After becoming a god, I became the dog planner in the mouth of the players

Chapter 269 The Relit Tower of the Sun 【Happy New Year】

From the player's point of view, this grand ceremony is very grand.

But if it rises to "founding the country", it would be too crude!

After all, having been bombarded by the information age, players' horizons have been completely opened.


As soon as "Nobility" and "Fiefdom" came out, players immediately realized that a new version had arrived.

Especially the two powers of "opening the government" and "collecting taxes" make every player feel excited.

Then came the more cumbersome "big sacrifice" link.

The ceremony was presided over by Archbishop Boyle, who held the "Holy Book" to preach the doctrine.

This is also the first time that most players have fully heard the teachings of the God King Solethor.

Essentially redemption!

No matter how difficult and difficult it is now, as long as you believe in His Majesty the God King Solethor, you will be saved.

The master of the sky, the earth, and the ocean can bring back the eternal sun, the arable fertile land, and the clean and poison-free water source for the believers.

The guide of the starry sky is to continue the path of elf practice.

The lost savior, the core is to find the way forward again, so that the soul will not fall into hell after death
Archbishop Boyle's cadence was more solemn than ever.

The players are also fascinated!

Although, because the growing environment is completely different from the aborigines, they are not particularly superstitious about these things, but because the god king Solethor has shown miracles many times, the players can't help but think deeply.

Then, it was to pray together with the aborigines.

After the sacred preaching, it was Boyle who recited the "sacrifice" and offered tribute.

The last link is also the most important link, that is, please God!

The process is probably that after various rituals, Boyle liberates the elves, communicates with the heavens and the earth with the power of the elves, and asks His Majesty the God King to appear.

And the people did not wait stupidly, but began to kneel and pray under the leadership of other bishops.


Kneel twice.

Kneel three times.

Finally, kneel down and knock three times.

When everyone was wearing the same solemn and solemn costumes at the same time, and then knelt down to pray to the Archbishop's hymn, the scene was so shocking that it was beyond words.

This is a world where sincerity is true, and when all the citizens are extremely devout, the players even saw strands of shimmering particles of golden light constantly coming out of the citizens.

Then they lifted off little by little, and gathered together in the sky, which seemed to be shocked to the extreme.

It's as if everyone weaves together to create a miracle exclusive to them!
And many believers were even more excited to the point of tears.

Sacrifice to the gods, they have also participated in it before.


But it has never been like this, the light of faith that radiates from the body has gathered together, and even jointly formed a god seat.

Everyone realized that, unlike before, His Majesty the God King they had believed in for thousands of years had really returned.

Their faith is no longer rootless duckweed, but has cohesion and centripetal force.

All the believers who were waiting for the return of His Majesty the God King were so excited that tears filled their eyes for a moment, and they even felt a feeling of being connected by blood.

Even the compatriots in Dawn City were extremely excited at this time. …

From now on, they are no longer "beasts" raised by monsters, they all have a common identity. Believers of His Majesty the God King!
The "miracle" brought about by this ceremony made the players feel very shocked.

If we say that before, they more or less felt that this ceremony was a bit formal, but now they really understand the meaning of this ceremony.


Cultural Identity!

Faith recognition!

Through this ceremony, the people have completely completed a Pagri mainland version of the "Debate between Hua and Barbarians".

What is one of our own?
Anyone who believes in His Majesty the God-King together is one of our own!

Under the attention of everyone, Rhodes appeared on the throne that was jointly cast by the people.

for a while.

The entire large square knelt down again, and the voice of "Salute to His Majesty the Supreme God King" was heard in unison.

Afterwards, Rhodes bestowed divine grace.

Whether it's the aborigines, the compatriots of Dawn City, or the players, they all feel the warmth on their bodies at the same time.

Warm and comfortable to the extreme!

Like the aborigines, many serious illnesses on their bodies healed without medicine, even many elderly people seemed to be several years younger.

For a while, the voice of "God King Eternal" was overwhelming.

At the same time, the players received a divine blessing called "God King Roller".

The effect is to gain 15% sacred power blessing, that is, when encountering monsters, or non-God-King Scrolls, the attack on the enemy is increased by 15%.

When the players shouted "Shuang", they couldn't help calling him a good guy from the bottom of their hearts.

