Chapter 145 Who Is The Devil? 【Subscribe】

The musician was very angry about the fact that the weak human being not only did not wait to be killed, but also tried to keep him in captivity.

Only noble Pluto's family members like them are qualified for such a thing as "captive breeding". When will it be the turn of these weak and pitiful humans?
Musicians are angry, with serious consequences!

I saw the energy of the underworld gathered around the musician, and his aura suddenly rose several levels.

So much so that the energy of the underworld around the musician almost turned into substance, like the eruption of the small universe of the Saint Seiya, and a large amount of white sand was actually lifted up by it.

For a while, the sky was full of wind and sand!
And the bone flute in the musician's hand suddenly "lived", and the eye sockets on the skull above the bone flute directly lit up with a scarlet light.

Also changing is the winemaker!

The body of the brewer suddenly grew bigger, and the two balls of soul fire in his eye sockets spun even more rapidly, and in just a short time, they actually emitted a frightening light.

Centered on him, these rays of light quickly connected to all the bone demons within a radius of [-] meters around it.

Afterwards, the soul fires in the eye sockets of these bone demons also spun simultaneously.

Rotation, rotation, rotation, the soul fires of these bone demons were compressed into drops of scarlet liquid after being rotated and compressed.

Lin Fan's expression froze, the elf's super perception made him aware of the danger.

"Be careful, everyone, the boss has entered mode [-]!"

All the players shuddered, but hurriedly retreated, widening the distance between them and the bone demon army.

Facing this kind of boss who has never seen before, no one knows what "nirvana" they have, so it is always right to be cautious!

Apparently it's a bit too late!
Accompanied by the roar of the musician's bone flute, many bone demons surrounded the players, and the soul fire that turned into scarlet droplets in their eye sockets suddenly lost control.

Boom boom boom!
Accompanied by a bang, dozens of skull demons suddenly exploded.

In the blink of an eye, a large amount of player HP was directly emptied, and then disappeared into colorful bubbles.

"Damn it, the second mode of the two bosses turned out to be a combination skill?!"

The players who had suffered a huge loss called it shit, and felt that they had learned a lot.

"President, it's not good, "Pay to work" has been suspended! "

""Internet tyrant" was also seconded. "

"The Crooked Mouth Dragon King was also blown to nothing. "

The players who recovered from the big bang later witnessed the "death" of their teammates.

For a while, news of teammates being seconded continued to spread everywhere.

Lin Fan looked at the lower right corner of the game UI. "Pay to work" was directly blacked out, while "Cat Slayer" and "Fever 105°" were even more bloody, with only three-tenths of HP left.

I have to say that the lethality of musicians and brewers sacrificing our soldiers is really amazing.

"Fever 105°" asked while drinking red medicine, "President, do you want to retreat temporarily?"

The trick of those two bosses working together to sacrifice their own minions really made the players a little sick.

For the players, these little soldiers are all shiny gold coins and vain experience points.

When they blow up, where do they have their share?
In addition, the vast majority of players in the game of Daybreak are not elf envoys, and they don't have skills such as "taunt", "imprisonment" and "knock-up".

Faced with the sudden explosion of sacrificing teammates, there is really no good way for this kind of group damage AOE skill.

Once the players like them die suddenly, only the aboriginal warriors will be left guarding the entrance of Trumpet Valley.

After all, to resurrect after death, you still need to run the map again.

Although it is only running from the inside of Horn Valley to the mouth of the valley, it will take a certain amount of time after all.

And this short window period may cause a large number of deaths of aboriginal fighters.

Then their extra rewards may be wasted, and the offensive rhythm will be completely interrupted!
"Being not!"

Lin Fan: "Everyone gather and retreat, all the shield fighters block the outer circle, and protect everyone inside the shield wall!"

The players were a little puzzled.

Can this block the large-scale explosion?

Once a shield player activates a combat skill, they can indeed form a "shield wall" for a short time, but there is a time limit for launching a combat skill after all.

