Chapter 137 The Rise of Ancient Gods and Players


Double sky.

Under the attention of many players and aboriginal fighters, the endless light of the transmission channel dimmed a little bit, and the entrance of the channel shrank a little bit, and finally became only the size of a fist.

This size is no longer capable of teleportation, but it represents the only connection between the Pioneer Camp and the present world.

But even if it's just such a weak connection, everyone feels reassured.

"Is this the underworld?"

Many players looked around curiously, and all they saw was a desolation, only a white sandy beach.

To be honest, the players were quite a bit disappointed.

They also want to "mow the grass without peer" and show off their might!

Lin Fan: "Don't look at it, everyone. This is the entrance of the portal. The elemental impact that just opened the door destroyed almost everything around it, including the creatures and ecology of the underworld, and even all kinds of harmful substances in the underworld. Everyone immediately filled the darkness. The core, activate the sun lamp!"


The first responders were the 300 aboriginal fighters.

They put down their backpacks neatly, took out the core of darkness, and then skillfully filled the core of darkness into the center of the sun lamp.

After turning on the switch, the runes on the dark core began to echo with the runes on the wall of the sun lamp, lighting up little by little.

It can be seen that around the core of darkness, there is a halo of spells composed of two circles of runes, and the halo continues to rotate, emitting light and heat.

Not long after, the sun lamps began to emit dazzling light, like little suns.

Under the radiance of the light, everyone felt certain in their hearts, as if the chill around them had been dispelled.

Players also find it interesting to quickly fill and light up the sun lamp.

Afterwards, the entire Pioneer Camp was lit up with countless lights. From a bird's-eye view, it even looked like a night view of the earth's aerial photography.

The surrounding area was pitch black and dim, but where the players gathered, there were dense dots of light lit up.

Lin Fan: "The first thing we have to do now is to immediately explore the surrounding terrain and find the most suitable place to build the Sun Tower stronghold. Everyone, this is our resurrection point. No one wants to run after death, right?"

After Lin Fan finished speaking, many players raised their weapons and responded loudly.

There is nothing to say at this time, just work together!

Players are like this. When competing for resources, they may slash each other, backstab, and do everything they can, but when they play together to defeat the boss, they will be absolutely unbelievably united.

If a dungeon boss requires extra "fine" operations, the boss in the dungeon would even wish to point fingers at those players whose operations are not good enough.

He was even afraid that the advice would make them feel disgusted, so he just gave up and gave up. While giving advice, he humbly said one big boss, one sentence one big god!
Lin Fan: "The players don't need to say much. With the guild as the unit, they quickly radiate in all directions, explore and mark the map as quickly as possible, and the aboriginal fighters follow closely behind the players. Exploring around, looking for favorable terrain and materials that can be used to build the stronghold of the Tower of the Sun, the time limit is one hour, remember not to be greedy for merit, if you die, you will have to run the map again!"



After receiving the order, the guilds immediately spread out in all directions like an alluvial fan.

The "Justice League" guild grouped together by the president of "Mom, open the door, I'm outrageous" explores in the east direction;

With the president of "Pumpkin Man" as the core, the "Elegant Alliance" will quickly explore westward;
The "Thunder Dance" guild united with the president "Mu Yunbai" as the core, and quickly explored to the south;

With the president of "Hungry Clown" as the core, the "Sword and Blood Oath" guild united together quickly explored to the north.

These four teams are like sharp daggers, piercing the dark flesh and blood, piercing the enemy's heart.

And many fighters followed closely behind.

500 meters, 1000 meters, 2000 meters
After running out of this range, the players slowly began to see the original ecology of the underworld.

The land is still mostly sand, but you can already see some underworld plants, and occasionally you can see some sand dunes similar to the Danxia landform, but most of them are very low.

It is like a lonely reef next to the coastline, which is riddled with holes by the ups and downs of the tide, but it still stands proudly!

However, the shape of these plants is completely different from the real world.

