Chapter 201 End 【Subscription】

"This increase is."

Sensing the continuous surge of power in their bodies, Lin Fan and the others who received Mengna's blessing for the first time were surprised at the same time.

The blessing effect of Meng Na's elf technique is too good, right? !
Then, unprecedented confidence surged in their hearts.

Lin Fan immediately discarded distracting thoughts, and then directly transformed the song of chords into a song of fire, with flames swirling around his body, like a fire dragon, and began to quickly kill the blood giant transformed by the Shura armor.

Faced with this situation, "Dawei Tianlong" naturally refused to lag behind others, and immediately began to make great strides to charge.

"Xiao Woting", "Black and White Wings", "Double Carp".
Many players began to rush forward!

Accompanied by the sound of the sound of the special effect of the sword skill activation, the players turned into arcs of light piercing the sky.

After that, it is the gorgeous skills sticking to the face!
The blood giant Shura's armor was directly covered in various skills!
The blood giant transformed by the Shura armor was furious, and he slapped it down with his palm, like a hill falling down, the earth shook and shattered directly.

Many players who did not dodge in time were photographed as mosaics in the first place, turning into colorful bubbles and disappearing.

Then, what greeted the Asura Armored Blood Giant was another round of berserk attacks from other players!

Faster, faster, faster!
Players attack faster and faster, and it's like a race.

With the faster and faster attack rhythm, more and more players are becoming more and more familiar with the protection of the hymn of the three realms.

So much so that this place is full of leaping flames and endless streams of water.

Shattering Shield of Song of Water, Burning of Song of Fire.
In just a short period of time, Shura's blood-armored giant form began to become riddled with holes.

Especially as the players have become more and more comprehensible about the hymn of the Three Realms, some high-players have gradually begun to be like Lin Fan, and they have come into contact with areas that only a few favored people can get in touch with.

The power of the hymn of the Three Realms soared even more!

The blood giant roared, jumped wildly, and shook off a large number of small ants on his body.

It was a few more rolls on the spot, but it sent several players home again.

At this point, those little bugs that flew onto his huge body were completely freed by him.

However, Shura's armored blood giant form has not yet had time to be happy, but the players' voices sounded in his ears again.

"Be careful everyone, pay attention to your position, don't be shot to death by that big guy!"

"Keep working hard, the boss still has two-thirds of his blood!"

"Those who have the ability to control the system quickly release it."

"I want to prepare a skill, meat will help me resist it first!"

"Roger that!"

The players talked to each other, but they quickly adjusted their tactics again. They were not affected by the tragic deaths of being photographed as a mosaic, being smashed back and forth on the ground as a mallet, and being directly crushed to death by big hands.

What's more, the Shura armor in the form of a blood giant also saw indomitableness, fanaticism, and excitement from the eyes of each player!
These so-called "braves" really believed that as long as they persisted, they could kill him completely!

The Shura armor in the form of a blood giant suddenly became confused!

As weapons of war, why did these weapons of war called braves cause him an unprecedented sense of frustration?

Immediately, unprecedented fear and anger surged in Shura Kai's heart.


If they can't even be a qualified weapon, isn't their existence a complete failure?

The Asura Armored Blood Giant began to go berserk, and the players were immediately taught to be human.


The player is still that player, until death is that player!
time flies.

Half an hour passed in a blink of an eye.

The aborigines' pursuit of death and the north has basically come to an end, and similarly, the battle between the players and the Asura armored blood giant has also come to an end.

Limited by their physical strength, the players all felt somewhat tired.


As soon as they saw the last trace of blood remaining on the Asura Armored Blood Giant, each player was full of energy, even more energetic than ever before.

Because, as long as you are a player, you will never allow to miss the last chance to grab the head!
Afterwards, in the huge eyes of the Shura armor in the form of a blood giant, there were only players who flew towards him one by one.

The smiles on the players' cheeks were clearly reflected in the blood giant's eyes.

Shura Kai suddenly understood that their "Thirteen Hellfire Guards" not only lost, but also lost very thoroughly!

If the driving force supporting them is "loyalty" and "unconditional loyalty", then what is the "power core" supporting these brave men?
Another crucial thing is the "blood bar". He didn't just hear those brave men discussing the amount of blood in his blood bar.
Those brave men seem to have gained insight into his true state through this method.

In this way, I regained my motivation over and over again, and readjusted my strategy over and over again.

Can I see the progress of the task?
What a terrifying ability!

It's a pity that this most important information cannot be reported to the commander in time!

Accompanied by one sound after another, the sound of combat skills and the protection of the Three Realms hymn, a large amount of broken light suddenly appeared on the body of the blood-armored giant of Shura.


