Chapter 138 Magic Bird?poultry! 【Subscribe】

At the beginning, he was very narrow, and he was able to understand people. After walking dozens of steps, he suddenly became enlightened.

After discovering this special canyon, several members of the "Elegant Alliance" unanimously agreed to name it "Horn Valley", and immediately sent the location coordinates to the Pioneer Battalion.

The terrain of Trumpet Valley into the valley is indeed very narrow, like a narrow path, at most only three or four people are allowed to stand side by side.

But the more you go inward, the more open the road and vision will be.

After advancing about 300 meters, it suddenly became clear that the road was smooth, and the growth of the black pine forest was extremely gratifying.

"Crouching dragon and phoenix chick" inspected the terrain, and his eyes lit up immediately.

"Pumpkin Man" you are so amazing, you can even discover such a hidden canyon. This is simply a natural fortress of war! "

The terrain of Horn Valley is small on the outside and large on the inside, so it is naturally suitable for avoiding the tide.

No matter how big the wave is, after going through the weakening of the anti-horn terrain, it will become completely non-existent.

This can be seen from the remaining black pine forest inside the canyon.

In the Shuangtian layer where there is almost only endless white sand left, this place is almost an oasis in the desert!

Secondly, only a few people are needed to defend Taniguchi, which belongs to the typical terrain where one man guards the gate and ten thousand men cannot open it.

It is simply a natural fortress!

Not only "Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Young", many players' eyes lit up after inspecting this fortress.

"My God, this position is too superior, right? "Master of No Precepts", how did you guys find out? "

"One word, it's too awesome!"

"Finding the Horn Valley, at least half of the credit for this battle is the "Elegant Alliance""

Not only the players, but even the aborigines did not hesitate to worship and praise them.

Where did the "Pumpkin Man" experience this?
Due to excessive face-squeezing, apart from enjoying the fans' admiration for a short time at the beginning, there are all kinds of hard words after that.

And now, they are even more exuberant in this praise and adoration! It's so cool!
"Master of No Precepts" rubbed his shiny head, and said with a smile, "This is the benefit of pinching your face. In this double-heaven layer, it feels like coming home. The extreme cold in the air, for us Yan is like cooling oil, refreshing and refreshing, it's so good!"

The players were taken aback.

real or fake?

Pinching an ancient look, and this hidden benefit?
What the hell!

Players seem to have opened the door to a new world!
For a while, the player group collectively fry the pan!

Many players are wailing, regretting that they pinched their faces too conservatively!

Seeing how everyone was wailing all over the field, the "Pumpkin Man" and the others were even more delighted.

Fengshui turns, Fengshui turns, they finally found their place in the game of Lixiao!
Woooooo, I want to cry!

Lin Fan: "Let's not mention this for now, what about the situation in the canyon, how far have you explored?"

"Master of Non-discipline" grinned, "The "Crooked Mouth Dragon King" is investigating, as expected, the monsters in the black pine forest have very low vigilance against him. The monsters living in it have mainly found a group of black goats so far. A litter of black bears, a goblin camp, and a slime gathering place."

Hearing that monsters are very low vigilance towards the "Crooked Mouth Dragon King", the corners of the players' mouths twitched.

Seeing these few ancient god-looking players open the simple mode is more uncomfortable than opening the hell mode by themselves!

When they heard that there was a goblin camp, the eyes of all the players lit up.

Goblins, slimes, aren't these the most common monsters?
In Daybreak World, players have known about their existence through the creature illustrations, but few have actually seen them.

Now when I suddenly heard that there is a group of goblin slimes living in Trumpet Valley, the players immediately became amused, as if seeing friends reunited after a long absence.

Even Lin Fan's eyes lit up.

Slime and Goblin are so classic, they are found in almost every game, but I don’t know how Lixiao is doing and whether there are any new ideas.

Seeing that the players were all gearing up for a try, soldier Daniel couldn't help but interjected, "Master Brave, maybe I shouldn't interrupt, but goblins should not be underestimated. They are only slightly smaller than us humans, but they can also use Weapons, shields, bone sticks, swords, and even the ability to use bows and arrows are really powerful!"

"In addition, there are huge big goblins and goblin kings. Their size and strength are likely to completely overwhelm us humans, and they even throw boulders from a distance to attack."

Lin Fan nodded.

Despise the enemy strategically, but pay attention to the enemy tactically!

Players may not be afraid, but the tower of the sun stronghold that can be resurrected has not yet been built. Once death occurs, it will be a real reduction in staff.

And there are those 200 fighters, once a large number of them die, the extra rewards will fly away!
Lin Fan: "Let's go, let's seize a suitable terrain first, set up the Sun Tower stronghold, and then quickly clean up the inside of the canyon, completely turning it into our back garden!"

Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie!

The players suddenly showed evil smiles, and several players even licked their lips, making several Dawn City soldiers couldn't help shivering.

At this moment, they recalled the fear of being dominated by the players again!

The players immediately rushed to the inside of the canyon.

Originally, the players had to work hard to collect building materials, but after discovering the Trumpet Valley, there is no need to worry about these.

Accompanied by the sound of special effects of sword skills being activated, a large number of black pine trees were felled one by one.

The aboriginal warriors in Dawn Capital quickly processed the wood.

peel off the bark and quickly tan it into rope;

Sharpen the thick wood of the arm in batches and make it into horses to prevent monsters from rushing into the camp;

Manufacture wood in batches and make it into materials for fences and arrow towers
The efficiency is so high that the players are a little dumbfounded.

Sure enough, these capable "engineers" are inseparable from playing this camp defense game.

The change in the black pine forest soon alarmed the monsters living in the black pine forest.

In the sky, a large number of birds soared into the sky, fleeing instinctively.

But there are also intelligent magic birds, circling high and recklessly investigating.

Whoop, whoop, whoop~~~
Accompanied by arrows of light, the demon bird hovering high directly received a head-on blow from the bow players.

With a sharp weapon in your hand, kill yourself!
If you have short hands, you can't handle them.

How dare a mere "poultry" dangle in front of their bow players? !
For bow players, letting a magic bird out of their sight is a disrespect to their profession!
quack quack!
In a short time, a large number of magic birds fell from the sky, and a large number of bird feathers scattered in the wind.

The aboriginal fighters who were rushing to repair the camp just now were all dumbfounded.

Especially when they saw the archers who were bending bows and shooting arrows, and they were still delicate female players, they were shocked again.

It is different from what netizens generally think that archers should be soft, beautiful, and weak-skinned beauties.

In the capital of dawn, those who can really be selected to become an archer are all strong men with great strength and strength.

The operation of these female player archers has really refreshed the three views of the aboriginal warriors again!
Is this the brave man?

It's really amazing!
(End of this chapter)

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