Chapter 209 Okay, God 【Subscription】

Is this the scenery seen by "Long Sky"?
"Shui Zhengyinxin" looked at everything in front of him in shock.

I don't know if it's because Dawn City is too "realistic", but "Shui Zhengyinxin"'s first impression of "Breaking Dawn" is actually not as high as the evaluation on the Internet.

In this magical world, it is not as dreamy as other fantasy worlds, nor is it as distinctive as many darker game worlds.

After all, Earth ol is bad enough, playing fantasy games is naturally more romantic!
Therefore, the favorite games of "Shui Zheng Yin Xin" are generally very imaginative and unique.

If it weren't for the fact that shooting games can't use bows and arrows, he couldn't even help but want to use bows and arrows to fight against other people's big sniper!


The moment he really came into contact with this world, all the first impressions of "Breaking Dawn" in "Shui Zhengyin Xin" were completely overturned.

Everything in this world is so. Real!

What's real looks like a fake!

How can a game world be so realistic?

Isn't this like seeking transcendence in the real world? !

"Shui Zhengyinxin" subconsciously stretched out his index finger, flicked lightly in the air, and then his exclusive UI panel appeared in front of his eyes.

He was a little unfamiliar at first, but the more he operated, the more familiar he became, and his hand speed became faster and faster.

As for his cheeks, there was also a growing smile on them.

Accompanied by a flash of brilliance, a novice slingshot landed on his palm from the sky.

That touch, that weight, that temperature
The more he weighed it, the happier he was.

Then try to draw the bow. When the bowstring is drawn, the combat skill system starts.

"Shui Zhengyinxin" heard the unique sound effects, especially the "beginner's tutorial" of "inheriting memory", which made his eyes straighten for a while.

This is too dreamy!
"Shui Zhengyinxin" feels that he has been disqualified by this world that he is not satisfied with!

It was just a novice tutorial, and he told him with a slap in the face that this world was not only real enough, but also far more dreamy than he imagined.

Dreamy, dreamy!
"Shui Zhengyinxin" suddenly felt that the dawn world surpassed all his knowledge of the "game world"!
Then there was endless ecstasy!
Here he comes. This world!

At this moment, "Shui Zhengyin Xin" suddenly felt that everything in this world was shining and full of dreamlike colors.

And the melodious tune that rang in his ears at the right time made the corners of his mouth curl up even more.

"Shui Zhengyinxin" almost forgot how long he hadn't been so happy because of a game.

At this moment, he was actually a little jealous of "Long Sky"!

That guy actually discovered this god-level game half a year earlier than him, and he really took advantage of all the good things.

"Water Fighting Music Heart" intends to start the game journey at this point.

But what he didn't expect was that a figure ran over quickly.

"Welcome to the world of Breaking Dawn, do you need me as your guide?"

Seeing the shiny bald head in front of him, "Shui Zhengyin Xin" blinked immediately.

This bald head doesn't know him?

"Shui Zhengyinxin" immediately burst out laughing. He is just an e-sports player. Although he has a little reputation, he is not a well-known star.

Even if it is a real big star, it is impossible for everyone to like it.

Inflated, he is inflated!

"Shui Zhengyinxin" immediately said hello obediently, "Good morning, God!"

"Master of No Precepts" was taken aback for a moment.

This is the first time someone calls him a great god!
This little Mengxin is really on the road!

The more "Master of No Precepts" looks at "Shui Zhengyin Xin", the more pleasing to the eye!

Boy, do you have sharp eyesight?
"Master of No Precepts" waved his hands "modestly", raised his "tail" and said, "My god, it's just that I played the game a few days longer than you guys. Is there anything you want to ask? I know everything!"

I have to say, it's really refreshing to bring a cute new feeling!

Mengxin "Shui Zhengyinxin" suddenly felt very interesting. After thinking about it, he asked, "Who is the first bow player in "Breaking Dawn"?"

"Master of No Precepts" was stunned for a moment, then looked up and down "Shui Zhengyin Xin".

So crazy and cute!

"Master of Discipline" coughed, and said, "As an old player, I suggest you not to play the bow system. The bow system has never been very strong in "Breaking Dawn."

"At present, the bow system is relatively good, and I still have to belong to "Ye Mu Tan" of the "Thunder Dance" guild, "Qu Shang Wei Meng" and "Evening Breeze" of the "Prosperous Tang" guild. But the performance is in fact All very average! "

"Shui Zheng Yin Xin" is even more curious.

"Why is that?"

"Master of Discipline" thought for a while and said, "It should be the result of the joint influence of combat skills and protection. Compared with other weapons, the bow system has less room to play. Of course, the most important thing is the addition of the current "Ode to the Three Realms". Guards are not suitable for bows! "

"I don't know if you have watched the teaching video of the Three Realms Ode released by "Long Sky""

Speaking of this, "Shui Zhengyinxin" nodded immediately.

He has not only watched the teaching video of "Long Sky" Three Realms Anthem, but also watched the video of "Long Sky", "Dawei Tianlong", "Internet Tyrant", and "Xiao Woting" playing the mourning stick.

