running the map, thinking about what happened to Anna would make her shudder!
Seeing that "Double Carp" really understood, Rosalind asked, "What level are you now?"

"Double Carp" was taken aback.

Immediately, Super had no confidence and said, "Level .16, I swear, I have practiced well!"

Rosalind's face froze, and when she thought that "Sky" was at level 20, and she could contract elves, she suddenly felt a sense of hatred.

"You will follow me for the next three days, special training!"

"Double Carp" was stunned.

She is just a casual player, why does she feel like being forced by her mother to go to cram school every day when she plays a game?
What a terrible war book. She finally understands the cruelty of war!

"Is it finally time to open the war book?"

Knowing the reason for the solemn atmosphere in Dawn City, the excited eyes of the "Internet Tyrant" lit up.

War book, fortune book!
As long as he seizes this opportunity, he may have a chance to complete a counterattack.

Thinking of the ridicule of his old opponent "Backstab of Justice" last night, "Internet Tyrant" felt a little panicked.

When I think of "Justice's Backstab" hitting him again and again because of a bug, I am very unconvinced.

If there was no such bug, would "Backstab of Justice" be enough to gain the favorability of Olina Knight?
The "Internet Tyrant" thought about it, and immediately ran to the big library.

He intends to have a good understanding of the war history of the Dawn City, look at the rules, formations, war equipment, and outlines of the battles in the Dawn City!

After consulting Professor Cui for several times, his understanding of formations was like clearing away the clouds.

Great library.

The eyes of the "Internet Tyrant" almost popped out, "Why are you here?"

"Backstab of Justice" looked at the "Internet Tyrant" and immediately sneered, "What? I'm allowing you to be flexible and come to the University Library to search for information?"

The grievances between players can develop into a real fight.

Ever since the "Internet Tyrant" stole his house and went offline to mock him, "Justice's Backstab" has been completely on the fence with the "Internet Tyrant".

The guild leader of "Justice League" "I'm outrageous for opening the door, Mom." Looking at the two "generals" who are at odds with each other, he felt very tired for a while.

He is the chairman?

Give him some respect, okay?

"Are you here too?"

Philosophy District.

The "Internet Tyrant" was surprised again when he saw "Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Young".

"Crouching dragon and phoenix chick" is holding a philosophy book, feeling a bit puzzled, why can't he be here?
Immediately, he figured it out.

Learn philosophy first. "Internet tyrant" understands it very well!

The problem is that you understand it very well, but you can't think that everyone doesn't understand it! This kid is crazy!

"Prosperous Tang Dynasty" guild.

"River Crab 404": "President, just now came the news from the "Justice League" guild, "Internet Tyrant" and "Justice's Backstab" both went to the big library to read books, "Internet Tyrant" reads philosophy, "Justice "Backstab" is from "History of War". By the way, the "Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Young" of the "Club" guild is also there! "

Li Xianzhuo and First Young Master Li were surprised, the news was given back too quickly and in too much detail.

"Crab 404" is very capable!
Young Master Li waved his hand and said, "Good job, I count you 1000 points."

"River Crab 404"'s eyes lit up.

As expected of First Young Master Li, this matter is really open and bright!
Young Master Li asked curiously, "He Xie, where did you get this news? It's really detailed!"

"River Crab 404" smiled, and said in embarrassment, "It was given to you by the president of the "Justice League" Brother Li! "

Young Master Li was a little astonished.

For a moment, there was a feeling of "Why did you rebel, Your Majesty"!

This outrageous brother is really outrageous!

Young Master Li stroked his chin and thought, "I'm not very good at philosophy, but it's good to leave professional matters to professional people. Who in our guild is best at intelligence analysis? Let him do it, and it's done." Give him 3000 points!"

"River Crab 404": "Ye Mengxi is not bad. She is a teacher in reality. She taught Chinese characters to Martina, the deputy head of the team, in the dawn world."

Young Master Li's eyes lit up.

"Mr. Ye, you are a talented person. With her here, our guild and the deputy head of Martina are considered to be in love. You go. Forget it, I will personally ask her to decipher the philosophy book and read "Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Young" What are they looking for! "

No matter in any world, the friendship between teachers and students is an important bond of relationship.

First Young Master Li said, and immediately strode to find Mr. Ye Mengxi Ye.

Looking at Li Dashao's back, "River Crab 404" has something special in his eyes.

Once, he thought Young Master Li was a fool with a lot of money;
Once, he thought that Young Master Li would be reincarnated;

But now, he felt more and more that Young Master Li had the qualities of a successful man.

for example.

Respect talent!

Even if it's just in the game, being able to follow such a character is a kind of luck!
In the recent period of time, he has learned a lot from following First Young Master Li.

"River Crab 404" touched the best sword in the whole server, and his heart couldn't help but feel hot.

As the guild with the largest number of people at present, they will definitely be able to rise completely in this war!

"Fever 105°" secretly vowed that in this war, he must get a great achievement!
"Black and White Wings" keeps learning from his comrades. With the advent of the war, he finally saw all kinds of war equipment in the Dawn City in the barracks.

When I saw these "black and white wings", my eyes lit up, and my saliva was about to flow down.

Doesn't this material already exist?
Let's see who else dares to say that he can't write about war in the next book!

time flies.

Although the mentality of the players is different, but with the cloud of war pervading, the players really felt the feeling of "black clouds overwhelm the city and want to destroy it" for the first time.

Where have the players experienced this?
Many players subconsciously want to blow it up!
What makes a good game?
A war book, the war hasn't started yet, and I haven't even seen any enemies yet, but the atmosphere of the war has already been conveyed to every player!
Lixiao, I really have you!

(End of this chapter)

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