After becoming a god, I became the dog planner in the mouth of the players

Chapter 139 On that day, the monsters in Trumpet Valley were confused 【Subscription】

Chapter 139 On that day, the monsters in Trumpet Valley were confused 【Subscription】

"One, two, three, build up the soil."

Many soldiers with shovels began to wave the shovels in their hands and pour the soil at the same time.

For a moment, a large amount of dust flew up, like an earth dragon dancing its body, which was spectacular.

Even the players were very shocked.

Born in the country of infrastructure madmen, players are very familiar with infrastructure. The roaring of various large-scale machinery makes the infrastructure full of violent aesthetics.

But the vast majority of players have not seen the construction site in person, nor have they experienced the impact of various modern machinery roaring in the real construction site.

These two hundred soldiers raised the soil with their shovels at the same time, and the shock they brought was really exaggerated.


Following the commander's order, several well-trained soldiers stood up at the same time, and then simultaneously took out the scrolls that had been made earlier.

As soon as the cannon rang, the gold was ten thousand taels.

What is fought in war is money, and what is fought is logistics.

When the capital of dawn fights, money is also burned.

Each of these magic scrolls is sealed with a specific spell, and even ordinary soldiers can operate it like a fool, thus releasing a large spirit spell.

But also because of this, each scroll is unimaginably expensive.

Even Dawn City doesn't have much storage, many of them or even one of them would take several months for the elves to complete.

It is the top strategic material!
This time, it was also because it was a counterattack against the underworld, so I was willing to use it.

spread out.

The magic pattern of the magic scroll lights up.

A large amount of specially treated elemental condensate fell from the sky and was directly splashed on the large amount of soil just covered.

The earth elements in it are formed and condensed quickly, and turned into special rock creations.

Let this foundation look like nature grows together naturally, it is a complete individual, and it is terribly strong.

Layer after layer, a large amount of soil was poured and leveled, and in a very short period of time, it was compacted into a solid foundation.


There are many people and strength is great. With the concerted efforts of many soldiers, huge rocks were piled up layer by layer on the foundation.

It stands to reason that these rocks are not well-organized, and the shape is not flat enough, so they are not suitable for use as building materials, but this is wartime after all, and there are wartime standards in wartime, and the emphasis is on speed and practicality.

Aesthetics and service life are not considered.

After the rocks were piled up, a large amount of soil and elemental condensate were poured again.

"Seal and reinforce."

Accompanied by the command command, several soldiers took out magic stakes one by one, and quickly buried them in the positions reserved in advance.

At the same time, activate the switch on the magic pile, and many magic piles together form a complete magic field.

Thoroughly tamp this rush-made foundation and make it extremely solid.

Soon, a temporary Sun Tower base was built.

Finally, Lin Fan took out the last and most critical core of the small Sun Tower from the system backpack.

After the core of the tower of the sun is filled, a small tower of the sun that can be three meters high is fully formed.

"Release the magic pillar!"

Another command was issued, and several specially trained warriors took out a huge scroll at the same time.

After arriving at the designated location, open the huge scroll at the same time.

The magic pattern on the scroll, however, seems to have taken root on the ground. It quickly climbed out of the magic scroll, and then quickly spread to the surroundings, quickly combining with the magic patterns released by other scrolls.

One floor, two floors, three floors!
Layers of loops, these spreading magic patterns together constitute a three-layer loop, and then a large amount of elemental energy converges, summoning nine huge colonnades with three layers inside and three layers outside.

These colonnades once again constitute a protective field.

"Fill the core of darkness."

A large number of dark cores emitting dark light were poured into the designated location, and after the switch was turned on, the entire large-scale magic preparation process was completed.

The moment the small sun tower lit up for the first time, many players felt warm physically and mentally at the same time.

An idea came to his mind, under the light of this small sun tower, it seems that the Horn Valley is occupied by them.

This place has completely become their shape!

Seeing that the Sun Tower stronghold was finally built, Lin Fan felt relieved.

Players are finally unblocked, you can go surfing wherever you want!

Lin Fan said impassionedly, "All aboriginal soldiers, continue to expand the camp, build watchtowers and arrow towers, reject horses, and many defensive units!"


Many citizens all said yes, and they had no objection to Lin Fan's order.

It is the bounden duty of a soldier to obey orders!

In addition, they are too unfamiliar with the underworld, and they have a natural fear.

Only by building various fortifications and making the camp impenetrable can they feel more secure.

"All players!"

Lin Fan looked at the many players and shouted loudly, "Sweep Trumpet Valley, before the tide rises, completely turn it into our back garden!"


Many players raised their weapons at the same time, and they were even more excited.

After holding back for so long, they are finally unblocked, and they can do a big fight without any scruples!

"set off!"

Following Lin Fan's order, many players immediately plowed into the depths of the black pine forest in twos and threes.

"Haha, little goblins, your grandpa is looking for you!"

