Chapter 240 Qi Yue Wuyi 【Subscription】

The elder Carter passed away, and the Earl of Darkness couldn't help but sigh with emotion.

There is no doubt that this is a peerless genius!
A sword was planted countless years ago, and it will bloom and bear fruit hundreds of years later, helping the sword in this world break his barrier between the two worlds

That's all!
His hero, my enemy!
As the Earl of Darkness and the Lord of the True Realm, he would never allow his huge foundation to be destroyed like this!
It's just a pity that the commander of Fengmo was unlucky, and died in a muddleheaded manner, wasting the original blood in the dark blood pool for nothing.


The Earl of Darkness poured the Yangyuan blood wine in his hand on the ground casually, as a memorial to the old man Carter.

The rest, that is... war!

As long as it is not the return of the legendary indescribable existence, the Earl of Darkness is not afraid of any challenge.

The Earl of Darkness overlooked the entire territory, and his voice directly spread to the hearts of all the high-ranking generals and key elites.

"Beat the drums, order troops, and kill the enemy!"

The words of the Earl of Darkness were like decrees, imprinted into the hearts of every demon in the Earl of Darkness.

In an instant, the eyes of all the demons turned red with blood.

It was as if the primitive blood hidden in the body was awakened little by little, and the hairs on the bodies of many demons, which had been degraded and sparse, grew out one by one, like tough and thick iron wires.

Along with the hair growth, there are also devil's horns, devil's teeth, and devil's tail.

They roared at the sky in unison, so that the sky of the real world, the already extremely bewildered moon, became more and more strange.

Later, this bewildered moon gradually transformed into a blood moon!
Under the light of the blood moon, the magic lines that had been hidden on the bodies of these demons revived and emerged little by little.

The stern temperament above the bodies of these demons is soaring in the air, and everyone is extremely excited!
The Earl of Darkness watched all this, and couldn't help showing a cruel smile on his face.

The real world layer is the embodiment of the ambition of the underworld!
The great attempt to unify the three worlds by replacing the present world with the underworld is itself a testing ground.

In order to fully digest and absorb the achievements of civilization in this world, most of the demon people deliberately suppressed the demon blood in their bodies.

Many even intentionally appear as humans!
But as it turns out, not liking is not liking.

Even if you wear the appearance of a human being, not loving childbirth is still not loving childbirth.

The Earl of Darkness also wanted to give up countless times, reawakening the true nature of the demons under his command.

But in the end, I suppressed this idea for various reasons!

The real world is a testing ground, but it is not the testing ground of his Dark Earl.

It's all right now, the generals of this world have come in, and they don't have to be afraid of anything anymore!
The Earl of Darkness said lightly, "Kill them all!"

"Kill them all!"

"Kill them all!"

"Kill them all!"

The sound of shouting and killing was like a landslide and tsunami. Everywhere inside the "Ranch", there were men and women who were naked or even naked, looking at the blood moon in the sky and shivering.

A few sentries poked their heads out of the soil hole quietly, like a groundhog.

Alert, smart, smart.

rumen layer.

There is only a thin layer left, like a flat boat, a small teacup floating alone in the empty rumen layer.

Many players stared blankly at the glowing dots that appeared in front of them.

That means interactivity!
I saw the legacy of the elder Carter written impressively on it!

[A node of the puppet sword array left by the elder Carter is given to every warrior who draws his sword together. This node of the array may have a special magical effect. 】

[Remarks: After taking away this map node, the Xiaochawan Basin will collapse and disintegrate. Please evacuate all personnel stationed on the Xiaochawan Basin as soon as possible within an hour. 】

The players were stunned.

The system prompt means that this array node is useful to them, but it will collapse within half an hour if the small tea bowl is taken away.

In other words, the last trace left by the old man Carter on the rumen layer will disappear completely with them taking Carter's inheritance?
The players scolded directly.

"Another day of inappropriateness for the dog's plan!"


"Hey, I was directly killed by the knife. I don't want this inheritance, and everyone doesn't want it either!"

"Yes, let's stop taking them!"


Many emotional players have expressed that they don't want this inheritance, and they want to leave the last trace left by Carter on the rumen layer.

