Chapter 15 Impossible, absolutely impossible

The main square of Soler Tor.

The sacrificial ritual is at a critical moment.

Under the auspices of Archbishop Boyle, the members of the choir chanted engrossingly.

The psalm they sang was the ancient "Holy Prayer", which was sung by three hundred of the most devout priests.

And the one in the center of the altar is Anna wearing the holy priest's robe.

She sat in the center of the circular altar, surrounded by pillars, and inside the pillars stood one lamp after another.

And these lamp holders are connected with each other, forming a large magic circle together.

As for Anna's location, it was the core formation of this large altar.

In other words, Anna herself is the most critical wick. Burn yourself and light up the star road!
As for the periphery of the colonnade, it is the outer ring of the altar.

In the outer circle, hundreds of teenagers were sitting upright at this moment.

The position where each young man sits is also one of the eyes of the magic circle.

It's just that the nature of these formations is completely opposite to that of Anna's formation!

Anna is dedication, and they are commitment.

As the "Holy Prayer" continued to be chanted, the elemental energy in the air began to gather around the altar.

Countless shimmering particles continuously emerged, making the entire altar even more sacred.

A flame suddenly sprang up, and a lamp holder around the altar suddenly lit up.

And this seemed to open the door to the mysterious world, and a large number of magic patterns under the lamp holders also lit up one after another.

Like toppled dominoes, the interlocking magic patterns lit up one after another, and finally connected to Anna in the center of the altar.


A large number of bright red patterns climbed onto Anna's right arm.

Anna gritted her silver teeth tightly, and dense amounts of sweat oozed from her fair and delicate cheeks, turning her pale as paper.

Obviously, this process is not easy!

Seeing the patterns climb up Anna's right arm, the corners of the eyes of countless people participating in the sacrificial ritual got wet at the same time.

Seeing these magic lines, they knew that there would be no room for maneuver in Anna's sacrifice ceremony.

From now on, they will never see Miss Anna who is gentle, knowledgeable and always patiently explaining ancient times to them!

at the same time.

Many of the teenagers sitting around the altar had their eyes wet.

Although they had been told over and over again, Sister Anna did not just die, but would be reborn in the form of an elf.

But the hardest person in the world to deceive is yourself!

Many teenagers sitting here are all Anna's students, and I don't know how many times they have heard her tell stories in the sun.

Even though they knew that Sister Anna's sacrifice was to make them elf envoys, they still couldn't contain the unimaginable resentment in their hearts.

Why do they have to watch their relatives sacrifice with their own eyes?

Why must the contracting spirit be accompanied by the death of the beloved?
Is this a curse?
If His Majesty the God King Solethor is really alive, why punish them in this way?
Whoosh, bang!

At this moment, a long, blood-red smoke bomb rushed into the sky with its long tail.

"Enemy attack?!"

In an instant.

All the participants in the sacrificial ritual suddenly changed their faces, and there was an unstoppable commotion around the altar.

Why is there an enemy attacking at this time? !
How did the enemy break through the tall city wall?
And why did he choose such an urgent time!
The sacrificial ritual is the most important ritual in Dawn City, which determines the number of elf envoys for quite a while in the future.

It is no exaggeration to say that whether the ceremony is successful or not will determine whether the city and the future of mankind can be defended in the future!

More importantly, these sacrificial rituals were not held just because they wanted to.

Not to mention all kinds of precious materials, those who are qualified to sacrifice themselves to hang high in the sky are one in a million, and they may not appear again in the next ten years or even decades.


There can be no mistakes in the ceremony!
Martina, the deputy head of the Knights Templar, quietly exited the main square of Solator without any hesitation.

of course.

Rosalind, the spokesperson of the Adventurers' Association, left with a tacit agreement.

And just as Dawn Capital was rushing for reinforcements, the battle between Lin Fan and other players and Andre's patrol team was completely heated up.

Inspired by the sharing of props and money according to their contributions, the players are desperate to fight together.

Even if he dies at the moment of handover, he will stab the weapon in his hand into the enemy's body at all costs before he dies.

Accompanied by bursts of sound like crystal shattering, dreamy colorful bubbles are everywhere on the battlefield.

of course.

The players' strategies worked, too!

In a short period of time, everyone in Andre's patrol team was disappointed.

The blood of those who were most seriously injured flowed to the ground.

In just a moment, the ground was already stained with blood.

And in this process, the performance of Lin Fan, paid to work, and cat abuser Schrödinger is undoubtedly exceptionally dazzling.

Especially Lin Fan, although he also had long and hideous wounds with red crystals escaping, but his vitals were never stabbed by Andre.

