Chapter 252 Human 【Subscription】


A blood moon hangs high.

Members of the "Club" guild, with several captives flying in the sky on their way.

"People, we are all human beings, you and I are all 'human beings'!"

"Demon Six" is very patient. While driving the flying puppet, he communicates with a captive.

And the players of the "Club" also cooperated with the "Demon Six", flying densely and approaching.

Even the speed is moderate and will not affect the transmission of sound.

One of the captives responded in a daze, "Human?!"

"Demon Six" was overjoyed immediately.

After teaching so many times, finally someone in captivity gave her back.

The other players were also all excited, the girl "Demon Six" can do it, she is patient.

"Yao Six" pointed to himself, and then pointed to the captive, "Yes, you, me, people, the same!"


Everyone rejoiced.

At this moment, the pupils of "Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Young" suddenly brightened, emitting a dark green light.

In an instant.

Everyone understands!
"Crouching dragon and phoenix chick" must have seen something.

"Crouching dragon and phoenix chick" took out a bottle of special eye drops, and after dropping a few drops into his eyes, the elf he contracted flew past his eyes immediately.


In front of the eye sockets of "Crouching Dragon and Phoenix", several magic patterns appeared.

"Crouching dragon and phoenix chick": "We have been discovered again. Four pterosaurs are flying in the sky, and there are at least fifty pterosaurs on the ground. It seems that we have to do it again!"

Everyone laughed.

If you do one, then do one!

On nights that belonged to monsters, they never thought about being safe.

As the strongest elite guild in "Breaking Dawn", if you don't even have the courage to fight ten against one, how can you have the courage to hang out in this guild?
The player "Call Zisha again" took out a xun, put it to his lips and said, "Since we've been discovered, there's no need to hide it, just present a little song for everyone!"

"Fishing Guy" said mercilessly, "I think it's you who wants to pretend to be aggressive again. If you pretend to be aggressive and have to pay taxes, this guy is definitely in debt!"

Everyone laughed.

"Calling Zisha again" didn't care, the sound of the Xun curled up, and one after another musical notes floated out, all the dog-style flying puppets were covered with layers of twilight at the same time, and the flying puppets suddenly accelerated and dived.

This is the elf technique "Blessing of Musical Notes" of "Curse Zisha again", and it is rare that it can temporarily increase the status.

It's a pity that the current level is too low, and the bonus range is limited, otherwise they will most likely choose to speed up and get rid of these pterosaurs.

In the sky under the blood moon, there is a long trail, accompanied by notes, indescribably chic.

Above the dog-style flying puppets, the captives couldn't help showing expressions of enjoyment on their faces.

Because of the strange language, it is difficult to communicate between people.


There is one thing that can break the limitation of language, it is called. Music!

They don't even know what tune "Calling Zisha" is playing, but they think it sounds good when they hear it.

Feel the pride and freehand brushwork in it!

If possible, they also hope to live like the players in the "club" guild. Even if it is only one ten thousandth of it!


The "Demon Six" of the "Club" told them that they are human too!
on the ground.

The dog-style flying puppet landed on the ground, and "Demon Six" immediately began to erect the barrier with great proficiency.

The other players immediately landed the flying puppet within the bounded area, and immediately put the seal scroll on their backs into the safest center.

These coordinations are done in one go, and no action is superfluous!
"Sky": ""Demon Six", "I'm really sunny", everyone on the ground, I and others try to help you block it, pterosaurs in the sky, think of a way! "


Both of them looked serious.

The dragon slaying warrior looks at the scenery, but it is definitely not so easy to be!

Like "Demon Six", she is a bow and arrow professional, and it stands to reason that she can use the forbidden curse of burial to shoot pterosaurs with a bow.


She can't!

Because, she is the actual controller of the guardian barrier!
And like "Lin Zhixue", she has more than enough defense and not enough attack. She can't just blow herself up!
"Demon Six": ""I'm really sunny", your spirit almost makes you omnipotent, but your attack is really lacking. You find a way to make those dragons lose their minds, and I will find a way to make up for it! "

".it is good."

"I'm really sunny" looked solemn, even though he always believed in his "painting style", but this is a four-headed pterosaur.

Elites such as "Sky", "Fishing Guy", "Curse Zisha", "Schrödinger", "Fever 105°" and other elites immediately took out the rage potion.

After Gululu poured it into his mouth a few mouthfuls, the eyes of several people suddenly turned scarlet.

Then, they yelled at the same time.

This violent potion is the graduation work of scholars in Dawn City, and it is not particularly perfect.

