After becoming a god, I became the dog planner in the mouth of the players

Chapter 150 Report on the Player Legion 【Subscription】

Chapter 150 Report on the Player Legion 【Subscription】

Horn Valley.

"Has anyone upgraded to level 20?"

Lin Fan looked at the players around and shouted loudly.

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Immediately, several players raised their hands, including "Backstab of Justice", "Pumpkin Man" and "Hungry Clown".

No one was surprised that "Backstab of Justice" had been upgraded to level 20.

After all, a sneak attack with a sword directly killed the musician and made a lot of money.

Follow-up also grabbed the winemaker's head
Almost the biggest winner of the previous battle!

On the contrary, it was "Pumpkin Man" who surprised everyone. This guy had risen to level 20 without a trace. Is the ancient god's advantage so great in the underworld?

"Pumpkin Man" chuckled.

That's it!

The feeling of being watched by everyone is really cool!
When the intensity is enough and the benefits are enough, more and more players are bound to be willing to pinch their faces!
At that time, their group of face pinching players will grow stronger and stronger, ushering in a new spring!

It's not in vain that everyone in the "Elegant Alliance" guild spared no effort to support him and give him experience!
As for "Hungry Clown", this is the president of the guild "Sword and Blood Oath", and his strength is naturally not trivial, so it is reasonable to upgrade to level 20.

Lin Fan: "After today's battle during the day, everyone must have a general understanding of the bosses in the double sky of the underworld. For small bosses such as brewers and musicians, they basically have the strength of elves, so For the follow-up battle, it is best to have more elf envoys on our side!"

"It's like a guild, it's better to have an elf envoy, otherwise it will be very disadvantageous when playing in a group. If the conditions are really not allowed, I suggest that the resources of the same guild can be concentrated and optimized. For example, the points, gold coins Let’s get together first, buy speed-accelerating shoes and high-attack weapons for players who are assassins, and buy high-life, high-defense protection for players who are tanks.”

"The worst thing is to raise a master first when you fight monsters next time. Of course, I'm just a suggestion!"

In this regard, everyone has no opinion.

"Mu Yunbai" of the "Dance of Thunder" guild is even more excited. Now among the four major guilds in the middle army, the "Dance of Thunder" guild is considered to be the weakest in high-end combat power, and has been left behind by a large margin.

He must become an elf envoy as soon as possible!

Seeing that everyone listened to it, Lin Fan did not continue this topic, but continued, "The strength of each guild still needs to be optimized, such as our "club" guild, there are too many roles for one-handed swords, and the attack is more than sufficient and the defense is insufficient. After finishing, I will discuss with the members and increase the ratio of two-handed swords, long spears, shields, and nurses as appropriate."

Xavier didn't say a word the whole time, just watched Lin Fan point out how to optimize the team formation.

Then, he discovered that these brave men who call themselves "players" are really good at learning and summarizing.

Although it only went through the First World War, after the war, the pros and cons were analyzed sharply.

Amazingly efficient!

If we said that everyone was beautiful on their own before, but after this battle, everyone began to be more clear about their position in the team.

Even team formation, attack order, and output methods are all involved.

Lin Fan: "In the previous battle, I also made a major mistake. I didn't expect the enemy to treat us so lightly, and they attacked in an all-round way before the tide rose, so that the enchanted arrows equipped by Dawn Capital all pressed the bottom of the box." Ye Mu Tan", "Space Wanderer", you archers, go get the enchanted arrows in a while."

The eyes of all the archers brightened.

Is it finally possible to experience enchanted arrows?

They have been coveting these enchanted weapons for a long time!

Xavier: "It is difficult to make enchanted weapons, I hope everyone uses them with caution."

All the archers nodded.

Subsequently, the meeting entered a new process.

"Everyone takes turns to rest at night, be careful of monsters attacking the camp at night."

Players, you talk to each other, and quickly finalize the defense strategy.