Unfortunately, players are a complex group after all, and it is impossible to truly achieve complete unity of opinion.

As early as when they appealed not to take this inheritance, someone had already taken their share of the inheritance.

The small teacup began to tremble, split, and disintegrate.

Many emotional players directly opened the map cannon.

The player who took the inheritance at first endured it, but was annoyed by the scolding later, and directly yelled and scolded back.

"Why can't I take the inheritance left to me by the elder Carter? You are so strong, you don't want the inheritance left by your parents after death?"

This opening will poke a hornet's nest.

Almost caused a war between the two sides!

In the end, it was Martina, the deputy head, who stood up.

"I know that everyone is very sad about the death of the elder Carter. The purpose of not receiving the inheritance is to leave this relic to commemorate the memory of the elder Carter."

"However, everyone, think about it carefully, why did Boss Carter go to great lengths to leave us an inheritance? Is he trying to let us guard these inheritances?"


"The boss always hopes that we can make good use of these inheritances, attack the underworld more smoothly, and save more compatriots."

The scene was silent, filled with sadness.

Whether it is an emotional or a rational player, it is sad at this time!

"Heroes, the old man finally turned into light and illuminated the underworld for us. I think everyone has seen the pasture everywhere."

"They are all our compatriots, but they are kept in captivity like animals, most of them don't even have a veil of shame"

"Martina, the deputy head of the Knights Templar, implore all the brave men to receive this inheritance, and then bring their lost compatriots back with Carter's last wish!"

Deputy head Martina bowed heavily.

In the minds of many players, they recalled those men and women who were naked
The beauty of chapter clothes is called Hua, and the great etiquette is called Xia.

Since human beings have learned to be ashamed, as long as possible, they will not let themselves be ashamed without a piece of cloth
As the remnant party after the subjugation of the country and the world, they have already lost everything, even the last trace of dignity disappeared with the loss of the last fig leaf.

The players couldn't help but think of Carter's last sad and crying expression.

Seeing that the compatriots in Dawn City have fallen to this point, the old man Carter must be feeling extremely painful in his heart!
It's a pity that he is not even a soul body, and he can't even cry!

"I have received the inheritance of the elder Carter, and I will carry the last wish of the elder Carter to help him bring back all the compatriots who are trapped in hell!"

"That's right, receive the inheritance and help the boss fulfill his last wish!"

"Help the elder Carter fulfill his last wish!"


Everyone expressed their opinions one after another, and then received the inheritance one after another.

As more and more people claim their inheritance, the speed of the small tea bowl's collapse is getting faster and faster.

It can be seen that the rock wall of Xiaochawan, which was once impenetrable to the wind and thunder, began to crack a little bit, and then collapsed.

"Sky" also followed the crowd to receive the legacy of the elder Carter.

I saw a prompt from the system popping up in front of me——

[The sword of the puppet activates the pattern, and uses it as a medium to gather the core fragments of the puppet. On 13/13, the fragments are enough, activate the pattern to synthesize the doll core fragments into a complete "doll core". 】

[Remarks: The doll's sword activation pattern is a consumable, and it will disappear permanently after the complete "doll core" is synthesized. 】

"Long Sky": "."

He hadn't said anything yet, but the "fisherman" on the side was the first to yell at him.

"Fuck, this dog's plan is really not human at all. It's fine to receive the inheritance, but this inheritance is still a one-time consumable. This is one knife after another, endless, right?"

Sky was a little surprised.

According to his observation, this "fisherman" should be quite young!
She has always been calm, but she didn't expect to be so swearing this time.

"Long Sky" thought for a while and said, "Planning has always been so stupid. According to my guess, this item "Puppet Core" should also be a one-time consumable. In the end, the big boss Carter may really have no trace left! "

"Fishing guy": "."

Sure enough, like "Long Sky", many players had similar thoughts, and they all greeted the dog planning family.

But no matter what, they have already decided to take the will of the elder Carter and help him fulfill his last wish!

Li Dashao, the largest guild in Lixiao, "Golden Age Tang", is usually easy-going when playing games.

But this time, he was completely serious and began to become "elegant and easy-going"!
"We don't have the top players in the "Prosperous Tang Dynasty", but there are many people who come out to mix.This time, our "Prosperous Tang Dynasty" guild will fight head-on. Damn it! "

"Cut him!"

