Chapter 146 My Majesty Pluto 【Subscription】

The winemaker's heart shuddered.

What are these "heroes"?
Are they really.human? !
In his impression, human beings are not the kind—

The body is fragile, the mind is weak, it will bleed when it is injured, and it will die if it is seriously injured;

Seeing the death of someone you care about, you will fall into endless anger, what's more, you will be completely overwhelmed by anger, then scream and rush to die, and finally be completely swallowed by despair?
Hope, passion, bravery, blood, anger, strength, fear, sadness, despair.
In the past, they have seen too many arcs of this kind of emotional change in human beings.

From hope to despair, every emotional change is the most pleasing performance for the creatures of the underworld.

And every time this time is the happiest time for the "demons" in their mouths.

Not only is there fun to play, but the ups and downs of human emotions are the most delicious "food" for them.

Just like him, these emotions of human beings are excellent raw materials for wine making.

Why are these "braves" so different from the humans they have encountered before?

The death of the musician poured cold water on the winemaker.

It also made him completely start to face up to these so-called brave men!
The more he thought about it, the more he felt wrong!
In the eyes of these "braves", there is no fear of death;
For killing, there is no psychological burden;

For life, there is no mercy, or any unnecessary emotional fluctuations;
To them, killing is more like a complete game.

It seems that what they kill is not a living creature!
How can this be?

It's the devil in hell, after killing, it's not just comfort, right?

The brewer has seen many humans, and most humans feel the thrill of revenge after killing a demon.

for example.

To avenge a former relative or close friend, the feeling of revenge is the strongest.

Then there is emptiness!

Because, even if you take revenge, everything you have lost will never come back.

And these strong feelings, he has not tasted in these "braves".

Some seem to have only joy, outright joy, without many other superfluous emotions!
Could it be that just because you can be resurrected, you are not afraid of death at all?


How can this be? !
Where in the world is there a perfect resurrection in the true sense?

Most of these underworld creatures, known as "Pluto's family members", possess some immortality qualities.

for example.

The bone demon known as the "fire creature", as long as the soul fire is not extinguished, even if the soul fire is eaten away and annihilated, as long as there is a small flame, he can absorb the energy of the underworld to regenerate.

What's more, as long as he cannibalize the soul fires of other people of the same kind, he can also complete recovery and growth.

This is almost not much different from being undead!
Even the bones that make up the body are not as important as imagined.

Even if it is instantly defeated and turned into parts one after another, it can still be intact when combined.

What's more, he can directly abandon the original skeleton and snatch the same kind of "parts" for replacement, basically changing it as he wants.

Unlike human beings, if the arm is broken, it is really broken, and if it dies, it is really dead!

Such a perfect "resurrection" of the tinder creature still has huge drawbacks.

For example, if there are too many soul fires that cannibalize the same kind, it may cause one's soul to be "polluted" and gradually lose oneself.

There is also too much soul fire lost at one time, and the memory will also disappear, and even the potential will be greatly reduced.

Like a tailor, he is a typical "immortal species".

In essence, it is equivalent to a "meat piece" with rapid regeneration characteristics. Even if the body is cut to pieces, as long as a small piece of meat is still intact, he can grow up again.

What's more, a tailor can forcibly sew parts of other creatures onto his own body.

Even if the heart is stabbed and the head is chopped off, as long as the sutures are done in time, they can continue to be alive and kicking.


This resurrection of the tailor is still flawed.

The upper limit of "source quality" in the meat block is fixed. Once the number of divisions and resurrections is too high, aging and death will also be accelerated.

In essence, it can be regarded as the cost of resurrection is the consumption of life span!
When the life span is exhausted, it cannot be resurrected.

These heroes who can turn into colored bubbles and disappear, and then be resurrected. Doesn't the resurrection cost any money?

In other words, wouldn't something be lost in their resurrection?

for example.

Feelings, memories?
Or, these colorful bubbles are the key to the resurrection of these heroes?
What if it absorbs all these colored bubbles?
The soul fire in the winemaker's eye sockets spun rapidly, and then, a huge scarlet vortex formed around him.

This vortex is the special skill of the winemaker!

It is also the unique skill that he relies on to gain a foothold. He once used this skill to continuously extract the source power of the world to brew Yangyuan blood wine.

He also passed through this scarlet vortex time and time again, drawing out the strong emotions of human beings.