Players who are not afraid of death dare to try it now!
In other words, even the players don't use it every time.

The feeling of rage is really too high!

Several players who drank the berserk potion suddenly accelerated towards the monsters attacking them.

Whoosh whoosh!
There was only the sound of gusts of wind whistling, and the figures of the "Club" guild players were as fast as lightning.

100 meters, 50 meters, 30 meters, ten meters!
"Long Sky" took the lead, and a raging fire suddenly ignited on his body, like a soaring fire dragon, swooping down in front of the most difficult plant-type monster in an instant.

All the vines and branches of the plant-type monster began to soar in an instant, like dark meridians growing, and they were about to drown the "sky" in an instant.

Like a net, like an umbrella, like pus
But those "vines" and "meridians" all turned into dead branches and broken leaves the moment they approached the "sky".

Endless flames erupted, and in an instant, they engulfed all the networks in turn.

The plant-type monster howled miserably, and countless thorn-like roots sprang out from the ground.

The bright red fire just now turned over suddenly and turned into a meandering stream of water.

The water swirls and surrounds, and at some point, it perfectly bypasses all the rhizomes that rise up to the sky, just like a stream of water, swirling around all the vines.

And "Long Sky" himself, at some point, passed through all the vines, passed through the gap spaces one after another, and approached the tree demon itself.

at the same time.

On the body of "Sky", surrounded by water on one side, and fire on the other side, the water and fire complement each other and coexist harmoniously.

With the sound of a note playing, all the swirling water and fire erupted, engulfing the tree demon in an instant.

With a scream, the tree demon's body was directly cut into countless broken pieces.

Fire and water music!
Although it is not the first time I have seen "Long Sky" perform the water and fire movement, but every time I see it, I am amazed.

This is simply art, amazing!

"Fisherman" laughed loudly.

With a shake of his hands, he played a few flower guns directly, and the tip of the gun directly embroidered with clusters of silver light, directly engulfing the fire creature approaching the golden diamond in front of him.

And with every shot of "Fishing Guy", the gun in his hand seemed to come alive.

The raging flames rose up, and every move of the "fisherman" became as hot as a raging fire, wanting to devour everything.

However, the fire monster that was close to the golden diamond was not a soft persimmon.

The two fought back and forth!
Every blow was extremely powerful, and for a while there were raging fire and strong winds all over the place.

"Youlong smashes the world with one throw, and the country's borders are cut off with a single spear. He is ruthless to the world's soldiers, and condenses the mass graves where he came from!"

"Calling Zisha again" had cold lights lingering on his body, and while reciting poems, he quickly confronted a bull demon.

This bull demon is also an elite!
The skin is rough and the flesh is thick, and the strength is incredible.

"Calling Zisha again" hit his vitals several times, but he was completely blocked by him.

Accompanied by the attacks again and again, "Scream Zisha again" was unable to break through the defense of the bull demon.

Fortunately, "Song of Water" has a miraculous effect on dealing with the shield of dark water, and "Calling Zisha" can also reduce the blood volume of the bull demon in this way, but it is just a scraping.

Fortunately, there are also test players such as "Cat Abuse Maniac Schrödinger", "Fever 105°" and "Bricks suggest I pay to go to work".

If they attack one by one, it will be much more violent.

Such as "Schrödinger the cat abuser" and "Fever 105°" are full of water and fire, which have raised the combat effectiveness to another level.

From time to time, there were screams of monsters on the battlefield, and the sound of gravel as bodies turned into ashes after death.

of course.

These are also appetizers!

When the four pterosaurs flew over, the breath of each pterosaur suddenly made the situation on the entire battlefield worse.

Fortunately, "Long Sky" has been releasing attacks from the sky, and immediately opened the prepared defensive scroll.

Accompanied by the terrifying fire that shot up from the scroll, it extinguished the fire with fire, blocking the condescending attack of the dragon's breath.

And at the critical moment, the enchanted arrow of "Demon Six" arrived, and immediately attracted the attention of a pterosaur.

Immediately, it flew towards "Demon Six", opened its bloody mouth, and was about to breathe out the dragon's breath.

At the critical moment, "I'm really sunny" suddenly appeared in front of the huge face of the pterosaur.

A bucket of liquid mixed with Laval concentrated essence and a large dose of concentrated chili juice was thrown directly into the huge open mouth of the pterosaur.

In an instant.

The pterosaur stopped, and stopped breathing. The huge eyeballs were suddenly covered with unimaginable bloodshot.

How strong is Laval concentrated essence against monsters?
Not to mention, it is also mixed with concentrated chili juice that has been purified many times
The pterosaur immediately felt the danger of the world, and let out an unprecedented howl.