Once this protection time has passed, players who are too concentrated will start the "bomb saving" mode for the enemy.

One blow will kill a large piece!

Lin Fan: "Who among us is the most snarky?"

The players were startled.

"If you want to talk about who is the most snarky, of course it has to be "Galen Whispering". I will call him in the channel right now!" "

Everyone froze for a moment, and suddenly remembered.

The guy who said "Whispers from Garen" broke the defenses of the entire Dawn City with just one sentence.

For quite a long time, they have been regarded as "the most unpopular player" and "the sewer of the player's moral bottom line".

Lin Fan: "Didn't you always want to know the strength of my contracted elf? Then let you have a look!"

After Lin Fan finished speaking, he licked his lips.

To be honest, after restraining himself for so long, he was a little too hungry!

The players were taken aback.

What the hell!

"Long Sky" finally couldn't help but pretend to be aggressive?
The players collectively climaxed.

"Sky" greatly liberated the heroic posture of the elves, that is what they will look like in future battles!
Who doesn't want to know how strong they are after contracting with elves?
Lin Fan looked at the players around and said, "In a while, I will release the abilities of the elves, clear a path for everyone, and draw all the hatred to me. If you are good at assassination, go for it!"

What the hell!

The players got excited at the same time.

"Long Sky" is creating a chance for them to take the head, good teammate Huaxia!
Touched. ing!

player channel.

"Galen spoke softly" suddenly bubbled up, ""Sky" is big, what do you want me to do? "

Lin Fan: "Those two bosses just activated a combined skill. As long as one person is distracted, the power of the explosion will definitely not be as powerful as before." Galen whispered, let's talk nonsense! "

"Galen whispered" somewhat helplessly.

He really can't talk dirty, he's always been very honest

Facing the expectations of his teammates, he is not easy to refuse.

Looking at the two bosses in the distance, the blood streak on the boss's head suddenly appeared in his eyes.

[Double-knife demon commander guard cadre Brewer, level: 25, elite boss, blood volume 23000. 】

[Double-knife demon commander guard cadre musician, level: 23, elite boss, blood volume 41000. 】

"Galen whispered" for a moment.

What about the winemaker?
The level is two levels higher than the music room, but the blood volume is only about half of the musician?
Not quite right!
Based on the cognition of "Galen speaks softly", in this game, the HP is definitely linked to the level.

Was the winemaker injured?

Just as "Galen Whispers" looked at the winemaker and musician, the winemaker and musician also looked coldly at the gathered players.

Naturally, the eye-catching large shields outside could not escape their eyes.

The brewer sneered, "It's really an incompetent general who exhausted the three armies, this time we are sure to win!"

The musicians also agree with the winemaker's judgment.

They really know the shield formation in the human army formation very well.

Not long ago, shield-type players also released shield-type combat skills one after another, and they all obtained information.

Although the shield wall released was very powerful, it lasted no more than five or six seconds.

Let's see how he manipulated the Bone Demon explosion to kill those so-called "braves".

At this moment, a huge voice sounded.

"Galen whispered": "Musician, you really look like a winemaker when you play the flute!"

In an instant.

On the musician's forehead, blue veins suddenly burst out.

He looks like a flute player. Winemaker?
Are you kidding me?
Which devil in Blood Knife Castle doesn't know, what does that bastard brewer look like playing the flute?
Ah ah ah ah ah!

The musician is outraged, good villain, for insulting him and his art in this way!
The brewer was also furious, completely breaking his defenses!
Beast, who doesn't know that his biggest regret is playing a musician's flute after drinking?
He lost two-thirds of his soul fire that time!
"Die, die, die, die!"

What the hell!

Seeing that "Galen speaks softly" angered the two big bosses, all the players were a little confused.

Should it be said that he is the king of talk?
Lin Fan was also a little silly.

This is slightly inconsistent with his plan. One boss is angry and the other is calm, which will inevitably lead to cracks in their cooperation.

