Chapter 267 The Damn Sense of Ritual

time flies.

Days passed since the battle to regain the real world layer ended.

Various discussions on the "Battle to Recapture the Realm Layer" on the Earth Network, not only did not subside, but became more and more popular.

As for the final "closing curtain", discussions on the Internet are even more raucous.

Also because of this more and more discussions, players are looking forward to the official "Curtain Closing Ceremony" that will be presented soon.

According to the customs of the real world, it is inevitable to reward meritorious deeds.

Everyone is looking forward to the possible "benefits" and "rewards", after all, the official has always been very poignant in their hearts.

To the surprise of the players, there has been no official movement on this matter.

This makes all the players a little disappointed!
Many players, who were a little impatient with waiting, began to explore the newly brought back land of the Realm Realm.

After all, the players have not forgotten that the hidden space connected by the thirteen guards has not yet been found.

Players are still looking forward to the last of the Dawning Big Three.

After all, Xibel is the only woman among the Big Three of Dawn, and she is also a "doll" made by Mr. Carter himself.

Nowadays, Boss Carter is completely a myth in the hearts of the players, and everyone is very much looking forward to what kind of miracles he, the last back-hand, can create.

The dark city that was dragged back to the present world is very dilapidated, and there are still traces of war everywhere.

In addition to being repeatedly looted by the players, almost all the buildings were destroyed.

Not to mention a piece of white land, but there are no buildings left. Even the players can't help feeling the ruthlessness of war!
Wufei rabbit go, time is like an arrow.

In the blink of an eye, ten days have passed.

It was also on this day that all players simultaneously received the official announcement of server suspension for maintenance.

The time to stop the server for maintenance is one day, and the compensation rewards are still very tight.

120 Saint Quartz, 300 gold coins, 30 food packages.

The players are angry and helpless, they can only feel that having technology is capricious.

The compensation reward is that Zhou Papi will call the expert directly when he sees him.

The evening goes and the morning comes, and the day passes in the blink of an eye.

When "Mo Hancheng" woke up again from the rented hotel, he even had a feeling of "long absence".

In fact, it's not just "Mo Hancheng" who has this feeling, but all players are feeling this way more and more.

They are getting more and more accustomed to carrying weapons on their backs, wearing armor, and having unprecedented strength, just like the feeling of Little Superman.

In this world, they seem to be omnipotent!

"Mo Hancheng" clenched his hands into fists.

With the experience of this battle, plus the reward he received as compensation for stopping the server yesterday, he can go to the Palace of God to make a contract and become a real elf envoy.

Compared with other players, with the help of "Elegant Alliance" and the miracle of attacking the city of darkness, he was fortunate enough to drink the miracle source liquid in the dark blood pool.

Not to mention the other second-test players, but many first-test players didn't have this opportunity at all.

Moreover, under the blessing of His Majesty the God King, he had opened his heart realm in advance before making the contract with the elves, but he didn't know what ability he would get from this contract.

In the cognition of "Mo Hancheng", "Breaking Dawn" is a very rigorous world, and everything has traces to follow.

With more and more videos about contracting elves on the Internet, the contracting of elves has gradually become "regular".

In addition to metaphysical contracting, many players have actually summed up a lot of laws and techniques about contracting.

"Mo Hancheng" has been studied one by one.

Not only does he have a lot of miracles himself, but the whole world has also been greatly expanded due to the recapture of the rumen layer and the real world layer of the double sky layer.

He is equivalent to standing on the cusp of the development of the times. He just doesn't know if he can take advantage of the trend and fly!

Not long after "Mo Hancheng" went online, I found that there was an extra task in front of me.

The name of the mission is. God Worship Ceremony!


The moment he saw this task, "Mo Hancheng" was immediately refreshed.

For the Huaxia people, it is customary to pay attention to the beginning and the end, and he also wants to know how the official will bring this war to an end.

According to the mission prompt, "Mo Hancheng" immediately walked out of the hotel.

In an instant, he felt the difference!
The entire street was cleaned, and all the buildings had some new decorations, which looked solemn and solemn.

Not only that, the vast majority of pedestrians on the street are wearing very formal clothes.

It's been so long since I played "Breaking Dawn", but "Mo Hancheng" has never seen such a formal costume.

Under the reminder of the task, "Mo Hancheng" consulted the local people seriously.