"Cut him!"

"Cut him!"


The slogans of the players of the "Prosperous Tang Dynasty" guild were louder and louder, and the voices were neat and sturdy.

Today, the "Prosperous Tang Dynasty" guild has become popular, absolutely crushing all guilds in terms of numbers.

It is definitely good news that they just came to the front!


The number of people in the "Prosperous Tang Dynasty" guild is still small in essence, and the real world layer is really too big.

As for other guilds, they are also mobilizing for war.

However, unlike the "Prosperous Tang Dynasty" guild groups that intend to be positive, the others are all planning to fight guerrillas first and sabotage.

"We are vermin!"

"We are vermin!"

"We are vermin!"


More and more guilds and players have played the slogan "We are vermin"!

If it was before, the aboriginal fighters might still be a little puzzled.

But now that they also have a combat skill system, they can fully understand the "pest" tactics proposed by the players.

For a while, I yearn for it even more.

A large number of aboriginal fighters challenged Deputy Commander Martina!
However, Martina's deputy head refused all of them.

These are the soldiers, their lives are running out, so they can't be completely lost here!
Perhaps this will dampen the enthusiasm of the soldiers, but as the supreme commander, she must fully consider the sustainability of Dawn City.

At this moment, Meng Na asked for a fight.

Deputy head Martina was very surprised.

As her secretary, Meng Na has always been very quiet, and almost never volunteered to join the war.

Even if they really want to participate in the war, it is also logistical support.

This time.
However, Deputy Captain Martina figured it out quickly.

Meng Na should be planning to retrace the path that Saint Hilda walked back then, and help the compatriots in Dawn City to regain their hearts.

Martina: "What about your plan?"

Meng Na was overjoyed, and immediately said, "The player "Mo Hancheng" and the dark players of "Elegant Alliance" proposed a plan. I plan to go with "Mo Hancheng" and pretend to be a prisoner first, and then go around and have a look .”

Martina, deputy head of the group, pondered endlessly.

Mona is really special.

The saint Hilda she made a contract with is of extraordinary significance to Dawn City.

Secondly, Meng Na has already cultivated the elves into great elves, and now she is a real official knight, the most potential descendant of Dawn City.

She is dead, even Mengna can't die!

Although it is extremely dangerous for Mengna this time, it is indeed an opportunity!
If you don't really understand what it looks like to lose your heart, how can you talk about regaining your heart?
Martina: "Yes. But, I have one condition!"

Meng Na happily said, "Please tell me."

Martina: "I must come back alive to the City of Dawn without a new saint!"

Meng Na: "Yes, I will promise to come back alive!"

After Mona, it was Irene, John Keppel, and many trainee knights and knights.


Except for Irene, the rest of the Martinas strongly rejected their prayers!

This time is different from the double sky layer. The double sky layer is really just a battlefield.

Although the ebb and flow of the tide has a lot of oppression on the people of the world, there is actually no need to think too much about it on the battlefield.

And this time, the real world layer, they are the heart of the real world, it is a completely away game!
Not to mention their small number of people, even if there is another 10,000+ army, it will only make a splash in the underworld.

The tide of war is different!
It is no exaggeration to say that besides himself, they are almost all enemies, and they also need to protect the compatriots in Dawn City.

For these compatriots, Martina still welcomes them.

Years of war in this world, on the one hand there is not enough food to eat, on the other hand the population is extremely scarce!
But now, His Majesty the God King has returned, and everything is completely different.

If the food predicament is relieved a little, then the surplus population will be real wealth.

The only problem is that helping them regain their hearts is not easy!
However, when he thinks about His Majesty the God King, all those problems are not a problem.

And what she has to do is to guard the passage of the double sky layer and protect the final retreat for the players!
The small teacup collapse continued.

All kinds of scheduling are still going on, and the voices of the players can still be vaguely heard.

for example.

Go to their "Great Tang" guild to get a few more clothes. This time it's free!

Also speaking, there is also the "Meow Meow Planet" guild, a large number of girl players are shouting, let players come to their guild to get some dry food for free this time!
There are also "Oath of Sword and Blood" and "Dance of Thunder", each of them took out special products of their own guilds.

