After becoming a god, I became the dog planner in the mouth of the players

Chapter 210 Detonating the Internet 【Subscription】

Chapter 210 Detonating the Internet 【Subscription】

After bidding farewell to "Master of Unstoppable Discipline", the new player "Shui Zhengyin Xin" began to do task upgrades alone.

Quests are now scarcer compared to when the server was just launched.

Often, for a task, it is not an exaggeration to squeeze one's head and blood, it is simply not an exaggeration!

This made many players feel like they were looking for a job in the real world
However, there is no discomfort, but it feels very interesting.

Because, the vast majority of players here are actually young people who have not stepped into society yet.

For such things as finding a job, there is a kind of "yearning".

This is a besieged city. The working social animals miss their time on campus, while the students who are still in school are eager to escape from the campus early.

This unusually real "job hunting" experience has allowed many players who are still in school to experience the joy of "role-playing".

Even the "community animals" who participated in the work felt pretty good.


Able to see the progress bar!
In addition, working part-time in the real world is for survival, but "part-time work" in this game is a proper life.

And the industry you work in is different from reality.

Let them have a fresh feeling of contacting new fields, even more "cross-border".

And the most important thing is that the feeling of upgrading is so cool, it is not just the moment of upgrading is very exciting, but the whole level of life leaps.

In the beginning, various bodily functions were similar to those on Earth, that is, the level of normal human beings.

But after the upgrade, it felt a bit inhuman.

It seems that by doing tasks and earning experience, the evolution of life has been realized, step by step, step by step, and move towards the extraordinary!
Every player is always enjoying it, and even started to roll up spontaneously!

"Water Fighting for Music Heart" is very shocking.

It really feels like I have come to a different world, and then gained superpowers through "practice".

It's really hard to imagine what kind of technical skills are needed to present the upgraded experience and happiness so realistically and vividly.

"Shui Zhengyinxin" suddenly understood why the "broken dutiful son" on the Internet was so arrogant, or why he had such a sense of superiority.

Perhaps it is true as they said, there are only two games in this world, one is called "Breaking Dawn" and the other is called... other games!

The more in-depth the experience, the stronger this superior "sense of superiority".

Even he, an old fritter who has read countless games, suddenly found the joy of playing games again at this time.

The eyes of "Water Zhengyinxin" are shining brightly.

He felt that the heart that was beating because of the game was back again!

He's going to blow it up!

In the city, on the road, and in the wilderness, "Shui Zhengyin Xin" saw many "Gaowan" with elves floating around.

According to his understanding, in the game "Dawn", elves can hide.

According to the "Master of No Precepts", the place where the elves rest is called the heart world!

The mind world seems to be the key to the evolution of elves!


These elf envoys are showing off their little elves, but that's what they do!
Looking at those contracting elves, even "Shui Zhengyinxin" can't live up to it.

The server of the second test is launched, and these newbies are happy.


For these "veteran players", it is also very happy.

After all, every old player has a new heart!

To put it simply, it is pretense!
Along the way, "Shui Zhengyinxin" has seen many old players, and gradually "lost themselves" amidst the praises of "big bosses" and "big gods" from Mengxin.

As for the "elf", if you haven't really integrated into this world, maybe you really don't feel anything.

After all, in many worlds of fantasy and magic, the existence of "elves" and "goblins" can almost be seen.

Not to mention, there are a large number of "beast royal" and "pet" games.

It is not such a new element to have a floating "little pet" by your side.


The more you integrate into the world of "Breaking Dawn", the more you understand the concept of the four words "Contracting Elf"!
According to the speed at which he gained experience today, it would take at least three months for him to successfully contract an elf.

Thinking of this, "Shui Zhengyin Xin" couldn't help frowning.

This is too slow!
It seems that we still have to find a way to participate in the war book.

It seems that the battle on the front line will soon have a new action!

It seems that he has to raise the level as soon as possible!
At this moment, there was a burst of exclamation in the ear.

Following the prestige, one can see an elf envoy showing off his skills not far away.

I saw him running fast, as if he was walking against the wind, and then quickly jumped onto the river.

Just when everyone thought he was going to become a drowned chicken, he suddenly stepped into the air.

Accompanied by an air explosion, he suddenly jumped up again.

Then, it was a performance of floating on the water.

Like many newcomers around, "Shui Zhengyinxin" also looks a little absent-minded.

