After becoming a god, I became the dog planner in the mouth of the players

Chapter 151 Gathering water and riding waves 【Subscription】

Chapter 151 Gathering water and riding waves 【Subscription】

Compared with the middle and left army, the right army is indeed very unlucky.

After the arrival, almost no environment that could be used was found, and the advantage of "geographical advantage" was lost directly.

Fortunately, the brains of the players have greatly resolved this kind of flatness, and there is no terrain that can weaken the disadvantage of the tide.

Drawing lessons from Horn Valley and the figure-of-eight structure, it greatly weakens the terrifying impact of high tide.

The idea of ​​blocking is worse than dredging, changing the previous thinking of large dams, and diverting the tide again on a large scale.

It provides more possibilities for fortifications!
The terrifying impact of the wave is still there, even if they just stay inside the fortifications, everyone can feel the terrifying and magnificent "Tianwei".


The temporary fortifications built by the Right Route Army finally withstood the test of the "rising tide".

Inside the fortification, all the aboriginal fighters and players involved in the construction cheered at the same time.

Especially the players, at this moment, their hearts felt an unprecedented sense of satisfaction.

This kind of satisfaction is completely different from the satisfaction of fighting monsters and upgrading.

It is somewhat similar to the "infrastructure maniac" gene awakening, or the refreshing feeling of "construction flow" gameplay.

This is the great satisfaction of successfully transforming the world through human efforts.

Especially when they saw the raging tide passing by outside, but they were as stable as Mount Tai, the pride of conquering nature was simply unimaginable!
"Good tides, good tides, if only these tides could generate electricity!"

Some players couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

If such a large tide can be used to generate electricity, this place can definitely be built into an excellent "base".

And with the base, maybe we can start to explode soldiers continuously. The picture is very beautiful when you think about it!
But soon, this dream was ruthlessly broken by other players.

"Don't dream, the tide in the double sky layer is only at night. Besides, everyone should think about how to block the attack of the army of the underworld!"

A few players who fantasized about building bases and exploding troops just woke up from a dream, but they looked in the direction of the surging tide.

I saw a large number of "biological battleships" floating at the position of the tide.

The reason why they are called biological battleships is that they can only be regarded as large-scale underworld creatures in essence.

The biggest and most conspicuous one is a giant ghost fish!

It looks a bit like a ray magnified tens of thousands of times, but the back of the ghost fish alone is like a giant biological deck.

There are a large number of monsters standing on it, and there are thousands of them just by rough calculation.

However, there are more than ten such huge "biological warfare ships".

In other words, in this attack, there are tens of thousands of enemies on the surface!

Bone Demons and Corpse Demons stood the most on the creature deck.

This is also an old friend of the players!

Although they didn't experience the battle of Laba Valley, they obtained first-hand information about the news of the Laba Valley battle early.

Bone demons and corpse demons are the cannon fodder at the bottom of the underworld.

Not only the players are thinking about their "bodies", but even their own commanders are always thinking about their "bodies".

He used them to replenish his magic at every turn, and even played with them as bombs from time to time.

The players are a little upset about this, the bone demon cannon fodder is the cannon fodder, but it's all experience points and small money!

How can those monsters play with their experience points and small money?
And these are just the monsters on the biological battleship, and some are huge monsters with the ability to "tide".

for example.

It looks like a siren and a half-mermaid, an octopus with a huge head, and a huge crab with two big claws.
Compared with the central army, their right army is indeed more valued!

Is it because the army in the middle defeated the bone demon and corpse demon, and then the army in the right temporarily increased its lineup?
Li Xianzhuo, Young Master Li looked at the terrifying army lineup not far away, and couldn't help thinking about it.

Unlike the army in the middle, the players in the army on the left are basically members of the "Prosperous Tang Dynasty" guild.

This battle almost determines whether their "Prosperous Tang" guild can completely rise!
First Young Master Li felt very stressed!

The "Prosperous Tang Dynasty" guild currently has no elf envoys, and the only advantage is the money ability.

In terms of equipment and protection, the "Prosperous Tang Dynasty" guild is basically second to none.


The improvement of banknote capacity is still very limited after all.

And these monsters are still too big!
In addition, the high tide environment is indeed very unfavorable to the players, and the effect of the sun lamp has also been greatly weakened.

It is indeed difficult for the "Prosperous Tang Dynasty" guild to defeat a boss of this level, especially without intelligence.

And those who are under more pressure than Young Master Li belong to the commander of the right army, Mark Spencer Cavaliers.

Mark Spencer is not yet happy about the smooth implementation of the brave men's imagination, but all kinds of huge monsters come riding the tide.

"Is this the situation that the ancestors encountered when they counterattacked the underworld?"

Mark Spencer took a deep breath.

No matter how difficult this battle is, he will win it!
Not only to win the battle, but also to nail it here like a nail, so as to create more opportunities for the arrival of the big army tomorrow!

And this is his duty and glory as a knight!

