All players know that they say this to ease their burden.

But the purpose of this trip is to escort them back to the human world.

Without them, what is the point of their trip?
"Yao Liu" took Xiao Qi's hand and said, "Don't be afraid, we will definitely bring you back to Dawn City. There are many, many people there, and everyone lives with dignity!"

Xiao Qi showed yearning.

Before today, she never knew that "people" can understand so much.

Especially with the spiritual wisdom lent to them by these "people", it suddenly feels like the whole world has opened up.


They also knew that the "Club" had reached its limit in escorting them here, even if it was the unbelievably powerful "Long Sky", it was impossible for him to match so many powerful enemies.

Humans are not gods after all, manpower is sometimes poor after all!
All the players were furious.

They have never been so powerless!
At this moment, the hearts of all the players suddenly brightened up, and a figure appeared in everyone's hearts at the same time.

And the players of the "Club" also looked at the man who suddenly appeared in front of them in surprise at the same time.

"Your Majesty the King!"

All the players want to visit at the same time.

The true God is like this, even if you just see her, you will understand her greatness, and you can't help but want to worship her.

This is not a psychological surrender, but a choice of life instinct, a gift from the laws of heaven and earth.

It is a tribute to the strong and a guardian to the weak!


Rhodes opened his mouth and said nothing.

All the players stood up straight at the same time without kneeling down.

Everyone looked at Rhodes in front of them, curious like never before.

Of course, more is still hopeful!

At this moment, they suddenly understood the feelings of the people of Dawn City, and understood why they always worship His Majesty the God King in such a way.


No matter what difficulties and predicaments you encounter, as long as you think that His Majesty the God King is still behind you, you will feel at ease like never before.

Rhodes: "I have been involved in this matter from the beginning to the end, and I also care about it, so even if you don't pray to me, when it is time to help, you will take the initiative to choose to help you because this is also my war!"

"Sky" and many players who had thought about this question were stunned at the same time.

His Majesty the God King's words were actually explaining to them.

Xiaoqi Youxue and other captives felt that their brains were not enough.

This is the real god?

The moment they saw His Majesty the God King, they instinctively knew that this was the "True God", but their words were not as high as they imagined.

Is this the way of getting along between true God and man?

All the captives were stunned.

In fact, the players couldn't help being stunned.

In fact, they had too little contact with the God King Solator, and His Majesty the God King was too mysterious in their hearts.

But it was such a mysterious true god who spoke in such a down-to-earth way, which created an unprecedented contrast in their hearts for a while.


Kind of like!

Rhodes looked at the crowd and said, "There are two reasons why it has been delayed until now—" …

"First, I will always believe in the fourth natural disaster;"

"Second, I need these captives to regain their hearts."

Rhodes was simple and unpretentious, without any tricky words, directly resounding in the hearts of all players.

The players couldn't help but froze.

His Majesty the God King said she will always believe. The fourth natural disaster? !
What kind of weird and shocking speech is this?

To be trusted and needed is always one of the simplest and most advanced spiritual needs of human beings.

And now, a true god tells them that she always believes in the fourth disaster.



Rhodes: "People's hearts have basically been recovered, and only the last big victory is left. I will use my divine power to help you open your heart realm, give you courage and blessings, and help you coordinate the frequency of the contract with the elves. How dare you?" Create a new miracle?"

Give blessings, and help them. Open the heart?
All the players were stunned for a moment, but then they were ecstatic.

Nowadays, the only one that clearly opens the mind world is "Double Carp".

How strong is she?

Obviously not good at fighting, he is a soy sauce casual player, but relying on the heart realm, he ranks among the strongest echelons.

"Long live His Majesty the God King!"

All the players cheered together.

Rhodes: "I helped you open your heart realm, but it's a bit counterproductive. The heart realm is there. Those who are aware of it can be easily broken, but those who are not aware of it will never be aware of it."

"It's like asking yourself to realize that you are you and you are not you!"

The players thought about it.

This is a bit convoluted, but it is actually a simple philosophical speculation!

In essence, it is to see yourself clearly and understand yourself.

Just like Xavier, the elves he contracted with were ice-type, and he saw the players chasing death and north that day, and his heart was unprecedentedly hot.

So, he thinks ice is scorching hot!

So that day, the ice in his world burned!

There is also "Schrödinger, the cat abuser". He clearly knows that he is a genius but not that genius, and accepts the fact that he is not that genius, and then he wakes up.


How many people can really see themselves clearly?

Often the simpler the truth, the more difficult it is to practice.

It's like everyone knows that you should study hard,'s just a truth after all!