Combo skills sacrifice our soldiers, it may not be released, even if it is released, the power will be greatly reduced.

In this way, the shield wall formed by them can be completely defended.

The following vacuum period is an opportunity for him and the players!
But two big bosses who were furious at the same time
Had to change plans!
Regarding this, Lin Fan did not mean to complain about "Galen whispering".

Where in the world is there a perfect plan?

Plans can never keep up with changes, which is the norm on the battlefield!
Lin Fan thought about it, but a wine-red elf floated beside him.

"Change the plan, after the explosion later, everyone is free to play!"

After Lin Fan finished speaking, his figure suddenly disappeared from the shield wall.

at the same time.

The furious musician and brewer launched the joint technique again, preparing to detonate all the bone demons gathered around the players at once.

Prepare to give the players a ruthless one at a time!
He wants to let those ignorant humans know the consequences of angering them!

In the next moment, Lin Fan's figure appeared directly not far from many bone demons linked together by blood-red rays of light.

Lin Fan violently swung the silver sword "Moon White" in his hand, and in an instant, an extremely powerful crescent-shaped sword energy was released from the blade of Moon White.

The bodies of several bone demons who were already at the critical point of explosion exploded in an instant, and the huge air wave of the explosion engulfed Lin Fan in an instant.

But at this moment, Lin Fan's figure flickered suddenly, and he had already appeared in the middle of another team of bone demons.

The body was like a chisel, a gust of wind swept through, and several bone demons were instantly thrown into the air.

Then there was another big explosion, and a huge explosion wave was generated again, sweeping towards Lin Fan's body again.

But Lin Fan's body disappeared again.

Where his footsteps landed, the ground swayed, and a large area of ​​white sand was lifted three feet from the ground by this foot, but Lin Fan's figure suddenly disappeared again.

[Hurry up, I have to hurry up! ]
[No matter how fast, I can go faster! ]
It can be seen that above Lin Fan's legs, the terrifying elemental energy has propped up his blood vessels, turning them into a terrifying bright red.

It seems to be about to explode!
And these dark red blood vessels continued to spread.

Legs, belly, hands, neck, cheeks!
[Fast, faster! ]
[I must detonate more Bone Demons before the explosion catches up to me! ]
Lin Fan took a step forward, and the wind turned against him.

With a sweep of the sword, the heads of several skull demons were directly cut off.

But after he left, the terrifying air wave of the explosion swept over again.


Many players noticed that Lin Fan's figure suddenly disappeared, appeared, appeared again, and disappeared again.

And every time after it appeared and disappeared, a large number of bone demons exploded directly.

He is like an explosive fuze!
What's even more frightening is that the air waves caused by those terrifying big explosions seem to be chasing Lin Fan's footsteps, but they can't catch up!
Is this the elf envoy?

Is this how they fight after becoming elves?

What is the ability of the spirit contracted by "Sky"?

Time seems to be slow, but it is actually extremely fast.

The big explosion that was originally controlled by musicians and winemakers was detonated multiple times by Lin Fan in advance.

This is equivalent to the difference between the same amount of explosives detonated at one time and after being made into a set of firecrackers and detonated successively.

Although the energy released is not bad, but when it is detonated as a whole at one time, the power is obviously not comparable to that after being dispersed and detonated multiple times.


The big bang was completely out of control, and its power was greatly weakened.

Explosions superimposed explosions, and within a short period of time, one bone demon after another was swallowed!
In a short period of time, the explosions on the battlefield are like blooming flowers, blooming one after another.

And the shield players are the first to launch combat skills.

Accompanied by the special effect sound of combat skills, tall shields emerged at the same time.

The shock waves produced after successive explosions were greatly weakened again.

The "gifts" prepared by musicians and winemakers for players died prematurely.

Both were furious.

Especially in the music room, the bone flute in his hand was slammed.

