Chapter 239

It can be seen that the entire rumen layer sprang out from time to time with electric sparks.

Especially the stray lightning bolts that the players spent a lot of effort to collect materials and fill in the patterns are even more eye-catching.

world channel.

The presidents repeatedly calibrated the value of the contraction and expansion of the rumen layer.

"45, 75, 35, 84"

Along with the observation and fine-tuning, the players and the aborigines were very surprised to find that even after electrification, affected by the special electromagnetic environment, the value of the expansion and contraction of the rumen layer is not much different from that left by Carter back then.

The more I know, the more I admire Carter's talent.

world channel.

"The numbers are fine-tuned, and we are starting to prepare for activating the puppet sword. Everyone returns to the small tea bowl immediately."

"Repeat: Everyone immediately started returning the small tea bowls."

"Repeat: Everyone immediately started returning the small tea bowls."

Along with repeating over and over again, the players who were scattered around the rumen layer to check the patterns and spirits of various places, drove the dog-style flying puppets back one after another.

time flies.

It can be seen that dog-like flying puppets are like fighter planes, one after another, flying back from the small tea bowl in all directions, and then landed on the platform of the small tea bowl in an orderly manner.

As for the platform of the small tea bowl, there is an incomparably huge magic array.

The players who landed one after another, and even the aborigines who arrived early, all stood on the nodes of a pattern.

In a short time, the entire small teacup was densely packed with human beings and warriors!
Deputy head Martina slowly pulled out the knight sword from her waist, and all the aboriginal fighters and players also slowly drew out their weapons.

"Looking at the starry sky, the eternal night is long; looking at the feet, the abyss opens its mouth. There is no light in front, and no way out in the back. In this dark night, the elder Carter planted a sword, using the entire Dawn City as the hilt, and hundreds of years of time As a sword-sharpening stone, ask the boundless earth with the "comrades" countless years from now as a swordsman, can the sword be unsheathed?"


After the first knight shouted, then raised the sword in his hand, and wantonly released his own breath and elemental power in this large formation, this place is like a domino card that has been overturned.

Knight Mark Spencer raised the weapon in his hand, and the elemental power and aura that belonged to him suddenly released.


The knight Olina Beatrice raised the knight sword in her hand, released her elemental power and aura with all her strength, and shouted at the same time.


Followed by Theodore Joel, Fred Deli, Mona, Xavier, Irene.



After the aboriginal knights, there were the presidents of the players' guilds and the elf envoys who had contracted elves.





As the elf envoys successively released their own elemental power, key nodes in the entire formation were lit up one by one.

Then, the entire formation was fully activated.

Those players and aborigines who are not yet elves and cannot mobilize elemental power can feel the blood in their bodies start to boil at the same time.

At this moment, their will was unprecedentedly sublimated, and their thinking and perception seemed to be magnified countless times.


Players who haven't signed an elf contract yet can't release elemental power, but they still have combat skills and the fighting spirit that soars into the sky!

Pi Yin~~~
Along with the first light of sword skills rising into the sky, successive lights of fighting skills rose into the sky one after another.

From a bird's-eye view, the lights of these combat skills are like the tail flames of the "planetary engines" in the movie Wandering Earth.

But although it looks small, when 12000 planetary engines work together, they can move the entire earth.

In the huge formation of the small tea bowl, although the sword energy and sword light released by a single player are faint, but when they come together, it is an earth-shattering sword.

After the blessing of the small tea bowl pattern, the sword light of many elemental powers and combat skills suddenly gathered together, and then turned into a beam of light, piercing directly into the core of the circle of divine punishment.

After the beam of light pierced into the core of the heart, lightning bursts of lightning flashed in the core of the circle of divine punishment in an instant.

In an instant, the whole world seemed to become quiet.

But immediately, it bottomed out and rebounded. The circle of divine punishment, which was already extremely active and would become even more active due to intense emotions, was completely revived.

At this moment, all the players and aborigines standing at the nodes of the small tea bowl pattern, but the voices of "unsheathing" sounded one after another in their minds at the same time.

It was not their voices, but the voices of the dead gathered here in Dawn City.





If we talk about the unsheathing of players and aborigines, it is an overwhelming landslide and tsunami.

