After becoming a god, I became the dog planner in the mouth of the players

Chapter 14 The first collision between the player and the NPC

Chapter 14 The first collision between the player and the NPC

The battle broke out with lightning speed, and from time to time on the battlefield, the blood bars of players were emptied, turning into a large number of colorful bubbles and escaping.

So much so that the battlefield, which was originally a river of blood, appeared a little more dreamy out of thin air.

But in this short period of time, the players who arrived here first lost more than 30 players.

This made the remaining players feel a little startled.

"Damn it, the mob in Lixiao is really a sword master per capita. This is too unfriendly to Mengxin!"

"The little monsters are designed to be so strong, so the big boss in the back can't beat the air?"

"All the pears, but the lumps, and the silver, the strawberry way!"

"Do you think there is a possibility, simply because our level is too low, or only the initial level 1?"

"The analysis is very good, don't analyze it next time!"


The players, who were bruised and looked extremely embarrassed, huddled together to keep warm, back to back, and defended each other with horns.

There is no doubt that war is the best teacher.

These players may not have known each other before, let alone formed a team or cooperated.


None of this prevents them from fighting the boss together!

Because if you don't cooperate, you will really die!

Although the remaining players were extremely embarrassed, their eyes were extremely bright.

Even the players who just ridiculed "the group is not enough, the pears are gone" have not really lost their fighting spirit.

Just because they are strong enough, it is more interesting to defeat them!

In addition, if such a strong mob wins, the reward must be very generous!
Thinking of rewards, all the players subconsciously licked their lips, no matter how they looked, they looked like big villains.

And that prey-like gaze sent chills down the spines of the patrolling soldiers.

Compared with the players who lost more than 30 people, the patrol team with only a dozen people undoubtedly achieved fruitful results.

So far, they have killed more than 30 players who are not afraid of death at the cost of zero deaths.


In terms of morale, the patrolling soldiers are not as good as the players.

Andre moved his fingers holding the sword subconsciously. There was no blood on the sword body or hilt, and naturally his hand would not have the sticky feeling caused by blood.

But Andre still instinctively moved his fingers holding the sword, as if this would bring him a better state.

And these small subconscious actions also reflected that Andre, the captain, was not as calm as he imagined.

of course.

It's only natural to feel restless!
Even the most cunning monsters would be afraid and apprehensive after more than 30 companions died, but these humanoid monsters actually became more frustrated and courageous.

Too abnormal!
They can't retreat, because this is the capital of dawn and their last home. What are these humanoid monsters for?
They fight to the death, because if they don't fight to the death, they can only turn into dead bodies and food for monsters.

And these humanoid monsters don't take death seriously at all.
It is not a day or two for Andre to deal with monsters. Although monsters are the life and death enemies of human beings, they are cunning, cruel, and bloodthirsty, but they are definitely not the kind of existence that regards death as nothing.

"Olier, get ready to fire a red flare!"

Olier: "Yes."

Whoosh, bang!

Accompanied by a long red tail flame, a red flare exploded in the air, leaving behind a lingering red smoke.

Lin Fan: "Everyone, be careful, wild monsters are shaking people. If you have a fever of 105°, send a group message, and we will shake people too!"

The map resources are limited, and Lin Fan is unwilling to shake people according to his heart, but if he can't hold back the monsters, let's not talk about martial arts!
"it is good."

With a fever of 105°, he also understood the necessity of shaking people. Without hesitation, he immediately quit the battle circle, opened the world channel, and sent the coordinates of this place to him.

As for the message, it is simply two words "Daddy is here".

But these two simple words directly caused the World Channel to explode.

[Fuck, I just finished pinching my face?Are you starting a team now?Fast man! 】

[Fever 105°?Is it the fever god in the oath? 】

[Catch a fever boss alive, boss, I am your fan, please add me as a friend! 】

[Long time to see you, on the first day of Lixiao's server opening, the big guy with a fever was beaten to the point of crying for his father and mother. Screenshot! 】




Players of all kinds in the world channel watched the excitement as if it was a big deal. It was like Chinese New Year, with a happy atmosphere.

of course.

More netizens were quick to support, and in a short period of time, messages such as "brother wait for me", "hold on", "we will be there soon" were all over the screen.

And he was not stingy with a fever of 105°, and immediately shared the information he had just obtained with the players on the World Channel.

In a short period of time, the World Channel was flooded with messages such as "Big brother, thank you for your hard work" and "Thank you, Lord Ron".

And information like "inheriting memory" and "broach light" directly led to a collective climax of the players in the entire server.

at the same time.

However, Lin Fan began to direct the players to line up.

Some people are born to be kings, and some are born to be bandits.

Although it was only a short-term cooperation, Changkong's combat power was recognized by these beta testers.

For players, "centralization" is sometimes as simple as that.

As long as you are strong enough and have the hope of leading everyone to win the team battle, everyone is happy to obey the command.

"Pay to work and River Crab 404, the two of you will challenge the squad leader with me, and the others will hold back the hatred of those soldiers and try to separate them from Captain Andre!"

"The idea is very tricky. If it doesn't work, everyone will implement the injury-changing tactic. In the end, we will share the money and props equally."

"Even if the item is not enough, the player who finally gets the item will have to convert it into money to compensate other players"

Lin Fan spoke very fast, with witty words, and after making a simple arrangement, he directly proposed the plan of "trading injury for injury, life for life".

Especially when the post-death loot compensation plan came out, it directly dispelled the last worries of most players.

[Is it true that there must be brave men under heavy rewards? ]
Andre's heart was heavy.

The temptation of huge rewards, or the incentive of huge rewards, has always been a compulsory course for a qualified commander, so he is naturally familiar with it.

But it was this simple information that made Andre feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave.

This group of newly emerged crowd monsters may have a higher degree of social organization than they imagined!

If you think about it a little bit, you'll know, if slimes and goblins understand the compensation after death, how creepy would it be?
[Absolutely, absolutely cannot let this group of humanoid monsters leave alive! ]

With an order, Andre took the lead in the charge. All the soldiers under his command ordered and prohibited them, and rushed to the players immediately.

 PS: The new book is pink, please recommend and collect and support, every recommendation and collection of yours is the motivation to support me to move forward!


(End of this chapter)

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