Brick suggested that I pay to go to work and panted heavily, but he had a very bright smile on his face.

"Happy, really happy, this fucking is the real battle!"

"Long Kong, you cat abusers, hold on for a while, I'll be right back!"

The brick family suggested that I pay to go to work. After finishing speaking, my body turned into countless colorful bubbles and escaped.

Neither Lin Fan nor the cat abuser Schrödinger responded to this.

But there is a saying about paying to work that speaks to their hearts-this is the real battle!
Tense, exciting, realistic!

Like an oath, although the battle is not bad at all, and the adrenaline will soar when you challenge it, but for some reason, compared with the battle in front of you, it always feels a little less interesting.

[Is it the amount of information, or.]
All kinds of messy thoughts kept flooding into his mind, but when he saw Andre and his comrades-in-arms, he had an answer in an instant.

Although it is also a battle, in the oath, the opponents will not be as desperate as Andre and his comrades!

That's right, desperately!
Lin Fan clearly felt the tension, reluctance, fear, and even anger and hatred of Andre and his comrades!
As the little bosses of Xinshou Village, they also tried their best to survive!
It's so real!
Andre moved his sword-holding fingers habitually, gasped and asked, "Why do you guys fight to such an extent?"

"You are very intelligent, not slimes, goblins, goblins and other low-level monsters who only follow instinct to fight. Why is all this?"

Whether it's Lin Fan, or paying to go to work to wait for players, no one would have thought that after fighting to this extent, the elite boss would actually ask such questions!
Everyone couldn't help thinking.

Is this going to be a drama?
The brick family suggested that I pay to go to work: "The sky is big, how should I go through this plot? I'm not very good at this kind of plot choice!"

"Why do you have to fight to such an extent. The boss is going to enter mode [-]?"

"Be careful, everyone, the boss may be about to enter berserk mode!"


The players chatted and twittered, and compared with the quality of soldiers banned by Andre's patrol team, they were completely different.

But it was this group of "crowd" that made Andre and the others feel chills down their spines.

Andre was dumbfounded.

What does boss and mode two mean?
He originally wanted to get more information, but now it seems that this group of new humanoid monsters are more cunning than imagined!

Andre took the lead and charged towards Lin Fan and the others again.

Players such as Lin Fan and Paying to Work also launched their combat skills immediately, and the sky was full of swords and swords for a while.

Puff puff!
Accompanied by the sound of metal piercing into flesh, many soldiers of Andre's team suffered heavy injuries one after another.

of course.

The players didn't feel much better either. After just a few confrontations, several players' health gauges were emptied.

This time, even Lin Fan was no exception!
I saw that Lin Fan's arm was chopped off, and even his body was cut in half by Andre's sword. The blood strip on the top of his head changed from dark yellow to blood red at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then was emptied.

"I didn't expect you to hide a trump card, I admire you!"

After Lin Fan finished speaking, his body was shrouded in white light, became faint, and then turned into countless colorful bubbles.

Andre staggered and was forced to hit the ground with his sword, but he still spit out blood uncontrollably.

"I finally killed him!"

Andre grinned, he was impressed by Lin Fan as an opponent.

He is obviously far inferior to him in terms of physical strength, but that sword is like art in his hands, and his dexterity is even more amazing.

But Andre really didn't have much joy in his heart!

In that round of fighting just now, all his subordinates fell one after another.

Maybe he was weak, and Andre saw several humanoid monsters slowly approaching him.

[This group of monsters! ]
Andre has never seen this kind of enemy, who is not afraid of death at all, even goblins, goblins, and slimes have no such spirit at all.

[This kind of monster must have some kind of limit, right? ]
[As long as I kill a few more, Dawn City will definitely be safer]

Andre held the knight sword in his hand and charged again.

With a cross cut, a humanoid monster fell down;

With a roundabout kill, a strange-looking red-haired ghost turned into bubbles;

A big slash, and the sound of countless crystal blocks breaking
time flies.

The remaining players were terrified of being killed!
Is this the mode [-] of the elite boss?
Especially without Lin Fan's restraint, Andre has achieved unparalleled mowing.

It was also at this time that the surviving players really realized how awesome Big Sky is.

He had carried Andre for so long!
Although there are paid work and cat abuser Schrödinger's assistance, this operation is indeed amazing.

After a few minutes.

There are no more players around Andre, and he is at the end of his rope.

Andrei was covered in blood. He knew he was going to die, but his heart was burning.

[I killed so many people and my family should be safer! ]
But at this moment, Andre's eyes suddenly widened, filled with disbelief.

This is absolutely impossible!

If everything is true, then what is he working so hard for? !
(End of this chapter)

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