Rhodes: "The most difficult thing for people is often to face one's own heart. Because growth and maturity are often accompanied by pain, are you willing to face your own heart for this miracle?"

The players were startled.

But immediately, Qiqi opened his mouth and asked His Majesty the God King to help them open their hearts and create another miracle!
Rhodes smiled immediately.

"Then I look forward to your miracle!"

Accompanied by a divine light, all the players were stunned at the same time.

Then, in their eyes, a lot of glimpses began to emerge.

"here is?"

In an almost black-and-white light and shadow world, "Long Sky" was surprised to see another self.

I saw himself, beaming with joy and eloquence. …

"This rescue operation is sure to be successful. Things like ranches are too dark. When Big Old Carter illuminates one ranch after another, it is probably just a glimpse of light."

"The purpose of the existence of this kind of thing is basically to establish the rationality of the killing and make the players share the same hatred."

"After all, it's a game world, so how can it go completely dark and crippled?"

The screen turns.

"Long Sky" saw that the scroll that sealed a large number of captives was destroyed, and a large number of captives died miserably.

That scene was like an endless hell!
And he himself was stunned, looking pitiful and powerless

It's World Channel, one piece of bad news after another.

The army was defeated like a mountain, and these bad news almost completely drowned him!

"How to do?"

"Pray to the gods?"

"Why pray if the gods really care about him?"

A sentence of truth, poured out from the mouth of another self.

As a bystander, "Long Kong" realized how arrogant he was!
Thinking that he is the strongest player is like omnipotent.

Self-proclaimed as a professional player, you can be one step ahead of everyone, able to see through the entire game and the entire world.


When the development of the incident did not develop in the direction he "anticipated", he began to become dejected again.

Even the matter of praying to the gods is arrogant and arrogant, thinking that if the gods care, he doesn't need to pray!

At this moment, the "long sky" in the world of light and shadow suddenly seemed to break through the dimensional wall and looked at his body.

"In the end, His Majesty the God King appeared, explained that she cared about this matter, and took the initiative to help all our players open their hearts. Do you think your prediction is actually right?"

"Long Sky": "."

Honestly, yes kinda!
The moment His Majesty the God King appeared, he was secretly delighted.

Sure enough, the world will not go to a complete darkness!

I saw the self in the light and shadow asked with a strange smile, "You predicted it again. Are you very proud?"

"Long Sky": "I'm not proud."

Self in light and shadow: "No, you have. Do you think you can deceive yourself?"

"Sky" took a deep breath.

Suddenly I understand why His Majesty the God King said that "growth and maturity are accompanied by pain"
Being ruthlessly exposed by another self, there is nothing more embarrassing and embarrassing than this!

"Long Sky": "Yes, I am a little happy and a little proud, but I also know that none of these can cover up the fact that I am arrogant and a failure!"

The other self smiled and said, "After you realize this, what can you change?"

Sky is frustrated.

It is indeed powerless to change anything!
Another self, "From a martial arts kid who came out of the countryside, to the substitute of the Longqi team, and then recognized as the number one one-handed sword in "Breaking Dawn", you have always been talented, but have you really reached the peak?"

"Long Sky" was speechless.

The other self suddenly came in front of "Sky", and said earnestly, "Admit it, you are just a climber who is still looking for it, you are indeed talented and talented, but your talent and talent are not worth it. Not unparalleled!"  …

Then, the great god "Shui Zhengyin Xin" appeared on the screen.

"Long Sky" recalled that he used to look up at him like this.

Even because of his brilliant starlight, he couldn't help but plunge into the Longqi team.

Then, it was the scene when he heard that "Shui Zhengyin Xin" had developed the ancient forbidden curse burial spell.

To be honest, if he hadn't seen the scene in front of him, maybe "Sky" didn't know it himself, and he was a little panicked at the time.

Even if he doesn't want to admit it, it is undeniable that he is a little worried in the face of "Shui Zhengyin Xin" who is catching up.

"Long Sky" smiled wryly.

It turned out that he was not as confident as he thought!

Then, the shadow of "Double Carp" appeared in the screen.

When he saw the unique gameplay of "Double Carp", "Long Sky" suddenly realized that he would never be able to become an outstanding dancer like "Double Carp".

He doesn't say "community fear", but at least he is not a "community bull" like "Double Carp". He is not as good as "Double Carp"!
Then, a little jealousy!

"Double Carp" is so lucky, it opens up its mind as soon as it is said, and if it is said to cultivate a little elf into a big elf, it will be cultivated into a big elf.

And he is lagging behind!
Scene after scene, "Long Sky" feels more and more embarrassing the more you watch it.

