After becoming a god, I became the dog planner in the mouth of the players

Chapter 165 God-given Secret Realm: Song of the Three Realms 【Subscription】

Chapter 165 God-given Mystery: Song of the Three Realms 【Subscription】

The Tower of the Sun is the grandest and most sacred building in Dawn City.

It doesn't look big from the outside, but the space inside is really big.

Like the 49th floor, there is a miniature town inside, with sunny beach green spaces and towns, where children go to school.

Of course, this is also a place where many people enjoy their holidays, and it is one of the highest rewards in Dawn City!

The 10th to 30th floors are mainly places where scholars conduct experiments.

For example, Ollie, the conjurer, has the right to use and dominate the 19th floor.

And going up from the 50th floor, the space utilization of the Sun Tower began to become lower and lower.

I don't know whether it is due to the consideration of "energy saving" or the talent is withered. When I go up to the 53rd floor, they are basically left idle.

As for Rhodes, this time he came to the 53rd floor of the Tower of the Sun.

He plans to transform it into the first "God-bestowed Secret Realm" in "Break Dawn" where "Protection" can be collected in batches!
Rhodes also had some thoughts about this "God Bestowed Secret Realm".

What he is currently doing, the most important thing is to fight against the underworld.

It can also be seen from the first round of players' battles against the monsters of the underworld that the players' attacks are still somewhat lacking for the creatures of the underworld.

The first is the "Ghost Water" for the body protection of the underworld creatures. The players' attacks are currently not easy to "break the shield".

Therefore, Rhodes considered using the protection of this secret realm to give players more efficient means of breaking shields.

The core of this is for all players!

The blessing that Rhodes first thought of was the "Song of Water Flowers", probably the blessing of assembling four Songs of Water Flowers, and he would get the blessing of a "Song of Water".

Both normal attack and combat skill attack will get a note.

After about five notes of "Gongshangjiao Zhengyu" are stacked, the Song of Water Flower will trigger a complete "Song of Water" blessing.

The effect is probably to directly detonate the nether water that protects the monsters in the underworld, and deal 200% damage while breaking the shield.

The reason for this design is that the core is to force players to continue to improve their skills.

Nowadays, except for a few players, the operation level of the vast majority of players is actually far below Rhodes' expectations.

Perhaps there is almost no price for resurrection, and the tactics and tactics of today's players are basically very rough!
Basically, it is sacrifice flow and random killing, and the mentality is completely dead, it doesn't matter!
In addition, the reason for choosing to use water to break the water shield lies in the amount of source energy.

In the underworld, Taiming Yuanli almost dominates.

Accumulate a song of water in five attacks, and the source energy can be fully absorbed from the underworld.

If the shield is broken violently with the power of the sun in this world, the price Rhodes will have to pay will be too great.

The same reason.

The other one is "Song of Fire". If you assemble four blessings of "Song of Fire", you will be blessed with a "Song of Fire".

After collecting all five notes, you can hit 200% burn damage.

Different from the special effect of "Song of Water Flowers" on breaking the protection of Nether Water, the most notable effect of "Song of Sparks" is burning.

It is not only a flame, but also a manifestation and application of the power of the sun in this world.

Tianke some monsters of the dark department of the underworld!
Compared with "Ode to Water Flowers", "Ode to Sparks" is equivalent to an advanced ability, and the burst rate is much lower.

If both "Song of Splashes" and "Song of Sparks" are installed at the same time, players can freely choose which hymn to use first.

As for the third kind of protection, it is the "Song of Chords", the core of which is the embodiment of the spiritual power of the spiritual world.

The effect is to reconcile fire and water!

When matching four "Songs of Chords", you will get a blessing of "Songs of Chords".

This chord song can be understood not only as "waste cultivation", but also as a more advanced "combination of water and fire".

For players whose operations are not sophisticated enough, the song of chords can reconcile water and fire, and intelligently choose whether the battlefield needs a song of fire or a song of water.

It is equivalent to improving the crit rate in disguise!

Greatly improve the efficiency and smoothness of skill use!

The core of this design is to improve the game experience, so that after a big battle, players will not be annoyed because they use the wrong water and fire chants one after another.

Since it is a game, the core experience should not be forgotten!
For players with more high-end operations, this "Song of Chords" is a "baton" for adjusting the output power of water and fire. By adjusting the playing time of the three songs, a more high-end "Ode to the Three Realms" can be played. ".

During the period when the hymn of the Three Realms is played, the overall quality of the players can be improved dramatically, and they will directly enter a high-explosive period.