"Aww, the big black bear of Kuonai, just observed us for so long, it's time to collect interest. I think any pair of bear paws will be very good!"


The players swarmed out, and the entire camp exuded a cheerful atmosphere.

Even the aboriginal fighters all smiled, feeling that the tense atmosphere had been diluted a lot.

Although this is a dangerous underworld, the attitude of the brave adults to play and pick up goods is really very encouraging!

There were even aboriginal fighters who made a bet——

"How long do you think it will take for the brave men to wipe out that goblin camp?"

"Goblins are cunning, cruel, and cowardly like a mouse. With the strength of the brave adults, it is probably not difficult to defeat them, but it is not so easy to completely wipe them out. I bet for three hours!"

All the aboriginal fighters nodded their heads one after another.

Unless it is the Goblin King and the Big Goblin, the average Goblin individuals are indeed not particularly strong, but if they are all about escaping and retreating, it will not be so easy for the players to completely encircle and wipe them out.

Even so, it can be seen that the aboriginal fighters have full confidence in the players.

Seeing this, Lin Fan also smiled.

That's right!

As the commander, he did not leave the camp, but stayed in the command center to guard.

However, because he is the commander, as long as it is the income of the soldiers under his command, he also has his share.

I have to say that this method of sharing is very suitable for players!

Let him be able to calm down and sit in the command center without worrying about his own gains and losses.

Outside the goblin camp.

"Look, you guys, there is a shooting range for practicing archery. The big goblin seems to be teaching the little goblin how to shoot!"

A few players who came over quietly hid in a dark place to observe.

The players are reckless, but they are not rushing without thinking. The necessary information collection work is still to be done.

At first glance, it really is like this!

The tall big goblin was instructing a few little goblins to shoot arrows.


One of them missed the target, one missed, and one almost hit the big goblin with an arrow.

The big goblin was furious and yelled at the little goblins.

Several little goblins were downcast and trained as grandsons.

The players are happy.

"Look, it seems like the teachers said this is the worst class he has led?"

"Haha, it smells like that!"

"It's too vivid. To teachers, we will always be the worst class!"

"Look, there's a goblin stealing food over there!"

Several people followed the prestige, and they saw a little goblin sneaking around to eat. It was so funny how it looked like it was chewing after confirming that no one was there.

Afterwards, everyone saw those who slept late, those who took a nap, and those who practiced martial arts quietly.

Everyone is happier!

"Sure enough, there are scroll kings everywhere!"

"On Juan, I am willing to call you the strongest!"

The players observed for a while, and finally had a detailed understanding of the entire goblin camp.

"The vigilance of these goblins is a bit low. We are building a base outside, and the movement is definitely not small. The black bears have gone to investigate. The goblins in this camp seem to have no reaction at all!"

"It may be that there are few counterattacks in this world, and they live too comfortably!"

Think about it too, if the human beings in this world come to counterattack from time to time, see if these goblins dare to be so lax?
It can also be seen from this that the influence of human beings in this world is indeed weakened.

Like the earth, animals' fear of humans is almost imprinted in their genes.

Even lions and tigers will not prey on humans casually.

"At present, the bow and arrow goblins on those watchtowers are the most threatening, so we will steal them first!"

"it is good!"

"Enter the village quietly, don't shoot anyone!"


"Yo Xi!"

time flies.

Goblin camp.

A bloody little goblin knelt on the ground, using both hands and feet, gestures and strokes, flustered.

"Boss, the humans on the ground are coming, they are extremely cruel and terrifying!" (Goblin language)

Wearing a helmet, with a bone string hanging around his neck, the big goblin was drinking from a bone cup chiseled out of a horn, with a disgusted look on his face.

"Boom Quack, cowardly as a mouse, humans on the ground are the weakest, watch me take off their heads, you should learn a little bit!" (Goblin language)

After a few minutes.

A few little goblins ran around in fright.

"It's not good, the leader has been killed by ferocious humans!" (Goblin language)

"Run!" (Goblin)

"Wuwuwu, I will avenge you, boss. I want to be able to hide my eyes no longer. I want this place. It's so cruel. Where did this human come from? You lie to me, boss. Humans are not at all. Weak, there are human women, and they are not easy to bully" (Goblin language)


After a flash of sword light, the goblin's head rolled to the ground.

A female player passed directly in front of its head. Looking at the back of this female player, the dying Goblin Roller King was confused.

What about the weakness of human beings?

Are human women easy to catch?

What about the promise that as long as you catch a human woman, you can give him a baby goblin?


Deep in the forest.

The eyes of the completely knocked down big black bear were full of confusion.

Is this human?

Isn't it said that the weakest human beings are the best to be bullied?

When I came up, I asked it to borrow a bear's paw. Can I borrow that thing?

If it doesn't borrow it, let's beat it together and feel wronged!

(End of this chapter)

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