Chapter 208 Needed by Everyone

Some people like to be lively, while others like to be alone.

Instead of enjoying loneliness, I can only be alone. After being alone for a long time, I gradually get used to this solitary life mode.

And often this kind of people are extraordinarily delicate and rich in spirit!
And "Mo Hancheng" is such a person!

For him, the Internet is his second life.

Although it would not be completely opposite to real life, suddenly becoming enthusiastic and popular, but the Internet did give him more choices.

Even so, he still didn't choose to get together.

To be precise, "Mo Hancheng" is a person who will "walk alone" to the end. This is true in reality, and even more so on the Internet.

Just like he used to play other games!
Log in alone, spawn monsters alone, and do daily work alone!
Simply looking at the scenery, listening to music, solving puzzles, and fighting monsters in the game is all his fun!

Like the most popular guilds, "Prosperous Tang Dynasty", "Meow Meow Planet", "Thunder Dance", "Sword and Blood Oath", he didn't lean towards them.

Rao has just entered "Breaking Dawn", and given the opportunity to choose again, he still chooses to become a "lone player" according to the inertia.

Originally, "Mo Hancheng" thought so.

It's just that he didn't expect that a warm greeting unexpectedly broke into his world.

"Welcome, Mr. Brave from another world!"

Looking at the enthusiastic "foreigner" who bowed solemnly and solemnly in front of him, "Mo Hancheng" couldn't help but feel a little weird, and even kept a little distance subconsciously.

After seeing the "buoy" hanging above his head, "Mo Hancheng" was convinced that the person in front of him was really an aborigine, the so-called NPC!

Although I have seen it on the short video a long time ago, I also know that the NPCs in "Breaking Dawn" are completely different from the NPCs in other games, almost indistinguishable from real humans.

But seeing it with his own eyes still surprised "Mo Hancheng" and even made him feel a little panicked!

If it is exactly the same as reality, can he really find his place and happiness in this world?
Socializing is the most troublesome thing!
"Mo Hancheng" instinctively felt a little dazed.

In addition, the game "Breaking Dawn" is even more "trapped" with the dimensional wall than he imagined.

It's just an NPC, everyone knows that he is from a "different world". Weird!
However, it was an NPC after all, which made "Mo Hancheng" slightly less vigilant.

After a few simple greetings, "Mo Hancheng" started the journey of visiting the capital of dawn under the guidance of NPC Daniel.

As for the reason, Daniel did not hide it.

He installed the combat skill system, which requires money and experience to upgrade, so he received the task of guiding new players.

Speaking of this, Daniel has a happy smile on his face.

Not only old players, but also a large number of aboriginal peers, it was a stroke of luck for him to grab this mission!
Seeing this, "Mo Hancheng" couldn't help being surprised again.

Although I knew that in the game "Breaking Dawn", NPCs would compete with players for tasks, but it still feels very different to be in touch with "Mo Hancheng".


Among all the missions he played in the past, the missions were "special" for the players.

Some NPCs who issued tasks were even giant babies who could not grow up.

In many cases, the player defeats the big boss "saving the world" one second, and is called around by an NPC as a slave in the next moment.

What's more, sometimes players can't help but want to kill the giant baby.

"Breaking Dawn" is the other way around, and the NPCs have also started competing with players for tasks.

Good guy, that's a good guy!

This is indeed quite new for "Mo Hancheng" who has played countless games.

Of course, the most important thing is that he feels happiness from the NPC!

Grab the joy of onboarding quests!
Simple and pure!
Happiness, that is contagious, Rao "Mo Hancheng" has always had a cold personality, and he didn't say anything, but his heart became a little lighter.

Daniel didn't care about this.

It is not a day or two to deal with players, and Daniel is very familiar with the players' strange personalities.

It was only the initial contact, and Daniel was sure that "Mo Hancheng" had that kind of withdrawn temperament.

of course.

The most important thing is that through the short conversation just now, he saw that "Mo Hancheng"'s favor for him has risen by half a heart.

And this half heart is the greatest encouragement to him!

Daniel feels that this favorability system is simply a genius design.

So, he took the initiative to speak, and enthusiastically explained everything about the capital of dawn to "Mo Hancheng".

