Chapter 238 Ranch

Realm layer.

Earl of Darkness.

The Great Commander of the Old Demon stood respectfully in front of the Earl of Darkness, and said, "Thank you, Lord Earl, for giving this subordinate the opportunity to soak in the pool of dark blood!"

Also respectful and grateful, there are three other newly promoted commanders.

The Earl of Darkness sat on the Skull Throne, accepting the worship of everyone, and then looked at the newly promoted commanders and said, "In my Earl of Darkness, with my Earl of Darkness, there are four great commanders of Earth, Water, Wind and Fire. Earth, water, wind, and fire respectively hold a kind of authority."

Several newly promoted commanders knelt down to show their loyalty.

"Thank you Earl for your kindness, please give me a name!"

The Earl of Darkness nodded in satisfaction.

With a wave of his hand, three streaks of pitch-black smoke slowly emerged, and then continued to converge, finally turning into three skulls, but the light that emerged from the eye sockets of the skulls was different.

One is fire, a blazing fire of red and white;

One is water, black and blue dark water;

One is the wind, the bone-scraping wind as pale as a knife.
The Great Commander of the Old Demon watched all this without squinting, but his heart was full of pity.

The personality and authority are still there, but the three old friends are no longer seen.

"Thank you Earl for your kindness."

After the three newly promoted commanders saluted respectfully, the three skulls got into the bodies of the three newly promoted commanders.

Afterwards, the elemental power on the bodies of the three great commanders began to change rapidly.

From the original elemental force that belonged to them with their own strong life marks, it gradually transformed into an exceptionally pure elemental force of water, wind, and fire.

The transformation process was a bit painful, and there were constant howls, but it was successfully completed in the end.

The Earl of Darkness nodded in satisfaction.

"From today onwards, you are the new Water Demon Commander, Wind Demon Commander, and Fire Demon Commander!"

"As ordered."

The Earl of Darkness nodded in satisfaction, and then let the three newly promoted commanders leave.

The Earl of Darkness looked at the only surviving Lord of the Earth Demons and asked, "How is the order to retreat into the City of Darkness implemented as the combat forces in the Earl's Land have shrunk?"

The Great Commander of the Old Demon said with embarrassment, "The situation, my subordinates have truthfully informed many viscounts and barons, but less than [-]% of the subordinates who are willing to retreat and move into the Dark City with their elites are ineffective. Please punish the Lord Earl! "

The Dark Earl sneered.

"Everyone is afraid that I will take away their foundation, no matter what. After all, I need someone to help me weigh the weight of the enemy in this world!"

Before the Great Commander of the Old Demons soaked in the pool of dark blood, he knew that the Earl of Darkness was unfathomable.

With one move, darkness enveloped and everything perishes.

This time, thanks to the generous gift of the earl, he soaked in the dark blood pool again, breaking a path leading to the earl's personality.

He thought he could see the Earl's back, but found that the Earl seemed to be farther away from him.

Because of this, his awe and love for the Earl deepened.

He couldn't help but said, "Such a contraction of power...does even the unfathomable Earl fear the power that comes from this world?"

The Earl of Darkness: "That power belongs to the unknown. Since it is an unknown power, how dare I say victory?"

The Great Commander of the Old Demon couldn't help but said, "... But it involves... an unspeakable existence?"

The Earl of Darkness suddenly smiled strangely, "Who knows? If it really involves that kind of existence, even if we are dead, it is also a kind of honor. Since it is an unspeakable existence, it must be dealt with by the unspeakable existence!"

The Great Commander of the Old Demon hesitated to speak, for a moment he didn't know what to say.

As one of the earliest subordinates who followed the Earl, he witnessed with his own eyes how the Earl of Darkness was established from scratch little by little, and how it got to where it is today step by step.

The Earl of Darkness, and perhaps the entire Realm layer, is a manifestation of the ambition of the underworld.

It represents a great attempt to unite the three realms of the underworld!
Facts have proved that it is very successful and very unsuccessful!
It was very successful because the real world layer grew from scratch and became rich little by little, and the Dark Counties became prosperous because of this.

It's a failure, and it's true.

Since the establishment of the Earl of Darkness, the level of civilization is still very low.

There are hardly many people who are both civil and military like the former water demon commander, An Fitzgerald.

To this day, even if it is the civilization heritage of the swallowed Dawn City, it still has not digested much.

The most preferred artwork of the demons is still cast with the body of a high-level elf envoy in this world.

As for various buildings, it is also customary to use various bones as materials.

As for farming, this is still very, very primitive, almost still in the most primitive collection stage.

You must know that in Dawn City, civilization has seriously regressed after a long night.

But the agricultural level is still very high!
Even if the Earlland taught them how to farm again and again, it still didn't have much effect.


do not like!
Compared with farming, they prefer to kill and devour each other.

Especially when the source power of the underworld is enough to keep them alive, the demons have even less desire to cultivate and create.

Not only that, the few who like farming, are good at farming, learn knowledge, and oppose the existence of barbaric devouring have become an alternative among them.