Is the whole job light work?

As a Chinese, who doesn't have a dream of lightness kung fu?
Even though he has experienced leaping, gliding, and stepping into the air in countless worlds, he has never been so eager to become an elf envoy as he is at this moment!


This world is so real that he really thought that realizing a dream here is equivalent to realizing a dream in reality!
There is nothing to say, let's explode!

time flies.

In the next half day, "Shui Zhengyinxin" successively became a cleaner, a bartender, a food delivery person, a delivery guy, and a bodyguard.

At night, "Shui Zhengyin Xin" has been upgraded to level 4.

Compared with when the server was opened, the strength at this time is even more different.

When "Master of Non-discipline" knew that "Shui Zhengyin Xin" had been upgraded to level 4, he was stunned.

Should it be said that the boss is worthy of being a boss?

The speed of this upgrade is too fast!

After some simple greetings, "Shui Zhengyin Xin" ate a quick snack in a hurry.

It is a specialty of Dawn City!

The portion of meat is very small, and there is a strong and almost ineffable strange smell.

Not only in meat, but also in some vegetable soups.

"Shui Zhengyin Xin" knows that this is the rich taste of the sap of the Laval tree!

In this regard, "Shui Zheng Yin Xin" is also quite emotional.

The more you get in touch with, the more you can feel the almost ubiquitous influence of players on this world!
In addition to food, the most typical ones also belong to clothing and cultural appropriation.

The two-dimensional culture that young people like, as well as a lot of Chinese culture, are blooming everywhere in this world.

Just like clothing, as the motherland grows stronger and young people become more confident, ancient costumes are also revived.

In the real world, perhaps because various conditions do not allow it, or simply because it is inconvenient, ancient costumes are not so common yet.


In this world, ancient costumes from all dynasties and generations are blooming everywhere.

Especially because of the fighting with cold weapons, this Dawn City really has the flavor of the world!

Even he couldn't help being moved, and planned to make a Hanfu for himself when he turned around.

What's more, there are still many aborigines who can now greet them in broken Chinese.

"Water Fighting for Music Heart" shocked.

Planning this wave is really well done, it really has the flavor of "everyone in another world is speaking Chinese"
He doesn't care whether it's classic or not, he just loves this one!
time flies.

When "Water Zhengyinxin" came back to his senses, the Sun Tower in Dawn City was about to turn off its lights.

And he was reminded by the system to get ready to go offline a quarter of an hour ago.

After looking at the familiar bulkhead of the game cabin at home, "Shui Zhengyin Xin" couldn't help but breathe out the fragrance!

At this moment, he suddenly understood why the first test players picked up their bowls to eat and put down their bowls to scold their mothers.

The management of "Breaking Dawn" is indeed the most capricious, worst and most inappropriate management in history, just as the netizens commented!

Where is the operation to force the players to go offline so early?

Isn't this just crazy work through the technological revolution? !
After simply washing his face, "Shui Zhengyin Xin" still hasn't come out from "Breaking Dawn".

What's more, my mind is full of everything in "Breaking Dawn"!
"Shui Zhengyinxin" couldn't hold it back, and then dived into the virtual cabin again, and then started surfing the Internet.

As soon as I searched for the content of "Breaking Dawn", it suddenly blossomed in full bloom!
But the first thing that caught his eyes was a long article of high praise.

It was posted about a quarter of an hour ago, but the number of likes has exceeded [-].

Good guy!
This heat is really amazing!

When I opened the title, I found it was exactly that—I admit that I am out of touch, and I take back all the previous negative comments about "Breaking Dawn".

Is this Heizilu turning into a fan?

"Shui Zhengyinxin" suddenly became curious.

"This is "Ink Blue and White". I used to be a game blogger. I haven't updated it in the past two months. It can be regarded as the return of missing persons."

Following the brush strokes, "Shui Zheng Yin Xin" gradually learned about the grievances between "Ink and Blue Flowers" and "Breaking Dawn".

Just as he guessed, this is really a story of a sunspot turning into a fan.

Watching and watching, "Shui Zhengyinxin"'s memories of this incident also emerged little by little.

The e-sports circle is not small, but it is not big.

As one of the few "e-sports stars" in "Oath", "Shui Zhengyinxin" naturally cannot not pay attention to major events that may shake the status of "Oath".