Tower of the Sun, Cathedral, Knights Templar, Adventurers Guild, Another World Restaurant
Especially when it came to the restaurant in another world, Daniel's eyes lit up, and he even licked his lips subconsciously, as if he was reminiscing about the delicious food in that restaurant.

Another memory came to mind!
"Mo Hancheng" remembered that the so-called "Different World Restaurant" seemed to be a restaurant led by "Shuang Li", the president of the "Meow Meow Planet" guild, and the official cooperation of Dawn City.

It is said that there are a lot of gourmet treasures on earth.

Not long ago, "Mo Hancheng" also read that after the traditional food, the different world restaurant has extended its tentacles to all kinds of fast food on the earth.

For example, the "Crescent Burger" launched not long ago has been widely acclaimed.

Thinking of this, "Mo Hancheng" couldn't help but move his index finger, and couldn't help but want to experience the highly respected "black technology at the top" on the Internet.

This gourmet food transfer technology has now been praised to the altar.

In the modern society of overnutrition, who is still not a little body anxiety?

While enjoying the food to the fullest, you don’t have to worry about getting fat, both men and women are crazy about it!

Seemingly seeing that "Mo Hancheng" was ticked off by gluttons, Daniel immediately proposed to go shopping in the food street.

"Mo Hancheng" was a little apprehensive at first, after all, this technology is really out of the circle, if you want to know it with your feet, there must be people crowded there.

But when he saw a task of "Visiting Food Street" pop up on the UI panel, he immediately subconsciously chose to accept it.

This process of posting tasks, receiving tasks, and completing tasks is really too classic. For a veteran who has played games for a long time like him, it is simply not too familiar.

food street.

As soon as Shi arrived, "Mo Hancheng" smelled the intoxicating fragrance, which made his eyes brighten up subconsciously.

Which player can refuse to eat delicious food in the game?
Especially in other games, the food is just exquisite "modeling", and when it has no taste except good-looking, this is even more commendable for "Breaking Dawn".

Suddenly, "Mo Hancheng"'s sense of belonging to "Breaking Dawn" increased a lot, and he fully understood why the players of "Breaking Dawn" he saw in various places on the Internet were so "arrogant".

once having seen the best, the rest is not worthwhile looking.

Having tasted the delicacies in Breaking Dawn, "Mo Hancheng" believes that when he plays any game in the future, whenever he sees a gameplay related to "cooking", he will subconsciously compare it with "Dawn".

The queue to buy gourmet food was very long, which made "Mo Hancheng" couldn't help but sigh again.

Playing a game to buy food and waiting in line for such a long time. This is too real!
In addition, it is estimated that only "Breaking Dawn" dares to play like this.

Be technical and self-willed!
Because queuing up is really boring, and it has nothing to do with "fun"!
About a quarter of an hour passed, and finally it was the turn of "Mo Hancheng".

The person who distributed the food to him was an aboriginal girl.

Wearing a two-dimensional style maid outfit, there are a lot of cat-related elements on her body.

"Mo Hancheng", who knew very well about "Breaking Dawn", knew immediately that this must be the work of a player from the "Meow Meow Guild".

After all, the maid costume, plus the cute cat elements, is really too "Meow Meow Planet" guild!
Even so, seeing this cat maid, "Mo Hancheng"'s eyes still couldn't help but light up.

Cat Maid. Sure enough, players know players best!
"Master Brave, welcome to come. This is your enlarged and luxurious version of Overlord Fort. There is also our special freshly squeezed cold drink. I hope you will enjoy your food and drink!"


"Mo Hancheng" was a little happy.

After all, it is human nature to love beauty, who can refuse a beautiful and lovely girl and call him "Master Brave" kindly!

"Mo Hancheng" suddenly felt that the quarter-hour queue was not so boring.

After taking a sip of this Overlord Fort, "Mo Hancheng"'s eyes lit up immediately.

Really flavorful and very, very delicious!

God, he actually tasted the taste of food in the game world!
Chewing and sipping "Mo Hancheng" a little bit, the whole person felt an indescribable shock and joy.

Technology has changed life!

"Mo Hancheng" suddenly had a new understanding of this old saying.