This technique is called the Brewer's Fermentation Festival!
Fermentation is the most mysterious and infinitely possible part of winemaking.

The Brewer took a sudden step, made a big jump, and jumped directly to the most densely populated area of ​​players.

Impressively, it was the area where the "Sword and Blood Oath" guild was located. The skill "Winemaker's Fermentation Festival" danced wildly, and the scarlet maelstrom instantly swept around the winemaker with the center at the center.

In just a split second, all the players of "Sword and Blood Oath" felt as if they were trapped in a mud vortex at the same time.

The expression of "Hungry Clown" changed, "Not good, it's a domain-type control skill, everyone run!"

"Press Q to become a Thor Hunter" was also affected by the Scarlet Domain, but compared to the "Hungry Clown" president, his position is closer to the edge.

Immediately he turned his head and ran out of the field, but the more he ran out, the closer he was to the center of the field.

The adsorption power of control skills in this field is too exaggerated, it is like a black hole that seems to be able to swallow everything.

The archer "Ye Mu Tan" was a little farther away, but he was still greatly affected, and his body couldn't help sliding to the center.


She had a clear mind, she immediately stabilized her body, let her body be dragged down to the center of the vortex, skillfully took out an arrow from the quiver on her back, bent her bow and shot the arrow.

Accompanied by the sound of a special effect of skill activation, the special effect light of the arrow pierced the void and shot straight towards the winemaker's eye socket.

"Hungry Clown": "Nice job!"

For this kind of adsorption technology, the adsorption force is often both a strength and a weakness.

"Ye Mu Tan" can shoot a precise arrow under such strong interference, one can imagine how calm she is.

But what everyone didn't expect was that this arrow was directly sucked in by the soul fire when it approached the brewer's eye socket.

"Press q to turn into Thor Archer" exclaimed, "Damn it, Kamui. President, it looks like our guild is about to be wiped out!"

The "Hungry Clown" gritted his teeth, and immediately gave the winemaker a middle finger.

"Good grandson, your grandpa will come back!"

"Press q to turn into a Thor shooter" imitated the example, and immediately gestured with the middle finger.

"Good grandson, don't die too early!"

"Ye Mu Tan" was a little hesitant, greeting with the middle finger, after all, it was still a bit inelegant.


At this time, it's best to keep the same tone, you can't embarrass the guild, right?

Immediately, he gave the winemaker a middle finger!
Other "Sword and Blood Oath" players also compared their middle fingers.

Although the winemaker didn't know the meaning of the middle finger, he still understood that this gesture represented ridicule and abuse.

Although he was not angry, he subconsciously increased his strength.

Puff puff puff puff!

Bone spears shot out one after another, and all the players who fell into the realm of the fermentation festival were pierced twice.

Even the girl player "Ye Mu Tan" didn't have any preferential treatment, and her chest was pierced.

The little beauty archer "Ye Mu Tan" is angry, so I will wait for her with dead bones!

Pi Yin~~~
Accompanied by the sound of crystal shattering, the "Sword and Blood Oath" was destroyed immediately.

The players couldn't help but be surprised.

The boss of the brewer is a bit ruthless, and Zhenjill, the bone spear that just stabbed at "Ye Mu Tan", will find a place!
Shouldn't it hit the tenth ring?

At this moment, all the players discovered that all the players of "Sword and Blood Oath" were dead, but the brewer, the boss, did not put away the big move in the field of fermentation festival.

On the contrary, it intensified its strength, crazily absorbing those scattered colored bubbles.

within the security field.

"Galen whispered" confused.

"What is the boss doing? Collecting those colorful bubbles?"

"Mom, I'm outrageous for opening the door." I couldn't help but laugh.

"This sand sculpture? Why don't the eyes do such an unscrupulous magnification move?"

"Crouching dragon and phoenix chick" narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Is this boss trying to crack the secret of our player's resurrection?"

The players were taken aback.

Is it so intelligent?
But if you think about it for a while, it's really possible!
In their first battle, Martina, deputy captain, saw that they couldn't kill them, so she directly sent Olina Knight, who is good at sealing, to seal them.

"Crouching dragon and phoenix chick" yelled directly in the player channel, "Everyone, be careful about sealing spells. Once you see a method similar to sealing, kill yourself and return to the city!"



The players typed their responses casually, and they didn't feel that there was anything wrong with committing suicide and returning to the city.

