After becoming a god, I became the dog planner in the mouth of the players

Chapter 218 All sentient beings see me 【Subscription】

Chapter 218 All sentient beings see me 【Subscription】

Unlike the story played by "Double Carp" which is biased towards reincarnation of fate, the story played by "Sky" is more inclined to loneliness!

"Cat abuser Schrödinger" found the sharing of "Long Sky", and the first sentence that caught his eyes was impressively——When I thought I was omnipotent, no one needed me, and when everyone needed me, I But nothing can be done.

It was still the same nine paintings, and the first one was still the small half of parchment in the erosion land.

The writing on it is full of potholes!
"Genius always inadvertently inflicts harm on ordinary people."

"Just like ordinary people don't understand the world of geniuses, neither do geniuses understand the world of ordinary people."

"These are two worlds destined not to meet!"

At this angle of filming in "The Sky", the opening sentence is a bit rambling, but it is clear that the genius Carter was hit.

As a genius, he also has his own troubles.
for example.

Always inadvertently hurt a friend.

for example.

As I walked, I was the only one left on the road.

Maybe it was because I was walking too fast, or maybe the people behind me took the initiative to slow down.

Soon, the perspective switched to the second shooting point.

The second shooting location is also in a tidal flat, full of mud.

Obviously, a genius like Carter also has moments when he gets stuck in the mud.

However, in the picture, Carter sealed and threw away all his study materials.

"I'm a human being again."

"I decided not to touch the puppet anymore, because there are people I don't want to hurt anymore."

"It is easier for me to change the track, so I decided to take the reel production route, hoping that history will not repeat itself again."

After killing waves of mobs, we came to the third shooting point.

This is an extremely rough wood carving, but in Carter's world, it has a different interpretation.

"History, after all, repeats itself. Geniuses always unintentionally inflict harm on ordinary people!"

"Did Doge decide to take the puppet instead?"

"Dog is the strongest person I have ever met. He may be able to accompany me to the end. I am very happy."

"I saw Xibel, and her eyes were always on Doge."

Fourth shot antique, as always a very fine puppet part.

"Dogg did it beautifully, he's really talented."

"He decided to use puppet technology to make a life-sized puppet for Xibel. I am very envious."

"I can already make a puppet the same size as Xibel, but she never seems to have expected this from me."

"I can do a lot, but no one seems to expect me to do anything."

"On the scroll road, it seems that I am the only one left."

The fifth shooting point.

The thundering circle of divine punishment.

"Dogg seems to have found the puppet I once made."

"History seems to be repeating itself again."

"I seem to inadvertently hurt Doge again."

"But this puppet is sealed well. He probably doesn't necessarily know that this puppet is from my handwriting."

"The relationship between Doug and Xibel is really good."

Then, there is the sixth photo spot, the abyss of emptiness.

A gift box, a letterhead.

"Doge seems to know that it was my work, so he sealed it."


"Shebel didn't seem to know, she took out the work again and gave it to Doge as a birthday present."

"Fate, people's hearts can't understand, it's hard to read."

At the seventh shooting point, the style of painting has changed.

It was a feather, a feather that symbolized the status and power of the great elder.

"Carter, you are a peerless genius. If it is you, you will definitely lead us out of the predicament."

"That's right, if it's Carter, you can definitely do it."

"At the coronation, everyone was staring at the feather on top of my head, even Siebel."

"It seems that wearing this feather makes everything different."

"In the past, my talent and talent always inadvertently hurt one after another people I didn't want to hurt."


"After wearing this feather, my gifts and talents seem to be needed by everyone."

"Is this what everyone needs?"

"Being crowned the 'big boss' seems to be the beginning of my new life. I decided to use my ability to bring happiness to everyone!"

"Maybe I can also be like Doge, and I can tell Xibel openly and honestly to make a 'life-sized doll' that she is looking forward to."

Then, came the eighth shooting point.

Antique for a teacup.

In the picture after shooting, it is the three young people Carter, Doug, and Hibel drinking tea together.

It seems that the years are quiet.

"Doge asked me, what can't a genius like me do?"

I was silent.

"Because, as a genius like me, there are really too many things I can't do."

"Once, I couldn't do it without inadvertently hurting others."

"Now, I can't meet everyone's expectations!"

"I know that everyone is expecting me to stop the world from sinking. They believe in my ability, because I am... a genius!"


"After actually wearing this feather, I realized that I am just an ordinary genius!"

