Chapter 251 Blood Moon Sacred Judgment

The Blood Moon Sacred Judgment is one of the most powerful weapons in the real world, and its core strength lies in the level of law.

Not only the Earl of Darkness knows, but also many demons from the underworld.

They even know that enough blood sacrifices are needed to bring down the blood moon sanctification.
Therefore, everyone is waiting for the coming of the Blood Moon Sacred Judgment!

It's just that the Holy Judgment of the Blood Moon came much later than they imagined. Is it because the blood is not enough?

What all the devils don't know is that the Earl of Darkness is actually more anxious than they imagined!
Because the reading notes sent by the blood moon holy order are basically almost full.

But it was still one percent short, and the progress behind it was like a turtle.

Card's Dark Earl is up and down!

"This is not right!"

The Earl of Darkness looked at the blood moon in front of him, but he looked a bit like a gambler whose stocks were locked up.

How terrifying it is that the power behind the player can affect the blood energy accumulation of the Blood Moon Saint.

Fortunately, it can't be completely cut off, and it's still within the range he can handle!

"Is it because the blood is not enough?"

The Earl of Darkness looked at the place where the young Irene met, his eyes narrowed without stopping.

Many players flocked around little Irene one after another, only to see that each of these little Irene was stained with blood, but few of them were complete.


Little Irene's main body cast a spell, and the separated clones turned into lights and shadows and penetrated into her main body one after another.

Little Irene's main body has obviously grown a little bit, her height is getting bigger, and her figure is becoming more and more graceful.


As soon as they became one, everyone saw that little Irene's face became paler and sicker.

Everyone realized that little Irene was more affected by the avatar technique than they had imagined.

"Your Excellency Irene, are you alright?"

Everyone expressed concern and greetings.

They still like Irene very much. After all, "Breaking Dawn" is currently the most beautiful and popular, and there are countless clones.

If there is a chance for everyone to have one, maybe there will be only Irene.

Irene took a deep breath, "I'm going to cast the "Desire Curse". It's not enough to cast it once, but it needs to be released continuously. If it's possible to fight Viscount Ankuo continuously, I hope you can help me block it and get rid of Viscount Ankuo's charm." All attacks except the force! "

Players such as "Internet Tyrant", "I'm outrageous when Mom opens the door", "Break Zhang Xiaoquan", "Cao Thief" and other players have expressed their opinions and vowed to protect Irene to the death.

Erin smiled.

Immediately summoned the elf, and then quickly chanted pinch seal.

In an instant, everyone found that one magic pattern after another continued to emerge.

The Viscount Darkly noticed Irene's movements immediately, his figure turned into a puff of smoke, and immediately appeared beside Irene and the others.

In an instant, everyone felt that they had fallen into a gentle and decadent sound.

Suddenly feel dry mouth.

The "Internet Tyrant" was stunned, his body tensed up, but in the next moment, he felt as if the refined steel had turned into soft fingers.

Before personally experiencing it, the "Internet Tyrant" still felt that the perseverance of the people in the "Prosperous Tang Dynasty" guild was too weak.

But after experiencing it himself, he realized that Viscount Ankuo's soul attack was not the case.

If you really think it's just melodrama, or if you think it's just some beautiful women posing, then it's easy to think about it.

The initial melody, or the initial posing, are the most superficial things, just to arouse your fancy.

This kind of desire is deepened layer by layer, and finally reaches the deepest part of the heart.

The essence is——

In this extremely magnified desire, the players...found true love!
Just like players, in daily life, they are generally not particularly good at communication, nor are they so versatile and good at dancing.

Maybe growing up so big, I haven't met a particularly intimate partner.

They are not like the protagonists of anime novels, no matter how they look or how they live, there is always a childhood sweetheart by their side.

What's more, since I was a child, I haven't received even a love letter or a confession.

In this layer upon layer of emotions, the players became more and more addicted to it.

It was like experiencing a beautiful dream, in which the most critical link missing in the growth experience was made up in the dream.

Slowly, the players all lived in a person in their hearts.

Dating and dancing with her/him seems to have found the most important other half of life
This kind of charm begins with extravagance but returns to purity.

And just when the "Internet Tyrant" and others were about to sink into it completely, Irene's "Desire Curse" suddenly broke out.

The "Internet Tyrant" suddenly discovered that the extremely gentle voice just now, with a voice that could be sweet and cloying, and soft to the bone, gradually became familiar.

In the blink of an eye, the "Internet Tyrant" found that the beautiful face that made her want to stop just now gradually overlapped with that of her mother.

The "Internet Tyrant" shivered and suddenly became sober.

There are also many players of "Prosperous Tang Dynasty" who have also woken up from the dream one after another!
It's just a nightmare!