The Great Commander of the Old Demon: "Dare to ask the Earl, what should this Earl do in the future?"

The Earl of Darkness smiled pitifully.

"The tide ebbs and flows. Our Dark Counties, and even the entire Realm Realm, rise due to the tide. If the tide recedes, it is nothing serious to perish. Perhaps, as a witness, witness the next era The Rise and Fall of the Rise and Fall is not bad!"

The old devil's commander had a heavy heart.

This means that the Earl already has the intention of giving up his foundation!
Is it true that the existence in this world has returned?
The Great Commander of the Old Demon immediately knelt down and expressed his loyalty, "I wish to follow the Earl forever!"

The Earl of Darkness: "Very good, the war has not yet come, let's make all preparations, maybe we scare ourselves, maybe it's just the last details of this world!"


The Great Commander of the Old Demon left.

The Earl of Darkness looked at the back of the Great Commander of the Old Demon and smiled pitifully.

He doesn't believe in loyalty!

He only believed in strength. Although the Great Commander of the Old Demon broke the road to the earl's status because of the dark blood pool, he only got through.

On this road, he is just a newbie!

at the same time.

The Great Commander of the Old Demon who walked out of the earl's mansion turned his head to look at the mansion made of countless bones, his gaze was dim for a moment.

Now that he is already on the road, it is impossible for him to be a novice all the time.

The Earl has gone farther and earlier than him on this road, but he may not always have the chance to catch up.

The only thing that makes him afraid is how high, how urgent, and how fast this wave is!
Not long after the Great Commander of the Old Demon walked out of the mansion, he saw the second generation of the three Great Commanders of Water, Wind and Fire who were waiting for him.

"I have met the Great Commander of the Earth Demon, and I have prepared Yangyuan blood wine in the mansion, as well as delicious appetizers. I don't know if the Commander of the Earth Demon can appreciate it."

The three newly promoted Grand Commanders looked at the Old Demon Grand Commander expectantly and obsequiously.

The Great Commander of the Old Demon waved his hand, "The war is important, let's forget about drinking or something, don't bring the bad habits of the world into our underworld!"

The second generation of the Fire Demon Commander laughed, "Commander, in my territory, there are a lot of white, tender and fat blood food, all of which are fat, tender and delicious, and the taste is not worse than the ones caught in this world."

The second generation of the water demon commander, "There are also in my territory, they are all carefully selected, and many of them have been carefully raised for more than ten years, and the taste is just right"

The Great Commander of the Old Demon swallowed his saliva, and carefully raised it for more than ten years, it is a top-quality product.

It must be delicious!
Seeing that the Great Commander of the Earth Demon was a little moved, the second generation of the Commander of the Fengmo quickly added, "Please rest assured, the Commander of the Earth Demon, the blood food prepared by our territory is not only the fattest, but also the appearance is carefully selected. Pay attention to the taste and taste, and ensure that the commander is satisfied with you!"

The Old Demon Commander was hungry.

Even the appearance is carefully selected, it is definitely the best of the best.

No matter what cooking method, the taste will not be too bad.

However, in the end he refused.

The more you know, the more you understand how terrifying the new wave is!
The Great Commander of the Old Demon: "Forget about the banquet or something, let's eat it after we win the victory, and prepare for the battle with all our strength. The fortresses and fortresses, especially the 'Two Worlds Pass' at the exit of the rumen layer, must be guarded especially well."

The three newly-promoted commanders of water, fire, and wind repeatedly claimed yes.

Looking at the back of the Great Commander of the Old Demon, the eyes of the three newly promoted Grand Commanders couldn't help flickering.

How precious is the Dark Blood Pond, this time it was opened as soon as it was said to be open, and they were temporarily granted the title of Water, Fire, and Wind.

Reminiscent of the Lord Earl's order to shrink the power and move the core strength of the viscount and baron into the dark city.
The hearts of the three newly promoted commanders suddenly felt heavy.

The second generation of the Fengmo Grand Commander: "Can you see how big the gap is in strength between us and the Earth Demon Grand Commander?"

The second generation of the water demon commander shook his head.

"It can only be said that he is unfathomable. After all, he has soaked in the blood pool twice. If we are at the foot of the mountain, he may already be standing on the top of the mountain."

The top of the mountain!
The great commanders of the old demons are all on the top of the mountain, so where is the Earl of Darkness?
Above the sky?

But no matter what, the appearance of the three new commanders still made the already turbulent dark earldom even more turbulent.

Many viscounts and barons who don't want to move their cores to the Dark City have sent cronies to bribe them!
As for the bribed items—

The nature with the highest value is the ranch!

The larger the area and the higher the degree of freedom in the pasture, the higher the value.

It seems that there are some super large ranches, and there are even tribes living in them.

If it weren't for the high wall on the edge of the pasture, I really thought I had arrived in the present world.

Like the "One-eyed Viscount" who is best at running ranches, the ranch he runs is in order, and even the fields are in order.

It was him himself, and he was even worshiped as a god by the high-level officials in the ranch.