It turns out that the winemaker's intelligence is really high.

In the ensuing battle, the Brewer used domain skills to slaughter ordinary players, but at the same time, he was always on guard against Lin Fan, the "Internet Tyrant" and other brave men who could threaten him.

In a short period of time, most of the players were killed by the brewer.

Especially the maelstrom of the fermentation festival, it shouldn't be too perverted.

The players originally thought that activating this skill would require a lot of soul power, and they definitely couldn't last for too long.

As long as you surround him and don't let him escape, when the time is up, the domain will be automatically broken.

However, he never thought that the ruthless winemaker would jump directly into the middle of a large number of bone demons.

By sacrificing our teammates again, I forcibly replenished myself once.

First, he manipulated the bone demon to explode, and then he was forcibly replenished by the brewer. The players couldn't help feeling sorry for those little bone demons for a few seconds!
Terrible capitalization!

The players organized two more strong attacks, but there was no good way for a while.

As for Lin Fan, although his elf skills can improve his abilities in all aspects and even send out huge shock waves, the winemaker never gave him a chance.

Once it is found that he has taken action, he will immediately shift his position and sacrifice his teammates.

The players were a little itchy with hatred, but they didn't know that the brewer was also lost at this time.

He also absorbed a lot of those colorful bubbles, but it seemed...absorbed a loneliness!

At this moment, many players of "Sword and Blood Oath" who had been killed before were revived and rushed to the battlefield again.

"Ye Mu Tan" was completely angry.

He raised his middle finger in front of his face, and cursed, "Little bastard, are you good at beating? You can use a fart for beating. My old lady is standing in front of you now, if you have the ability to give me another beating?"

Looking at "Ye Mutan" who scolded the street, the winemaker's eyes jumped, and he looked up and down every corner of "Ye Mu Tan".

The big hole pierced by the bone spear in his body is gone, and his mental state has not been greatly damaged. Although he is a little angry, it is fundamentally different from the hysteria, madness, and despair of human beings.

Emotional color is very stable!

In terms of memory, I didn't see any huge damage, at least I still remembered what happened to him;
body condition.
The soul fire in the brewer's eyes suddenly shrank.

Not to mention that he is in good health, but even his clothes are not damaged at all, how could this be so?
He has lived so long, and he has never heard of any clothes that can repair themselves!

What kind of magic is that to achieve this effect?

At this moment, the brewer suddenly saw the body of the "Hungry Clown" he killed earlier surrounded by a holy light.

Afterwards, the aura on the body of "Hungry Clown" skyrocketed a lot!

The soul fire in the brewer's eyes trembled, and a trace of fear suddenly appeared. Of course, it was more fear!
Pluto, what kind of demons turned these "braves" into?
Why did they come back to life without paying any price after they died?

Even the clothes can be restored?

Why after their death, not only did their aura not weaken, but it became stronger instead?

My Pluto!
Has His Majesty Pluto no longer cared about their relatives?

Afterwards, the brewer saw those players and surrounded him one by one.

Obviously, these brave men were keenly aware of his weakness and fear just now!

The brewer's soul fluctuated for a while, and the scene when they besieged and killed humans suddenly appeared in his mind!

The human beings who are driven to a dead end, looking at the many demons approaching gradually, have no way to escape, finally despair, and their hearts are swallowed by fear little by little.

But now, with the offensive and defensive transposition, everything is reversed!

No, absolutely not!
Pluto's retinue, great undead creatures, how could they become prey to be hunted down?

But at this moment, the brewer suddenly felt an unprecedented strong wind coming from his neck.

Subconsciously, the brewer stretched out a bony hand from behind, and put his wrist in front of his neck.

Accompanied by the sound of gold and iron clashing, the iron sword of "Backstab of Justice" collided violently with the winemaker's wrist.

Unfortunately, it failed to break through the winemaker's defense!
"It's you?"

The brewer was furious, but he never expected that the one who attacked him was the bastard who killed the musician with a sneak attack!

But just as he was about to do something, a bright silver light suddenly appeared in front of him.

Surprisingly, it is the arrow shot by "Ye Mu Tan"!
The winemaker was taken aback.

Two soul fires shot out from the eye sockets, but they strangled with the arrows shot out by "Ye Mu Tan".

But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he suddenly saw a figure appearing in front of him.

If not Lin Fan, who else?
The winemaker was taken aback.