"Scroll, I can't design a big scroll that can kill the endless monsters;"

"Puppet, I can't design a puppet that can perfectly carry our thoughts."

"I know that many people are looking forward to making dolls that can perfectly carry our thoughts."

"At that time, perhaps even if the world sinks, the last wisdom and civilization of Dawn City may still survive."

"Unfortunately, I can't design it!"

"People's hearts, I can't respond to everyone's expectations, and I can't stop everyone's loss";
"The most important thing is, I will never be able to read Xibel's heart!"

"Obviously everyone says that women need to rely on attraction, but why is it that I have done my best, but she still doesn't see me in her eyes?"

Seeing this, "Schrödinger, the cat abuser", couldn't help being stunned.

Sure enough, as "Long Sky" said, Carter's perspective is really indescribably lonely!

When he thought he was a peerless genius, he always hurt ordinary people unintentionally. He hoped that he would not be such a genius.


When he thought he could do anything he wanted, no one seemed to have expected his talent.

And when everyone needed his talent, and he was eager to respond to everyone's expectations with his own talent, he discovered that he was actually not as talented as everyone imagined.

He can't meet anyone's expectations!
Terrible capitalization!

Why is this happening?
"Cat abuser Schrödinger" feels a little incomprehensible.

It doesn't even feel like Carter's story is representative.
Are there really geniuses in the world who suffer because they are too "excellent"?

As soon as he had this idea, he was denied by another idea.

Because, he once heard a saying that a genius is always lonely!
When he questioned whether someone was suffering because he was too good, it just showed that he was not good enough.

In other words, as a mortal, he doesn't understand the world of geniuses!

But if he had a choice, he still hoped to be a genius, not just a handful of ordinary people!
He remembered that in Xibel's story, Carter seemed to be one of the "two wings" she thought. Why did Carter think that Xibel had never seen him?
It was because Siebel knew that Carter didn't need much of her attention.


Carter is a genius, able to do what he wants?
wry smile!

Then there is the ninth shooting point.

Still, as always, a very crude puppet.

The words are still the same.

"Is this mechanical dog the work of senior Doge when he was 16 years old? It's [-] times better than mine. Senior Doge is simply a peerless genius like a puppet."


From Doge's perspective, the artistic conception of this last story is completely different.

In the blog post, "Long Sky" shared his final feelings.

"Carter's story ended early, but I think Carter's story is far from over. Just like this last puppet, the spotted leopard made by Carter is obviously more exquisite, but beginners don't have any expectations for the spotted leopard."

"Because that's a peak that they can't reach, and it's not what they need now."

"And when they started to need Carter's abilities, geniuses like Carter couldn't come up with dolls that could meet their needs."

"So, in this last photo spot, there is only the dog-like puppet left by Doge, but Carter's puppet is not there, because it is something that Carter can't get out."

"Fate is always such a trick!"

After watching the last sharing of "Long Sky", "Schrödinger, the cat abuser", couldn't help but feel a little sadness in his heart.

Carter's story is really strange!

So, what kind of story is this?

If you can't get what you want, all living beings suffer?

"Cat abuser Schrödinger" couldn't help scrolling down the comment area, and sure enough, many netizens gave their own different opinions.

"Tears, half a step ahead is a pioneer, one step ahead is a martyr."

"I agree with half. The above sentence can only explain the first half of Carter's life. All the misfortunes in the second half of his life are essentially due to his lack of genius."

"Agreed. This story may tell us that as long as there is a need, we are destined to get it. The tragedy of the first half of Carter's life stemmed from his desire for friendship, love, and understanding; the tragedy of the second half of his life stemmed from his attempt to save world."

"Don't you tell us that lack of strength is the source of all tragedies?"

"Dog's tragedy stems from his lack of strength, because his talent is far inferior to Carter's; Hibel's tragedy, it seems that she knows too much, but in essence she knows that the sky will fall, but there is nothing to do about it Turning the sky away; Carter's tragedy seems to be a trick of fate, but in the early stage, he failed to handle interpersonal relationships, which is essentially a lack of emotional intelligence, and in the later stage, he tried to save the world in vain, and the root cause is still lack of ability."

Seeing this comment, "Schrödinger, the cat abuser", couldn't help being slightly taken aback.

The feeling is indeed a sharp sense!

But it always feels like there is something wrong, and these three stories lose all beauty in an instant!

Continuing to look down, he found that there is almost no difference between liking and dislike of this comment.