When I think of my mother whispering, dancing, and dating in my ear with that sweet voice.
In an instant, all the players shuddered at the same time.

The loving mother holds the sword in her hand, and the wandering child splits her body.

Twelve swords in one second, and Jianjian delivered a critical strike.

Seeing that the son was still cool, the father took out seven wolves.

Seeing the seven wolves, the son felt a chill in his heart.

Click click!

Accompanied by the sound of broken glass, all the players in the "Prosperous Tang Dynasty" who fell into a deep dream felt lingering fear.

Looking at the succubus such as the Viscount Ankuo, they all have complex expressions.

Although the last nightmare made their hearts palpitate, it is undeniable that the Viscount Darkly lived in their hearts!
It satisfies the endless fantasies of these boys and girls about the other half.

All the succubi, headed by Viscount Ankuo, smiled and disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

In the distance, everyone even heard Viscount An Kuo's affectionate voice.

"Your world is really interesting. Thank you!"

All the players of "Prosperous Tang Dynasty" fell silent.

On this day, all the players in the "Prosperous Tang Dynasty" guild fell in love collectively!
At this moment, "Internet Tyrant" suddenly exclaimed.

"Eileen, what's wrong with you?"

Everyone was shocked and turned their heads together.

But I saw Irene, who was already a little sick, with a smile on her cheeks, but she had already fallen into a coma.

Afterwards, everyone saw that Irene's HP continued to drop.


Accompanied by the sound of crystal shattering, Irene's body turned into fragments and disappeared.

Players are no strangers to death.

In other words, being able to resurrect repeatedly made them ignore death in the game.

But seeing with their own eyes that Irene even paid the price of her life in order to save them from the endless charm, they still had quite a strange feeling in their hearts.

This feeling is not only sad, but even a little happy!


Erin ruined their dream!
Especially the cruel "Desire Curse" scared them enough.

As wonderful as the previous dream was, how terrifying was the last nightmare!

The players of "Prosperous Tang Dynasty" feel that they are sick and poisoned.

How could they take pleasure in Irene's death? !

This damn meanness.
Players of "Great Tang Dynasty" found that their emotions seemed to be magnified.

Either sensitive or extreme, all kinds of thoughts come and go.

Soon, everyone discovered that Irene who had just died was resurrected. All the players were relieved at the same time!
It even feels like being redeemed!
However, Irene fell into a coma again as soon as she was revived.

Then the players discovered that a blood-red warning sign appeared on the far right of the HP bar above Irene's head.

The sign shows that Irene is in the state of "charmed" and "falling into a deep dream", and her HP continues to decay.

How could this be?
Before they could ask further questions, the voice of Viscount An Kuo came from a distance.

"Our technique is not so easy to break. I hope she can defeat me in the deep dream, and then wake up again, little cuties!"

Players: "."

Looking at Irene who was still fighting in a deep dream, the players felt very uncomfortable.

Even indescribably sad!

They never thought that just playing a game, they would have a collective lovelorn one day!

However, they still couldn't kill Viscount Ankuo.


And some like her!

Because the Viscount Anguo didn't want to take anything away from them, but left them with countless good memories.

of course.

If there was something that was really taken away, it was.
for example.

their hearts!

world channel.

"Li Xianzhuo": "Irene used the "Desire Curse" to break the charm of Viscount Ankuo, and we are going south to support the "Club" guild with all our strength. There may be a half-hour time difference between this. Shame! "

"About the charm of the succubus, it's very... hard to say. It can only be said to be the sour smell of love, and it's endless sadness to wake up."

"It feels like a dream, but it seems real. To be honest, I don't know how "Breaking Dawn" did it."

"If it's normal, I suggest you give it a try. This is simply a super-godly technology, and you can completely become a god with this technology alone!"

"However, for things like feelings, whoever is serious will lose."

"Viscount Ankuo is definitely the scariest boss at the moment, bar none, other bosses hurt themselves, this boss is sad!"

"During war, it is strongly recommended to avoid the Viscount Ankuo."

"As for her weakness, it is speculated that her spells have a rather long cooling time. The reason for this is that after Irene used the "Desire Curse" to break her spells, she retreated and ran for the first time, presumably because she had no self-protection means! "

"If possible, it is recommended not to kill!"

world channel.

The players looked at the "revealable information" released by "Li Xianzhuo", and couldn't help but be stunned for a while.

If before, they didn't have a specific concept of succubus, now they have.

Perhaps for the players, the succubus is the real demon!
Just like the members of the "Li Xianzhuo" and "Prosperous Tang" guilds, even if they were clearly tricked, they made a big fool of themselves.

But in essence, no one bears a grudge against them!
What's more, it was Young Master Li himself. His last words were even pleading for the succubus Viscount Anguo.


Is this the succubus?