Accompanied by a broken sound, the huge blood giant's body suddenly shattered, and then turned into pieces one after another.

After that, it turned into ashes little by little and disappeared completely.

at the same time.

In front of many players, there was a huge——


Fireworks and carols sounded immediately, followed by the sound of a large amount of gold coins raining down.

These sounds are undoubtedly extremely pleasant!
Not only gold coins, but many players who participated in the final boss battle have earned a lot of experience enough to upgrade.

Not to mention that there are many players who are not yet level 20, even players who break through level 20 and upgrade and contract to become elf envoys have accumulated enough experience at this time, and have obtained a level increase after a long absence.

For example, "Double Carp", alone killed the boss Burning Heart Pendant, cooperated with the boss Killing Soul Stick, and cooperated with the boss Shura Armor, and now the level has jumped to level 23.

As for Lin Fan, he killed the boss Soul Rod and Shura Armor in cooperation, and his level was also raised to level 22 at this time.

It has to be said that for players, fighting monsters is undoubtedly the fastest way to upgrade.

After the level reaches level 15, the amount of experience required for each level is staggering.

It is normal for a level to be stuck for several days.

As for after level 18 and 19, that level can even be stuck for ten days and half a month, and this is still the situation of liver every day!

But in just one battle, they have been promoted two or three levels one after another.

This has also led these players to increasingly regard war as an upgrade benefit.

It is difficult to upgrade, but the improvement brought by each level is quite exaggerated!

for a while.

Every player on the scene is immersed in the joy brought by the level promotion!

This kind of sense and feeling, similar to the sublimation of life and soul sublimation, can't be found anywhere in reality.

Even if the players have experienced it many times, experiencing it again will still make them intoxicated.

What's more, the fatigue caused by fighting monsters frantically before was also swept away at this time, and there seemed to be inexhaustible strength in his body.

Perhaps, the pleasure brought by this kind of upgrade is also one of the motivations for players to tirelessly upgrade and fight monsters.

After the upgrade, the players have obtained some equipment and props one after another.

This is not incredible, it is even more shocking to see.

"Dawei Tianlong" exclaimed, "Damn it, I got the miniature version of Shura's armored blood giant, which consumes elemental energy and can turn into a three-meter-tall elemental giant. However, the duration is only 30 seconds!"

Hearing the exclamation of "Dawei Tianlong", other players screamed.

"Dawei Tianlong" is too European, right? !

Who wouldn't say yes to that blood giant form?

High is strong, strong is big!
Transforming into the form of a blood giant, I don't know how much I need to improve my strength.

Then, there was another exclamation after another.

for example.

The player "Black and White Wings" has obtained part of the flesh and blood control of the Shura armor. He can control the flesh and blood to generate a pair of wings by manipulating elemental energy.

Don't mention how sour the other players are, "Black and White Wings" directly climaxed.

Conquering the blue sky is the eternal dream of mankind!
And now, he seems to be able to really fly!

As for the player "Twilight Cloud White", it dropped the "Scarlet Blood" that can be installed.

That is to say, the magma of the blood vessels used by Shura armor before, and then squeeze the potential to the limit.

This skill can maximize the player's body functions.


The price is also very exaggerated, that is, it directly consumes one-third of the blood volume.

After opening, the duration is only 3 minutes.

Even so, "Mu Yunbai" was still very happy.

This "scarlet bloodline" matched his various lightning skills, but it couldn't be more suitable!

The point of consuming life and bursting made him consider that, on top of the protection of the hymn of the three realms, he was about to start accumulating life points.

In fact, these rewards are not alone.

Many players have also received similar rewards!
Like Lin Fan, he also received the reward of scarlet blood.

As for "Xiao Woting", he obtained the talent of Shura armor element flesh and blood.

The so-called "elemental flesh and blood" is to transform elemental energy into flesh and blood.

The core of Shura Armor's former fortress of elemental creation was this innate skill.

After "Xiao Woting" got this talent, inside his "sack" can get some evolution again.

As for "Double Carp", it was a little unlucky this time, and only got a heart shield dropped by Shura armor.

There is no magic on this mirror, which makes her feel a little unlucky!
But the great good fortune contained in the boss Shura armor made the players' eyes burn, and at the same time they looked at the silent boss drinking magic knife.

Such a high-quality blind box can be opened on Shura Kai, so what about the Boss Demon Drinking Knife?
The players who thought of this started to frantically run towards the giant tree transformed by the magic-drinking knife.

"Double Carp" was startled.

But he was a little anxious, and quickly spoke in the group channel.

This wooded Demon Drinking Knife may be the key to the world quest, so it can't just be dismembered like this!

(End of this chapter)

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