
"Lin Zhixue" handed a piece of dried meat to the captive who was fixed on the flying puppet.


The captive stretched out his dirty hand tremblingly, and there were black and fluffy hairs on the back of his hand.



"Lin Zhixue" nodded, and took the lead in demonstrating.

The captive, slowly put the jerky into his mouth.

In just an instant, her eyes were brighter than ever before.

It was an indescribable fragrance, she had never eaten such delicious food, and instinctively began to shout the word "God" in her mouth.

It was just two words, but everyone probably understood what she meant.

Maybe she thinks that only "God" can bestow this kind of delicious food to them!
"Lin Zhixue" shook her head.

"Man is not God!"

"Lin Zhixue" is very patient, teaching earnestly and seriously, telling the captives that they are not gods, but human beings!
Not only the girl next to "Lin Zhixue", but other captives also chewed on the word "human" again.

A small word, in their hearts, has more and more different flavors.

Just now.

The eyes of "Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Young" brightened up again.

Everyone understood in seconds, and monsters who pierced through the defensive nets of the peripheral players rushed over.

Although it is already very tiring, the more and more successful exchanges with these captives have made them full of fighting spirit.

"Call Zisha again" took out the xundi and played a little song again.

This is a sacrificial song that has been passed down in the capital of dawn for many years. It is majestic but desolate. It is played on the xundi, but it has a special flavor.

The captives couldn't understand the lyrics, but they felt the same way.

Then, it was another offensive and defensive battle!

Or having learned the experience and lessons of the previous battle, the opponent's team configuration in this battle is obviously several grades higher.

It can be perceived that the monsters are not simply adding oil, but have learned the lessons of failure, carefully summarized and come up with more effective tactics.

In addition, the players of the "club" have gone through one battle after another, and Ben is a little tired.

Moreover, all kinds of consumables are also consumed, making this offensive and defensive battle more difficult and tragic.

For the first time, the defensive barrier set by "Demon Six" was truly broken.

Although at the last critical moment, "Long Sky" turned the tide and created a miracle again.


The captives who were fixed on the flying puppets died directly, and along with the many flying puppets parked in the defensive barrier, they were annihilated in flying ashes.

These flying puppets can still be revived
But these seven captives who have been guarded by them all the way, never come back.

Not only that, a scroll that sealed a large number of captives was unfortunately destroyed.

A large number of captives in the scroll also disappeared with the sealed scroll.

The number of people is probably thirty or more!

To make matters worse, at the moment the seal scroll was shattered, a large number of figures protected by the seal were revealed, and they were wiped out amidst the miserable howls. …

At that moment, it was like an endless hell!

At that moment, the entire "club" guild was shocked like never before.

As the strongest and most elite guild, the players of the "Club" always have unprecedented confidence.

Even in the ranch, he has already been tricked by monsters once.

But they are still full of pride!
Later, as the enemy's offensive became stronger and stronger, they also imagined failure, or worse.

But in the end it's still a fluke!
But this time when the defensive barrier was broken, they slapped them hard on the face again, and even stabbed them hard in the heart.

After a brief silence, every player in the "Club" guild chased and killed the remaining monsters with utmost rage.

Like the "fishing old man", even very rare, directly poking a monster with blood holes all over his body.

Later, even the monster was completely dead, and he was still poking, that is, when the monster turned into ashes and disappeared, he was still poking hard.

The ground was completely poked into a hornet's nest!

And like "cursing Zisha again", he even chased a fleeing monster for two miles, and then killed him.

Even the entire World Channel, and all the players were silent.

There is no doubt that this is a huge stimulus for players!

Although the escort retreated, it was impossible without sacrifice, especially from the enemy's rear, all the way to the rumen layer.

But the sudden huge casualties still hurt the hearts of the "club" and even many players.

Martina, the deputy head of the whole battle, wanted to say some words of persuasion, but in the end she didn't say anything.

As long as you are still fighting, as long as you are not crushed by force, perhaps you will inevitably encounter such a situation.

What is despair?
Your birth is meaningless, your efforts are meaningless, and your sacrifices are meaningless!
And this is exactly the reality!
at the same time.

Viscount Anxu's unit was once again subjected to various assassinations one after another.

However, the probability of success is getting smaller and smaller.

Not even at all!

As the players killed more and more, the blood energy of the Blood Moon Curse on their bodies became stronger and stronger.

And this is like a lantern in the dark for the monsters in the underworld.

No matter how good an assassin is at hiding himself, he is now unable to hide.

An adjutant laughed and said, "Master Viscount, the blood moon mark has completely exploded, and those so-called players can't hide themselves at all!"