Even because of this turmoil, the online word-of-mouth of Paradise, the operating company of "The Pledge", collapsed, and it was known as "Executive Paradise".

Even today, the most popular stalks on the Internet are still similar to "A friend of mine asked me how to become an executive at Paradise Network".

Undoubtedly, with the spread of this "small essay", Paradise Network will definitely lie down again.

After eloquence, "Ink Blue and White" wrote in simple and powerful words——

""Breaking Dawn" is definitely a cross-century work. Everyone knows that it is good and is a technological revolution, but if you don't experience it yourself, you may never really understand how good it is."

"Because the reality and fantasy of the game itself has surpassed all my fantasies about completely stealth games."

Below the blog post, there are a series of follow-up posts, and even all of them are writing "it's because I'm out of shape".

It has once again shown everyone that the essence of human beings is a repeater!

Unlike "It's because I'm out of shape", the most frequently used comments are all comments like "envy", "crying bitterly" and "but that's it".

Most of these are those who failed to draw the invitation code!
After reading this highly praised post, "Shui Zhengyin Xin" still feels a little unsatisfactory.

Then I read other posts one after another!
The content is similar, basically they are all praising "Breaking Dawn".

Some praise the truth, some praise the rigor, some post food, and some dazzle the scenery. What's more, there are stamp collecting parties, special shows and group photos between various celebrities.

As for the most outrageous, it is all kinds of fancy tricks.

for example.

Those crazy face pinches!
Crazy to death, all kinds of testing the bottom line of female NPCs, the result is naturally a hammer!
There are even various detectives, for example, crazy analysis of the relationship network between NPCs
For example, a player named "Jinjiang Thief" found a "female sea queen" named Hansen Lillian among the aborigines in just one day.

What's even more damaging is that he even took a picture of this Neptune's unique skill of serving water, which is almost a live broadcast to show how the top Neptune shows off his tea art!
After being discovered by the Queen of the Sea, the "Jinjiang Thieves" backhanded a sell-out teammate, and directly sold their close friends and relatives "a word is a prophecy".

All the netizens who watched it called him a good guy!
It's a loss, but netizens are very happy to watch it.

Although it is only a small episode of the female sea queen's "fish farming", a more real "Dawn" world is displayed in front of everyone.

Even "Water Struggles for Music Heart" is also enjoyable to watch!

To be honest, it really has to be you, "Deep Pot Technology"!
That's right, to this day, the once tall Shenguo Technology has become a "deep pot technology" in the mouths of netizens.

The longest road in the world is the routine of Deep Pot Technology.

The blackest pot in the world is the black pot of Shenguo Technology.

Ridicule is ridicule, but it can also be seen that netizens love Shenguo Technology and "Breaking Dawn"!

This is the reality. When a game is well-established in the hearts of the people, even the production company behind the game will become "cute".

If it has been very deeply rooted in the hearts of the people, it will even gradually develop a feeling of "worship".

Time is like the fine sand in the fingers, slipping through the fingers unconsciously.

One comment after another, it seems that every time I see a comment, there is one more "dao friend".

"Shui Zhengyinxin" almost forgot how long he hadn't been like this now, his mind was full of a game.

Looking at it, the smile on his face grew more and more.

There is a lot of content, even he has brushed it before.


After entering "Breaking Dawn" to experience it in person, the feeling of reading these comments is completely different.

for example.

Help the vegetable chicken anchor "Fever 105°" complete a great cause.

In the past, he didn't have much emotion, but now he has completely gotten the coolness of this meme.

I also understand why everyone is so ridiculous!

In the world of "Breaking Dawn", the "great cause" is so difficult to complete.

It seems that there are some great achievements, but also an abnormal underworld.

Except for a few top players, in fact, the vast majority of players failed to get Albert.


This does not prevent them from "ridiculing" the chicken host "fever 105°" together!
Next is the "Fever Diary" series of "Fever 105°".

Out of curiosity, "Shui Zhengyinxin" couldn't help but click on the video, and then began to watch it.

"Hi everyone, I am the anchor of "Fever 105°" who has not accomplished any great achievements so far. Welcome to the 95th issue of "Fever Diary". "

"Your vegetable chicken anchor in this issue has contacted all the great achievements of the entire network, and summarized all the great achievements. I hope everyone can help you complete the great achievements."

