After becoming a god, I became the dog planner in the mouth of the players

Chapter 219 Planning to teach me to play the game series

Chapter 219 Planning to teach me to play the game series

a thousand reader with a thousand hamurate!

As more and more players in the circle of friends share the stories they unlocked by taking pictures, many players found that there are also nine shooting spots, but the stories they tell are completely different.

What's more, the stories they read are also very representative of themselves, and they can all resonate very strongly.

As a result, this not-so-new text puzzle activity began to step out of the circle step by step.

Then, another player discovered that after receiving the item "Dog Flying Puppet", the activity of "Picking Shells from the Wild Sea" officially entered a new stage.

The shooting spots have been opened up in a large area!
However, some of the "shells" in the barren sea are obvious and some are hidden, requiring players to find and explore.

The harder the "shell" to find, the richer the reward.

So far, players have completely unlocked the real gameplay of this "Picking Shells from the Wild Sea" event.

This is a very typical "check-in" and "stamp collection" type of gameplay!

In the "barren sea" on the 54th floor of the Tower of the Sun, which is close to the environment of the rumen layer, "shells" may be everywhere, the key is how you find them.

Especially with the distribution of a prop book similar to the "Shell Story Collection", players keenly discovered that this story collection is essentially a "check-in coordinate book".

Every shooting point in the book is basically a key check-in location.

As long as you pass, go to the designated place to shoot the designated antique, and then you can unlock the story and get rewards.

As for the key, it is still the planning of the route and time.

There are check-in points on some "story collections", and it is really difficult to go up or down.


Players will never lack patience and creativity!

No matter how difficult it is to check in, he can still find a way to get there.

After it was posted on the Internet, many players who were stuck with the same task called it awesome.

The voices of calling "666" and "worshiping the boss" made the players more and more motivated!

It can only be said that "pretentiousness" will never be out of date!
In fact, not only the players, but also a large number of aborigines have come to experience it with the deepening of the activity of "Picking Shells from the Wild Sea".

Unlike the players, the aborigines of Dawn City have a completely different state of mind when they read these unlocked stories one by one.

Like Martina, deputy captain, the first thing she thought of was the fall of Dawn City.

For the players, the shells in the "Desolate Sea" carry the "story".

And for them, what these "shells" carry is history!

It is empathy, the resonance of the death of the rabbit and the sorrow of the fox!

In fact, before the return of His Majesty the God King, how similar was the situation in Dawn City and Dawn City?
She is like Carter, like the "savior" chosen by all eyes.


She is just an ordinary genius, not a real god!

How can it really meet everyone's expectations?
The Dawn Capital after she took over, strictly speaking, has entered the stage of slow death.

Just like Carter after she came to power, she drew her sword and looked around in a daze, and she couldn't find any way to save the world.

Just as the scrolls and puppets created by Carter could not stop the world from sinking, the artificial elves in their Dawn City could only drink poison to quench their thirst.

And those expeditions are just "rough puppets" that the elf envoys who are just getting started are envious.

For the underachievers who have just stepped into the road of elf envoys, everyone in the expedition team is "the genius Doge who carved a masterpiece puppet at the age of 16".

As for the real "professional", not to mention Doug's puppet, even a genius like her "Martina" is just Carter who can't produce the doll that everyone expects.

Like, it's so similar!

The only difference is that Dawn City is far luckier than Dawn City.

They waited until the return of His Majesty the God King!

Similar to Martina, there are many civilian fighters playing.

The stories they read have more or less different perspectives.

But most of them quickly found some shadows of themselves from the tragic victims in Dawn City, and they were very grateful while empathizing with them.

In troubled times, human life is worthless!
He has a clearer understanding of the dangers of Dawn City and the joy of surviving the hardships.

for a while.

The entire Dawn City is like taking a "thinking and repairing" class that empathizes with others, and their thoughts are unprecedentedly unified and united.

"Club" guild.

"Fishing Guy" is more Buddhist, unlike other bosses who can't wait to collect all the stories. He just unlocked the stories of the nine pictures, so he doesn't bother to worry about it.

Even so, I still can't help but marvel at the rapid progress of the times.

If he hadn't been lucky enough to be a player of "Breaking Dawn", his memory of the game might still be a few epochs ago.

Who would have thought that the game world could be designed to be almost the same as reality?

It's really old!

However, with this young body, it also gave him a chance to refuse to accept his old age.

Especially holding the spear in his hand gave him a feeling of ushering in a new life.

That's right!

"Fishing Guy" chose the spear profession.

The gun is the king of a hundred soldiers!

He has practiced martial arts since he was a child, and as the owner of the martial arts gym, no one understands the value of guns better than him!
The only pity is that his current level is too low, and he still can't set foot in the field that his son set foot in.

At this moment, "Fishing Guy" suddenly heard a burst of hearty laughter.

