Chapter 163 After the War 【Subscription】

The mirage receded, and a few huge ghost fishes were seen in the distance, fleeing in embarrassment against the tide.

And more, it was the many bone demons and corpse demons who failed to board the "biological battleship" in time and were directly swept away by the tide.

How arrogant they were when they came, and how embarrassed they looked when they fled.

The players and the aborigines looked at the fleeing enemy army from a distance, and felt infinite pride in their hearts at the same time.

In particular, the many players are completely integrated into this victorious atmosphere at this time.

Unprecedented excitement!
I don't know who took the lead, but cheers like mountains and seas sounded at the scene.

The waves of cheers are higher than the waves, like the sky is falling apart, and it seems to have the power to cut off the sea and mountains!
Feeling the pride and strength in the cheers, John, Gillian, and Mark also showed smiles on their faces.

This stronghold is finally defended!

They finally succeeded in taking the first step to counterattack the underworld. They did not fail the expectations and support of the citizens, nor did they fail the support and blessings of His Majesty the God King!
The braves performed better than they expected.

Although the fighting methods were scattered, they had their own style. On the contrary, they caught the monsters of the underworld by surprise and achieved unexpected results.

Even if the guards ran away, the immortality of the brave men was no longer a secret. It would be difficult to achieve such unexpected effects in the future!
In the subsequent battles, the pressure to defend the Tower of the Sun stronghold must be much greater than imagined.

Mark Spencer: "Clean the battlefield, count the battle damage, rebuild the fortifications, and prevent the demons from coming back!"

Gillian: "Yes. What about the brave men?"

The aboriginal fighters were fine, no matter how hard and tired they were, they had no choice but to grit their teeth and persevere.

After all, this is a battlefield, and if you don't want to sweat, you have to bleed!

Facts have proved that with the suggestions of players, the strategic thinking of "defense in depth" is very useful.

After this fierce battle, the fortifications were extensively damaged, but the essence and basic disk were preserved.

The casualties of the aboriginal fighters were far smaller than imagined!
but the brave
Ji Lian could see that after a great battle, the brave men were very tired, and now many of them have discussed going offline to rest.

Mark Spencer: "The heroes contributed a lot to this battle, and they really need to rest. Let's give them a few missions to clean up the battlefield and rebuild the fortress, and set the rewards a little higher!"

Ji Lianmei's eyes widened.

Are you sure it's a break?
Spencer Knight seems to have become "bad" too!
The battlefield was a piece of broken walls and ruins, and gunpowder smoke was everywhere, mixed with various pungent smells.

After the cheers, many players gathered around a big fire and grilled big crab legs.

The crab legs were roasted golden and fragrant, but the reality was that the players didn't have much appetite.

When the battle was in full swing, they didn't feel too much, but now fatigue is sweeping over them one after another.


Many players actually didn't mean to go offline, even those players who said they wanted to go offline to rest.

Although this battle was hard, their improvement was real!

At least 7 players from the "Great Tang" guild have reached level 20.

This also means that the guild will soon have seven elf envoys!

Not only that, but the loadable props dropped by the tailor are a perfect surprise.

Because, when musicians and brewers die, they don't drop anything good.

This horizontal comparison, they really made a lot of money!
"Xiao Woting" gnawed on the huge crab legs, and laughed, "It's a bit cool!"

Seeing his "little man's success" appearance, everyone wanted to beat him up.

This guy is a real dog!

Not to mention the bloodline of the Cerberus, "jumping the queue" first launched a general attack on the tailor in the end, and also took the big money in terms of experience.

After this battle, he almost became the biggest winner. Could he be unhappy?


Everyone can only look forward to "Xiao Woting" pretending to be aggressive. For players, having their heads robbed is indeed a bit uncomfortable.

But if you have the ability to grab the head, everyone will recognize it!

After all, the head is taken by skill, and everyone is holding back their energy in their hearts, planning to grab a ruthless one next.

"Xiao Woting" can do it, and he can do it too!

In other words, in the next battle, is there still a chance to get the blood of the underworld?

It seems that the tailor's ability is actually very special!

