Chapter 34 God King Solethor
Miss Anna successfully became an elf, but she couldn't make a contract with the children. Everyone in Dawn City didn't know how to evaluate it for a while!

Without new elf envoys, who will guard the future Dawn City?
And at this moment, a gentle but extremely majestic voice sounded in everyone's minds at the same time.

"Don't worry. I'm back."

Everyone was startled, and subconsciously followed the prestige.

But in front of them, a handsome man with black hair, blond eyes, tall stature, and a soft glow all over his body appeared at some unknown time.

It seems to be close in front of the eyes, but it seems to be far away in the sky;

I saw him holding a book in his hand, with a kind of gentle and elegant temperament that made people approachable, but he was not angry and pretentious, which made people feel awe.

But the moment they saw this man, all the aborigines understood the identity of the man in front of them.

God King Solethor!

They have been looking forward to the miracle for countless years day and night!
Rhodes didn't say much, and there was no need to repeat it.

As a true god, as long as he reveals his divinity, it will be reflected in the world.

In just an instant, all the citizens of Dawn City had their eyes reddened with excitement, and they paid respects immediately.

"Salute to the ruler of the sky, earth and ocean, the immortal light that dispels darkness and curses, the guide of the starry sky, the savior of the lost, the origin and destination of life, Your Majesty the great god-king Solethor!"

Rhodes nodded.

Accepting everyone's worship, will naturally give them shelter!

Like the natives of Dawn City, Rhodes' voice rang in the players' minds at the same time, and they also saw His Majesty the legendary God King Solethor for the first time.

The moment he witnessed the majesty of the true god, his mind was occupied by the god king Solethor, and there was nothing else.

Many players even subconsciously followed the aborigines to kneel and pay homage!
of course.

There are also a few who kept to themselves and did not kneel down.

But even so, there was no disrespect in their hearts!

On the contrary, the moment he saw Rhode's real body with his own eyes, he was completely shocked, and seemed to lose his ability to think.

Looking at the performance of the players, Rhodes couldn't help showing a smile.

This can be regarded as an attempt!

In the hearts of the players, he is a high-level NPC.

After leaving here, there is not necessarily much awe.

And what Rhodes wants to try is to continuously deepen his impression points in the hearts of the players, making him the most popular one in the hearts of the players.

Then, let's see how much power of faith can be harvested in this process.

If he can successfully break the circle, the huge population of the earth may bring him some benefits.

After all, no matter how small a mosquito is, it is still meat!

Rhodes has not forgotten that there are hostile gods above the sky!
Rhodes: "You don't have to worry about the guardian and elf envoy. Dempsey, Otis, Bert, Sophia, Hilda, you all come out and meet the younger generation!"

After Rhodes said a word, his words followed, and under the nourishment of divine power, on this side of the sky, a few dim, seemingly crumbling stars suddenly brightened.

Afterwards, these stars turned into a humanoid elf again.

Dempsey is an old man with gray hair and beard, holding a wooden stick in his hand. After becoming an elf, he looks a bit fairy-like.

Otis was a muscular warrior with curly wine red hair. He was not very old, and he should have just entered middle age when he died.

It gives people the feeling that it is wild, and it seems that it will be reckless anytime and anywhere.

However, it is understandable to think of this knight who was once hailed as the strongest.

Burt is a young scholar with glasses, looking quite handsome.

As for Sophia and Hilda, they were exceptionally bright.

Because both are very young and beautiful beauties!

Hilda has blond hair, a tall figure, and a graceful figure. After becoming an elf, she exudes holy light all over her body. She has indescribable elegance and nobility, just like a queen.

As for Sophia, it was a woman with lavender curly hair.

He is short, with pointed ears, and looks quite shy, giving people a gentle and quiet feeling.

As for the other elves, they seem to be much weaker than these few.

for example.

Scout Old Tim, contracted by apprentice knight John Keppel.