It is simply a textbook-level cooperation!
I didn't say a word during the whole process, but we have such a tacit understanding with each other, and every skill is just right
As for the protection of the hymn of the Three Realms, to put it bluntly, it is actually "fast".

Think fast, move fast!

Quick thinking is to be able to quickly judge which carol is more suitable;
The second is to always remember how many hymns you have, and when you can trigger a crit
And most importantly, seamless switching.

It's not. It's enough to have hands?

Hearing that "Shui Zheng Yin Xin" has watched the teaching video, "Master of No Precepts" suddenly felt easy.

"You just read it. The bow system pays attention to aiming, and the attack interval is relatively long. It is more difficult to trigger the "Ode of the Three Realms" than other systems."

"Shui Zhengyin Xin" understands the meaning of "Master of No Precepts".

Anthem of the Three Realms is more suitable for continuous output!
The bow system, in fact, is more inclined to single-shot, high-burst.

In this way, it is almost difficult for the bow system to trigger the passive of the hymn of the three worlds.

However, the passivity of the Hymn of the Three Realms is very important.

The song of water breaks the shield and the song of fire burns, both of which need to trigger the passive before they can deal high damage.

"Shui Zhengyinxin": "Then throwing away the hymns of the Three Realms at present, is there no other way to increase combat effectiveness?"

"Master of Non-discipline" gave "Shui Zhengyin Xin" a weird look.

This cute newbie is really a bit brainy. A strong fan of the bow system?
In this regard, the "Master of No Precepts" can also understand.

After all, now is the era of stealth for all!
In many games, accounts can be converted to each other.

And some people just play bow and arrow career all the time!
"Master of Bujie" thought for a while and said, "Abandoning the hymn of the Three Realms, the strongest one at present should be "Double Carp". Her lightning damage is so strong that she has no friends. The elf is Miss Anna, and she also installed a combat skill system that is almost equivalent to a level 20 elf at the beginning! "

"Shui Zhengyin Xin" thoughtfully.

In other words, if you want to increase the output of a single attack, apart from combat skills, you can only find a way from the elves!
As long as the level of the elves is high enough, it is not impossible to explode with one arrow.


But he can't count on the elves in a short time!
However, "Shui Zheng Yin Xin" still has no intention of switching to other departments.

As guessed by "Master of No Precepts", he is a fanatic of the bow system!
Since "Dawn" has a bow and arrow profession, it means that this profession must have the possibility to shine.

It is a little weak now, which means that it may just be developed!
As for the development of new gameplay, "Shui Zheng Yin Xin" has always been more interested.

In the follow-up, the two did not continue to struggle with this issue.

With "Shui Zhengyinxin" intentionally leading the topic, he also gradually learned more about the mall, protection, and even very, very scarce magic books from "Master of No Discipline".

The mall, his current level is not enough, it needs to be upgraded before it can be opened.

As for the magic book, this one is too scarce.

Except for a small amount of magic books leaking out from the server, there are hardly too many magic books leaking out now, and I don't know why.

Known so far, the most famous ones belong to "Double Carp", "Thunder and Lightning", and "Space Movement" of "Backstab of Justice".

Is it "Double Carp" again?
"Shui Zhengyinxin" was surprised.

This female player named "Double Carp" is simply the Emperor of Europe!

Raiders flow gameplay?
"Shui Zhengyin Xin" thoughtfully.

It seems that a good relationship with NPC is more important than imagined.

This follow-up needs attention!
However, what can be confirmed is that the extremely scarce props such as magic books are indeed of amazing value.

Can be included in earning schemes!

What surprised him was that "Sky" didn't even have a magic book.

He seems to be the first "Knight of Honor" at dawn!

Later, "Shui Zhengyinxin" learned about the existence of enchanted arrows and enchanted weapons.

Not particularly fresh!
After all, this is a very, very classic setting for virtual games!

What really surprised "Shui Zhengyinxin" is that looking at the entire server of "Breaking Dawn", there are not many gold series weapons at present.

The probability of good weapons dropping is too low!

After quickly completing several novice tasks such as eating, lodging, and identifying places, "Shui Zhengyin Xin" began to upgrade the tasks under the leadership of "Master of Non-precepts".

During this process, "Master of No Precepts" felt extremely comfortable.

This Mengxin is really polite, not only diligent in asking questions, but also transparent.

Being able to bring a newcomer on the right track so quickly, the "Master of No Precepts" is full of accomplishment!

"Great God, where can I spawn monsters in Lixiao?"

Just relying on doing chores to level up, when will it be done?

Compared to doing chores, "Shui Zhengyin Xin" prefers to upgrade by fighting monsters.

"Master of Discipline": "Mengxin should not be too ambitious, your current level is too low, and you can hardly beat wild bosses!"

"Water Zhengyinxin" immediately said obediently, "Thank you, God, for your guidance. Then how many levels do I have to go to get the wild map boss?"

"Master of No Precepts" suddenly laughed.