Taking the song of water as the leading factor means high movement speed and high defense, which is more suitable for escape and self-protection.

With Song of Fire as the dominant, it means high attack and high burst, which is more suitable for extreme burst output.

With the song of chords as the leading factor, it has the most comprehensive quality in all aspects and the balance of meaning in all aspects.

Able to fight, resist and run, a typical hexagonal fighter.


Balance in all aspects also means that all aspects are not outstanding, it is most suitable for standby and observation!
This is a typical design for geniuses, and Rhodes can predict that there will be many masters in the later stage who will come up with strategies to teach ordinary players how to skillfully use the hymn of the three realms and various advanced versions.

And this is also the effect Rhodes wants!
If you want to proficiently use the advanced skill of Ode of the Three Realms, you must practice hard.

of course.

What I just said is the combined effect of the major hymns, which is equivalent to an additional effect.

The theme articles added by the major protections themselves are actually just a few.

Life, Defense, Attack, Speed, Elemental Mastery, Explosive Damage, Critical Strike.
Like Elemental Mastery and Charging Efficiency, the following are basically equivalent to invalid entries.

Therefore, it will only appear above the four-star protection!
For players below the level of elves, five-star protection will never drop, and the probability of four-star protection is only one in a thousand.

As for one star and two stars, it will gradually become dog food in the future!

The reason for this design, of course, is to recover the gold coins earned by the players.

After several wars, the players have stored a considerable amount of gold coins in their hands. If they are not recovered, there may be inflation in Dawn City.

In addition, only in this way can the players be more motivated!

Along with Rhodes' vision, the "Book of Rules" in front of him kept turning the pages, and the various carol blessings he imagined came into reality little by little.

After designing the drop rewards of the god-given secret realm, Rhodes began to design the monsters in the secret realm trial.

The first thing Rhodes thought of was bone demon and corpse demon!

After all, this is the main force of this underworld army.

The cannon fodder of the army of the underworld is basically these, easy to kill, but the number is also amazing.

And through this secret realm, what Rhodes wants to teach the players is how to kill these bone demons and corpse demons more efficiently.

First of all, the lowest level of ashes, these are equivalent to small minions, and it is best to kill them.

Ordinary means can kill!
And the more advanced ones are the soldiers who have infinitely approached the silver bones.

It is not so easy to kill these.

If you want to kill efficiently, you must first break the shield of dark water.

The more advanced ones are real silver bones!

To kill this, not only need to break the shield, but also need real technology.

As for corpse demons, the lowest zombies are similar to ashes, and they can be killed by violence.

More advanced green zombies, this one needs to skillfully use Song of Water and Song of Fire to kill.

As for the most advanced boss, it is a big boss based on musicians, brewers, tailors, gardeners and guards.

Musicians, winemakers, and tailors are easy to talk about, and they understand everything.

Those who have never experienced it, let them experience it!
As for the guards, that is a proper "open-book exam"!

If the guard is snarky again next time, the players will probably teach him to be a good man!

These five bosses will spawn randomly, and the rewards and drops are the same.

As for the last, it is the method of receiving rewards in this secret realm!

With a thought in Rhodes' mind, a statue of God King Solethor appeared in the deepest part of the secret realm.

With a kind face, he loves all living beings.

Rhodes could even predict that players would use all kinds of metaphysics in order to pay more money!
Bye bye, it will be sooner or later!

It is very possible to kneel down and call Dad on the spot!
And this is what he wants to achieve!

With a thought in Rhodes' mind, everything in the entire secret realm began to be generated rapidly.

In addition to the statues, there are also various reliefs, pillars, and torches.

Of course, the most mysterious and automatic generation of mobs and boss system.

This is connected to Rhodes' godhead, as long as it conforms to the spells and rules Rhodes wrote in advance, it can be automatically generated.

It's such a metaphysics!
Because of the laws of the world, the explosion power of the gunpowder in the dawn world is not enough, but the more it is on the mysterious side, the more mysterious the effect of the power of the law will be.

Seeing that the secret realm of the Ode of the Three Realms was completely built, Rhodes suddenly laughed.

In the end, Rhode wrote another racing drop rule.

The shorter the time to clear the dungeon, the higher the probability of dropping gold.

Krypton gold can become stronger, let's start rolling up!
Isn't this the perfect solution to the inflation problem?
Looking at the completed secret realm, Rhodes seemed to see countless players, fighting here day and night, and cheered when they saw that they worked so hard to make a good embryo, but hated their teeth itching because they added a bad embryo.

Seeing this, Rhode suddenly laughed badly.

Perhaps this is the fun of being a planner!
(End of this chapter)

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