The players don't understand dragon language, but this voice definitely contains an unprecedented accusation of blood and tears.

The other pterosaurs responded one after another, roaring at the sky!

But at this moment, several pterosaurs noticed that the figure of "I'm really sunny" suddenly appeared, twisted their buttocks, disappeared, twisted their buttocks again, taunted, and disappeared again.

Not only that, but "I'm Really Sunshine" also has an extra prop in its hand, similar to the old-fashioned ones on the earth. It repeatedly plays the loudspeaker of "The Jiangnan Leather Factory closed down", and plays the pterosaur screaming just now over and over again. sound.

In short, it is difficult to describe the painting style of "I'm really sunny" with "cheap".

Then, all the pterosaurs became angry.

Start yelling at "I'm really sunny" who is twisting his ass in the air
Then, "I'm Really Sunshine" recorded all the "swearing" words of these pterosaurs, and began to play them at a higher volume to the four pterosaurs.

The players don't understand dragon language, but the pterosaurs do. Listening to their cursing, the more they listen, the angrier they become.

There was another huge dragon roar, which must have renewed the level of cursing.

Then, it was recorded by "I'm Really Sunshine".

While twisting his buttocks, he played the dragon language again and cursed the street, repaying him with the same way.

The four pterosaurs became angry at the same time, even worse than drinking the rage potion.

No one has ever dared to call them that!

Afterwards, the four devil knights couldn't control the four pterosaurs anymore. They just watched the pterosaurs, appearing and disappearing, twisting their buttocks, and playing the "I'm really sunny" tape of the pterosaur cursing at high volume. The four pterosaurs deviated from the battlefield a little bit.

"Long Sky" laughed.

"I'm really sunny" is above the painting style and will never let them down.

Immediately, it began to explode with all its strength, and the sword made a critical strike. After a few swords, it hacked to death a monster that looked like a caterpillar.

This monster moves slowly and looks stupid, but it is quite tricky.

It can explode all over its body, but this juice is extremely corrosive.
Seeing the scrapped golden weapon in his hand, "Long Sky" was extremely distressed, but he threw away the one-handed sword in his hand immediately, and took out the silver weapon "Moon White" that he had eliminated earlier.

Another frenzied output, "Long Sky" cut down another snake-like and vine-like monster.

But this time, he was seriously injured in the battle, and his body was covered with scars.

Fortunately, he finally solved the most difficult plant-type monsters, so he didn't have to worry about being forcibly divided and defeated one by one.

Then, "Long Sky" began to support each teammate.

The balance of the battle began to tilt towards the "club" guild.

at the same time.

"Schrödinger the cat abuser" is no longer reserved, and began to frequently release various auxiliary skills to continuously improve teammates and weaken monsters.

Like "Fever 105°", the water and fire movement is becoming more and more proficient, just like a boneless dragon and snake, each blow contains great power.

Although "Fishing Guy" and "Calling Zisha Again" were arrogant, they still clearly felt the gap between them and the veterans of the "Club".

The spirit is getting higher and higher, and the attack is getting more and more ruthless.

time flies.

A quarter of an hour later.

The "Club" guild began to chase after death.

At the same time, "I'm Really Sunshine" cooperated with "Demon Six" and finally succeeded in shooting down a pterosaur.

The other three pterosaurs were furious!
Facing the protective barrier on the ground, he began to pour endless anger.

At the critical moment, "Lin Zhixue" stood up, and the small shield in his hand was divided into nine parts, turning into a shield wall, directly blocking the pterosaur's terrifying breath.

The three-headed pterosaur was furious!
With a sudden flap of its wings, it began to circle and dance around the protective barrier set up by "Demon Six", breathing dragon's breath from various corners.

"Lin Zhixue" didn't panic, and the nine shields began to whirl and dance, as if they had life.

The dragon's breath appeared in that direction, and immediately stood in front of the dragon's breath.

This operation is simply art!
Obviously, just one or a few shields can't stop the pterosaur's violent breath.

But after all, there are three pterosaurs, "Lin Zhixue" has to make a judgment on strength and add shields as soon as possible.

It can be seen that whenever the pterosaur spits out powerful dragon flames, "Lin Zhixue" will always block it in a proper way at the first time.

of course.

The price is also terrible!
I saw that the HP of "Lin Zhixue" dropped rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye!
Obviously, her elf technique, which uses life to supplement the strength of the "flying shield", is not completely without weaknesses.

"Demon Six" and "I'm Really Sunny" gulped red medicine into their mouths, barely pulling back their HP a bit.

