After becoming a god, I became the dog planner in the mouth of the players

Chapter 241 It is obvious that it can be robbed, but 2 money is returned

Chapter 241 It is obvious that you can rob, but return two money
The moment they stepped into the real world, the blood moon hanging high in the sky gave all the expedition players a disarm.

In front of all the players, a red mark of "Blood Moon" appeared at the same time.

And along with this "Blood Moon" imprint, there are also a series of debuffs.

for example.

HP is directly weakened by one-tenth; defense is reduced by one-third; speed is reduced by fifteen points
Of course, the most important thing is a curse called "Blood Moon Seal".

【The more people kill in the real world, the stronger the blood moon mark will be. Later, it will be easily tracked by the magic 'Dark water reflecting the moon', and it will be easier to be smelled by the monsters in the underworld. 】

This made the players immediately realize that they might still be able to hide in the fog of war at first.

But the more they kill, the more they have nothing to hide.

In other words, they cannot hide in the dark forever.

To put it bluntly, it is essentially a "time-limited racing" gameplay.

It's like the "drug circle" that shrinks every once in a while in some shooting games!
Or every once in a while, the fog will be forcibly dispelled, exposing the positions of all players.

The purpose is actually to increase the intensity of the game!

Everyone knows these, or as long as they are players, who hasn't been exposed to these?
Perhaps the higher-ups of the underworld never dreamed that they thought that the most powerful psychological deterrent of the great magic "Blood Moon Seal" was completely ignored by the players at first.

of course.

This round of blood moon is not a debuff for all players!

for example.

A dark-type player of "League of Elegance".

At this time, they felt extremely comfortable, and all the values ​​​​have achieved a certain degree of positive growth.

The player "Xiao Woting"'s ears became even sharper, and his nose and sense of smell became several times more sensitive. It seemed that his blood heated up rapidly and began to become like hot magma.

But "Xiao Woting" didn't feel any discomfort at all. Instead, he was so energetic that he couldn't help but let out a long roar at the blood moon in the sky.

For a while, many players have cast their caring eyes on the mentally handicapped!
of course.

I envy more!
The Cerberus bloodline obtained by "Xiao Woting" is quite a big gift package.

It's just that it becomes more and more difficult to obtain later!

"Xiao Woting" laughed and said, "The system reminds me that the Cerberus bloodline is fully activated. My sense of smell, speed, sensitivity, reaction, and even the control of dark water have all been improved in all aspects!"

"And I!"

The player "Qu Shang Wei Meng" also weakly raised his little claw.

I saw one after another black and blue water lingering around her, just like a neon feather coat, beautiful!
It is clearly based on land, but it seems to be floating on the water.

There are also changes, and there is "evening wind keeps people drunk".

She turned into the lower body of a horse, and the underworld fire was already ignited above the hoofprints.

On the contrary, the players in the "Elegant League" exaggerated their faces, and the changes were not so exaggerated.

Although they have obtained a considerable increase, they do not have an increase in bloodline power.

Many players in "Elegant League" picked up the lemon directly, and couldn't help but let out a long sigh.

It seems that if you want to play the game "Breaking Dawn" well, if you want to be better than others, then you can only try your best to gain a chance.

Just looking at the various ability bonuses provided by the system, at most it is quite satisfactory.

This is the home of their dark players!
"Mo Hancheng" looked at the players of "Elegant Alliance" beside him, and said, "Do you all want to fight for a big chance?"

"Pumpkin Man": "What do you mean?"

"Mo Hancheng": "Don't kill, don't take, go straight to Gaixin."

"Pumpkin Man" and other "Elegant Alliance" players frowned.

With the debuff magic of "Blood Moon Seal", it's easy to understand if you don't kill it, but don't take it.
In order to weaken the real world layer to the greatest extent, the Knights Templar and the players have reached an agreement early on, that is, what the players see, but all that can be interacted with will be taken away, and the Knights Templar will buy it with gold coins as appropriate. .

In other words, everyone on the real world level came to make money to pick up the goods.