If you don't believe in yourself, you are the enemy. As expected of a monotheistic religion, doing things is domineering!
Players can clearly feel that this permanent buff is full of malice towards the monsters under Pluto's command.

The other thing is—as expected of God King Father!

Every time I come forward, the things I give are absolutely good things.

The last time there was such a permanent bless buff was the "Asylum of the Moon God" given in the world task "Vahari's Eternal Feast".

And these are almost out of print!
Soon, the cheers of the players became louder and louder.

Later, it was Martina, the deputy head of the team, who presented the reward plan for all players and many heroes of Dawn City in the capacity of "acting first in power".

After briefly looking at the reward plan, Rhodes directly said "accurate".

Follow the law!

In the entire Pagri Continent, all the humans who participated in this grand ceremony heard all kinds of awards at the same time.

First of all, there are the presidents of the major guilds in the first echelon.

For example, "Long Sky" personally served as the commander-in-chief and liaison of the player group of the "True Realm Raiders", and fired the first shot to escort the compatriots in Dawn City back to the north, helping the victims of Dawn City to regain their hearts. It is indispensable.

Officially upgraded from "Honorary Knight" to "Viscount".

Reward the territory construction order, the construction blueprint of the Viscount's mansion, and a set of legendary level enchanted armor.

Like a "territory building token", it contains 400 units of creation energy.

As long as the "Territory Construction Order Construction Blueprint" is used, the laws of one region can be distorted and turned into the rules of the game in the "Dawn" world. …

Territory building can be done in an almost "mythical" way!
If there is no construction order, then the construction can only be done honestly and step by step.

Afterwards, all the participants saw at the same time, a divine light appeared on "Long Sky".

From top to bottom, and then he has an extra set of armor stomach.

I saw this set of armor stomach, shaped like a fish scale armor, shiny and very beautiful.

at the same time.

"Long Sky" directly saw that his HP directly increased by 1500, and his physical resistance, magic resistance and poison resistance increased by 50 points respectively.

for a while.

"Long Sky" fell into the carnival directly.

Afterwards, "Long Sky" couldn't help but made a respectful salute to express his gratitude to His Majesty the God King.

The natives are satisfied, the Knights Templar are satisfied, the bishops in the cathedral are satisfied!
In view of the special relationship between the players and His Majesty the God King, they can tolerate some "rude" and "unruly" players.


In this unprecedented grand and formal ceremony, the big gift of "Sky" undoubtedly gave other players a good start.

Then, "Long Sky" felt that everyone's favor towards him gradually increased.

As for the players, they envied and hated at the same time.

Afterwards, it was the rewards for the second echelon.

The presidents of guilds such as "Double Carp", "Mu Yunbai", "Hungry Clown", "Pumpa Man", "Zhu Rong" and "Fu Qu" were awarded the title of "Baron".

Rewards "Barony Land Construction Order", "Baron Mansion Construction Blueprint", "Legendary Armor Stomach Set".


Everyone saw these guild leaders, with the divine light of rewards shining on their bodies at the same time.

Accompanied by the wandering of Shenguang, a set of unprecedentedly gorgeous armor stomachs appeared on them one after another.

Compared with the armor stomach on "Long Sky", the armor stomach on their bodies is a little less gorgeous.


No less beautiful than that!

The core of the men's A stomach is highlighted in "handsome", and the overall bias is "cool".

As for the women's A stomach, the core is highlighted in "beauty".

It is slim and not heavy, more like a set of "military uniform" style fashion.

The male players were satisfied, and the female players were also satisfied.

Everyone is very happy!
of course.

Compared to Viscount-level armor, Baron-level armor is weaker in performance.

HP probably only increased by 1000 points, and all defenses only increased by 30 points.

Even so, it still makes those players who have not received the reward envious.

After that, there are rewards for other players who have achieved great achievements.

There are relatively few players who have obtained titles and territory building orders, and there are only about 300 players who have territory building orders.

The vast majority of players probably only got the title of "Honorary Knight".

As for armored stomach, its level has dropped sharply, becoming a silver-level cotton armor, and it is completely incomparable with legendary-level scale armor and plate armor in terms of durability.

Even so, the players are still as excited as ever.

The longer you stay in Dawn City, the more you understand the rarity of a stomach.

In particular, His Majesty the God King also designed the Jiawei so handsome and beautiful, both male and female players are extremely satisfied. …

Especially the armor of the female players, it can be regarded as a model fashion.