After saying a word, not only the Viscount Anxu, but also the entire camp all showed unprecedented smiles at the same time.

The turning point is finally here!
In the past, these players were like locusts in transit, not only able to wreak havoc everywhere, but also perfectly hide themselves.

This makes them difficult to kill and hard to find!
Well now, these fleas and locusts are as obvious as lice on a bald man's head, and they can encircle and suppress them however they want.

As for the various sneak attack tactics that made them extremely headaches, they were completely ineffective!
At this moment, another adjutant Xing hurried over.

"Your Majesty Viscount is overjoyed. Those players started to attack wildly. Compared with the many previous attacks that were very disorderly, it was more like revenge." …

When Viscount Anxu heard this, his thoughts changed in his heart, but he suddenly had a guess.

"That should be our advance force. The surprise attack on the "Club" guild has achieved great results. Players ignore death because they can be resurrected continuously."

"The reason why you are so angry now must be because the dead cannot be resurrected!"

When everyone heard this, their eyes lit up.

Those that cannot be resurrected are naturally those captive animals in the old man's ranch!
In fact, as early as not long ago, Viscount Anguo told everyone with practical actions that these humanoid war weapons, that is, players, also have joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys.

Their hearts will be broken too!

But now, the death of these captives once again revealed the players' fragile and injured hearts more thoroughly.

Coupled with the complete outbreak of the blood moon seal, the players have nothing to hide.
Viscount Anxu and all the senior officials realized at the same time—the time for a decisive battle has come!

At this moment, another adjutant rushed over excitedly.

"Master Viscount is overjoyed!"

The Viscount Anxu couldn't hide his smile anymore, and asked with a smile, "Where does the joy come from?"

Adjutant: "Your Earl sent a large number of pterosaurs and sent us a large number of thirteen guards. You can use them as you like!"

Viscount Anxu was overjoyed immediately.

This is real support!
Who doesn't know that the thirteen guards are the greatest heritage of the Dark Earldom.

Loyal, easy to use, can be made and used unscrupulously!
They can even cast unprecedented magic at the cost of their lives without any resistance!

After exchanging pleasantries and thanking you, Viscount Anxu released all the thirteen guards.

The thirteen guards shone with cold light, exuding an unprecedented cold light, and the momentum was astonishingly large.

Viscount Anxu realized that this batch of thirteen guards should be among the thirteen guards, and they are all high-quality products.

Viscount Anxu said with great pride, "Let's go, sweep and drive away all the players, even if they can't be completely killed, at least drive them out of the real world!"


The battle roars of all the monsters rose into the sky.

These players have brought them too much shame, now it's time to get everything back!

As Viscount Anxu said, even if they cannot be killed, at least they can be expelled from the real world.

Previously, players would run away if they could fight well, but now that the blood moon seal broke out, their whereabouts would always be transparent.

They set up ambushes everywhere and were arrested layer by layer. They had no other way but to the rumen layer!
And once all the players are expelled from the real world at the same time, that's when they enter the world!
world channel.


[Blood Moon Seal explodes, all players' whereabouts are transparent, and they will no longer be able to hide themselves perfectly. All players are requested to be prepared for a big impact and a big counterattack. 】

Seeing the game's official server announcement, all the players felt a little confused.

It is even said that there is a feeling that the house is leaking and it is raining continuously.

Just at the most critical moment of their rescue and escort mission, the blood moon seal suddenly exploded...

This kind of feeling is like, they have had a hard time getting through the easy mode, but the official suddenly told them that the hard mode is about to start.

Isn't this cheating?
world channel.

"I am "Zhu Rong", the president of the "Red Flame League" guild. I am very sorry to tell you that Xiaoniaoguankou may hold on for at most half an hour before it will fall. Please also "Long Sky" and other major guilds to be good demons. Lionfire cavalry preparing to go north. "

Players: "."

The hemp rope is cut at the delicate point, and bad luck finds the poor.

This is really a double whammy!

The cavalry of the Demon Lion Fire Department have now completely gained their prestige.

Every player knows that this batch of cavalry is the real elite. At the Xiaoniao pass, with the advantage of the terrain and a large number of magic items, the three major guilds barely blocked the magic lion's fire department.

If the Demon Lion Fire Department breaks through the blockade, it will catch up with everyone in the "Club" guild in minutes.

"The Flint Department of the Semimata Mine took the initiative to cooperate with the combat power of other pack beast stations and launched a surprise attack on us from the "Dance of Thunder" ! "

"Blood Moon Seal broke out, my "International Friendship Gesture Group" guild, began to be unable to hide, and completely lost the ability to contain the Dark Fang Viscount. On the route back north, it is very likely that I will hit the Dark Fang Department head-on."