It is the "Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Young"!

"It's confirmed, the barren sea on the 54th floor of the Tower of the Sun is a map that is almost 100% reduced and restored from the rumen layer."

Hearing the words of "Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Cub", the entire "Club" guild couldn't help being ecstatic.

The longer you have been in contact with "Crouching Dragon and Phoenix", the more you will be amazed at his genius.

His brain is like a scanner.

For maps and directions, it is even more sensitive than ever!
"The brick family suggested that I pay to go to work": "I can't complain, should I say it's official? One map for two purposes. This is just laziness!"

"Fever 105°" said with a smile, "To be more precise, it is another series of games that the official taught us to play. After this event, especially the coordinates of 'Shell Stories', when we download the book again, no matter where we are in the rumen layer , there is absolutely no problem in accurately locating it at the first time!"

When everyone in the "club" heard it, it was really the case.

Simple is simple, but the mood is inexplicably subtle. They are despised by the official Chiguoguo!

Tell them all the players almost naked, look, without our guidance, you can't even determine a position.

Lin Fan smiled.

Even he feels very fresh!
That's why the "Breaking Dawn" official dared to be so capricious, mocking all players so openly.

The point is that they really have no way to refute it. Before the "Shell Stories Collection" appeared, the teams of their major guilds actually rushed in to explore the rumen layer.


Basically, they all failed!

Until now, the world mission "The Dawn Brought by the Thirteen Demon Soldiers" is still nailed in their task list like a nail household, which is proof.

The officials gave them a chance, but they were useless!

"Fever 105°" eyes lit up.

"Yes, let's do this in the next issue of "Fever Diary", accuse the old 6 of the big deep pot on the Internet, and we have to look at our big deep pot when it comes to ridicule. When the wild sea picks up shells, it is simply shining Taunting all the players. This can be tolerated!"

When everyone heard this, they all burst into laughter.

After laughing, at the same time, I can't help feeling a little bit emotional.

He deserves his success!

"Fever 105°" is looking for video material all the time!

Even Lin Fan couldn't help but sigh, "Fever 105°" has gone farther and farther on the road of "Breaking Dawn" blogger, and even he couldn't help feeling happy for him.

Lin Fan: "Actually, the core is the official teaching us how to play games. Think about it, after collecting shells from the wild sea, when everyone encounters a piece of parchment again, they can't help but want to take a picture!"

After Lin Fan finished speaking, everyone immediately laughed.

Even the sunset player "Fishing Guy" can't help feeling the same way!

He couldn't help but think of a game he played when he was young. After the official broke the jars to open the treasure chest, whenever he encountered jars in the future, he couldn't help but smash them.

But most of the time, I feel lonely.

I have to say that it was completely manipulated by the officials!


Players actually don't hate this way!
After seeing similar videos on the Internet, I will smile knowingly, and even seem to have found an organization.

And the happiness of the players is sometimes so simple and simple!
"Fisherman" laughed, "It's not just a parchment? In the future, whenever you encounter a parchment, a rotten wooden box, a wood carving, or a teacup, you may not be able to resist taking a photo. In the real world, you may not be able to resist One shot!"

"Fever 105°" eyes lit up again.

This is also a proper video material!
The theme is called. Aftermath of Dawn?Dawn sickness?
"Crouching dragon and phoenix chick" said thoughtfully, "Perhaps the core gameplay of the real rumen layer is archaeological photography. The purpose is probably to tell the story of Dawn City in this way, or simply the story of the old man!"

Everyone nodded.

They still agree with the analysis of "Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Young".

Perhaps, this is also the core reason why the official specially distributed props "past camera" to them.

For the youngest elder in history named "Carter", everyone has slowly sketched a relatively complete portrait of him.

Young, talented, and good at puppet making!
Through the story of the Demon Drinking Knife, players also completed a new puzzle about the elder Carter.

Carter seems to have created "thirteen magic soldiers", and relied on these thirteen magic soldiers to carry out a conspiracy.

And this is the world mission "Dawn Brought by Thirteen Demon Soldiers"!
Thinking of this, the players couldn't help but feel a little impatient.

Before the event "Picking Shells from the Wild Sea", Da Lao was just a "cold" mysterious person to them.

He initiated a "Magic Soldiers" project. What's terrifying is that the materials for these magical soldiers were all the most outstanding talents in Dawn City at that time.

The elders may take their loyalty or their talent
However, everyone agreed and cooperated with the boss willingly.

The general feeling that the big boss gave everyone was cold and mysterious!
Now with the story of "Picking Shells from the Wild Sea", everyone is more curious and wants to know how Carter became so ruthless step by step.

You know, Carter in Picking Up Shells in the Wild Sea is a genius who is so gentle that if he inadvertently hurts people around him, he will feel sad and blame himself.

"Come on, I can't wait for a second for the follow-up story of Picking up Shells from the Wild Sea!"

