After becoming a god, I became the dog planner in the mouth of the players

Chapter 164 The Balance of the Three Realms and the Transformation of Divine Power

Chapter 164 The Balance of the Three Realms and the Transformation of Divine Power

dawn capital.

God's Palace.

A cloud of water from the underworld kept changing shapes in Rhodes' hands.

Sometimes it turns into a little dolphin, sometimes into a small water bird, and sometimes into a little pig, little squirrel, and big crab, all vivid and very cute.

Sometimes, water turns into flame, fire turns into ice, and ice turns into thunder, causing astonishing destruction.

But in the blink of an eye, it transformed from thunder into trees and flowers, endlessly growing and full of vitality.

It's obviously just a ball of water, but it seems to possess the power of creation and destruction!

of course.

The most important thing is the ultimate death intent contained in it!
Whether it is creation, evolution, or transformation, that thread of death always exists.

It's like a living being, born to be sentenced to death.

It's just a probation, and the period of probation is the life of a living being.

As for everything else, it is no exception.

Nothing is eternal, even if it is an indestructible rock, it will eventually experience unimaginable wear and tear.

Withering is the final destination of all things!

Even the various water creations that Rhodes had created before turned into bones and powder little by little, and finally completely changed into the original appearance of the source of the underworld.

Although it is just a ball of water, it seems to be between birth and death.

It can not only generate all things, but also has the power to annihilate everything.

And the meaning of "death" contained in it surpasses everything!
In Rhodes' eyes, this cloud of nether water is not real "water", but the purest source of the underworld, and water is only its carrier.

In ancient times, anyone who could master a source of power could be regarded as a sage.

But for Rhodes, it is just icing on the cake, which is equivalent to adding some methods of using power to him.

But this increase in knowledge is extraordinarily meaningful!

In the past, Rhodes used the godhead to know why, but now with the help of this drop of water, he knows why.

It is equivalent to making up some missing courses!

With a smile on his face, Rhodes flicked his fingers, and the nether water containing the ultimate death intent was thrown into the Kingdom of God.

It stands to reason that the ultimate withering meaning contained in this pool of nether water is not a good thing for the already fragmented godhead.


The truth is just the opposite!
With the infusion of this drop of Nether Water, a trace of dense water vapor suddenly appeared in the Kingdom of God, making it more mysterious, mysterious, and mellow.

For the gods, knowledge is power.

This is even more true for Rhodes who owns the "Book of Rules"!
The players obtained the right to control a sliver of Nether Water, which is equivalent to Rhodes, the God King, obtaining part of the ownership of the Underworld Water.

It wasn't just a drop of water that Rhodes injected into the godhead, but the power of the underworld and the true meaning of the underworld contained in this drop of water.

In Pagri Continent, the balance of the Three Realms is the most perfect state.

After the true meaning of the nether world was brought into the Kingdom of God, the source power of the sun, which was originally the most abundant in the Kingdom of God, was connected and collided with the source power of Taiming.

This collision was extremely violent, and the interior of the Kingdom of God was directly turned upside down.

But no matter what, the world of the Kingdom of God, which tended to be dead and silent, began to "live", as if playing a symphony that was messy and out of tune.


Combined with the harmony of Tai Lingyuan's power, it will be completely different.

What was once turned upside down has begun to become orderly.

All the cycles of birth and death have their own laws.


This grand movement, which was played in the Kingdom of God, began to sound moving.

Every note has unimaginable power.

It seems that the world is under this beautiful movement, and it begins to flourish and move towards prosperity and prosperity.

Rhodes was very surprised and pleasantly surprised.

It seems as if I saw a glimpse of the past Pagri Continent at the beginning of the creation of the world, and saw the world continue to move forward under the great movement of the origin of the three worlds.

Deduce more and more, more and more elegant and beautiful melodies!

Infinite musical notes and sparks of wisdom kept flowing in Rhodes' eyes. Rhodes knew more and more, and it seemed that his soul was sublimating.

And along with the sublimation of his soul, the Kingdom of God is quietly undergoing various transformations.

The origins of the three realms are interconnected, creation and destruction, order and chaos, separation and aggregation, opposition and unity, gradually forming a complete whole.

It was obviously a broken and disfigured Kingdom of God, but now it has a sense of endless life.

Compared with before, the speed of repair is doubled.

The restoration of the Kingdom of God is even more meaningful to Rhodes.


The Kingdom of God is the place where the gods store their divine power, and it is the source of power!
Now it is equivalent to increasing income and reducing expenditure. The divine power in God's country is not only consumed less, but also can be stored more.

It is equivalent to making the cake bigger!
Rhodes couldn't help being pleasantly surprised, but he completely benefited from the counterattack against the underworld to save the world!
He felt an unprecedentedly powerful feeling!

To see the whole thing at a glance, he needs players to contract more elves to help him better analyze the ecology of the entire spirit world.

Players are also required to attack more underworlds and help him grab more power from the underworld.

At that time, by introducing more energy from the Earth's universe, he will be able to sublimate in all directions!
Step by step, completely secure the throne of this god king.

Thinking of this, Rhode's eyes couldn't help but shine brightly, seeing the future path more and more clearly.

of course.

Rhodes didn't get too hot-headed, so arrogant that he broke into the underworld alone, and then killed the entire underworld.

The more you know, the more fearful you will be, and the more cautious you will be!
The power of the underworld may be far stronger than he imagined!
This also strengthened his idea of ​​continuing to develop behind the scenes!

Just like the Nether Water, he can grab it as long as he wants, and it is even more efficient than obtaining it indirectly through the hands of players.


His current personality is too high, and his movement may attract the attention of higher beings.

If a battle at that level broke out directly, it might destroy all the good situations he has now, but Rhodes would never want to see it!
And it is much safer to grab it with the hands of the players!
This time may not be too long, but it is enough.

For the height of the true god, time is very worthless, and a thousand years is an instant.


Time is very, very valuable, a moment is equivalent to a thousand years.

The later they discover Rhodes' existence, the more preparations Rhodes can make!
Before thinking about victory, think about defeat, like a defensive formation against the counterattack of the underworld, at least it has to be established.

Rhodes even started to think about building an inner world, or a large mirror image formation.

At that time, if the enemy comes to attack, the battlefield will be preset in the inner world, at least it will not affect the basic disk!

After experiencing the battles in the double sky of the underworld with his own eyes, Rhodes also began to realize that the number of players is still too small, and the combat effectiveness of a single player needs to be improved.

It still can't become a real natural disaster!

Secondly, the strength of individual players is still somewhat lacking.

It is obviously not efficient enough to kill all kinds of monsters in the underworld.

Like tailors, the combat skills of the players are almost all scraping, what's more, they can't even break the nether water that protects the body. How can this work?
Isn't that a direct fall to the reputation of the fourth natural disaster!
Rhodes thought for a while, and planned to give the players another hand.

By the way, it's time to open the first Trial Secret Realm of Protection!
Thinking of this, Rhodes suddenly smiled.

After this series of battles, the players have also stored some gold coins one after another.

So, start krypton gold to start the glorious evolution now!
How can you become stronger without krypton gold?

As for the crooked protection, I'm sorry, it's a non-chief!
(End of this chapter)

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