Accompanied by a teeth-gritting sound, Lin Fan, who was running wildly, suddenly felt a stabbing pain in his brain, and staggered, but fell directly into the sand.

But at this moment, a figure flashed suddenly, appearing directly behind the musician.

It is the "Backstab of Justice" that has been prepared for a long time!
With the help of the magic "space movement", he saw the moment when the winemakers and musicians were completely attracted by the "sky", and directly chose to attack the musicians.

The reason why they chose musicians instead of brewers was because the sound waves of musicians were the key to controlling the entire army of bone demons.

Before launching the magic "Space Movement", "Backstab of Justice" was the first to activate the "Thirteen Rounds of Flaming Chrysanthemum" sealing technique.

In order to raise the gluttonous insects in the sealing method, these days the "Backstab of Justice" has completely turned into a starving ghost.

Eating almost all the time!
Even so, he still hasn't eaten enough for a day!

Looking back now, he also had a full meal on the day of the gluttonous feast!
Like a fish drinking water, it knows whether it is warm or cold.

In order to feed this gluttonous insect, he was really hungry!

And now, it's finally time to harvest!
The moment he unlocked the sealing method, the petals of the thirteen rounds of flame chrysanthemums on the sealing method bloomed together, and a large number of orange mantras covered his whole body in an instant.

It was also at this moment that the "Backstab of Justice" possessed unprecedented, even unimagined, terrifying power.

Sword out.

It's cold.

With just one sword strike, the "Backstab of Justice" went right through the musician's head.

The musician was taken aback.

Anger towards "Sky" was still written in the eyes that had lost their brilliance.


he died!
"Backstab of Justice" instantly heard the sound of a large number of gold coins falling, experience points soaring, and levels increasing.

An upgraded white light even emerged from the body!
"Backstab of Justice" himself was also a little surprised.

He never expected that just one sword actually successfully assassinated the musician!

You must know that this is the boss, the blood bar is so thick, and he was stabbed to death with just such a sword!
"Justice's backstab" didn't know, Daybreak is a game in his eyes, the boss should be very durable, with a digital body, but in the eyes of the aborigines and even the devil, this is... reality!

And what he stabbed with his sword was the musician's head!

It's a pity that musicians are not the kind of monsters whose brains have been stabbed, but can still be alive and kicking, and have nothing to do!

Before "Backstab of Justice" could even be happy in the future, he was grabbed by the neck by the frightened and angry brewer.

With a sudden force, the "Backstab of Justice" was directly inserted into the white sand.

In just an instant, "Backstab of Justice" lost nine tenths of its HP.

And his body has directly turned into an upside-down onion.


The winemaker was furious, it was unimaginable that the musician was assassinated like this!
In the eyes of the winemaker, the so-called "brave" is just a slightly bigger bug, which is still a thing that can be crushed to death.

But now the bug killed the musician!
He is angry, but more scared!
The fact that a musician can be killed also means that he can be killed!

The furious winemaker, a large amount of scarlet "wine syrup" emerged from the palm of his hand, and directly splashed on the "Backstab of Justice".

In an instant, the "righteous backstab" that was inserted upside down was directly made into "the head buried in the ground, the legs split, the red wine candied haws"!
These scarlet wine syrup solidified extremely quickly.

In just a moment, it becomes sparkling.

The winemaker has decided that he wants to welcome the bug into the wine.

Only in this way can he dispel his fear today!
Needle drop can be heard!

No one expected that the "righteous backstab" that stabbed the musician with a sword just now turned into this honor in a blink of an eye.


"Hahahaha, I can't stop laughing!"

"Take a photo, take a photo, this pose can keep me laughing for a year!"

"I thought the MVP was Chang Kong Da Da, sorry, I thought of the beginning but not the end!"



The winemaker was confused.

Is this funny?
These brave men, don't they see that their companions are going to be used as ingredients by him and stuffed into wine jars as ingredients for making wine?

Who is the devil?
(End of this chapter)

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