Then, he knew the tradition and significance of this kind of clothing in Dawn City.

The reason why tradition is tradition is that from the beginning to the end of clothing, even a single flower can find history and allusions.

"Mo Hancheng" followed the mission prompts and went to a designated clothing store to get a "formal dress" that fit his body size.

Not to mention, after putting on this set of "formal clothes", I feel a little different.

The whole person looks unusually energetic and solemn!
In the clothing store, "Mo Hancheng" saw several players who followed the mission prompts to pick up clothes like him.

Before the collar, twitter, feel fresh.

After changing into formal clothes, while being fresh and curious, the voice also unknowingly became much quieter.


According to the prompt of the task, "Mo Hancheng" received the "flame chrysanthemum" and "sun flower" from the flower shop successively.

"Mo Hancheng" knows both of these.

The sun flower is the brightest flower in the city of dawn, representing the wish for sunshine and warmth.

The flame chrysanthemum, on the other hand, is a flower that represents loyalty and blessings, and is used to worship ancestors.

"Mo Hancheng" guessed that there should probably be a "flower presentation" link next.

He still understands this!
After changing clothes, the next task reminds me to clean my hands and face and apply incense.

Especially in the process of applying incense, it has an unusual sense of ritual.

Free reception points have been set up throughout Dawn City, men and women are separated, and they are all assisted by specially trained "professionals".

While helping to apply the ointment, they muttered words, probably meaning "pious" and "close to God".

After finishing this series of preparations, about an hour or so passed.


All the players followed the system's instructions and headed to Solator's main square.

The players are not unfamiliar with this big square.


The first story of opening the server happened here!

Not only that, but this is the closest location to the Tower of the Sun. Whether players come to brush their books or receive various "scholar"-related tasks, they will basically pass through this place.

As soon as Shishi arrived here, all the players immediately felt a sense of solemnity and solemnity.

First of all, human beings.

As far as the eye can see, there are moving heads almost everywhere.

They were all dressed in formal attire, holding the sword and shield banner of the Knights Templar, or the "Book Sword Banner" of the cathedral, with smiles and fanaticism written all over their faces.

Second, is the channel.

All the aisles were full of guards who put on professional uniforms, and each of them put on the "Yijian" in their hands.

No matter which player passes, they will offer the most noble etiquette.

This made the hearts of the players unknowingly touched!

People are creatures that are easily influenced by the environment. When everyone is so solemn and sacred, this ceremony will naturally become "noble".

After formally entering the Soltor Square, the first thing you see is the "flame chrysanthemum" that almost covers the entire square.

These flame chrysanthemums are placed as the iconic "sword and shield" of the Knights Templar, or as the iconic "sword book" of the cathedral, which looks like a burning "flame", sacred and full of warmth.

After the previous series of baptisms, the players became more or less serious.


As soon as Hajime entered this square, his heart became completely solemn.

time flies.

More and more players have completed the guiding tasks and arrived at the main square of Solator one after another. Accompanied by the solemn BGM, the sense of ceremony in the hearts of the players is getting stronger and stronger.

At about ten o'clock in the morning, the knights of the Knights Templar, the bishops of the cathedral, the high-level representatives of the Adventurers Association, and even the representatives of the rescued Dawn City all dressed in serious formal attire, slowly Go into the main square.

And when the high-level officials of the Dawn City first appeared on the stage, the big square and even the surrounding area of ​​Solator were all boiling at the same time.

I don't know how many aborigines have tears in their eyes.

With the brilliant victory in the recovery battle of the real world, the prestige of the top of the Knights Templar, the top of the cathedral, and even the top of the Adventurers Association has been unprecedentedly high.

For a while, the cheers were like waves, and one wave was higher than the other!
In particular, each of them was still wearing the traditional costumes of Dawn City, which brought waves of shock to the players.

Especially for the players of the second test, it is inevitable that their hearts will be surging at this time.

In real life, they are often not too keen on such ceremonies and ceremonies, and even feel that the leaders are a bit formalistic.


Only when you are really in this frenzied environment and atmosphere can you truly understand what is called power!

None of the players thought that just a high-level appearance, without saying anything or doing anything, would actually touch their hearts.

Daybreak, I really have you!
 PS: It's a bit of a calvin, the second update is in the daytime, let me think about it!
(End of this chapter)

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