What they do every year, the most important thing is to select the most handsome and beautiful ones of the right age, and treat them as tributes to the gods.

Like the one-eyed Viscount, who marries several brides almost every year
Those "brides" were really well-dressed.

And every time this kind of bride is produced, it can fetch a sky-high price!
But this time, in order to bribe, the One-eyed Viscount temporarily announced that he would marry several wives at the same time.

time flies.

The entire Dark Earldom of the Realm Realm is full of undercurrents and turbulent currents, with various connections in it.

scouting around for news;
In order to resist the decree, they spread rumors everywhere, saying that the Earl of Darkness wanted to annex their property;
It doesn't matter, those who cry and wipe away tears but have to carry out industrial relocation;
Keenly sensed the danger, voluntarily gave up all kinds of industrial interests, and moved to the dark city at a fast pace
for a while.

There are all kinds of beings, so lively!

rumen layer.

Many players are busy, and the entire rumen layer has become a huge construction site.

You can see players digging mountains and prying rocks everywhere!

As for the Real Realm spies who hunted lone players everywhere, they are gradually decreasing now.


The "warriors" of the real world who dared to pack and take away solo players with sealing scrolls have basically become martyrs now.

Even if the lone player was careless for a moment and let the spy among the monsters get his hands on it, but in the blink of an eye, he stabbed the player's hornet's nest.

In less than half an hour, many players who received the news will come one after another to save their comrades!
Players may be very hurt -

for example.

After opening the prison, the first thing I did was not to save people, but to take a photo and post it on Moments.

Or, pick up all kinds of torture tools, and give a wave to your comrades first in front of those monsters.

After all, it is not easy for comrades-in-arms to be captured, and it is even more artistic. These top ten tortures in the real world cannot be missing or missing.

Isn't it a pity that something is missing?
After all the enjoyment, maybe you can accomplish a great cause?

For example, "Fever 105°" specifically asked "Long Sky" to persuade "Fishing Guy" to cooperate with him in making a video of the top ten tortures in the real world.

This is an important punishment material for "Breaking Dawn"!
That scene was a thrill!

But no matter how you play or how much you lose, any player who is alone and hard to catch can always trust his comrades.

In no more than half an hour, waves of players will descend from the sky with flying puppets to save them.

Do not abandon, do not give up!
Although the club is dead, it is true to be moved!
Especially after learning that those scouts would catch lone players, there were even players who pretended to be alone and walked alone.

It's a pity that after carrying out several nests of spies, those monsters have become more and more cunning, so that fishing players often "air force".

time flies.

Players and these spies and agents compete with each other and calculate each other.

Let many players who like spies and wits play endlessly!

And people like "Master of Bujie" and "Mo Hancheng" plan to take revenge directly.

To be caught by spies, what a shame!
After some discussion, "Mo Hancheng" joined forces with the dark players of "Elegant Alliance", sneaking into the real world while taking advantage of the huge chaos caused by the moment the puppet sword was activated.

At critical moments, dark players like the "Elegant Alliance" can regard him as a captive of the seal, and sneak into the real world all the way in the name of escort.

This plan was completely unfeasible!

They can't play with the scroll that can be sealed and packed!

Things like scrolls are originally portable and easy to cast magic, which is very convenient.

It is not easy to make, nor is it easy to store, but it is quite easy to use and display.


This easy is actually relative!
Just like the world and the underworld, in order to prevent each other's scroll weapons from falling into the hands of the other party and then being used by the other party in turn, the process of making the scrolls uses the mysterious "lock text".

As for the activation key, it is even more varied.

Some are fingerprints, some are special source power, some are simply the power of dark water, and some are special passwords.

But what the "Elegant Alliance" guild never expected was that "Mo Hancheng" had completely memorized the activation key that sealed his scroll.

After finding similar scrolls from the loot, with the help of activation fingerprints and passwords, he actually activated them.

Not only did he successfully seal the "Master of Unforgiven", but he also won the great cause and title of "Ace Agent".

Does this work too?
The players of "Elegant Alliance" were speechless.

This memory is too scary, right? !

Are newbies monsters?
The feeling of "Master of No Precepts" is particularly profound.

When I was with Mengxin, I met "Shui Zhengyin Xin" who was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger. In a short time, he broke the ancient curse of burying demons!

Let bow players rise directly!
Now there is even a saying of "self-explosive bow". Before shooting the enchanted arrow, it is the first to activate the magic burial curse, which can instantly deal nuclear explosion damage.

Let the output of the bow players upgrade to the T0 level in one fell swoop.

Now I meet another freak who only reads it once and remembers the secret key to activate the scroll
Compared with these freaks, I always feel like a waste.

time flies.

With the unremitting efforts of many players, all kinds of materials for making magic soil have finally come together.

It was manufactured bit by bit according to the formula, and then filled according to the system prompts.

for a while.

The key nodes of a huge magic circle that spans the entire rumen layer are replenished bit by bit.

When the final special magic circle was completed, the thunder in the scourge circle on the rumen layer began to become active like never before.

(End of this chapter)

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