How much economic benefit will they lose if they don't kill them?
"Mo Hancheng": ""Qu Shang Wei Meng" and the others, you have also seen that there are no extra opportunities in this game, and we can only stay at the bottom layer for the rest of our lives. There may be no chance at all in the future! "

"Pumpkin Man", "Purple Sweet Potato Essence", "Bald Qiang", "Crooked Mouth Dragon King" and other "Elegant Alliance" guild players thought about it, gritted their teeth and decided to do it.

They didn't have much contact with "Mo Hancheng", but after getting along for a short time, they completely recognized the genius of "Mo Hancheng".

This is a monster newcomer!

After adapting to the new environment for a short time, the players began to implement their philosophy of action.

Take away the masonry that has not been completely eroded by Carter's sword;

Take away the roof tiles with the characteristics of the underworld;

The barracks for soldiers to rest shall be confiscated;
food, take away;
Take away the half-new and old weapons;

Teacups, bracelets, necklaces, and musical instruments suspected to be taken by unknown bones. Take them away, take them all away!
Then, the players found that there were too many things they wanted to take away.


Almost everything they encounter can be interacted with.

And these are all cute little coins!

Maybe it's because everything feels new after just stepping into the real world, and everyone is blindly following.

As a result, the "Two Worlds Pass Ruins" in front of them, which was once extremely majestic, but became extremely withered because of Carter's sword, was quickly scraped off by the players.

Many monsters who were lucky enough to escape Carter's sword and survived, hid in the dark and watched all this tremblingly.

They were suddenly confused. Who is the monster?

When they went to this world, they just murdered and set fire, but they didn't scratch the ground.

Without comparison, there would be no harm. They suddenly discovered that compared with the "braves" before them, each of them seemed to be of high morals.

These scared and trembling monsters don't know, it's just like this that the players still dislike the inefficiency.

"It would be great if the official can release a one-click item collection"

"That's right, this brick by brick is collected, when will it be collected?"

"Cao Cao Cao Cao is here, isn't it here?"

After receiving the announcement of the launch of the new item, the players were overjoyed.

It seems that the officials also understand them, and they also know that in order to completely release the destructiveness of the players, they must improve efficiency.

Players opened the system announcement one after another, and soon began to understand the effects and functions of the new props.

The new prop is called "God King Ruiyou", which contains His Majesty's authority and blessing, as long as it is opened, it can expand a range of 30 meters.

It can automatically help players collect various valuable materials around them, and convert these materials into gold coins at the first time.

of course.

The usage restrictions are not small either.

First, this item only takes effect in the real world;
Second, the item is sealed and cannot be collected;

Third, as long as it contains life characteristics, this field is invalid for it.

Fourth, the cooling time is 3 minutes.

The moment the item is used, the owner of the item will temporarily gain "Ruiyou" and the ability to hover in the air for a short time.

Duration 10 seconds.

Considering that the space in the system backpacks of the players is too small to fully store these materials, when the system backpacks are full, they can directly sacrifice the materials in the domain to His Majesty the God King.

And His Majesty the God King directly exchanged it into gold coins!
Moreover, this prop does not cost money!
Everyone gets it for free!
But, to use this item to collect it with one click, you need to pay the item "hard work fee".

Every time the players use this prop, the prop will automatically charge half of the value of the material as "fire consumption".

The players were speechless.

This Nima is too dark!
Moreover, not to mention the pricing power, they do not have the right to know the value of these materials that they charge with one click.

That's really as much as the system says.
They suspect that the material worth one thousand, the system dares to offer them ten.

Then the system took five gold coins tolls from the ten gold coins.

The system obviously can rob them directly, but it still quoted a price to them

Absolutely do not accept such unscrupulous props and terms!

Prices must be transparent!
But while many players were still hesitating, the light of the domain of "God King Ruiyou" lit up here one after another.

Then, the player who was within 30 meters of the "God King Ruiyou" command was directly unlucky.


The bricks and soil under their feet were gone!

Many players who still dislike the expensive and unscrupulous props of the god Wang Ruiyou fell into a deep pit, losing one-tenth of their hp.

This is more than just scratching the ground?

It's all there!
"Fuck, which bastard lacks great virtue? He actually opened the search field directly in the middle of the crowd?"

"mmp, I can't suffer!"

