After becoming a god, I became the dog planner in the mouth of the players

Chapter 153 Why is Big Brother Laughing? 【Subscribe】

Chapter 153 Why is Big Brother Laughing? 【Subscribe】

"Don't be afraid of suffering, don't be afraid of tiredness, and swear to defend the base!"

"Don't be afraid of suffering, don't be afraid of tiredness, and swear to defend the base!"

"Don't be afraid of suffering, don't be afraid of tiredness, and swear to defend the base!"

First Young Master Li went retrograde quickly, and the solemn and stirring slogans of the aboriginal soldiers filled his ears.

In order to defend this base, and to lay a solid foothold for the arrival of the large forces tomorrow, all members of the Right Route Army of the Pioneer Battalion are determined to die.

Young Master Li admired the awareness of the aborigine warriors, but this was not in the interests of the players of "Prosperous Tang Dynasty".

If the right army is too tragic and suffers heavy casualties, then the "Prosperous Tang Dynasty" guild will not be able to get extra rewards.

After a lot of hard work, Young Master Li finally arrived at the headquarters.

"Knight Spencer, soldiers of Dawn City, please don't be prematurely determined to die, and please believe in the creativity and awareness of the players of our "Prosperous Tang Dynasty" guild! "

Mark Spencer, John Keppel, and Ji Lian, the three elf envoys, looked at President Li at the same time.

Although this is not an honorary knight, as the president of the number one grand guild, he still has a considerable right to speak.

Mark Spencer: "If you kill one thousand enemies, you will lose eight hundred. War will inevitably be accompanied by bloodshed and sacrifice!"

"Li Xianzhuo" looked solemn, and said enthusiastically, "This is the meaning of His Majesty the God King summoning us to be brave!"

Li Dashao's acting skills are very good.

This is also the way of "persuasion" that he thought of for a long time.

Of course, there is no solution. If he is an elf envoy and an honorary knight, at least he can talk to Mark Spencer on an equal footing, instead of playing tricks like he is now.

Both John Keppel and Ji Lian looked at "Li Xianzhuo" Young Master Li in surprise.

As the president of the "Prosperous Tang Dynasty" guild, Li Dashao gave them the greatest feeling that he would be a big dog.

But I never thought that this Young Master Li could be so eloquent!
His Majesty the God King summoned and bestowed the ability of immortality
Perhaps this is the true meaning of His Majesty the God King!

Mark Spencer: "I can give the "Great Tang" guild a chance to perform, but I also have my own judgment. Once it exceeds my psychological expectations, I will follow my own style of play and rhythm! "

Young Master Li was ecstatic.

"Thank you Sir Spencer for your fulfillment!"

Young Master Li immediately ran to the front line happily, and directly informed all members of the guild channel the good news on the way.

All the players got excited immediately!

NPCs don't grab monsters and don't send them to death. For players, this is great news!
Soon, players cheered from base to base.

Hearing these cheers, Knight Spencer felt a little touched again.

I have to say, when you are teammates with the players, it's really hot!

at the same time.

Under the command of the tailor, a large number of bone demons and corpse demons also began to storm the fortifications.

One of the soldiers panicked, "The monster is starting to attack, get ready, start getting ready!"

"Don't be afraid of death, don't be afraid of being tired, I will be crucified on this city wall today!"

The other soldiers also showed determination. Although the fear in their eyes could not be concealed, their bodies did not take half a step back.

At this moment, a player grabbed it.

"Excuse me, this place is too dangerous, you should retreat to the second line first, you just need to shoot cold arrows in a safe place!"


Several soldiers hesitated.

The player immediately said forcefully, "It's nothing to worry about, we are the brave, the brave who was specially summoned by His Majesty the God King, quickly retreat to the second line!"

The soldier was still a little hesitant, but at this moment he suddenly heard the words of Mark Spencer Knight.

"All fighters retreat to the second line and hand over the defense to the brave!"


Several aboriginal soldiers immediately retreated to the second line, but they all breathed a sigh of relief, and their favorability for the players gradually increased.

Li Xianzhuo and First Young Master Li said directly, "Brothers, our guild has nothing but a lot of money, and enough juice from the holy tree Raval. You can use it, and the guild will reimburse you!"

"Archers can use enchanted arrows at will!"


All the players cheered together.

"Ye Mengxi" had a smile on his face, but he didn't expect that in real life, he would be so generous in the game.

The sap of the Laval sacred tree and the enchanted arrows are all money!