Even the need to take a break offline has been taken into consideration, and arrangements and coordination have been made as much as possible.

Xavier watched all this the whole time, but his heart was surging again.

Slowly, he discovered more and more qualities in the players that the aboriginal fighters did not have.

And these qualities made his cold heart warm up again.

Perhaps, this world has really blown a new wind!

time flies.

Xavier started writing his first evaluation report on the players!

And this is also the first task of Xavier following Lin Fan. It is Martina, the deputy head of the team, to investigate whether the brave men can act as inspectors alone.

For this trial and investigation, Martina even gave Xavier special orders to obey the command of the honorary knight!

dawn capital.

Knights Templar.

Deputy head Martina is carefully flipping through the observation and assessment report that Xavier passed back page by page.

"They may not have such a well-organized army formation as ours, nor do they have the strict discipline of our aboriginal army, but they are like a group of elf envoys."

"Brave, or the word 'player' is more appropriate."

"They are greedy, terrible demons in the eyes of our aborigines, but in the eyes of players, they are just money, experience and fun of the game."

"They are despicable, and they are not afraid of using tactics such as bullying the few and assassinating the few who are not enough knights; they also have no mercy for the defeated monsters. In that battle, we humans broke the mentality of the monsters for the first time. It hunted to collapse."

"In that battle, my ice ignited a flame!"

"After the war, the braves sat together to review and summarize. They summed up the pros and cons of the Labagu battle, and made clearer the role of individuals in the team. They are good at summarizing and learning, and they have made very fast progress!"

"The braves may not have strong discipline, but they have their own way of cooperation."

"They summed up the prerequisites for contracting elves, and believed that the key to the success of contracting elves is the strength of mental power"

"Assessment result: Braves can only be friends with them and cannot be enemies with them, and they can also be used as a strong army on their own. Their vitality, imagination and creativity are in some respects far away from the warriors of the Dawn City. far from available.”

"Suggestion: I implore His Majesty the God King to give the fighters the same combat skill system; I implore the Knights Templar to summarize or create a complete training method to improve spiritual power"

After reading Xavier's evaluation report, Martina's beautiful eyes were bright but somewhat dim.

Meng Na winked very much, and couldn't help but ask, "Master Deputy Commander, did the Central Route Army lose the battle?"

Martina shook her head.

"Not only did it not fail, but it went very smoothly, beyond ordinary!"


Martina handed Xavier's assessment report to Mona.

After seeing it, Mona was taken aback.

The ice elf of Xavier's trainee knight has evolved a fire attribute.

This is the qualification to become an official knight-lord!

That's right!

In the capital of dawn, the contracted elves can be granted the title of "apprentice knight" by becoming an elf envoy.

This is the beginning of the extraordinary road!
And if the elves evolve and develop higher levels of power, they can become formal knights.

For example, Martina, the deputy captain, is a great knight who has developed stronger power.

Mona was really surprised.

It is really too old for Xavier to contract the elves, it is simply a miracle, and it is a model of inspiration.

But Lizhi also reflects from another angle that Xavier's qualifications are not good!
However, she never expected that Xavier would go ahead of her and become an official knight earlier.

This made Mengna feel some pressure again!
If only she could revive Hilda the Hilda a little bit more.
Are you going to the battlefield?

Suddenly, Meng Na strongly wanted to go to the front line of the battlefield instead of helping in the safe rear like now.

Immediately, she suddenly understood why the vice-head Martina had mixed feelings.

The performance of the brave adults is really excellent!
So good that the aboriginal fighters can only be reduced to auxiliary soldiers!

Humans have also counterattacked the underworld before and won victories, but they have never beaten the monsters in the underworld to the point of mental breakdown, not once!

Martina smiled and said, "No matter what, we humans won this battle after all. Mona, you judged well. Players are the new style of this world!"

Meng Na looked at Xavier's evaluation report and couldn't help but ask, "Then the combat skill system?"