Then the voices of the victims of the entire Dawn City echoed one after another, but they have been accumulated for an unknown number of years from hundreds of years to the present.

It's desire, it's anger, it's hatred, it's the final decision!

Due to the effect of the huge magic pattern, all the players shared the same heart, but they suddenly understood why the scourge circle would explode as soon as they sensed intense emotions.


Those thunderbolts are the aggregate of the unwilling hearts of all the victims in Dawn City!
That unwillingness, that hatred, that regret, and that pain are like that bitter wine sealed in a cellar, the more it ages, the more delicious it becomes.





Accompanied by a louder and more spectacular whistling sound, the endless thunder that had been accumulated for an unknown number of years in the circle of divine punishment suddenly erupted.

But it was like a sun exploding. After the endless brilliance, there were light waves that violently radiated in all directions.

And no matter where these light waves spread, they will be directly stained with endless thunder.

And these thunderbolts are like melted water from snow-capped mountains, and the last bit of them converges on the spirit lines that the players repaired and described in advance.

However, the soil for repairing the formation lines was made according to the unique formula left by Carter, but it transformed into a dry riverbed in an instant, and began to frantically swallow the lightning.

Afterwards, all these special pattern lines were lit up.

Then there is a picture similar to a "cutscene"!

Whether it was the players or the aboriginal fighters, Qi Qi saw that the entire rumen layer seemed to wake up from a deep sleep.

The "food scraps" in all parts of the rumen layer began to be pulled by the thunder and the magic array, and began to gather and move in an orderly manner.

Afterwards, everyone watched as the tidal flat wetland, the ember-silent corridor, the abyss of emptiness, the small tea bowl and other core places, the missing parts were gradually completed.

Although it is still very rough, and there is even a huge "blank space", a huge "doll" that is slowly standing up slowly has an outline.

At this moment, everyone felt an unprecedented shock!

This puppet is really too big, just like the indomitable Pangu!

It seems to be swinging a huge ax to open up the world!
And at this moment, in the depths of the Abyss of Void Tranquility, a magic sword was pulled by the thunder, and flew out from the depths of the Abyss of Void Tranquility.

Everyone heard a sword chant!
I even saw that the dust, rust, and even the traces of time on the sword body were peeling off little by little during the flight of the sword.

Little by little, it becomes bright and bright, as if a little bit of polishing has become a brand new sword.

Everyone is familiar with this sword.


When Doge launched the coup back then, he used this sword to pierce Carter's body, and then sealed all of Carter's flesh and soul in the magic sword.

Players speculated at the time that Carter might not be dead and went behind the scenes.

It's just that Carter was never seen again in the follow-up!
It's just that they didn't expect that when they activated the puppet sword, they saw the sealing sword again.

I saw that the golden lines on the sealing sword were peeled off and washed away little by little during the flight.

Immediately, Carter's phantom, which was completely sealed into the sealed sword, came out little by little from the sealed sword.

That is a very special state!
The stripped Lingluo Jinsha seemed to be the flesh and blood of his body, and it looked golden, like the boundless starry sky!

Carter, who has reappeared, is in a very, very unique state.

"Heroes who don't know how many years later, thank you for helping me pull out this sword. Thank you so much!"

Everyone was stunned.

As the strands of golden sand drifted past, the players understood Carter's state little by little.

As long as it is not a god, even a sage or a great sage cannot defeat time and age!
In fact, Carter was already dead the moment he was sealed by Doge, not to mention how many years of invasion he had experienced.

Now all he has left is the obsession to cut out this sword and sound the clarion call to counterattack the real world.

As for the sentence just now, it was set up early. Similar to the preset program!

the present.

Seeing this, Rhodes, who was sitting upright in the Palace of the Gods, waved his sleeves lightly, but a ray of spiritual light went straight to the underworld, shining on Carter's remaining consciousness.

Afterwards, all the players saw at the same time that there was a sudden divine light on Carter's remaining body of obsession.

Under the baptism and repair of this divine light, Carter was only left with the obsession with the preset "program", but he recovered the state of the year very briefly.

Little by little, Carter remembered who he was and why he existed.
Or because of His Majesty's action, the player and all the aborigines seem to have experienced the process of Carter's obsession to regain himself bit by bit.