This cute new man is crazy, but he is indeed quite polite!
"At least start at level 5. At present, the most wild bosses are in the snow-covered forest outside the fortress complex, where some monsters often appear."

"However, you must have heard about the authenticity of "Breaking Dawn". The Snow-Covered Forest is actually a complete biological chain."

"Because of the world quest "Laval's Eternal Feast", the monsters outside the snow-covered forest are basically only big cats and kittens."

"If you want to level up quickly, you have to participate in the war book, but if you are new to the large war book, it may only be cannon fodder!"

"Shui Zhengyinxin" couldn't help frowning upon hearing this.

The biological chain is complete, and the players took away the upgrade resources in the first test, and there are almost none in the second test. So where does the balance of this game start?
It's too unfriendly to Mengxin!

"Water Fighting Music Heart": "Great God, if I remember correctly, there was a long period of time between the world quest "Laval's Eternal Feast" and the war book. How could there be any fun during that time? "

"Master of Non-discipline" looked at "Shui Zhengyin Xin" strangely again.

This cute newcomer seems to know a lot, especially his sensitivity to digital anomalies!

However, as a veteran player, you still have to be careful with your temperament.

"Don't judge "Breaking Dawn" with the old thinking of other games. You open the panel to see how much experience is left to upgrade?"

"Okay, God!"

"Shui Zhengyinxin" immediately opened his personal panel, and after a simple search, he immediately found that he was about 150 experience short of leveling up.

"Master of No Precepts": "There is still 150 experience left, how about this, let's take a task first, and you will understand after the upgrade!"

"Okay, God!"

After half an hour.

The two were completely ashamed, because the competition was too fierce, and almost all tasks were taken away.

To make matters worse, many of the people who competed with them were NPCs!

"Breaking Dawn" What does this mean?
CPU player? ! (dog head)
"Shui Zhengyinxin" was speechless.

The hard work paid off, and in about 45 minutes, the two finally grabbed a task, which was to help a laboratory in the Tower of the Sun be a guinea pig.

"Shui Zhengyinxin" was speechless again.

Long live!
He was actually vying to be a guinea pig in a game!

What's more, that researcher is simply a math idiot.

After a quarter of an hour, "Shui Zhengyin Xin" couldn't take it anymore.

"25, you made a mistake!"

The researcher was taken aback, pushed his eyes and said, "Do you understand medicine or do I understand medicine?"

"Water contends for sound heart": "."

With an explosion, the entire test bench was blown up.

The researcher stared wide-eyed, with all kinds of grass hanging on his body.

"Really miscalculated the parameters?"

A quarter of an hour later.

The researcher sent "Shui Zhengyin Xin" out of the laboratory respectfully, "Boss, this is my business card, thank you very much, I can finally hand in my paper. This is my heart, please take it well!"

"Master of No Precepts" looked at "Shui Zhengyin Xin" like a ghost.

This cuteness is kind of scary!

A great master in mathematics. Can't be messed with, can't be messed with!
"Master of No Precepts": "How much experience do you need to upgrade?"

"Water Competing for Sound Heart": "75."

"Let's go, let's grab another mission, you will understand what I mean soon!"

"it is good."

after an hour.

A holy light rose from the body of "Water Zhengyinxin".

In an instant.

"Shui Zheng Yin Xin" felt the all-round pleasure brought by the sublimation of life!
"Water Competing for Music Heart" is unbelievable.

What means is this?
In a daze, he felt that "Dawn" was like a wizard, able to manipulate his joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys in all directions.


"Master of No Precepts" laughed loudly.

Seeing "Shui Zheng Yin Xin" is like seeing the former self!

"Water Zhengyinxin" said excitedly, "It's so cool, thank you, God, if it weren't for you, I wouldn't know that just getting up to one level, I can be so high, satisfying all my fantasies about the sublimation of life!"

"Master of No Precepts" was immediately happy when he heard this, and he was even more proud.

He has successfully cultivated a new "Breaking Dawn" fanatic. Right?

At this moment, the "Master of No Precepts" unexpectedly saw several people rushing over.

And the one who has attracted the most attention is none other than the currently recognized strongest player in "Breaking Dawn". "Long Sky"!
He seems to be saying something to a new player, looking at the id, it seems to be called "Fishing Guy"?
Is "Long Sky" also bringing Meng Xin?
"Master Bujie" looked at "Shui Zhengyinxin" next to him and said excitedly, "That is the great god "Long Sky", let's go over and say hello to him! "


"Shui Zhengyinxin" was immediately happy.

After saying hello, Lin Fan stared blankly at the extremely familiar id.

"You also came to "Breaking Dawn"?"

"Shui Zhengyin Xin" smiled and said, "Yes."

Lin Fan smiled, "Let's add a friend, besides, I look forward to fighting with you!"

"Shui Zhengyinxin": "Okay, I added you. In addition, I also look forward to fighting with you!"

"Master of No Precepts" was taken aback, his eyes straightened.

"Long sky" knows this little cute new?

What the hell!

 PS: Thank you for the reward from the leader of "Taro Huihui", I am flattered, ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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