Glory is my life!
Mark Spencer's eyes looked at the "guard" in the center of the giant ghost fish through the heavy mist.

As if feeling something, the guard looked at Knight Mark Spencer through the heavy mist.

Mark felt the eyes of the guards looking at him immediately!

That was the look that regarded him as a meal on the plate!
Mark Knight is no stranger to this look.

Perhaps it is because the underworld is too powerful, the strength of the monsters in the underworld has risen with each passing day, gradually giving birth to this kind of invincible self-confidence.

For the creatures of this world, they are all regarded as prey!
Mark Spencer could and could only bear it before, but now he doesn't want to!


His Majesty the God King is back!
In this world, it is finally possible to say "no" to the underworld, and as a family member of His Majesty the God King, he must also use his actions and life to defend the majesty of His Majesty the God King.

Knight Mark Spencer looked at Knight John Keppel next to him, and said, "The guy in the armor and holding the giant axe, and those huge monsters lurking under the waves, give me the guy who is covered in blood. I'll leave the threadbare fools to you!"


Apprentice knight John Keppel looked at the tailor who was covered in threads, and immediately had the desire to kill.

Because the tailor's body is all stitched creations, and there are more than one human face alone.

He still recognized one of the faces!
That was an elf envoy from Dawn City, whose name was "William". But he never thought that after William's death, his face was stitched to the demon's chest
Obviously, this tailor is a demon who desecrates life and the spirits of the ancestors.

It's hard for him to die!
John Keppel looked at the woman with burgundy hair next to him and said, "Gillian, I'll leave the command to you!"


Gillian nodded cautiously.

She is also an apprentice knight serving Knight Spencer, and she does more clerical work than John before.

But that doesn't mean she can't fight at all!
At critical moments, her abilities can also play a huge role!
And while the Dawn City side was making arrangements, the Devil's side was also making the same arrangements.

However, unlike the prudence of the Dawn City side, the Devil's side is dividing the pork!
"This embankment is interesting. It seems that Dawn City has really researched a lot of new things over the years!"

All the devils nodded one after another.

They really didn't think much of the humans in Dawn City used this kind of dam before.


It doesn't matter anymore!

No matter how exquisitely the ants build their nests, it is still a matter of effort!
The guard parted his lips and said with a smile, "Knight Mark Spencer has grown up again. I'm really happy. As long as my giant ax can eat his soul, I can probably evolve into a Grand Commander!"

The tailor's heart trembled.

He knew the strength of the guards, even the commander of the double-knife demon had to give him three points. It was impossible to imagine how powerful he would be after breaking through the commander!

On the tailor's body, all the mouths smiled at the same time.

"Then I will congratulate the commander of the guards in advance!"

Obviously it was only a demon tailor who spoke, but it seemed that dozens of people spoke at the same time.

Among them were men and women, old and young, and even babies, which sounded particularly intrusive.

The guard frowned.

"You should say it with one mouth!"


The tailor immediately closed all the mouths on the body, and a large number of thread ends were automatically stitched, and the mouths were all silent.

Guard: "Your suturing skills are getting better and better. You should be advancing to the Grand Commander soon, right?"

The tailor smiled.

"The commander-in-chief of the guards is joking. The younger brother's suture skills have indeed made great progress over the years, but the mutual rejection is also increasing. In addition, there are still some very distinctive genes."

As the tailor said, many faces on the body seemed to wake up at the same time.

Some were struggling in pain, some were laughing nervously, some were weeping, and some were grinning grinningly.
Among them, there are even a few faces with the soul fire of the bone demon, the tentacles of the ghost squid, and the slime of the ghost fish.
It's just that all the demons feel a little stunned at the same time.

This guy, the tailor, really dares to sew anything on his body!
Especially those of the same race who have their own faces in their faces, it will make them shudder even more!

The guards didn't care about that.

"Maybe you can try the brave ones, I feel strong vitality from them, and some of them are very evil"

The tailor grinned.

"Thank you Brother Guard for your pointers, haha, I'm already looking for the target, their taste is really delicious!"

Tailor: "Brother Guard, when will the harvest start?"

The guard stroked the love ax and said with a smile, "Let the little ones go first, and give the human beings pain and despair in this world, then the soul will be the most delicious!"

"Understood, then please allow the younger brother to lead the way for the elder brother!"


The guard was very, very satisfied with the tailor's knowledge.

The tailor laughed loudly, and with an order, several huge underworld fish immediately rode the waves.

"Gather water."

Following the order of the tailor, several huge ghost fishes, even mermaids, and giant crabs gathered in the water at the same time.


All the players and the aborigines saw at the same time that the already incomparably magnificent tide began to pile up, pile up, pile up!
20 meters, 30 meters, 40 meters
In a short period of time, the terrifying tide, like a dark mountain, "photographed" their base right away.

Looking at the terrifying "Black Mountain", whether it's the players or the aboriginal fighters, they all grew their mouths at the same time!
What the hell!

Can it be played without cutting?
(End of this chapter)

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