Chapter 36 The Evil Gold Coin Recovery Plan

The light of the Tower of the Sun began to flicker.

One time, two times, three times.
After six strokes, the carnival city seemed to be suddenly pressed to a halt.

Players who didn't understand were taken aback, and then stopped the carnival.

Although they haven't been with the aborigines for a long time, they have more or less changed their mentality of playing games in the past, and began to think from the perspective of aborigines.

After a little questioning, the players immediately understood the reason.

The number of times the tower of the sun glows flickers represents the real time.

It is afternoon now, six flashes means six o'clock in the afternoon.

In the capital of dawn after seven o'clock, the Tower of the Sun was completely extinguished, and it was eternal darkness.

And this also means that they must prepare to rest.

All the players who knew the truth fell silent.

Get off work at six o'clock and have to go to bed after seven o'clock.
Should they be envious, or should they be envious?

In the real world, at this time, they are either in self-study or working overtime, and even the dogs at home don't take a break so early. The players feel offended!
The new question is - after seven o'clock, will the players be forced to retreat?

Probably not!
Players have guessed.

After all, it's the first day of server opening, how bad is the impact of forced withdrawal?

Secondly, if you can only play games in broad daylight, it is generally too unfriendly to players!
During that time period, how many players have time to play games?
As long as the plan doesn't cause cerebral thrombosis, it shouldn't be such a bad move!

At this moment, everyone heard a sweet voice at the same time.

"Today is a day of great joy for our Dawn City. After the decision of the Knights, the lighting time of the Sun Tower has been extended by one hour."

"Each person is given an extra pound of brown bread, a glass of Saka wine, a small ham, and a box of dried Haloxylon berries."

After hearing this sound, the entire city that had been silent just now came back to life in an instant, and the atmosphere was even higher.

Just like the Chinese New Year, the cheers and joy are like waves, and the waves are higher than the waves!
The players were immediately infected!
Looking at those innocent smiling faces, I couldn't help but feel emotional, and even faintly envious.

Their happiness is really simple and pure!

Of course, the scene in front of them also allows players to fully understand how scarce the world is in terms of material, and the sense of substitution is directly full.

But even so, they still generously shared it with them, and the hearts of the players were inevitably touched again!
Not only the aborigines, but even the players, everyone got the extra food promised by the knight order.

Although the taste is not very good, but this time the players cherish it very much.

Most of the time, eating is an atmosphere. When you see everyone eating deliciously, it seems that the food in your hands has become sweeter.

What's more, their bodies in the game really seem to be hungry!

As a result, many players feel that this meal has a special taste, and they regard it as a memory of bitterness and sweetness.

of course.

As people in the big foodie empire, they are used to eating delicacies from mountains and seas in real life. The "food" in the game really makes them dare not compliment them.

Adhering to the principle of not wasting, many players share food with children.

For a while, there were children's laughter everywhere!
The players couldn't help laughing too, reaping a different kind of happiness and joy.

After dinner.

Another variety of entertainment!

Dance with the music, listen to bards playing the piano and tell stories, watch acrobats perform acrobatics, and watch gladiators fight
for a while.

The players couldn't help but have fun too!

For many "social fears" or players who like nerds, it even feels a little incredible.

The brick family suggested that I pay to go to work: "The sky is big, here! Here!"

Lin Fan followed the prestige, and saw Crouching Dragon and Phoenix, Schrödinger, a cat abuser, with a fever of 105°, had already secured a seat for him.

Lin Fan was not polite, and asked after sitting down, "Have you received the mission yet?"

Wolongfengchu couldn't laugh or cry, "After playing the game for so long, this is the first time I've seen such a polite NPC. I used to be really annoying to some NPCs, but now I suddenly feel that it's not good for NPCs to be too polite!"

Paying to work and having a fever of 105° also share the same feeling. The game of Lixiao is really too different.

In other games, any holiday is Labor Day.

And at dawn, they were almost unemployed collectively!
Not to mention the eye-catching exclamation mark, even if they asked personally, the answers they got were polite and polite.

Several people are a little confused now.

How can I save gifts if I don’t work?
They also want to marry Hilda or Sophia as soon as possible!
It's really impossible to support you if you put down the bricks! The players feel very amazing!
Could it be that the game of Lixiao wants them to experience the difficulty of finding a job?