Then, one field after another continued to light up, and the "Liangjieguan Ruins", which was extremely magnificent just now, became potholed and ruined in a short period of time.

At the same time as the light of the domain rose, there were more and more voices of players cursing.

"Damn, which idiot opened a field in the middle of the crowd again? My XXXX gave birth to a son without an ass hole!"

"Fuck, we can't suffer!"

"Hey, you are all unscrupulous to open the field, right? Then I will open it too, whoever loves whoever is SB!"


One after another, the lights of the domains lit up one after another, and the monsters who hid in the dark and planned to take the opportunity to counterattack were even more frightened and shivered.

Where are these daemons from?

I thought they were greedy enough, but I didn't expect that there are monsters ten times and a hundred times greedier than them!
There is also the light that constantly lights up and diverges to search the domain, constantly lights up, spreads, and sweeps across.

The Ruins of Liangjieguan was being devoured bit by bit at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After all, the player's backpack space is limited, and soon some players discovered that the number of items called "bricks" actually reached the backpack storage limit.


They also had to directly sacrifice to His Majesty the God King through the "sacrifice channel" provided by the props.

Black, really black!

Players are still having fun!

Especially the sentence "We can't suffer a loss", which directly set off a frenzy in the search field.

The monsters who had previously planned to hide in the dark and stealthily attack them secretly observed and observed, and suddenly found that the "bunker" protecting them had disappeared.

And then fell into a deep pit with a plop!
When he came back to his senses again, he saw several "braves" with evil smiles standing on the top of the pit.

Of course, there were some players who fell into the pit with the monsters and didn't pay attention.

"Hiss~~~ Fuck, you guys messed up the search field again to look at this monster, I forgive you."

The monster that fell into the deep pit trembled.

He is not afraid, not at all, killing one is enough money, killing two makes money!


The monster saw outside the deep pit, those brave men with evil smiles, all kinds of weapons and attacks directly greeted him.

Even with the brave man who fell into the pit with him!
Then, he saw the brave man who had fallen into the sky at the same time, jumping up and down angrily like a monkey whose tail was stepped on.

"Damn, you're attacking me as well? Are you too disrespectful of martial arts?"

"Damn it, whoever you shot my ass with a bow and arrow is your uncle!"

The monster grinned.

Although he was attacked badly, but seeing someone worse than him, his death was worth it!

Then, the smile on the monster's face disappeared immediately.

In his eyes, he saw this poor creature who was "abandoned" and "attacked" by his companions, and one after another unusually mysterious spells lit up beside him.

But at this moment, he heard the "brave men" above the big pit, but they all said angrily, "Damn, bury the magic curse. Quickly grab the head!"

Before the monster could react, the unlucky guy who fell into the big pit at the same time as him immediately launched a combat technique, turned into a beam of light, and struck his body with a sword.

The monster saw a dazzling light and surrounded him, and then he didn't know anything.

At the same time, outside the deep pit in the search field, the players saw a small mushroom cloud rising at the same time.

Then a large number of shocks spread in all directions!

Seeing all this, the eyes of the players outside the deep pit in the search domain brightened up.

At this moment, they seemed to see a brand new world door opening in front of them little by little!
time flies.

As the players entered the real world for longer and longer, the light of "God King Ruiyou" continued to shine.

Where they walked, they left deep pits one after another.

tree, disappear;

mud, disappear;
vegetation, disappearing;
Dark water, disappear.
Where the players have stepped, everything is disappearing.

And in order not to be affected by the "God King Ruiyou" domain, the players scattered in all directions, like a group of migratory locusts!

at the same time.

the present.

Rhodes' Kingdom of God domain, along with the players' continuous sacrifices, there are more and more items.

Some players guessed right!

For supplies worth a thousand, he really marked one gold coin, and then charged half of the toll.

Seeing the accumulation of more and more supplies, the smile on Rhodes' face became more and more abundant.

These materials contain extremely rich source power of the three realms. With a little adjustment, he can transform it into the purest source power of the sun.

At that time, it was perfect for filling and making up for the shortfall in this world!
After leaving the home system, he can also sell bricks to players!

(End of this chapter)

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