After becoming a god, I became the dog planner in the mouth of the players

Chapter 200 On that day, a corner of the dark cloud was torn apart

Chapter 200 On that day, a corner of the dark cloud was torn apart

Seeing the mourning stick turn into ashes and dissipate, "Internet Tyrant", "Long Sky", "Xiao Woting", and "Dawei Tianlong" all showed unprecedented smiles.

Unprecedented cool!

Unparalleled cool!

The boss of the soul stick is too strong, not only tortured them to the point of death, but also almost wiped them out completely.

In the process, they didn't even know how much they had suffered.

But also because of this, the joy of turning against the wind and defeating such a strong enemy is simply indescribable!
Each of their faces is filled with happiness. This battle is not just a battle, but a qualification that can be used for a lifetime.

Just post it on the Internet and show it off, there will definitely be a lot of netizens shouting 666!

Not to mention, their initial tacit understanding and almost no friends' cooperation, this is definitely a game video that can become the top series of "Breaking Dawn".

However, right now is not the time for a celebration party. They have not forgotten that there is also a big boss Shura Armor, and a boss who is dead or alive, the Demon Drinking Knife.

These are all those shiny little coins!

Immediately, several people looked at Shura Kai in unison.

Although the Shura armor was hidden in the flesh and blood fortress, he still felt a little cold all over his body.

What kind of look is this?

There is no evil, no cruelty, and no hatred or viciousness!

But it is this kind of eyes that regard them as playthings, but it is arrogant and ruthless to the extreme!
"Brave", who made this evil weapon of war?

Shura Kai couldn't help but feel a little chilly all over his body, it seems that it won't work if he doesn't use the last big magic!
Shura Kai never thought that their "Thirteen Hellfire Guards" would lose so much in just an ordinary battle!
The Shura armor didn't say much, the flesh and blood of the elemental creation wriggled for a while, and then the world contracted and reversed for a while, just like the stomach stretched and contracted.

Up, down, left, right, southeast, northwest, but he kept turning them over.

The five players in the Elemental Creation Fortress had just found a little balance, but their feet suddenly hung in the air.

When they came back to their senses, their bodies were covered with fine and greasy sand.

And in all directions, there are a large number of players and aboriginal fighters who have lost a lot of staff.

At this time, the battle is in full swing, and it can be clearly felt that the Dawn City side has already occupied an absolute advantage, and the opponent's defeat is already set.

Seeing Lin Fan and the others being thrown out intact, the players couldn't help but be taken aback.

But before they had time to communicate, they suddenly felt a tremor.

So much so that the battle on the surface has stagnated.

Afterwards, everyone saw the earth rise slowly, and a large amount of sand flowed down like a stream of water.

As the ground rose higher and higher, a human silhouette slowly appeared in front of everyone.

The outline is really too tall, more than ten meters long, it looks like a mountain giant.

And his whole body was abnormally scarlet, with strands of bloody mist glowing.

And this was just the beginning. As the blood giant stood up completely, reddish brown lines began to appear one after another on his body.

It looks like a blood vessel, but it also looks like a special magic pattern, and what flows inside is more like high-temperature magma.

And as these blood lines were completely illuminated, the temperature around the blood giant rose sharply, and waves of heat continued to sweep in all directions.

So much so that all the players and the aboriginal fighters instinctively took a few steps back.

There is no doubt that this is the great magic possessed by the boss Shura armor!
However, Shura Kai didn't attack directly, but turned his head in the direction where the Fire Demon Commander was.

Shura Kai: "Commander, please leave first, and the subordinates will stay behind!"

Be it the players or the aboriginal fighters, they all showed strange colors.

Leaving a broken queen at this time is basically the same as sending to death!

When did the monsters in the underworld have such loyal people?

This is not intentional belittling of the aborigines, but the nature of creatures in the devil world.

Selfish, cruel and bloodthirsty, ruthless and ruthless!
Like a guard, he sold the tailor without hesitation and betrayed the commander of the double-knife demon!

But the so-called "Thirteen Hellfire Guards" are all loyal people.

"Xiao Woting" couldn't help complaining, "Could it be that the righteous way is unorganized and disciplined, and all the orders of the magic sect prohibit sacrificing life and forgetting death?"

After saying "Xiao Woting", all the players smiled knowingly.

Old meme!
Throughout the major film and television works, the orthodox sects have always been intriguing, but the crooked sects are dedicated to their careers.

The only one who didn't laugh was "Double Carp"!

She received a world quest called "The Dawn Brought by Thirteen Demon Soldiers"
These loyal demon soldiers may be "young men" who have given up everything!
The commander of the fire demon looked at the Shura armor that had already activated the last great magic, but his heart was filled with anger.

He wanted to scold trash, but he couldn't swear at this time.

No matter how ruthless he is, facing a "loyal dog" who is willing to give up his life and die for him, the word "trash" that comes to his mouth is inevitably a little bit hard to say.

"Ming Jin withdraws troops!"