The branches and leaves are pitiful, basically bare, and look like coral branches.

As for the orientation of these coral branches, it is also very single, a bit like the welcoming pine in Huangshan Mountain, with one side bare and the other side growing very long, like a flag.

The shape is even more crooked, as if it has been ravaged over and over again, unbearable to be whipped, but it is as tough and indomitable as Populus euphratica.

"Backstab of Justice": "From the perspective of the Coral Branch Banner, you can basically determine the direction of the rising and falling tides!"

All the players nodded.

This knowledge point is not difficult, it is the adaptability of organisms to the environment.

"Internet Tyrant" frowned, "It feels a bit cold."

Several people sensed it slightly, and indeed felt the drop in temperature.

What's more, the air is so cold that it's very uncomfortable to breathe.

The lungs seemed to be frozen, it was very uncomfortable!

"Backstab of Justice": "The reason why we didn't feel the cold before was probably the great spell of the teleportation array that opened the door. While destroying the ghosts and ghosts, it also wiped out the extreme cold!"

Everyone nodded, but their hearts were a little shocked.

Dawn City really didn't matter if it didn't make a move, it would scare people to death.

This great spell to open the door is really overbearing!

Outrageous brother: "According to the data, the temperature is relatively high during the ebb tide period in the underworld, and the temperature in the second half of the night when the tide is high may be compared to the night outside the fortress community!"

Regarding this point, "Backstab of Justice" has the most right to speak, his face changed slightly, "We have to speed up, we must build the Sun Tower stronghold as soon as possible, otherwise we may lose to the extreme cold here!"

Afterwards, everyone saw the traces of waves on the ground similar to the rising and ebbing tides on the beach.

And the more you continue to push toward the outer circle, you will be able to see more and more biological bones, and most of them are still half-buried by the white sand.

The entire double sky layer gives people the feeling of desolation, almost nothing.

Players can only collect resources as much as possible!

Even some bones that were half buried in the white sand were collected by them
at the same time.

The "Elegant Alliance" guild, which was exploring all the way to the west, had strange expressions on their faces.

"Pumpkin Man": "Is it my illusion? I always feel that the wind here is so comfortable, blowing on the face, it makes people clear-headed, and it seems to be more energetic!"

"Master of No Precepts" is also very strange.

"It seems to be true. The environment here makes me feel very friendly, and I feel a sense of joy in my heart!"

Several ancient gods and players looked at each other, what is the situation.

They even couldn't help but think of the hunting scene in the second act of "Vahari's Eternal Feast"!

In the beginning, what they reaped was endless loss, after all, they were hated by others.

But the further back the hunting competition went, the more troubled they became.


Those monsters hiding in the ice and snow seem to be very low vigilance to them, and often they are very close, and the monsters suddenly realize it.

But at this distance, it was too late to discover.


Their hunting seems to be in easy mode!
"Crooked Mouth Dragon King" said with glowing eyes, "Could it be that the spring of our face pinching players is coming?"

Several people's eyes lit up, looked at each other, and then laughed.

This is really the mulberry elm harvested in the east!
A few members of the "Elegant Alliance" guild pushed forward quickly, and for about a quarter of an hour, they unexpectedly found a probing desert lizard.

The whole body is off-white, and it is almost integrated with the white sand on the ground.

If it wasn't very close, they might not be able to spot it.

In order to verify their idea, they did not kill the desert lizard, but just drove it away.

After some investigation, there was an unexpected harvest.

In the vast white sand, there is actually a desert grand canyon hidden.

On the outskirts of the canyon, nothing can be seen, but after entering, there is something strange.

The whole shape resembles a big inverted horn, and the topography of the entrance of Qiantang River is almost completely reversed.

It is also this natural moisture-proof environment that creates a unique cave inside.

In the innermost part of the Grand Canyon, there are actually natural caves and large rock forests.

And behind the mountain stone forest, there is actually a black pine forest hidden.

Several people looked at each other, but they burst out laughing!

(End of this chapter)

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