I haven't fully recovered yet, "I'm really sunny" can't care so much!
The show operation started again at the first time!
From time to time, the sky recalled the sound of pterosaurs "swearing"!


Obviously, the same move doesn't always work, especially if it kills a pterosaur.

The rest of the pterosaurs were scared, and were not angered!
But at the critical moment, "I'm really sunny" saw the pterosaur breathing out a gap, and the figure flickered, and it went directly into the pterosaur's mouth.

The pterosaur was furious, instinctively swallowing the power of the underworld fire in its throat.

But in the next moment, the curse of burial was activated directly.

The pterosaur's huge body twitched, and it even stood up in the air.

"good chance!"

Bending his bow all the time, "Demon Six" shot an arrow directly, and with a whoosh, the powerful enchanted arrow pierced the sky, and the arrow nailed the pterosaur's snow-white belly.

Even so, this pterosaur is not dead yet.

"Lin Zhixue" looked at the right time, and three of the nine shields turned into three beams of light, one after another slammed into the heavily injured abdomen of the pterosaur.

With a miserable howl, the pterosaur suddenly fell from the sky.

The remaining two pterosaurs were furious, pouring out all their magic power, and aiming at the defensive barrier underground, two mouthfuls of dragon's breath spewed down.

"Lin Zhixue" was startled.

Immediately consume a lot of vitality to strengthen the six shields!
Even so, it was too hasty after all.

The six-sided shield cast by "Lin Zhixue" instantly destroyed three sides.

And the remaining three sides are also in jeopardy.




The three shields collapsed one after another, and the two terrifying dragon flames were about to be ablated.

At the critical moment, "Lin Zhixue"'s low HP suddenly emptied.

Then, the body of "Lin Zhixue" suddenly exploded.

Unlike the explosion of the magic burial curse, which is similar to the mushroom cloud explosion, this is the last big move of the "Lin Zhixue" elf technique.

It is to use the body as a sacrifice and turn it into a defensive barrier.

That means—as long as she doesn't die, no one can break through her defenses!

"Lin Zhixue" died, but it also blocked the two most blazing and terrifying dragon's breath impacts.


She started watching black and white TV and went into a resurrection cooldown.

That's right!

Her move has a considerable death penalty!
After "Lin Zhixue", there was only "Demon Six" on the side of the protective barrier.

Without any hesitation, she directly opened her bow left and right, and released two large scrolls.

One is sealed with the elf spell "Breath of the Gale"; the other is sealed with the elf spell "Blind Eye Lime".
With the cooperation of the two, it immediately set off a "lime blinding wind" all over the sky, and the two pterosaurs were immediately tossed enough.

Aiming below is the retaliatory breathing of the dragon!
Fortunately, the purpose of "Demon Six" has also been achieved, and it has indeed caused some problems in the cooperation and accuracy of the two pterosaurs.

Even so, there are still some problems on the protective barrier.

Dense, cobweb-like cracks began to appear.

Fortunately, at the critical moment, "I'm really sunny" was revived, and once again decisively and without any hesitation cast the curse of burial, and once again gave the two pterosaurs a ruthless blow.

Then, "Lin Zhixue" was revived, and the nine shields of the sky reappeared.

Seeing the defensive shield of "Lin Zhixue" reappeared, the demon knights on the backs of the two pterosaurs were extremely unwilling, but they also knew that they would be impossible to break in a short time.

At the same time, "Long Sky" and others who were chasing death and north began to return.

The two demon knights had no choice but to drive the two pterosaurs away.

The "Club" guild has won again!
The World Channel is even more of a group of players who buckle "666666".


The players of the "club" all looked a little dignified.

"Demon Six": "We are running out of scrolls."

"Long sky" is clear.

Everyone in the guild was silent at the same time.

They stocked up a lot of things like scrolls before the war.

After the war, for the sake of safety, it has always been tacitly kept within a relatively safe value.

Running out.
It means that their reserve gold coins have also reached a more dangerous range.

In other words, because of this battle, all their previous reserves were almost exhausted, and they started to lose money!

"Long Sky": "Set sail, this battle will definitely end successfully!"

The dog-style flying puppet took off again, and everyone was flying on the flying puppet while eating to replenish their strength.

at the same time.

Tianqiong, the still patient voice of "Demon Six" came again.

"people us"

"We. People?"

"To people!"




More and more captives began to shout the word "human" at the same time.

It was just a simple word, but the more they yelled and chewed, the more the light in their eyes became richer.

"People us!"


"We. People!"

"Not bad!"


(End of this chapter)

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