The combat skill system of the braves is really getting better and better.

This is not only a set of tactics, but also a complete upgrade route and a complete communication network
You can even increase your mental power by adding points, which greatly increases the success rate of elf contracts!
They never thought about it from this angle before, but the more they think about it now, the more they can discover the power of this system.

Martina made a solemn face, and warned, "The combat skill system is a blessing from His Majesty the God King. We need to be grateful for what His Majesty the God King bestowed, but we can't take it if His Majesty the God King didn't give it to you, understand?"


Mona's heart trembled.

Where can't you understand that she is a little overstepped?

It's also my fault that His Majesty the God King is too merciful, making her forget the majesty of the true God!
If His Majesty the God King gives it, they can ask for it; if His Majesty the God King doesn't give it, they can't ask for it!
The 100th floor of the Tower of the Sun.

Rhodes, who was comprehending the laws of the underworld, felt Martina and Mona's thoughts, but smiled.

Can the aborigines finally can't help but want to "install" the combat skill system?

This point, Rhodes actually wanted to implement it a long time ago.

Unlike the players, the aborigines are Rhodes' basic faith.

He is also happy to see the aborigines become stronger.


No matter which world you are in, it is the same, you will not know how to cherish things that are given for nothing!

for example.


Ordinary people may not think there is anything, "the product produced by the system must be the best".

But for some smart people, whenever the system is mentioned, there will be conspiracy theories, and they always want to do everything possible to kill the system.

And these people in Dawn City, to put it bluntly, are all descendants of Godslayers.

Now they are still getting along happily, that's because they need to hug each other to keep warm.

They need the protection of God King Solator, and Rhodes also needs the faith they provide.

This relationship is strong but also fragile!

Therefore, Rhodes never strongly asked the aborigines to do anything.

In other words, the player's leeks are more delicious when cut!

Now that the aborigines can think of this, it is very good, very good.

However, there is still a threshold to add.

If you want to implement the combat skill system, you have to be his disciple, you have to be good enough, and you have to make enough contributions!


This actual combat skill system has to be a prize that they have worked so hard to win!

At that time, Dawn City may be able to enter the information age for all.

For Rhodes, the godhead is a supercomputer, a super processor, which can completely leapfrog to the Internet era in one step.

As for the war in the underworld, Rhodes has been paying attention to it.

In other words, every player is his eyes!
The players saw it, and it meant that Rhodes saw it; the players killed, and it also meant that Rhodes killed it!

I have to say that the various laws of the underworld are really interesting.

No wonder in this world, the balance of the Three Realms is the most wonderful state!
The underworld, the present world, and the spiritual world constantly gave Rhodes various inspirations, making him want to start some new attempts.

Of course, all of this has to wait until the end of this battle!
Knights Templar.

Martina: "Soon, there will be brave men who have the qualifications to form elves one after another, and you will help make all the preparations!"


Meng Na is still very concerned about this matter.

Now that the battle is in full swing, the more elves that the brave group can make a contract with, the better.

At this moment, a staff member hurried in.

"My lord, the tide of the underworld has stabilized. The left army and the right army have ushered in the attack of the demon army at the same time, especially the right army. Now the battle has begun!"

Inside the Knights Templar, many staff officers looked solemn at the same time.

Although the tides of the double heavens of the underworld have some influence on the creatures of the underworld, they are more beneficial.

They can even ride the tides. For them, the tides are even a means of attack, a kind of weapon!

As far as the current expeditionary force is concerned, it is purely weakened.

Compared with the left army, the situation of the right army is the most critical.

The right army had the worst luck, hardly finding any usable terrain.

The fortifications built were also proposed by the brave men. It is theoretically feasible, but the actual effect must be tested on the battlefield.

I hope the Right Army can survive the most dangerous test tonight!

Can the brave men of the Right Route Army perform miracles again like the brave men of the Central Route Army?

(End of this chapter)

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