Players can't help but speculate about the sinister intentions of planning!
Lin Fan looked at the revelers not far away, and thoughtfully said, "How do you feel?"

Several people were silent.

"It's so real, especially since the sacrifice of Miss Anna, what has come to me is that strong sense of reality!"

"Yeah, at first I was just fighting and killing, but when I saw soldiers, citizens, and knights saluting me one after another, I was really touched!"

"Before the server opened, I was only angry at the voluntary sacrifice of Miss Anna. When the server first opened, I was also focused on saving Miss Anna. But now, I suddenly understand Archbishop Boyle."

Everyone nodded.

Although there are some differences, the general feeling is surprisingly similar.

At the beginning, when facing the soldiers blocking the way, they could swing their knives without hesitation, but now they are willing to empathize with them.

In the game of Daybreak, the details are almost full, and people are immersed in it without knowing it.

The opening of the server was only half a day, and a small battle completely made them feel the sadness and helplessness in the background of the doomsday.

Don't look at the current Dawn City, which seems to be full of happiness and joy, but it reveals embarrassment and despair everywhere.

Living in an era of abundant supplies, they really couldn't imagine what it would be like to have a carnival over a cube of sugar and a pound of bread.

I paid to work and said excitedly, "I have saved many worlds and hacked countless soldiers, but now I really feel a little brave. When Miss Anna in the spirit world expressed her gratitude to me, I felt a little It's crispy and numb. That's the taste of first love!"

I had a fever of 105° and said happily, "Me too, me too, you don't know, when Miss Anna knew that I had a fever of 105°, she was very surprised and asked me if I was sick. Miss Anna really It's so gentle!"

Cat abuser Schrödinger: "Yeah, before Miss Anna turned into an elf, she regretted that she couldn't call us all by name. It's really good that Miss Anna remembered each of our names in a blink of an eye!"

Everyone nodded at the same time.

As veteran gamers, they have played too many games.

Heart-piercing abounds, and many times they even feel that the "princess" is not worth saving.


Miss Anna is different!
The only pity, perhaps, is that Miss Anna treats every player with the same tenderness.

Lin Fan: "Let's not mention this, I think the next tasks and great achievements may fall on food and extending the lighting time of the solar tower."

Crouching dragon and phoenix chick: "The analysis made by Chang Kong makes sense."

Although I haven't spent any night in the game yet, just extending the lighting for an hour makes the aborigines happy like this. One can imagine how much the aborigines long for light.

If the lighting time of the Tower of the Sun can be extended, perhaps an unprecedented feat can be accomplished.

Several hearts became hot at the same time.

Paying to go to work: "Do you have any clues? There are many smart people. If we don't hurry up, even papa will not be hot!"

Fever 105°: "There is too little information. The information currently known is probably the weakening of the power of the leylines and the expedition of Anna's sister, the Red Lotus Knight."

A few people are talking about each other, and they are all speculating on how to complete the challenge and great cause.

of course.

Similar scenes happened almost simultaneously in every corner of Dawn Capital.

Not long after, almost all players received new missions at the same time.

[The tower of the sun will go out in half an hour, and players will be forced to quit the game after half an hour. Please find a rest area suitable for offline in time. 】

[Task reward: 300 experience; 0.5 pounds of rough black bread; a bowl of chowder soup. 】

The players looked at each other.

After the tower of the sun goes out, are they really going to go offline?
How dare the dog plan? !

The most important thing is, it's so early, they don't want to go offline at all!
Afterwards, there were players greeting Dog Planner everywhere.

Of course, more players are still looking for a rest point, after all, food rewards are still very attractive.

What if it can restore blood or increase status?

Not long after, all the players were stunned.

The cost of one night's accommodation in the hotel actually costs one gold coin.

One gold coin! ! !

Can you believe this?

After opening the server for such a long time, the per capita income is only about ten gold coins.

Players who thought they were rich were about to rebel!
Is this a sinister gold coin recovery scheme planned by the dog?
They once again felt the full malice of the dog's plan!
 PS1: Thanks to "Endless Warehouse" and "Book Friends 20170122143127557" for their tipping of 100 starting coins; thanks to "BWTYS" for their tipping of 200 starting coins.

  PS2: Thank you for your recommendation and favorites, Xiaoyu is greatly encouraged, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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