In a short period of time, the players seem to have seen countless lights and shadows of Carter's life.

It was full of Carter, Hiber, and Doug.
Although everyone is not completely unfamiliar with these scenes, but following Carter to regain the lost "memory pictures" bit by bit, it is unprecedented. Touching!

time flies.

Either for a moment, or for a lifetime.

Carter, who had only a trace of obsession left, finally regained himself.

of course.

In the process of regaining himself, he also gradually understood why he regained himself.

Instinctively, he made a big gift in the direction of Dawn City.

Then, all he could see were the players and the aboriginal fighters standing in the center of the formation, holding up the sword in their hands, emitting ten thousand rays of light.

In an instant, there was light in the corner of Carter's eyes.

He seemed about to cry, but in his current state, it was impossible to cry after all!


All the players and the aborigines felt Carter's state of mind, and they all knew that Carter was in tears.

However, it was not tears of sadness but tears of emotion and tears of excitement!

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

Carter bowed and saluted, and all the players were excited.

Although it was inconvenient to return the gift with high weapons, the players and the aborigines clenched their fists with their left hands in tacit understanding and smashed them hard to the heart.

"Carter is so old!"

After Carter made a big salute, he made a big salute to the circle of divine punishment that seemed to be beating like a heart.

Where is the unwilling heart of all the people in Shuguang City!
After saluting heavily, Carter, who was in an unusually special state, suddenly became extremely huge, like an "external scene".

Then it completely merged with the rumen layer doll!
If the body of the rumen-layer puppet was revived earlier, its soul is also revived now!
I saw that huge puppet suddenly raised the sword in its hand high, and then all the thunders in the divine punishment circle were revived in an instant.

Start to quickly pass through the array lines and spirit channels in various places, just like hundreds of rivers converging into the sea, gathering little by little.


The entire rumen layer is getting brighter and brighter.

In the eyes of the players and the aborigines, the sword of the rumen layer puppet was pulled out little by little.

The light became more and more blazing, except for the small tea bowl that was protected by high mountains on all sides, and the strong wind could not enter the thunder, the other "food residues" in the rumen layer were all annihilated in the endless thunder, and then turned into the purest energy of.

The "old stomach disease" that had accumulated in the rumen layer for many years seemed to be healed suddenly, and the entire space of the rumen layer became comfortable, and began to expand, contract, and move freely.

But this brilliant sword, which is getting brighter and more blazing, is gradually aiming at the "funnel" path that leads from the rumen layer to the real world layer.

at the same time.

Realm layer.

Two Realms Pass.

The second generation of the Fengmo Grand Commander, who hastily rushed here to inspect, is currently inspecting the giant gate of the Two Realms Pass.

At this time, he was speaking to the guards of the two realms stationed here.

"The Two Worlds Pass is the first and most important pass between the real world and the rumen layer. You have to guard it for me. If there is something wrong, be careful that the commander cuts off your heads to sacrifice the flag!"

"Yes, yes, the Commander-in-Chief instructed!"

Several generals stationed at Liangjie Pass all the year round smiled and greeted them at the same time.

Although they couldn't understand the arrogance of Commander Feng Mo, after all, it was the "boss" who came to inspect, so they naturally had to do their best.

of course.

It's true to be more dedicated, but it's also true to be less concerned!

There is only one narrow and long passage to pass through these two gates, and the exit is their two gates.

The three parties are surrounded by the natural fortress, which is a huge pocket formation, and there are countless formations.
Want to break the barrier between their two realms. This kind of person hasn't been born yet!

At this moment, the entire Two Realms Pass suddenly felt a lot of vibrations.

On the city wall of the pass, there are a large number of stones, shaking and jumping non-stop.

The second generation of the Fengmo Commander, through the power of Fengyu, seems to have heard something.

But for a moment, he was not sure what the sound was.

But instinctively, the second generation of Fengmo Grand Commander felt an unprecedented chill!

In an instant, his spine felt icy cold.

He wanted to run away, but found in horror that his body seemed to be unable to move!
Afterwards, he saw endless white light coming from the "funnel tube" passage in front of the Two Realms Pass.