Seeing these elf-like sages, all the citizens of Dawn City climaxed collectively.

For them, this is both a witness to history and a pilgrimage!

Not to mention ordinary citizens, even the knights who are high-end forces are all too excited to contain themselves.

If it wasn't for His Majesty the God King in person, they might not be able to help but want to go up to pay homage.

As for the players, their eyes were staring straight at these elves.

Although the game of Lixiao has been launched for less than a day, they have thoroughly understood the importance of elves.

Which elf should I make a contract with?
The xp and strength turned into two fighting villains in seconds, making them examine the elves that appeared on the stage over and over again.

"Respect to His Majesty the God King."

Many elves who had been reborn due to Rhodes' divine power also paid respects to Rhodes.

If it weren't for the return of His Majesty the God King, perhaps they would soon dissipate.

Turning into an elf and hanging high in the sky may seem lofty, but it is a helpless move after all.

Although this alternative way of living allowed them to successfully guard Dawn City, they were also trapped in endless darkness and loneliness.

And now the return of His Majesty the God King, let them see hope and other possibilities!
Rhodes nodded, and then looked at the players.

"Do you want to make a contract with elves and become an elf envoy?"

After a brief silence, there was a loud cry like a landslide.

Why not?

They can't wait to marry the elf wives back home!

Rhodes wasn't surprised at the voices of the players from the bottom of his heart. He was not only very familiar with them, but even missed them a little bit.

"Then work hard to upgrade and get the approval of the elves!"

After Rhodes finished speaking, he waved his hand lightly, divine light filled the air, and all the players felt warm all over at the same time, extremely comfortable.

At the same time, an extra memory appeared in the minds of all the players.

It was all about the mysteries of the elf envoy stage, and the eyes of all the players lit up at the same time.

In other words, there is more light in their eyes!
of course.

Along with the memory inheritance of the elves, there is also the difficulty of making a contract with the elves.

Contract elves are two-way!

Players pick elves, and elves pick players, like picking girlfriends.

Players not only need to work hard, but also need to carefully prepare the bride price called "Saint Quartz".

And the method that can increase the probability of success of the contract - either make yourself better, or pay more Saint Quartz to marry.

Afterwards, the players will know what is truly excellent!

for example.

The level reaches level 20; the higher the prestige value, the better; the more great achievements, the better
Looking at these conditions, not only were the players not intimidated, but they seemed to have been beaten to death.

Don't stop him, he's going to level up, do missions, and accomplish great things!
In a short time, the players burst out with unprecedented enthusiasm.

The intense emotion even caused the elemental energy of the spirit world to respond, and the sky above them even became fiery red because of this.

This change even aroused the curiosity of the elves!

In this regard, Rhodes is also happy to see the success.

As soon as the screen turned, all the players just felt in a trance for a while, and then reappeared on the big square.

Although I have seen the magic of this world many times, players are still amazed by this method of changing the world.

It seems to be a transition between secret realms, but the real sense of substitution is completely unmatched by other games.

After regaining his senses, the first thing that caught his eyes was beams of light and the gorgeous magic circle under the beams of light.

If it was before, they might still be very strange, but after obtaining the "inherited memory" just now, they understood what was going on in just an instant.

Those beams of light are indeed the ceremony for opening the star road, contracting elves, and achieving elf envoys!
And the ones who are making the contract are the children sitting around the altar.

Under the witness of the players, they saw with their own eyes an ordinary child who absorbed a large amount of elemental energy instantly after successfully signing a contract, and his aura became stronger as a result.

What's more, they even saw a child with their own eyes, and after piously calling, the elf Sophia appeared beside him.


The child just floated up and he learned to fly!

Seeing the scene in front of them, all the players became short of breath at the same time.

Must, immediately, immediately start leveling, this can only be a day of light, he can't survive a second!
 PS: Thanks for the "above" 1500 starting point coins reward, ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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