Accompanied by the words of the commander of the fire demon, the "golden sound" that symbolized the withdrawal of troops sounded.

Afterwards, many monsters began to retreat as if they had been pardoned.

How arrogant the monsters were in contempt for human beings before, but now how embarrassed they are fleeing in embarrassment.

And embarrassment is the deathbed of the army!
Just when the monsters started to retreat crazily, the camp of the living world sounded the war drum symbolizing the pursuit.

Chasing death and chasing north!

This drum sound is not too familiar to the aboriginal fighters.

They have been training in the subject of attacking and chasing with the sound of drums every day since they started in the youth camp.


After so many years, they either defended the city, or patrolled and guarded against sneak attacks.

Even if the enemy's sneak attack is repelled, it will be difficult to go out of the city to expand the results of the battle, and he will be chased to the north with the sound of drums.

It is no exaggeration to say that before this battle, Dawn City was a tiger's butt that monsters could touch at any time.

Even if the "tiger" taught these "monsters" who touched their buttocks a bloody lesson every time, the fact of being repeatedly "touched buttocks" by monsters is the biggest humiliation to the tiger.

Therefore, this kind of drum sound that symbolizes "chasing death and chasing north" has always been heard only in training.

For many veterans, perhaps the biggest regret in their lifetime of combat is that they have not heard the drums that represent pursuit on the real battlefield.


But they didn't expect that at this moment they finally heard the drum sound they had dreamed of in actual combat.

In an instant, many soldiers on the scene seemed to have returned to the former youth camp in a trance.

Recalling that in the youth camp, they discussed with their companions that they would kill all directions on the battlefield in the future, and then kill every monster, and take back everything they had lost bit by bit.

Everything at that time seemed like it was yesterday!

The once familiar faces were a little blurry.

Time is so ruthless!
After you die, in just a few years, everything about you in the world will begin to be blurred and bleak!
When the last person who remembers you passes away, the last trace of you in this world will disappear, as if you have never been in this world.

But at this moment, with the sound of drums chasing death and chasing north, the minds of many aboriginal fighters were unprecedentedly clear.

Little by little, the scenes of their past life seemed to emerge in their hearts one by one.

"Barbie, Maltz, Hansa, Marcus, Betty, Russell."

An aboriginal warrior chanted one name after another, and then turned into a series of arrows, quickly chasing after the retreating magic soldiers.

However, this scene seemed to be a virus that spread from person to person, quickly spreading among the aboriginal soldiers.

More and more aboriginal fighters began to chant the names of their relatives and friends, and began to frantically chase and kill those retreating demon soldiers.

At this moment, the players suddenly felt that these aborigines seemed to be burning with flames.

Behind them, one figure after another seemed to emerge.

Those are the beloved relatives and friends they once remembered!

Mengna felt all this, tears welled up in the corners of her eyes.

Human beings have finally taken the first step in chasing and killing monsters!
Not only Mengna, but even the elf "Hilda" next to Mengna, the beautiful eyes were misty at this moment.

Because of Mona's awakening, she was awakened with more memories.

Because of this, at this time, I am even more emotional!
In the depths of that memory, one name after another kept reappearing in his mind.

"Meg, Otis, Sansa, Marjorie, have you all seen it? We humans have done it!"

Along with Hilda's strong emotions, Mona also subconsciously began to chant the spell.

【Forever Night】

【Dark Eternity】


【Civilization, inevitable sinking】

But with the chanting of this incantation again, the blood giant transformed by the Shura armor couldn't sit still, and planned to jump up, blocking the way of the aborigines' pursuit.


Many players, at this moment, how can Shura Kai get what he wants?
The wind and waves above Lin Fan's body were calm, as if his momentum was not showing, but it was more like a harbinger of a storm, he directly blocked in front of Shura's armor.

"Sura Armor, your enemy is us!"

"That's right!"

After Lin Fan, top players such as "Xiao Woting", "Internet Tyrant", "Dawei Tianlong", "Double Carp", "Black and White Wings", "Mu Yunbai" and so on, all fought at the same time. In front of Shura Kai.

Not only that, but there were other players, and it was even darker.

"Cats love to eat fish": "Everyone, let's go, as long as our players are still there, Shura Kai will never be allowed to move forward!"

"Qu Shang Wei Meng": "Come on, we are here!"

"Evening wind keeps people drunk": "."

Accompanied by the sound of cheering again and again, it once again added fire to the hearts of the aboriginal fighters.




At the same time, the corners of Meng Na's mouth also curled up in a beautiful arc.

Yes, there are also partners named players, they are all real braves!
【Raise high, the flag of justice called human beings】

【Awaken, the heart of human dignity】

【Let's boil, the bright red blood called human beings】

【Stand upright, the unyielding bone called human beings】

【Light up, the light of hope called human beings】

【Burn, proud soul named human】

The same mantra was recited for the second time, but compared to the first time, this time it was even more radiant!
Because, Mengna's heart is so radiant!

(End of this chapter)

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