Chapter 35 This NPC Plays Cards Unreasonably
dawn capital.

Not long after the players returned, the natives also returned.

Soon, the whole city was filled with unprecedented happiness and joy.

Hook shoulders and backs, dance with joy, dance with hands and feet, laugh up to the sky, and shed tears
There is laughter everywhere, everyone is laughing, so that the happiness and joy of the city are almost overflowing.

It seems that from virtual to real, it has become a sweet fragrance that can be smelled and tasted.

The players ran around, originally looking for tasks to do, but they were infected by the happiness and joy of the whole city without knowing it.

Slowly, smiles appeared on their faces.

Of course, the players slowly figured out why the citizens were so happy.

Because no one is lost!
Because His Majesty the God King has returned! ! !
After suffering for so many years, they finally saw the dawn of hope.

Not only that, under the auspices of His Majesty the God King, nearly 50 children were successfully contracted as elf envoys, which was an unprecedented harvest.

Finally, the return of His Majesty the God King also brought them a brave man named "Player".

All of these make them feel hopeful for the future!

Without going deep into such an environment, it is really difficult to understand what a national carnival is.

At first, the players were still a little worried, because of the previous "killing", their favorability in the hearts of the aborigines was too low, and the aborigines would repel or hate them very much.

It turns out they were thinking too much!
Perhaps because of their identities, they are the "braves" summoned by His Majesty the God King;
Or because they sacrificed themselves to help Miss Anna become an elf;
Or it could simply be the open-mindedness against the backdrop of the doomsday of Dawn City
But no matter what, a big stone in the hearts of the players finally fell.

"Master Brave, good afternoon!"

"Master Brave has worked hard!"

"My lord, the brave, be safe!"


Lin Fan was walking on the streets of Dawn City. He wanted to find a few citizens with blue exclamation marks on their heads, but he never thought that no matter where he went, the citizens would greet him warmly.

Lin Fan nodded frequently and responded one by one, and couldn't describe the feeling in his heart for a while!
To be honest, he doesn't hate it, and even likes it a little bit.

Compared with the reality of indifference and indifference to even an old man, the interpersonal relationship in the dawn world makes him feel fresh.

In the past, he has saved the world countless times in the game world.


He only stayed in Lixiao for less than a day, but he felt an unprecedented difference.

This world is really too real!
Even if it's just an NPC, it won't do one thing repeatedly, let alone stand on the bridge and be persecuted every day.

They all have their own sorrows and joys, and they don't just follow simple procedures.

Lin Fan even heard an NPC say that His Majesty the God King has returned, and the Tower of the Sun may be able to light up for an extra hour every day.

In that way, he will reclaim half an acre of land, and his wife and children can eat half a bowl of rice more.

Hearing this, Lin Fan felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

The return of His Majesty the God King, the reclamation of an extra acre of land, and half a bowl of rice for his wife and children are completely inconsistent with the painting style before and after? !

Obviously, the return of His Majesty the God King is a memorabilia of "saving the world from the doomsday, and saving the world from the fall".

But it was this little wish that made Lin Fan deeply moved, and it made him think of the real world even more.

Eating is the most important thing in life, and it is the most important thing related to the national economy and the people's livelihood.

This made Lin Fan feel strong realism and humanistic care!

Lin Fan concentrated and finally saw the green buoy floating above the uncle's head.

And this discovery made him confirm again that this place is indeed the game world.

The uncle with a patch on his face and a beard is named Old Jeff. He is a farmer and has no blood.

After all, it is a game, and Lin Fan showed a social arrogance that does not exist in reality.

"Old Uncle Jeff, and Aunt Sarina, hello!"

Seeing Lin Fan say hello, Old Uncle Jeff and Aunt Selina were taken aback, but then became enthusiastic at the same time.

"Hello, Mr. Brave!"

"Uncle, aunt, you can just call me Changkong. Well, do you need my help?"

In the end, Lin Fan still couldn't resist the temptation of the mission.

Even though the uncle and aunt didn't have a blue exclamation mark above their heads, he still took the initiative to speak.

With his many years of experience in playing games, some hidden missions can only be triggered by talking to NPCs.

