Chapter 152 Knight!knight! 【Subscribe】

Looking at the "huge wave" approaching 40 meters high, Cavalier Mark Spencer also looked very dignified.

What is the concept of 40 meters?
The answer is as high as fifteen floors!

Mark Spencer slowly pulled out the knight sword in his hand, and an elf floated out.

However, unlike ordinary elves, this elf has no head!

To be more precise, his head did not grow on his neck, but was held in his hands and placed on his chest, which looked rather weird.

Knight Mark Spencer stood with his sword in front of him and began to chant a spell.

That's right, what Knight Mark Spencer released was a large elf spell that needed to be chanted.

Compared with the general spirit technique, this kind of spirit technique takes longer to prepare, consumes more terrifying, and of course the power is more astonishing.

【Prelude to Eternal Night】

【Human Lament】




【The world is like purgatory】

【Civilization is like a meteor】

【Rise in the fire of blood】

【Governing in Turmoil】

[Let the most severe punishment in the depravity and sin, open Bruno's heavy prison code! 】

The terrifying elemental power erupted, and then all the players saw that large magic patterns appeared on the entire land.

Although it is only a corner, although they have not yet contracted with the elves, they still feel the terrifying power of the elemental elves.

Not only that, but a huge magic array also appeared above the sky.

Mark Spencer glanced at the sword, and shouted, "Those who destroy the order of human civilization will be punished with violence and iron fist!"


All the players saw at the same time that one after another huge iron fists shining with black light appeared on the magic circle in the sky.

These iron fists are like meteorites falling from the sky, penetrating the thick atmosphere and falling from the sky.

I only heard the sound of iron fists piercing into the flesh, and several dark fish, mermaids, octopus monsters, and huge crabs that had just gathered together were directly beaten by iron fists until their bodies were deformed, vomited blood, and exploded.

A large number of small monsters such as bone demons and corpse demons fell directly from the creature deck and were swept away by the waves.

Only the huge underworld fish in the center, the guards in heavy armor and the tailor shot at the same time, which blocked the huge iron fist sanction.

Even so, the 40-meter-high wave that was gathered just now was broken and out of control at the first time.

And the magic pattern of the heavy prison code on the ground directly forms a huge gravity.

And these gravitational forces turned into a force of swallowing, and the huge waves that lost control collapsed directly, crashing and pouring from the previously reserved flood discharge channel.

The flood was raging and the waves were monstrous.

Like rivers on the ground, rushing and flowing over the heads of players and aboriginal fighters.

Not to mention the aboriginal fighters, even the players were collectively shocked.

Is this the knight? !

This is too fierce!
Not to mention when the server was launched, even now they are still a lot of young people who have been killed by knights.

At this moment, the player completely understands why formal knights are regarded as "pillars" by Dawn City.

A large elf spell can really change the direction of a war!

"Ye Mengxi" murmured, "It turns out that the elf contracted by the Mark Spencer knight is Bruno the Beheaded Ruler."

All the players were startled.

The vast majority of players still don't understand, but the few players who like to pay attention to the background of the game thought of various deeds about Bruno in the first place.

Cruel, bloodthirsty, unlucky guy who was sent to the guillotine after only serving as the first ruler for a month.

The players never expected that such a "bad boy" would be so fierce after he turned into an elf.

First Young Master Li said speechlessly, "What are you thinking? Bruno just failed, and he's not completely incompetent. After Bruno, who else in the Wesero Kingdom has the prestige and qualifications to integrate the entire kingdom together?"

Everyone was stunned.

Think about it too!

Times make heroes. In Bruno's era, the Tower of the Sun began to lose its brilliance. The big city fell, food production decreased, and the country was in turmoil.

At this time, the whole world is sinking rapidly, unless the god king returns, no hero can change the decline.

After all, they cannot produce food or fuel out of thin air.
And people always have to eat, no matter how the political situation changes, it will ultimately fall on keeping the common people fed and clothed!
Even in this predicament, Bruno was able to forcibly merge together the Kingdom of Wesero, which was on the verge of disintegration, which in itself shows his ability and prestige.

Honorable, Bruno is a contrarian;
Unfortunately, Bruno is a contrarian!
Without the support of national fortune and fortune, Bruno's feat of forcibly integrating the Kingdom of Wesero could only end in bitterness.

After one month in power, he was sent to the guillotine!

And in later generations, the legend about him is that he was sent to the guillotine after only a month of tyranny and ruling!

Bruno has almost become a complete "harlequin", but it is undeniable that he is a famous person in history and a trendsetter of an era!
Young Master Li's eyes lit up.

"The retro faction of the elves is really very strong!"

All the players nodded.

When they heard about the retro school before, they still felt that this school was a little conservative, and the idea was to put it bluntly, "the present is not as good as the past".

But now, they are completely fans of the "retro faction"!

This is the proper "Heroic Spirit School"!

As for raising a wife, the big deal is to fall in love with your ancestors!
If men can't do it, then come to the sex change version!

Saber will always be a god!

"Dawei Tianlong": "I have already decided, after signing the contract, I will take the route of the retro school!"

"Panda Has No Dark Circles", which was also compiled by Young Master Li, also nodded, feeling extremely hot.

After deciding to go back, I will go to the big library to look for history books and see who are the big names in the history of Dawn City.

Whoa, whoa!

The big waves are flowing, and the player's defensive strategy is not as good as blocking, and once again made great achievements.

at the same time.

On top of the huge ghost fish, the guards and tailors were a little scared.

Tailor: "What a terrifying elf technique. The strength of Knight Mark Spencer is almost surpassing the four great commanders of Earth, Water, Wind and Fire, right?"

The tailor didn't say a word about the commander of the two-sword demon.

Compared with the four veteran commanders of Earth, Water, Wind and Fire, the commander of the double-knife demon is indeed too junior!
Even if the fragile self-esteem of the commander of the two swords demons can't bear it, even if the brewer is punished every time for this, they all have a steelyard in their hearts.

The guards looked solemn.

"Yes, this is still in the underworld. If it were in this world, Mark Spencer's strength would be even more terrifying. However, this kind of large-scale elf technique also has a lot of burden on the body, and he cannot release it too many times to make the small Let's go, if you can't gather water and tide to destroy the dam, then strangle with them!"

The tailor immediately understood what the guard meant.

Strangling each other together, the Mark Spencer knight can't even kill his own people!

Even Mark Spencer couldn't last long as long as it took a while.

This is the underworld, and it is still during the high tide, so the spirit envoys in this world are destined to be suppressed!


The night is still very long!

They didn't believe that a single knight could not be killed that night!
The underworld is very familiar with this routine.

When Dawn City fell back then, there were not only knights, but also great knights, but the damn ones still had to die!

(End of this chapter)

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