This white light came so quickly and so dazzlingly, it instantly engulfed the second generation of Fengmo Grand Commander.

Of course, what was also engulfed were the city walls of the Two Realms Gate and the numerous guards and monsters on the walls.
Everything was so silent, like the light of a flashlight, suddenly shining into the night, shooting out a beam of light, and then illuminating several monsters and a city wall.


The darkness covering these monsters disappeared, the shadows behind the monsters disappeared, and the city walls illuminated by the light also disappeared.
What also disappeared is the interior of the city wall, everything above this path of light!
The light goes on and on and on and on and on.
The places, things, and even everything that shined along the way disappeared.

at the same time.

The Earl of Darkness, who was sitting on the skeleton throne in the Earl of Darkness's mansion, stood up suddenly, and endless darkness filled his body instantly.

In an instant, the entire Earl's Mansion, and even the sky above the Earl's Mansion, all turned black.

The Earl of Darkness looked from a distance at the Two Worlds Pass, which was still countless distances away from him. Through the endless light, he saw the elder Carter, the huge puppet that gathered the strength of countless people, and even more so through the small teacup. , an array that brings together countless players and aboriginal fighters.

"Dawn City Carter!"

The Earl of Darkness never expected that after hundreds of years, he would see his "old friend" who had been away for so long again.

"It turned out to be your back-up!"

The Dark Earl was shocked.

But through the endless light on Carter's body, he saw the civilized cemetery, the tidal wetland, the ember corridor, the abyss of emptiness, the scourge circle, and the small tea bowl where the rumen layer had collapsed.

And these are the crucial "parts" of the sword of the rumen layer puppet!
After the destructive sword was cut out, these most critical parts were "overloaded" and burned.

At this moment, the Earl of Darkness saw through everything.

He never expected that Carter, who was forced by him and the real world like a bereaved dog, would leave behind such an incredible backhand.

What's even more incredible is that this backhand wasn't that strong at the time, but after years of "accumulating food" in the rumen layer, it became so strong after a little bit of brewing!

A stroke of genius!

The Earl of Darkness became more and more shocked as he thought about it.

However, they gradually understood the ingenuity of Carter's various layouts.

"The Corridor of Emerald Silence, the Land of Scourge where Thunder is endless, and the tidal flats and wetlands full of acid-etching solutions. You must have relied on these backhands to strangle my subordinates mercilessly!"

The Earl of Darkness laughed.

The unknown is the scariest thing, and suddenly understand that the power of this world is just the backhand of this former "old friend", not the return of the unspeakable existence in the legend.

The fear and terror in the Earl of Darkness were completely eliminated.

At this moment, the Earl of Darkness heard Carter's voice from across the air, "Earl of Darkness, do you dare to take my sword?"

The Dark Earl sneered.

"Struggling to the death, how much strength do you have left to break through my two realms with one sword? I am the Earl of Darkness, not a knight, let alone a knight. Do you think that things like fair battles and life-and-death duels are suitable for me? ?”

Carter: "Don't you dare to take the sword from me, a dead man? Earl of Darkness, you are still as timid as ever!"

The Earl of Darkness didn't take it seriously. Looking at Carter's body from a distance, the light that was constantly escaping strengthened his mind even more.

"I am a tyrant and a tyrant, the crude general, I will just sit and watch you die again!"

"It's so unique to be able to meet an old friend who died again after endless years!"

As the Earl of Darkness spoke, he asked the servants of the Earl's Mansion to bring the food and drink, and he toasted with Carter to drink.

With the collapse and disappearance of many key "parts", the light on Carter's body also dissipated little by little.

Like a candle in the darkness, it goes out little by little.

Carter seemed a little out of breath.

"Earl of Darkness, you coward!"

The Earl of Darkness drank a glass of wine comfortably, and even called dancers one after another to "play music and dance" immediately.

It seems that Carter will be pissed off, and he will play the scoundrel to the end!
What is the mere aggressive method?
Even if you give him a woman's clothes at this time, he will put it on with a smile
Unbeknownst to the Earl of Darkness, Carter, who was endlessly radiant, also smiled.

He loves to set up a game for the Earl of Darkness before he leaves. It's not bad!