Aunt Selina was stunned for a moment, and then smiled, "No, no, today is a day of great joy. Besides, even if there is a real mission, you can't let Mr. Brave do it?"

Old Jeff nodded and echoed, "The old woman is right, how can I ask Mr. Brave to help with the work? You are doing great things!"

Lin Fan's eyes were blank and he was a little confused.

Is this really what an NPC should say?

When did NPCs become so polite?

Lin Fan was a little disappointed.

After exchanging a few simple greetings, he bid farewell.

However, to Lin Fan's surprise, before he left, Aunt Sarina stopped him.

"That...Master Brave, it's time to eat soon. Here is the black bread baked two days ago, if you don't mind it"

Lin Fan's eyes lit up.

The gift given to him by the NPC, shouldn't it be an important prop?
Even if it is not an important item, as long as it can restore blood, it will make money.

However, Lin Fan hesitated a little.

He heard the conversation between the uncle and the aunt earlier, food is very precious to them.

And the uncle has a child
Seeing Lin Fan's eyes that were shining before but then became hesitant, Aunt Sarina suddenly understood.

When she distributes food to the children, although the older children are still not full, they will generally refuse in a sensible way, and then leave the food to the younger brothers and sisters.

She understands!

Aunt Selina was overjoyed, and felt that the brave man was more kind-hearted than imagined.

"Take it!"

Without waiting for Lin Fan to refuse, Aunt Sarina forcefully stuffed the bread into his arms.

Lin Fan thanked and accepted.

Immediately, information about food appeared in front of him.

[Ordinary brown bread. 】

[After eating, it can eliminate hunger and restore physical strength. 】

Lin Fan was startled.

Quenching your hunger and restoring your strength, isn't that what real-world food is for?
This is too low!

In the games he played in the past, most of the food can be resurrected, increase attack, and crit.

Lin Fan thought about it, and took a bite in front of Aunt Sarina.

In an instant, Lin Fan almost broke his teeth.

The aunt and uncle hurriedly came to persuade them, and they could see that this brave man must have never eaten such hard bread.


Lin Fan still persisted, biting and grinding, and finally managed to eat the bread with the help of the softening of his saliva.

Even so, Lin Fan almost cut his throat.

The taste of the bread was so bad that Lin Fan even suspected that it was mixed with sawdust and some messy things that he couldn't name the ingredients.

"Thank you, auntie!"

Aunt Sarina and old Uncle Jeff were also confused by Lin Fan's operation for a while.


Lin Fan's actions still won their favor!
After another exchange of pleasantries, Lin Fan bid farewell to the uncle and aunt.

He originally planned to pay a gold coin, but he directly frightened the uncle and aunt, and even refused to take it.

In the end, Lin Fan still couldn't win over his uncle and aunt, so he prostituted a loaf of bread for nothing.

Another stroll along the way, and in the process, Lin Fan was fortunate enough to receive various celebration gifts.

A sip of saka, a sour berry resembling a wild pear, a blueberry, half a dried earthworm, a few almonds
As for the most precious gift, it also belongs to a small cube of sugar.

The cube sugar looks like unbleached brown sugar, and it tastes a bit astringent and slightly damp.

In the real world, this sugar cube is probably not eaten by dogs.


In the game world, Lin Fan felt as if it was sweet to the bottom of his heart!

He could clearly feel that the supplies in Dawn City were really scarce to the extreme.

Today, to celebrate the return of His Majesty the God King, this was generously brought out.

But that's it, everyone is sharing, sharing with everyone who passes by.

Even the players passing by.
It's really indescribable!
The only pity is that all the NPCs here don't even hire them to work.

Lin Fan was a little dumbfounded!

The NPC is too polite, but also very unfriendly!
He also wants to upgrade as soon as possible, and prepare a wedding gift for the elves who are about to make a contract as soon as possible!

What's up with this?

 PS: The volume of the new book is very serious. If it is a little behind, the book may be cold.I urgently hope that everyone can follow up on it, vote for it after reading it, and bookmark it, so that I will be more motivated to write, thank you everyone!

(End of this chapter)

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