He was very impressed with Lin Fan!

This is the only elf envoy among this group of "braves", and his strength is exaggerated!

But when he wanted to do something, it was already too late, and he could only trust the powerful restraint and swallowing ability of the Scarlet Domain of the Fermentation Festival.


Obviously, the brewer still believed too much in his scarlet domain's weakening ability, and Lin Fan broke through the scarlet domain's defense in an instant.

Although he was indeed greatly weakened, his attack still attacked his entity.

Lin Fan's sword, like a Mercedes-Benz train, instantly hit the winemaker's skeleton.

The huge shock wave swept forward through the winemaker's skeleton body, instantly plowing a gully several meters long behind the winemaker.

However, a large number of bone demons were directly blown away.


The winemaker has almost transformed into a silver skeleton, the energy shield is broken, and the bone body is broken.
And this is like knocking down the first domino card, and the subsequent chain reaction begins.

Centered on the point where Lin Fan's sword was pierced, the crack quickly spread around. In just a few blinks, the winemaker's silver-level skeleton collapsed and scattered into a large number of bone parts.

But what everyone didn't expect was that the winemaker's solitary head could still run away!
I saw scarlet soul fire emanating from his two eye sockets, two legs quickly sprouted, and he ran away quickly with great strides.

Everyone was stunned.

This skeletal frame is really "a toad fucks a frog, an ugly flower", and it can still run after it is like this!

Start tracking now!

However, the arrows of "Ye Mu Tan" are faster, the winemaker's skull drifted with one arrow, the winemaker's skull with the second arrow shot directly has an arrow hole, and the third arrow shoots the winemaker's skull twice. The eye sockets are connected.

The crowd was stunned.

Sure enough, you can't offend women casually!
The winemaker was even more frightened.

Didn't he just shoot a hole in that bitch's chest?

She even returned three or four arrows to him, leaving two arrow holes in his skull.

The winemaker was a little apprehensive.

Fortunately, this woman is not an elf envoy, and the arrows she uses are just ordinary arrows
The players were all shocked.

I didn't expect this brewer to be so good at running!
At the critical moment, the "Internet Tyrant" saw the opportunity, swung his two-handed sword, and smashed the skull back with one sword!

Lin Fan reappeared, stabbing the brewer's skull into the ground with a sword, completely incapacitating him from escaping.

The winemaker's liver quivered.

Suddenly he understood the despair of those humans he hunted and killed at the last moment!

However, he still has a trick!

The soul fire in the winemaker's eye sockets exploded, split into a large number of fragments in an instant, and then quickly shot in different directions.

This is the winemaker's last trick!

He is a fire creature that is infinitely approaching the silver level, as long as he can preserve the last trace of soul fire, he can survive.

This is also his greatest reliance!

If so, this time he was completely hurt!


The winemaker in the split state heard, "The boss is split, look for it quickly, a total of 12 yuan."

Puff puff puff puff!

In just a moment, the winemaker felt his split souls were quickly wiped out piece by piece by the players.

The winemaker is completely desperate!

Why is this happening?
Obviously his split soul is hidden so secretly!

"Small map, there is still a red mark on the small map, and there is one last piece left!"

what is that?
Then, the last ghost of the brewer was found.

At first glance, it is the face of "Justice's Backstab" with a cheap smile!

After the "Backstab of Justice" thirteen rounds of the flame chrysanthemum sealing technique were released in all directions, the abilities in all aspects have been greatly improved.

He immediately felt the despair and fear of the brewer!

"Justice's backstab" felt the pleasure of infinite revenge, "Haha, didn't you expect that? It's still me. It's so cool when you insert me upside down, right? When you make me into candied haws with the sticky liquor It’s cool, isn’t it? I’ll let you have a good time too!”

"Backstab of Justice" stretched out his hand, and suddenly a small black vortex appeared on the palm of his hand, like a big mouth.

With a grunt, the winemaker's last soul fragment was devoured by the "backstab of justice".


"Backstab of Justice" burped, feeling extremely comfortable.

He subconsciously licked his lips!

The taste of soul fire seems to be very good!
But when the brewer died, all the bone demons and corpse demons on the scene woke up from the controlled state at the same time.

And the first thing they saw was the picture of "Backstab of Justice" looking at their soul fire licking their lips!
My Majesty Pluto, what did they see?
There are devils!

(End of this chapter)

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