After becoming a god, I became the dog planner in the mouth of the players

Chapter 268 Grand Ceremony and Depth Charge 【Subscription】

Chapter 268 Grand Ceremony and Depth Charge 【Subscription】

In China, "sacrificing to heaven and ancestors" has been advocated since ancient times.

In the feudal era, this was one of the most important tasks of the emperor, which is the so-called "major affairs of the country, in sacrifice and military affairs".

In Pagri Continent, since the elves era, the most important sacrificial activities belong to "sacrifice to god" and "sacrifice to heaven and earth".

Sacrifice to the gods, as the name suggests, is to sacrifice to the god king Solethor.

Of course, in previous eras, those held were generally "small sacrifices".

Such a "big sacrifice" of the highest standard is essentially a bit like Feng Chan in China.

Only rulers who have made exceptionally significant contributions, even the ones that shine in the annals of history, are eligible to hold sacrifices.

And "sacrifice to heaven and earth", the core is "sacrifice to the present world" and "sacrifice to the spirit world".

In the philosophical system of Pagri Continent, the three worlds of heaven and earth are a complete cycle.

In ancient times there were sacrifices to the underworld!

Since the age of the elves, the underworld has continuously encroached on the world and the spirit world. After many sacrificial offerings to no avail, subsequent consuls gradually gave up offering sacrifices to the underworld.

Of course, this is only the official attitude, and there are still too many people offering sacrifices to Hades among the people.

After all, fear is always one of the best ways to reap faith.

However, now that the god king Solethor is in the world, there are gradually fewer people offering sacrifices to Hades.

After Martina, Archbishop Boyle and others stepped onto the stage successively, the sacrificial ceremony officially began.

Martina, deputy head of the group: "Salute to His Majesty the God King!"

Just a word, all the aborigines at the scene put their hands together and made the most devout prayer gestures.

The choir in the audience began to sing the "Holy Prayer" immediately.

This is the most traditional and oldest sacrificial song in the capital of dawn. Since the appearance of the sacrificial secret ceremony, various audios and videos about it have appeared on the earth network.

Many people even use it as BGM, and some even call it "Divine Comedy for Purification" and "Divine Comedy for Healing".


Even after listening to it many times, after hearing the "Holy Prayer" sung by the choir, the feeling is completely different.

It is also the "Holy Prayer", but because of the different rhythms of singing, the artistic conception conveyed is even more different.

At the mystery of Anna's sacrificial ceremony, the tune of "Holy Prayer" was bleak and tragic.

But this time the tune has a grand sound, the words are correct, full of sacredness, and the energy reflected is even more positive, with a feeling of "rebirth from the ashes".

This reminds the players of an old saying——

The sound of governing the world is peace and joy, and its politics are peaceful; the sound of troubled times is anger, and its politics are bad; the sound of a subjugated country is sorrow, and its people are in poverty.

The same "Holy Prayer", at this moment, has been transformed from "the voice of subjugation" to "the voice of governing the world".

This made the players feel the novelty, but at the same time, they couldn't help but feel an indescribable sense of accomplishment.


All the players have a share of this "Government of the World"!

The most important thing is that with the chanting of the tune, the elemental spirit power between the heaven and the earth is drawn in bit by bit.

The whole square became solemn and solemn, and after the singing, the sacred light diffused from the sky.

In an instant, whether it was the aborigines, the players, or the compatriots in Dawn City who were rescued, everyone felt the divine light added to their bodies, and their bodies and minds seemed to be purified.

After the "Holy Prayer", Martina, deputy head of the group, stepped onto the stage again under the eyes of everyone, took out the speech script prepared in advance, and began to recite.

"Respect to all brave men, respect to compatriots, respect to all compatriots in Dawn City, today is December 1322, 12 in the elf calendar. It is the last day of the year and the most important day in Pagri Continent."