"I found that there are a large number of thirteen guards in the Viscount Anxu's department. Please be careful and take precautions."

Players: "."

Watching the bad news that almost swamped the screen on the World Channel, the players finally realized what it means to be "defeated like a mountain".

The avalanche may be that moment
"Club" guild.

Everyone was like eggplants beaten by frost. This sudden "landslide" brought them unprecedented pressure and frustration.

At the most critical moment, they had nothing to do.

The pressure was like a landslide and tsunami, one wave after another, even they couldn't resist it at all!
Even "Long Sky" was feeling disappointed at this moment. He was too arrogant!
He thought that he could figure out the officials' thoughts and not give them a too dark ending.

It turns out he was wrong!

he thought. always thought
"Long Sky" realized that being known as the number one in "Breaking Dawn" made him feel a little drifting in this game.

He thought that in this game, he was omnipotent and could achieve whatever he wanted!
Facts have proved that everything is his wishful thinking!

Going against the general trend, he can't do anything!
How to do?
Do you pray to the gods?

If the gods really care. Why should he pray?


Thinking of this, "Long Sky" suddenly realized that he was still too arrogant and conceited!

Why did he think that if the gods cared, he didn't need to pray?
What's more, why does he think that if he prays, the gods must care?

The captives, whose number was reduced by almost half, also understood something at this time.

They are going to die!
Even the beasts who have not opened their minds at all, when they see the butcher knife swinging at them, they know that death is coming, let alone them.

They only degenerate in civilization, language, and mind, but they still retain a little bit of spirituality after all. …

Those immortal "people?" in front of me can't protect them anymore!
In the past, "Yao Liu" and "Lin Zhixue" always said that they were not "gods" but "human beings". They didn't quite understand.


Now they understand a little bit!

Those in front of me are indeed not "gods" but "human beings".

There are things they can't do!
Just when "Demon Six" felt sad, a little fluffy hand stretched out.

"We are not afraid of people!"

The players of "Demon Six" and "Club" were stunned at the same time.

At this moment, the electronic sound of the system rang in their ears at the same time.

[The captive 'Xiao Qi' has a strong desire to communicate with you, but due to limited wisdom, he cannot answer with words.Are you willing to lend your spiritual wisdom to Xiao Qiyi? 】

Xiaoqi is the name "Yao Liu" gave to the captive she carried.

Her name is "Six", and the little one she carries is naturally called "Xiao Qi".

For example, the one brought by "Lin Zhixue" was named "Youxue" by her.

The meaning is equally simple, but it also reflects their hearts!

"Wish, wish, wish!"

Without any hesitation, the members of the "Club" guild directly agreed to lend their "spiritual wisdom" to Xiao Qi Youxue and the others.

All of a sudden, everyone in the "Club" guild was stunned at the same time, and then they felt a stream of light coming out of their bodies, penetrating into Xiao Qiyouxue and the others.

Afterwards, the players of the "Club" guild suddenly realized that they had come to a brand new world.

The surrounding scenes and situations are somewhat familiar to them.

After a little thought, isn’t this the old man’s ranch?

However, compared to the old man's ranch they saw, the old man's ranch in this spiritual world is more beautiful.

Everyone in the "Club" guild frowned at the same time.

Perhaps in their eyes, the heinous pasture is their home in the eyes of these captives!

The screen turns.

It was Xiaoqi Youxue and several other captives who looked enviously at the sky where the pterosaur and bird flew by.

The screen turned again.

It was Xiaoqi, who was shivering in the dark and saw that the two older friends who had been looking at the sky with them just now were being dragged out of the slaughterhouse.

He struggles, but nothing works!
The illusory and erratic picture disappeared, but everyone in the "Club" guild saw captives with relatively familiar faces appearing in front of them one after another.

Xiaoqi and Youxue were impressively among them.

"Looking at the sky outside, it used to be our wish, but now it has come true!"

"I want to kill those monsters for revenge. During this time, you have killed batch after batch. This wish has come true!"

"Also, the wish to fly in the sky unexpectedly has been fulfilled!"

"There are also those wishes that are extremely delicious, like heavenly food, that I never thought about before, and they have come true!"

"Most of all, people, thank you for telling us that we are all human, exactly like you. Never thought of that before!"

"We don't have any regrets anymore, even if we die, please don't have any regrets!"

"Pack light and hit the road!"

Xiaoqi, Youxue, and one after another, the faces of the captives whose knees were dug out, and who were forcibly taken on the road by them emerged one by one.

With smiles on their faces, they comforted everyone in the "club" and advised them to travel lightly!

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