The more I look at it, the more ugly I feel!
Shadow himself: "So, have you decided what to bet in your mind?"

"Long Sky": "."

What does he need to invest in his heart, and then use it as the key to support his heart?
"Don't worry, our "Club" guild is the most powerful guild in "Breaking Dawn", and we will definitely be able to bring you back to the rumen layer safely! "

"Humans, not gods, we are all human beings, or we can be envoys of gods!"

"Xiao Qi, my name is "Yao Liu", then you will be called Xiao Qi from now on. After returning to the capital of dawn, I will take you to eat the most delicious food! "

In the world of black and white light and shadow, "Yao Liu" saw her laughing and chirping all the time.

She never felt that there was a problem before, but from the perspective of a third party, she always felt that every word she said was like planting a flag.

Shadow "Demon Six": "What? Seeing myself with flags indiscriminately like this, I started to dislike myself?"

"Demon Six" shook his head.

"No, I really like such a sunny and cheerful self"

Shadow "Demon Six": "Are you sure you didn't cater instinctively? Deliberately? Haven't you always kept strangers at arm's length?"

"Demon Six": "What's wrong with showing respect to strangers?"

The shadow "Demon Six" pointed at the many captives, and said, "Aren't they strangers?"

"Demon Six": "They are strangers, but they are also the target of our escort on this trip. What's wrong with me communicating with them and helping them regain their hearts?"

Shadow "Demon Six": "You did this simply to show that you are also doing your best in the "Club" guild, and you have your existence value. You just don't have confidence! "

"Demon Six" turned purple.

It felt like being stripped clean in an instant, unprecedented embarrassment!
Yes, she is very insecure!

In a guild where great gods gather, she inevitably instinctively wants to show her worth. …

"Demon Six": "What's wrong with this? What's wrong with deliberately expressing yourself? I don't hate myself like this"

"Yes, I am somewhat envious of the power of "Long Sky", the amazing brain of "Crouching Dragon and Phoenix", and even more envious of the success of "Fever 105°""

"Yes, I deliberately cater to them and want them to lead me further, but I am who I am. I have been like this since I was a child. I have been like this before and will still be like this in the future. I don't plan to change it. What can you do?"

"Demon Six" was directly smashed.

It's just playing a game, and you expect her to torture her heart, and then use it to reborn?

Stop dreaming!

She is just like herself, maybe a little ingratiating, maybe a little admiring, maybe a little unconfident and wanting to express herself.
But she never felt that she hated herself like this!
So what about flattery?
Maybe it's a bit against her will, but doesn't that mean she just thinks that in her heart she flatters her, or that she is a better self in disguise?
"Demon Six" doesn't think there is any problem with this way of life, and there is no need to correct it!
The shadow "Demon Six" laughed, "In this world, you either work hard to excel, or you are cheerful enough to be happy. Since you like this kind of yourself and don't think you can make any changes, why don't you just plant this kind of yourself in your heart?" Then the world likes this kind of self even more?"

"Demon Six" was stunned.

Didn't let her correct it?

"Demon Six" suddenly blushed, "Is it okay?"

The shadow "Yao Liu" suddenly came over and hugged her, "Of course, don't you hate yourself like this? So, plant me in your heart, even if you do this kind of thing in the future, don't think twice All kinds of worries!"

"it is good."

"Demon Six" suddenly laughed.

She suddenly felt that this torture was actually very good in her heart!

Time passed, but again it seemed to have come to a standstill.

But every player's heart seems to have gone through countless times.

It's never so good to face yourself.

In this process, whether it is self-confidence, self-satisfaction, or self-lostness, it is like going through a mental journey, torturing oneself and facing various choices at the same time.

It is even possible to deduce
For the past, almost no one has no regrets.

Given the choice, most people would probably choose to make a new decision.


When you go back to the past and make a new choice, is that still your real self?

This is always a paradox!

To put it bluntly, I still accept myself now!
And Rhodes made this torture of facing his own heart, in essence, he turned the past into spiritual food, and then set out on the road again and set sail again.

Beside many players, the elves who made the contract emerged one by one, with a faint glow shining on their bodies.

Different from the previous awakening of natural evolution, this time the bodies of these elves all have the light of apocalypse bestowed by Rhodes.

The purpose is to magnify the emotions of the players, and at the same time greatly attract the elves they have contracted to "resonate with them".

Then break the barriers of wisdom and realize the existence of the mind world.

Facts have proved that Rhodes is successful!
More and more players began to radiate a faint spiritual light from their bodies, which then attracted the cheers of the pact elves, and then plunged into the newly opened heart world.

After that, it was a brand new world!

One breath after another began to sublimate!

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