This time it's free!

Everything is self-evident, everyone understands what "free" means!
When Martina heard this, a smile could not help but appear on her face.

The word "free" may be something as precious as sunlight in this dark and chaotic world.

And it was like an overturned domino card. Many aboriginal fighters took off their underwear, shoes and socks on the spot.

They can't take off their armor, they have to keep it to fight against the enemies who might want to cut off their retreat.

But this underwear can be taken off!
After taking it off, hand it over to the players who are about to set off to fight in the real world, and ask them to hand it over to their compatriots in the "ranch".

The hearts of the players are hot.

In the real world, they don't even dare to help the elderly, dare not be good people.

But here, they are willing to take off only one coat for their compatriots.

A difficult one, P Plus support!
Just when this situation was getting out of hand, sharp-eyed players suddenly discovered that the clothes, shoes, socks, and rations in the mall are free!
"Everyone doesn't need to take off their clothes anymore. The shoes, socks and clothes in the mall are free. This is what that person means, and everyone understands!"

Everyone laughed together.

Oracle, how could they not understand?
Because of what Carter said before leaving, everyone knew that the Earl of Darkness was a fool, but he still didn't know that His Majesty the God King had returned.

And Carter's final high-profile invitation to the battle sent an unusually strong signal to the Earl of Darkness—all the back-hand arrangements were made by him, Carter!

Go one step further and give the Earl of Darkness a false misleading!

So far, players and aborigines have also remembered.

Since it is digging a hole, everyone will wave the shovel together.

Each of them has a shovel, maybe they can really bury that idiot Earl of Darkness!
Is the Earl of Darkness a fool?

Everyone doesn't know either!


Since the old man Carter said he was a fool, then he is a fool!
"Let's go!"

Flute woo woo woo~~~
Accompanied by the extremely desolate sound of the horn, many players boarded the dog-style flying puppets together.

After the uniform sound of filling the dark core sounded, all the dog-style flying puppets stretched out their wings one after another, and the special runes on the wingspan lit up one by one.

Then, under the watchful eyes of many aboriginal fighters, many players flew up into the sky one by one driving dog puppets.

I don't know who started it, but a strong and desolate singing sounded in the expedition formation.

"Why don't you say no clothes? The same robes as your son. Wang Yuxing's teacher, repair my spear. I share the same hatred with my son!"

In the beginning, there were only a few more literary players who started out, but more and more players followed suit and joined in.

Later, even the aboriginal fighters who watched the players set off sang along one after another.

Many of them are not familiar with the Chinese language, they just feel that the melody is desolate, powerful, tragic and powerful, and the melody is simple, so they slowly started to sing along.

Singing and singing, whether it is a player or an aboriginal warrior, the tune of "Qin Feng Wuyi" rang in the mind at the same time.

This is the BGM that comes with the combat skill system!

Along with the melodious tune, one picture after another appeared in the minds of the players.

Carter, Dog, Hiber, the nine paintings, Dawn City that turned into a drink, and Carter, who finally turned into light, dragged a long track and ran over one pasture after another.

"Why don't you say that you have no clothes? You are in the same pool with your son. Wang Yuxing's teacher, repair my spear and halberd. Work together with your son!"

"Why don't you say you have no clothes? I have the same clothes as my son. Wang Yuxing's division, repair my armor and soldiers. Walk with my son!"

Accompanied by the desolate and decisive tune, players are completely immersed in it, as if they have really become a real warrior.

And many aborigines who didn't understand the meaning before, but just hummed the tune, now understand it all!

They suddenly felt that this song, which is also the BGM in the players' mouths, really fit the occasion!
Immediately sing more wholeheartedly!
Accompanied by the aftertaste of no clothes, many players driving the dog-style flying puppets passed through the long and narrow "funnel tube" one after another.

However, compared to before, the funnel tube is much wider, it is the sword mark!

And the moment they filed into the real world, all the players felt uncomfortable.

It's as if the blood is running wild!

And when they looked up, the first thing they saw was the blood moon hanging high in the sky!
Like a scarlet eye, it is staring at every player.

(End of this chapter)

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