For the old players of "Breaking Dawn", eating, drinking and drinking in "Breaking Dawn" may have become commonplace.


It is simply unimaginable for a new player who tastes the same taste as reality in the virtual world for the first time.
That is the feast brought by technological innovation!

It's like seeing "3D" for the first time, it's like seeing "VR" for the first time, it's like "full stealth" for the first time.
If you want to describe it, it's like opening a door to a new world!
"Mo Hancheng" felt that he had never eaten such delicious food.

Perhaps, he will never be able to forget the taste of this "Crescent Burger" again!

As for other things, the first thing "Mo Hancheng" thinks of is—since "Breaking Dawn" can also eat delicious food, can he not go offline around the clock in the future? !

Seeing the shock and joy of "Mo Hancheng", Daniel couldn't help showing a satisfied smile on his face.

Having been in contact with the players for so long, Daniel also learned that for these brave men from "different worlds", everything in Pagri Continent is also very novel.

And this, for the aborigines, is the highest praise!

Daniel couldn't help but sigh, "Meat is delicious, but half a year ago we couldn't even eat three meals a day, let alone meat. As for bread, it was even black bread mixed with sawdust. And all of this , all thanks to the hard work of the brave men!"

"Mo Hancheng" couldn't help feeling a little proud when he heard the words.

For this "memorabilia", he learned about it through the Internet.

I also know that everything at the core here comes from a world quest called "Laval's Eternal Feast".

Although it has been less than half an hour since entering the world of "Breaking Dawn", "Mo Hancheng" deeply felt the changes that the arrival of the players has brought to this world!
After eating hamburgers and visiting the perfect food street, "Mo Hancheng" also completed the first novice task.

Later, he received the second novice task. Find the inn!

Seeing this novice task, "Mo Hancheng" immediately understood.

This should be the place to look for accommodation!
For this task, "Mo Hancheng" didn't feel much at first.

But after finishing, "Mo Hancheng" was full of the figure of the proprietress.

It's not that the proprietress looks so beautiful, on the contrary, the old lady is a very, very ordinary looking aunt.


Her enthusiasm, respect, and love were deeply imprinted in his heart.

Especially "Ai Dai" gave "Mo Hancheng" an unprecedented feeling.

It was the first time for him to know what it means to be "attractive" and what it means to be "needed".
To be honest, "Mo Hancheng" was deeply touched, and felt the weight of the word "brave" for the first time!
That's right, in the game "Breaking Dawn", players are not just simple players, but brave men who really save the world, lead the aborigines out of their hardships, and head for a better life!
He knew that the reason why he was so popular was because of the "gifts" from old players.

Or it is simply designed, it is the game company's attention to these cute new PUAs

He really likes it a bit!

"Master Brave, you have worked hard in the underworld. I will sell this weapon to you with a [-]% discount. Just remember to kill a few more monsters then!"

It's in the weapon shop!

"Since Mr. Brave wants it, then I recommend this set. Light and tough, it is the kind of first-class armor. What? I don't have so many gold coins. Then I will give you a [-]% discount. Mr. Brave, if you want to buy weapons in the future , remember to take care of our business!"

It's in the armor shop!

"The map? It's not very valuable, so I'll give it to Mr. Brave!"

"Master Brave, you have worked hard, try my new Saka cake"

"A new face, you are the new brave man summoned by His Majesty the God King, just call me Old Peel."


Along the way, no matter where they went, "Mohan City" received a warm welcome.

And I also tasted the Saka cakes, Saka wine, skin jelly, jerky, and earthworms presented by the enthusiastic aborigines for free.
"Mo Hancheng" couldn't express his feelings for a moment.

Dawn City is actually such a friendly city!

Here, the relationship between people is so close
It's really beautiful, it's like a utopia!
"Mo Hancheng" has never been as proud as it is today, because of the word "brave", and it has never been like today, because of the word "brave", and it really feels the burden on the body. responsibility.

The game "Breaking Dawn" was so different, he suddenly understood why those players on the Internet who were relegated to "broken filial sons" were so united.


The game "Breaking Dawn" is so different!
Signing up for the second daybreak test was probably one of the most correct things he did in his life!

(End of this chapter)

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