"I, Martina, as the deputy head of the Knights Templar, solemnly announce that this is the first time since the age of elves in this world that I have completed the feat of retaking the land from the underworld!"

"Tomorrow, the Tower of the Sun will light up normally, and the new Dawn City will also light up a Tower of the Sun again. All the land between Dawn City and Dawn City will become arable!"

At the end of the sentence, Martina's deputy captain's voice spread throughout the entire Solator Square.

Then the sound spread through the magic screens, spreading throughout the Dawn City, and to the ears of all Dawn City compatriots outside the Dawn City.

For a moment, the sound of cheers like a tsunami resounded throughout the world.

No one understands the weight of this statement better than the Aboriginal people!

What they don't quite understand since the age of the elves.


For the vast majority of the people in Dawn City, since their birth, they have faced a question every day, that is - will the Tower of the Sun light up as usual when they wake up tomorrow?
And for all the farmers in Dawn City, what they have to worry about all the time is whether the land they cultivated today will be completely cursed by a dark tide tomorrow, making it impossible to cultivate it.

The curse of the dark tide is just like the complete extinction of the Tower of the Sun. It is a nightmare that will never be extinguished in the hearts of every aborigine in Dawn City!

Saka, which is like the survival of ordinary people in Dawn City, actually tastes bad, bitter and unpalatable.


It is one of the few crops that have been improved by scholars for generations, can be planted on land that has been poisoned by the curse of the underworld, and can be eaten without poison.

It has saved generations after generations!

But today, deputy head Martina stood on the stage and announced with great solemnity that for the first time, human beings took back the land from the hands of the underworld.

The second tower of the sun will light up again in this world
For them, what could be a happier and happier thing than this?

For a moment, everyone was laughing and cheering.

Laughing and laughing, there were even tears in his eyes.

I don't know who started it, but the voices of "His Majesty the God King is eternal", "Long live the knights" and "Long live the cathedral" continued to sound at the scene.

The sound is even higher than the wave!
for a while.

Even the players who were planning to watch from the sidelines couldn't help blending into it one by one, shouting and cheering.

Afterwards, Deputy Head Martina continued to announce:
"With the consent of His Majesty the God King, the Dawn Capital and the Dawn City that will be rebuilt on the wasteland will form a unified United Kingdom."

"The system is inherited from the ancient times. The first ruler exercises the highest administrative power and military leadership, and will gradually establish the 'Round Table Knight's Mansion' to command all the troops."

"All the land recovered in the follow-up recovery will be unified into the United Kingdom system, and all citizens are equal."

Under the stage, there was silence.

All the citizens listened quietly, and there was no disturbance for a while.

For this point, they actually still have a spectrum in their hearts.

Now the compatriots in Dawn City are too weak, there is no one who can fight, and there is no problem at all when they are incorporated into the Dawn City system.

For many players, they blinked at the same time.

They never expected that this closing ceremony would turn into a "founding ceremony".

Just thinking about it a little bit, you can know the great significance behind this incident, it's like a memorabilia of the beginning of the world.


Isn't this grand ceremony too crude?

"The national title, national flag, and national anthem will be uniformly collected from all citizens."

What the hell!

After hearing the news of the explosion, all the players were a little confused at the same time, followed by endless carnival.

Even if it is only in the game, if you can participate in the design of the "country title", "national flag" and "national anthem", it will be a major event that creates history.

If it is adopted, it is destined to remain in the annals of history.

Every player was excited, especially those players with higher artistic literacy, who were so excited that they cheered.

"In view of the indelible contributions made by the brave men in this war, all the brave men will be honored according to their merits."

"The brave who have won the title will get a territory in Dawn City and the surrounding area. The brave can build their own territory according to their own wishes."

"After owning the territory, the brave will have the right to recruit compatriots in Dawn City to work, and enjoy the qualification to collect taxes from the territory"

After saying that, all the players cheered together.

There is no doubt that this is the depth bomb!
(End of this chapter)

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