The girls were happy, while the male players felt their eyes widened.

for a while.

Every player who has been awarded is excited!

The whole award was well-founded. When Rhodes awarded the award, he also specifically indicated the reason for the award.

All the players are also convinced!

Even if you don't get the title or territory, there will be various special prize sets.

Even the worst players have received a batch of rewards that are not outrageous.

for example.

Saint Quartz, Gold Coin, Scroll of Sealing, Pet Rein, Core of Darkness, Flint.

Happy to everyone!

After granting the title, the sacrificial ceremony entered a new stage.

Under the magical power of His Majesty the God King, everyone seemed to have arrived at the former site of Dawn City in an instant.

Afterwards, everyone saw His Majesty the God King pointing his finger, and a towering tower of the sun rose up little by little.

The Tower of the Sun has always been the largest and most magnificent building in the Capital of Dawn.

But for any player, there is no one who is not shocked by the tower of the sun in the capital of dawn.

And now seeing a tower of the sun rising from the ground with my own eyes, the shock brought to my heart is simply indescribable.

Not to mention the aborigines, even the players who thought all this was "game special effects" felt an indescribable shock in their hearts.


The players discovered that they had an extra igniter in their hands.

The moment they got the igniter, everyone knew how to use this prop.

Amid the much-anticipated countdown, everyone pressed the ignition button in their hands at the same time.

I saw that small sparks lit up one by one, and thousands of small sparks slowly gathered into a small flame on the newly completed Sun Tower.

Then, everyone seemed to transform into that cluster of small flames, and from the first perspective of the small flames, light up the power of the earth veins in the core furnace of the Tower of the Sun little by little.

As the power of the earth's veins was ignited, the runes and magic circuits in the furnace room of the entire sun tower lit up little by little.

Then, from the first perspective, everyone witnessed the entire Sun Tower step by step from death to work.

Its precise process made everyone amazed, and their hearts were even more indescribably shocked and moved!
In the end, everyone's eyes turned again, as if they had turned to the ground veins.

I personally felt the power on my body, which was extracted by the Sun Tower bit by bit, turned into fuel, and completely ignited.

Then, everyone's sights changed again, as if they had become the first beam of light from the Tower of the Sun.

It spreads outward little by little, dispelling the darkness, cold, and poison wherever it goes.

In the end, it diverged all the way, successfully merging with the glow of the Sun Tower of Dawn City.

At the moment of fusion, an unprecedented emotion emerged in the hearts of all the creatures at the same time!

I can't tell you what it feels like, but I really want to cry!

It's like a "wanderer" who has been lost for an unknown number of years, and finally returned to the embrace of his mother!
Then, the eyes of the players rose and raised little by little. …

Finally, for the first time, I overlooked the entire newly born Pagli continent from a bird's-eye view.

There is an indescribable desolation and magnificence!
All the aborigines watched with tears streaming down their faces.

As for the many players, each of them was moved to the point of tears.

According to the game's settings, it is obviously just a simple opening of an "anchor point" to light up a map, which is so classic that it can't be more classic.

But when they thought that this new map was brought back from the underworld with their hard work, saved the world, and created history, there was an indescribable surge and emotion in their hearts.

This may be the difference between "Dawn" and other games!

Obviously all the classic plots, but under the unprecedented expressive power of "Breaking Dawn", it is so "heart-pricking", which deceived them to tears again and again.

What is a good game?
This is!
Even if it's a "classic classic" plot, they just love this one!
After lighting up the Tower of the Sun, the next step is the "public sacrifice".

Under the mighty power of the construction order, the players saw with their own eyes that with the cooperation of a construction order construction drawing, an iconic monument rose from the ground.

Of course, there is also a memorial hall!

As one after another "apparatus" was respectfully placed into the memorial hall by the guard of honor of Dawn Capital, the players couldn't help being shocked again.

In particular, the "tools" made from the remains of various martyrs allow players and even all the aborigines to witness the sins of the monsters in the underworld at the same time.

For players who have entered a civilized society early, this is simply barbaric and cruel!
In the sounds of revenge, the hearts of all living beings in this world were completely twisted into one rope again.

Even the players have completely dispelled their scruples about killing monsters!

Friends come with good wine, enemies come with shotguns. Monsters, death is not a pity!

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