What should they do if they suddenly want to be charmed by Viscount Ankuo once?
"Double Carp": "Is it really that scary?"

"The same question."

"Same question +1"

"Same question +2"


"Ye Mengxi": "How can the feeling of falling in love be terrible? It just hurts, it just makes you unforgettable, it just makes you miss it. Also, the way Irene wakes up is too brutal, drunk!"

"River Crab 404": "It feels terrible. If you have never been in a relationship, you'd better not try it. Otherwise, if you fall in love for the rest of your life, you may not be able to compare with your predecessor, Viscount Darkly!"

What the hell!

The players were all terrified.

Is it so exaggerated?


They are suddenly very envious, what should I do?
Perhaps, this is the real demon, even if you know she is a demon, you will still inevitably sink into it!

at the same time.

The "Club" guild went all the way north, repelling another attack.

But compared to the last time, the difficulty this time was much higher.

The number of people has increased several times, and there are very difficult new monsters, which are particularly strong on a single target.

Most importantly, the use of a large number of elemental magic bottles caused them a lot of setbacks.

"The elemental magic bottle has a large range of AOE, and currently it can only be hidden, but"

"Crouching dragon and phoenix chick" glanced at the fixed captives above the dog-style flying puppet.

With them, their "guild" is equivalent to having a dead target that must be guarded, but the difficulty has suddenly increased countless.

"Long Sky": "Aren't they injured?"

"Crouching dragon and phoenix chick" shook his head.

"In order to protect them, the "Green Hero" died many times in battle just now, and even the girl "Lin Zhixue" was beaten many times. She doubts her life."

"As for "Demon Six", just now it was impaled in the air by a vine demon, and it hurts to look at it."

Players don't have much pain perception, except for a very small number of very unusual players, basically adjust the pain sensitivity to a very low level.

Even the game system will even judge whether the player is in danger based on the player's physical condition.

Once a risk is found, it will intelligently reduce the pain sensitivity.


The sensing of body information is a very complicated system.

It's like seeing someone prick a finger with a needle, even if it doesn't pierce your own finger, you will instinctively feel pain.

Not to mention that the sensory judgment of "Breaking Dawn" is even more complicated.
Watching myself being nailed to death in mid-air by thorns, I felt more or less negatively affected once I died.

"Sky" didn't speak.

The vine demon is a kind of plant-type monster in the real world, and it is very tricky.

They are able to change the terrain and cut the battlefield in an instant!

Just like in the battle just now, their main combat forces were immediately separated, and then the back rows of "Demon Six" and the others were cut off.

"Long Sky" looked at the sky, and said, "It's getting dark, and the weather will soon become more favorable for the monsters. From now on, "Call Zisha again" will retreat to the second line, don't follow me to kill, if you encounter What's the problem, support the back row as soon as possible"

"There is also "Schrödinger, the cat abuser", his skill "[-]-chip genius", which is reserved for the back row! "

The spirit technique of "Schrödinger, the cat abuser", "[-]-chip genius", is an auxiliary skill that forcibly raises the stats of other players.

If you want to describe it, it is a bit like a more comprehensive "assistant crutch".

It can instantly enlarge and improve the core value of skills!
The skills are against the sky, and the CD time is also very long.

In the past, this skill was generally reserved for the core main output such as "long sky", "fever 105°", "experts suggest that I pay to work".

To be more precise, it was basically reserved for the "long sky" in the past.

Let him quickly use the water and fire movement to play high-frequency output, and then turn the tide and complete the harvest.

But now, "Long Sky" has left the "assistant abduction" to the middle and rear rows.

That also means that fighters such as "Long Sky", "Fishing Guy", and "Fever 105°" need to withstand greater output pressure.

"Sky" smiled.

"Don't worry, I like challenges the most. The more challenges you have, the more you can show your skills. Why don't you believe me?"

Hearing the words of "Long Sky", all the players in the "Club" laughed.

Perhaps this is the charm of the Great God!
Always so confident, you can always trust his skills and judgment!

"Fishing Guy" smiled, very proud.

After a short break, the players of the "Club" guild once again flew into the sky with the dog-like flying puppets.

"Fishing Guy" looked at "Curse Zisha again", and said provocatively, "Compare?"

"Call Zisha again" raised his eyebrows.

"Do you still need to run on me?"

"Fishing guy": "You are not good at spear skills. This rescue operation is over. I will teach you how to use flower guns!"

"Calling Zisha again" is so angry, the old man "fisherman" has no skills, but his tone is terrible.

"Bijibi, after this operation is over, where do you put your old face?"

Everyone laughed when they heard this.

These two treasures!

Perhaps, this is the meaning of the guild!

Laughing and cursing, being funny, and competing with each other is all part of the fun!

(End of this chapter)

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