No matter, let's have a good time before talking!

"Ye Mengxi" immediately took out a blasting arrow, bent the bow, and aimed, only to see that the blasting arrow quickly absorbed the elemental energy between heaven and earth during the bow bending process.

The runes sealed on the arrows lit up one by one.

Accompanied by the sound of a bowstring ringing, an arrow shot out suddenly. The arrow drew a long arc in the air, and then shot at the body of a bone demon in an instant.

Accompanied by a bang, the mist above the bone demon's body instantly exploded, and then burst into flames.

And this was just the beginning, after the arrow passed through the bone demon's body, it unexpectedly passed through the bodies of seven bone demon skeletons again.

In just a few blinks, the bodies of the seven bone demons were directly burned to ashes.

The tailor was taken aback.

Enchanted arrows?

Used to deal with cannon fodder bones?

Is this madness?

The guard suddenly laughed.

The tailor immediately laughed and said, "Why are you laughing, Brother Guard?"

Guard: "I laugh at the brave man for not being brave, but he used expensive enchanted arrows to deal with the little guy. It seems that he was completely frightened and played the piano!"

The tailor nodded immediately, agreeing incomparably.

"Even though enchanted arrows are not the top magic weapon, they are still the bottom of the box in Dawn City. Even if you meet bosses like us in this world, you may not be willing to use them!"

The manufacture of enchanted arrows is indeed difficult, and there are strict requirements for every link.

In Dawn Capital, this is a combat readiness weapon!
It is equivalent to the missile of the earth!

"Ye Mengxi" shot the bone demon with explosive arrows, it was like hitting mosquitoes with a cannon.

Such a waste!

At the same time, in the camp where the players were stationed, all the players exclaimed in unison.

"A string of eight, damn it, it's indeed an enchanted weapon. If you shoot this arrow, you'll get 240 experience points and 80 gold coins!"

Young Master Li said in a haughty manner, "If you can make money, everyone can shoot at ease!"

The players collectively climaxed.

The archer said with a grinning "nonsense", "If you are poor, you will go round and round, and if you are rich, you will bomb wildly, quack quack!"

"A school of nonsense" immediately took out three enchanted arrows, and fired three times with one arrow.

As for the other archers, they also took out enchanted arrows one after another.

For a moment, arcs of enchanted arrows across the sky were everywhere in the sky.

Boom boom boom boom boom!

Just in an instant, the wave came, like an ant colony, in the camp of siege monsters, but one after another flaming mushroom clouds rose up.

The effect of the explosion is really terrifying. While directly burning a large number of bone demons and corpse demons, the air waves generated even blow up a large number of mobs.

Many Dawn City soldiers who were preparing to fight to the death and guarded the fortifications with their flesh and blood opened their mouths wide at the same time.

Is this a war?

Fighting, how the hell can you fight like this?
How much does it cost?
Mark Spencer was still sitting firmly on the Diaoyutai, but he couldn't sit still anymore. He jumped up and couldn't help cursing, "Fucking prodigal son, how can enchanted arrows be used like this? Where's the quartermaster? I want Cut off his head!"

Gillian suddenly felt aggrieved.

"Battalion Commander, the enchanted arrow of the "Prosperous Tang Dynasty" guild was not received from us, but President Li bought it from the mall! "

Mark Spencer: "."

John Keppel: "."

Fuck, big dog!

Money can't be spent like this!
Mark Spencer's heart was bleeding, and he kept scolding his mother in his heart, but looking at the constantly exploding battlefield, his eyes were burning with flames.

It seems that something in the blood is awakening!

On the other side, the tailors and guards opened their mouths wide. Is this a war?

When did Dawn City become so rich?

The guard frowned.

The tailor gritted his teeth.

"Anyway, these bone demons and corpse demons are also cannon fodder. If you can use them to greatly consume the enchanted arrows of Dawn City, then you will make money!"

The guard nodded solemnly, and then even laughed.

The tailor wondered.

"Why is Brother Guard laughing again?"

Guard: "I laugh at the so-called brave man, who is brave and foolish. If this amount of enchanted weapons is used for ambush, it may really catch us off guard, but it is only used to clean up cannon fodder!"

"Extreme! Exactly!"

The tailor couldn't agree more.

Enchanted weapons are too precious, if they are all kept to deal with them, it might really cause them great trouble!
But now it is used in these small places stupidly. Stupid!
(End of this chapter)

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