Kill first, don't kill one person, break the defense of the whole city with one sentence.
Along with watching, "Shui Zhengyin Xin" couldn't help laughing.

Some of these great achievements are indeed very hellish, but they are not without rules to follow.

In essence, it is almost the same as achievement!

However, it is very particular about "first righteousness".

It stands to reason that it shouldn't be that difficult!
Like "Backstab of Justice", because of successive successful assassinations of bosses, he has already achieved several great achievements.

I just don’t know why the idea of ​​“Fever 105°” is so bad, and I still haven’t got any great achievements so far.

After reading this issue of popular science, "Water Struggles for Music Heart" completely understands the meaning of Weiye.

Perhaps his fine bow and arrow will fall on Weiye.

I have to say that the "Fever Diary" made by "Fever 105°" is indeed very helpful to these newcomers.

Then, he started watching videos from previous episodes of "Fever Diary".

"Hello, everyone. This is the so-called chicken anchor "Fever 105°". In this issue, I will bring you a plot deduction and some speculation about the future direction of the world of "Breaking Dawn". I hope it can be helpful to everyone. "

"First of all, let's go back to the scene when the double-heaven battle ended."

The screen switched, but I saw the images of stone blocks appearing one after another on the last double sky layer.

Especially when Shidunzi is displayed on the front, "Fever 105°" can even take screenshots, zoom in, and pause for several seconds.

"Look, everyone, don't these stone pier statues look like stone statues that haven't been carefully carved?"

"Fever 105°" finished, and then put an enlarged picture of a stone pier again.

Such an association is really a bit similar!
In the video, "fever 105°" talked about it with eloquence.

"Stone statue, whose stone statue is it? You don't need to think about it, everyone can guess that this may be the stone statue of His Majesty the God King!"

"As for why the stone statue was buried in the double-heaven layer as the formation foundation, everyone follow me to watch this video."

The screen switched, but it was the scene where the big formation on the stone pier was launched again, turning the world upside down, and the river flowing directly to the present world.

After that, Rhodes played the song of the wind, the fortress group moved out, and the snow-covered forest melted into various scenes.

"There is no doubt that this large formation of stone piers is the folding of space, which directly transfers the Styx, which contains vast energy, to the present world."

"As everyone may know, the present world has actually been filling the Tower of the Sun with the core of darkness to maintain the consumption of the Tower of the Sun."


"Fever 105°" shows everyone a piece of information written in the original language of Dawn Capital, as well as his carefully translated text.

The "Shui Zhengyin Xin" who watched it directly called it a good guy!
These up masters are really terrifying, they even translated the background information written in the game text created by "Deep Pot Technology".

But what I have to admit is that after this operation, the credibility has been greatly enhanced.

"Through these materials, we can also know that the world and the underworld have been competing for energy, and the world has been at a disadvantage these years."

"The underworld eats slowly through mouths like the double heavens, but it almost swallows the present world completely. But this time our battle is the first time to break the situation where the mermaid meat can only be swallowed repeatedly in the present world."

"The energy returns later, and the map expands for this reason."

"Follow-up, if you want to complete the great cause, maybe it will fall on this point!"

"As for these stone statues, why are they all stone piers that have not been carefully carved, but it reminds me of the story of 'finishing the finishing touch'. Once they are fully carved, perhaps these stone piers can exert unexpected effects!"

"I predict that I will put it here first. If I win, netizens will remember to come and scoop me up in the future!"

In the follow-up, "Daybreak Diary" made some plot clues, and I couldn't help but think about it after watching "Water Fighting for Sound".

He is a technical player, and he doesn't particularly like to dig deep into the background of the story.


Looking at the interpretation of "Fever 105°", the world of "Breaking Dawn" really becomes more and more interesting the more you look at it!

It is still necessary to upgrade the level as soon as possible. It is not enough to be eligible to participate in the next war, at least it can play its due role!
"Shui Zhengyinxin" suddenly found that after reading these online comments and feedback, not only did he not let go of his thoughts on "Breaking Dawn", but it made him even more unable to help but want to return to that world.

And he's not the only one!
Throughout the entire network, the discussion on "Breaking Dawn" has grown exponentially!
Especially after Hong Ange, the gourmet project director of Fangcun Huanyu Technology, posted a post on his personal account, he completely pushed the topic to a new peak.

for a while.

"Breaking Dawn" once again detonated the entire Internet!
(End of this chapter)

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