The light on Carter's body became increasingly dimmer, and finally Carter broke away from the puppet body, revealing a soul body similar to a spirit body again.

All the players saw the difference in Carter's spirit body for the first time. They saw that the spirit body was constantly emitting shimmering particles, and it looked like the torch was about to burn out.

As if guessing what the players were going to shout, Carter smiled and made a "shh" gesture.

"I died hundreds of years ago, and now I'm just the remaining embers, not even a soul. You idiot, Earl of Darkness, don't know that His Majesty will return to you, please keep it a secret!"

Looking at Carter who was still smiling, the players suddenly felt endless sadness, and couldn't help but want to cry.

Carter laughed.

"Counterattacking the underworld was my greatest wish when I was alive, but I was in the river at the time. No matter how hard I struggled, I couldn't jump out of the river. Flowing into the sea is the fate of our river and all the creatures in the river."

"I'm in the middle of the river, but I'm able to drop a few stones on the river bank. I'm so proud!"

After Carter finished speaking, he laughed again.

He is in the middle of the Taotao River, but he can fall a few times on the bank. His life is worth it!

"I'm running out of time, and finally I'll explore the way for everyone!"

After Carter finished speaking, his body suddenly turned into light, but turned into a white rainbow, and began to fly to the real world layer.

On this day, over the bewildered real world, there was a white light with a long white tail.

Wherever he walked, he left a long "track"!
At the same time, it was the first time for the players and the aboriginal fighters to follow Carter's footsteps and get a bird's-eye view of the entire real world.

A city of darkness that is magnificent, magnificent and barbaric at the same time;
Primitive wilderness, full of moors and strange trees;

of course.

The most important thing is the pastures scattered everywhere!

Following the vision of the elder Carter, the players saw the "high walls" around the pastures.

I saw naked compatriots everywhere inside, they were "grazed" by monsters, driving them out in groups to look for food.

Of course, more are free-range!
That place is extremely primitive, it looks like small villages of primitive tribes, and occasionally you can see naked children running around.

They are male and female, and even have black hair growing on their bodies.
of course.

These are poorly managed ranches, and there are also very good ranches!
Inside the high walls, the level of civilization is even quite high.

There are "god statues" standing everywhere inside. Judging from the appearance of the god statues, they seem to be a one-eyed monster who is blind in one eye.

Among them, several high priests wearing animal skins and holding animal bone "magic tools" are dancing the witch dance wantonly.

And some of the witches were giving mass blessings to some very beautifully dressed women with wreaths on their heads.

After the high priest danced the sacrificial dance, he said sacredly, "My lord, you are the most holy, the savior who will continue our family. From today onwards, you will be the bride of my lord!"

in the crowd.

Several older women wept silently.

Outside the crowd of sacrifices, a young man was forcing his way into the wedding scene, but many adults pressed his head hard.

He struggled, but was pushed into the dirt.
The white light flashed across, and at the scene of offering sacrifices to the gods to get married, all the human beings looked up at the same time, staring at the white light in astonishment, and then knelt down and kowtowed, shouting that the miracle had come.

After a while, the white light flew away.

He flew over one pasture after another.
Everyone saw the scenes of grazing, shearing and slaughtering together!
In the end, only a tiny cluster of white light shrouded Carter's body remained, and he had to stop.

Carter looked back at the vast land of the real world, and cried, "My light is over, but this sky will soon usher in the dawn!"

Carter seemed to see all the players and aboriginal fighters from the air, and said firmly, ".Next, I'll leave it to you!"

The light on Carter's body was ignited bit by bit.

Carter regretted, "Sorry, I can't look at you again on my deathbed, Xibel, sorry!"

The last ray of light burned out, and the glow on Carter's body disappeared.

the present.

God's Palace.

Rhodes got up, and bowed heavily to the place where Carter disappeared from afar.

"You burnt out all the light, illuminated the entire night, but fell before the dawn. Carter, go all the way!"

Rhodes' words resounded in the hearts of all living monks, players and aboriginal fighters who were still fighting on the rumen floor.

the present.

In the entire Dawn City, everyone saluted in the direction where Carter disappeared.

The rumen layer, too.

Everyone is chanting.

Carter all the way well!
(End of this chapter)

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