The feeling of approval is penetrating, while the feeling of opposition is too one-sided and cold.

It's like Carter always inadvertently hurt mortals in the early stage. How can this be simply attributed to Carter's low EQ?
Isn't that the reason for those who were hurt?

You think you can't compare with people who do well in the exam, but you can't ask people who can get [-] points in the exam to follow you to get [-] points in the exam, right?
It's like a person who is not handsome enough and feels that he has lost in appearance. You can't ask a beauty to disfigure you, right?

"Schrödinger, the cat abuser" suddenly felt that it seemed reasonable to explain it from this perspective.

Carter's early tragedy can't be simply attributed to his low EQ!

Followed by a new high praise comment.

"This may be a story that tells us how happy it is to lie flat! dog"

Although this comment was absurd, it did make everyone subconsciously laugh.

On the other hand, the root of all their suffering may be too motivated!
The root of Doge's pain is that he hopes to stand side by side with Carter, or surpass Carter;
The root of Xibel's pain lies in her powerlessness, but in essence she hopes to do something.

That's why Siebel was so excited when he saw Doug change the track and give himself another chance.

What is entrusted to Doug is actually Hiber's own vision.

Dog gave her a reason to give herself another chance!

The root of Carter's pain lies in his longing for approval.

In other words, Carter has always hoped that someone will agree with him and need him.


In the first half of his life, everyone looked up to him, and there was no need for him.

For the rest of his life, everyone needs him.

But this "need" does not need Carter in essence, what they need is the "Carter" they think in their hearts.

That carter genius is omnipotent
But that Carter was not Carter himself.

But Carter hopes that he can become the Carter that everyone expects.
of course.

This comment is also very biased, it does not fully cover the lives of the three, and it only tramples on a lot.

But no matter what, with the three long articles put together, everyone also said that the public is right and the woman is right about the story told in this "Picking Shells from the Wild Sea" activity.

It can only be said that there are a thousand Hamlets for a thousand readers!

Just when "Schrödinger, the cat abuser" thought this was the whole story, he discovered that a fourth story appeared in the circle of friends soon.

It is still the same nine pictures, but the way of interpretation is different, and the artistic conception conveyed is completely different again.

And in this story, the first picture is——

"I know I'm going to die one day."

In the second picture, he buried everything of his friends in the tidal flat.

"I buried my friend today, will someone bury me tomorrow?"

Just like Tang Monk learning scriptures from the west, they came to the third archaeological site.

The story of this archaeological site is——

The frequency of monsters attacking the city became more and more frequent, and he felt that he was one step closer to death.

The fourth archaeological site is a very bad puppet.

It was her birthday, and he used all his savings to buy her an ugly puppet toy, the only thing he could do.

It was the only one he could afford!
The fifth archaeological site.

He was very happy to pick up a very exquisite puppet by accident, and his daughter might like it.


He was very worried when he picked up this exquisite puppet toy, but there was a ruined wall!

Then there is the circle of scourge.

The thunderbolt from the blue sky was that the daughter and his wife both died, and died of the monster attacking the city.

It was no different from the countless deaths he had seen before.

The only difference is that this time it was his wife and daughter who died!

The sixth archaeological site, an abyss of emptiness and tranquility.

The man decided to seal up all the belongings of his daughter and wife, just like he buried his former friends, but he accidentally read the letter written by his daughter.

happy birthday dad.

The man burst into tears!

The seventh archaeological site, a feather.

The peerless genius Carter is crowned as the new boss, supported by the super genius Doug and the daughter of the former boss, Hibel.

There must be hope in Dawn City.

Is there really any hope?
The eighth archaeological site.

A teacup.

He died in battle, and the comrades who buried him paid homage to him with tea instead of wine.

The ninth archaeological site.

That ugly puppet.

Through archaeology, later generations unearthed a funeral object from his grave—the ugly funeral object he once bought for his daughter.

The archaeological team felt that it was very valuable, because it contained part of the craftsmanship of dog-style puppets many years ago.

With dog puppets restored, they will surely save Dawn!
After reading "Schrödinger, the cat abuser", I couldn't help being stunned.

What the hell!

Is this a civilian perspective?

There is no romance, no regrets, love and hate, but only cold life and death.

Also, the last archaeological team is from Dawn City?
Does this explain why Dawn City retains the craft of dog puppet making?
"Cat abuser Schrödinger" once again felt the indescribable emotion
(End of this chapter)

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