After the death of winemakers and musicians, nothing good has actually exploded.

Thinking of this, everyone became more and more bitter when watching "Xiao Woting"!
But no matter what, this battle has come to an end, and it has entered the aftertaste period!
"Dawei Tianlong": "It's a bit cool. Tonight's battle, the atmosphere of the war is really full. I even think that if there is a real war, it will probably unfold in this way!"

All the players nodded.

Tonight's battle basically satisfied all their imaginations about low-intensity fantasy wars.

The so-called corpse demon bone demon is essentially like an army of undead!
Huge ghost crabs and ghost fish are huge monsters in fantasy wars.

The mirage of the clown mirage and the blisters of the ghost crab are very imaginative!

"Panda doesn't have dark circles": "It's just that there are too few explosive essential oils. Explosions are art. I feel that the development of explosive essential oils in Dawn City is still too low!"

As soon as the words fell, the scene immediately resonated.

For the players with rabbit blood, the phobia of insufficient firepower has reached an advanced stage, and it is almost incurable.

Explosive essential oils are indeed easy to use, but the level of development is too low, and it is almost still at the point of "burning bottles" and "powder barrels".

For rabbits, this is hardly an entry-level technology!

"Nonsense": "Can we properly light the gunpowder tech tree?"

After saying a word, everyone suddenly became excited.

If the hail of bullets in the real world can be realized in the dawn world, then what are they afraid of in the underworld?
"River Crab 404": "Actually, some players have already tried this. Maybe it's because of the laws of the universe. The power of gunpowder is very low in this world, not even a fraction of the explosive essential oil!"

"Nonsense": "That is to say, if we want to get some technology trees, basically we can only find solutions from alchemy and runes. This is a bit too hardcore!"

Players are a little frustrated.

The rune system of Daybreak World is really too comprehensive, it is a complete discipline system.

Players want to understand it thoroughly in a short period of time, but that is impossible.

Of course, it is not ruled out that there really are such hardcore bosses!
"Dawei Tianlong": "But no matter what, it's good to store more explosive essential oils and enchanted weapons. The number of our players is still too small after all."

Everyone talked to each other, eagerly discussing how to fight the follow-up battle.

Just like this battle, the players clearly felt the shortage of manpower.

Since there is a shortage of manpower, we can only find a way to make up for it in terms of equipment.

What's more, it is still considering that explosive essential oil can be used instead of gunpowder to make artillery and bombs.

Even if it's bad, it would be nice if the explosive essential oil could be made into a grenade.

From a distance, Ji Lian, who heard the players discussing the weapon upgrade plan, frowned, even a little scared.


These things discussed by the brave are too hardcore.

Explosive essential oils are really too unstable, and storage and transportation are extremely difficult.

If you are not careful, it may explode and catch fire.

Even if it is the capital of dawn, it does not dare to reserve too much.

Just because of the explosive essential oil, Dawn City suffered losses again and again before!
The reason why there are so many dispatches this time is also to reduce the pressure on the guard base, but I never thought that the braves are so keen on explosive essential oils.

In other words, can explosive essential oils really be made into grenades and bombs as the braves imagined?

Although Ji Lian is a woman and usually works in clerical jobs, she has to admit that seeing the scenes of players using explosive essential oils today is really shocking and refreshing.

However, now is not the time to think about these things.

Not long after, a big blue exclamation mark appeared on Ji Lian's head.

Seeing this exclamation mark, the players who were about to go offline just now became excited immediately.

"Fuck, there's a mission!"

The players who were still feeling exhausted just now were revived one by one with full blood, and rushed to miss Ji Lian's side to receive new tasks.

Gillian froze.

Aren't the warriors tired?
This looks so vibrant!
Especially the attitude of scrambling for the first place, for fear of not getting the task, made Gillian even more dumbfounded.

It's her fault, it's because she doesn't know enough about the brave group!

As long as there are tasks, as long as there are rewards, the heroes will never get tired!
After a while, on the ruined battlefield, players could be seen laughing and cleaning the battlefield everywhere.

It made the aboriginal fighters look ashamed!
(End of this chapter)

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