"Cat abuser Schrödinger" jumped up immediately, planning to continue to follow the show!

For this follow-up "plot", he is still very, very looking forward to it.

It is really the story of "Filling Shells in the Wild Sea", especially the perspective of Doge, which gave him too many emotions.

As a genius who is not so talented, he can actually empathize with Doge more.

On the eve of the activity of collecting shells in the wild sea, he was in unprecedented confusion and frustration.

In the "Club", the top god-level player circle, "Long Sky" is a master, "Fever 105°" is a genius blogger, and "Crouching Dragon Phoenix" is a genius plus second generation.
Only he can't find his position, and he doesn't know what he will do in the future.
Especially when he failed to practice the "Water and Fire Movement" again, the unprecedented frustration almost overwhelmed him.

You must know that "Water and Fire Movement", "Sky" can be used with great proficiency.

It really deduces what is called. You can do it with your hands!

"Schrödinger the cat abuser" was almost swallowed by endless inferiority complex, and then he met "Dog" and his story just in time.

Doge's sentence "Seeing the scroll drawings that Carter drew casually, I know that I will never be able to compare with him in this life, even though I have studied scrolls for more than three years", directly poked the softest part of his heart.

Almost didn't make him cry!
So that later, he empathized with Doge in various ways.

It's like "The world that only licks dogs and hurts is done", it's about Doug, but it's more about myself.

And after fully understanding the stories from the four perspectives, "Schrödinger the cat abuser" felt deeply.

After the game, he even secretly checked other players' comments on him.

"Cat abuser Schrödinger" was surprised to find that many people really call him a great god!

This is not a casual compliment from the players, but a lot of players really think so, and some even use the video of him fighting monsters as a teaching video!

Obviously he is a "mediocre" who can't even use the "Water and Fire Movement" well.
Seeing those players who thought he was also a "Great God", "Schrödinger the cat abuser" suddenly understood.

Probably those players watched the video of his show operation, just like in the story of Duoge, many latecomers were amazed when they saw the work of Duoge when he was 16 years old!
Seeing Dogge's puppet at the age of 16, those latecomers were astonished, thinking that Senior Dogge was a peerless genius, and his 16-year-old works were a hundred times better than their creations.

The same reason.

Those players who think that his operation is miraculous probably have the same mentality.

He, "Schrödinger the cat abuser", is also the great god in the eyes of other players!
Even though he knew that he might never be able to reach the height that a real master like "Long Sky" can reach casually!


This may be the height he can reach!

As long as he does what he does at this height. He can also shine!

If he can leave behind a shining "puppet" that can be seen by younger generations like Doge, his life may be worth it.

"Cat abuser Schrödinger" was walking, shining on his body, but he didn't realize it!
"Long Sky", "Fever 105°", "Bricks suggested I pay to go to work", "Fishing Guy", and many "club" players all looked at him in surprise.

What's the situation?

Why is "Schrödinger the cat abuser" so dazzling at this moment?
But at this moment, beside "Schrödinger the cat abuser", his pact elf suddenly floated out.

Also under the horrified eyes of "Schrödinger the cat abuser", this elf transformed and evolved little by little.

The spirit is the evidence of the heart!
"Cat abuser Schrödinger" Is this...enlightened? !

What the hell!

All the players in the "club" were dumbfounded.

An expert is actually by my side?
Afterwards, all the players in the server received an official server announcement at the same time.

[The player "Cat Slayer Schrödinger" has a clear mind and successfully aroused a strong resonance with the contracting elves, thus achieving evolution, and leaping from the elf to the big elf. 】

[The upper limit of personal level is open to level 60, and the elf favorability system is open. When the favorability reaches level 10, the background story of the elves can be unlocked. 】

[Congratulations to the player "Schrödinger the cat abuser" who became the first player in the whole server to cultivate the contracted elf to the big elf, completed the great achievement "Elf Breeder", and obtained the permanent achievement "Elf Breeder". 】

[Reward a silver-level weapon 'Log Carving Knife' and 10 Saint Quartz.]

Hearing the system announcement for the entire server, all the players were dumbfounded at the same time.

What the hell!

Does this work too?
As for the "fever of 105°", I feel that the injury is serious.
The agreed-upon crane tail, but the guy "Schrödinger the cat abuser" has accomplished a great deed without making a sound!
That is a great cause!

Doesn't that mean that he and the "expert suggested that I pay to work" are the only veterans of the "club" guild, and they haven't accomplished any great things yet? !

"Fever 105°" wants to cry but has no tears!
When will he complete a great cause? !
As for the players from other guilds, they were even more dumbfounded at this time.

Everyone played "Picking Shells from the Wild Sea", why did you suddenly soar into the sky?
When Dapeng rises with the same wind, the clown is actually myself!

(End of this chapter)

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