Chapter 364 Devil & Don't Fuck 6
Harbor City.

POW camp.

Hanselton watched the devastating war scene on the big screen, but suddenly felt an indescribable feeling in his heart, even a little inexplicable!

In particular, those "Hex weapons" displayed by the gods and generals descended from the heavens inevitably caused ripples in his heart.

So the weapons of the heavens are so developed? !
It stands to reason that Hanselton should be happy, but he found that he was not as happy as he imagined. Maybe he is a smart person, so he inevitably knows a little too much!

As the "Son of God" recognized by the major churches, although Hanselton has not seen too much darkness, he is not a white flower after all.

At least he is very, very familiar with the ruling class.

for example.

Advanced cultivation methods, divine seals, and magic books are basically not leaked out, and are almost only circulated among the royal family, nobles, and churches.

Even if it is leaked occasionally, whether it is a temple or aristocrats, it is easy to turn the leaked things back into the same circle.

For example, knighthood.

Simple yet effective!

For this kind of people who live at the bottom all year round, once they have the opportunity to realize the class transition, they are even more noble than the nobles!
As the ruling class, Hanselton understands and accepts it very well, but the things that appear on the screen still inevitably make him feel a little pimple in his heart.

Perhaps, the gods in the heavens really have a deep defense against the human world;

Perhaps, the content recorded in the "Wisdom Canon" passed down by the evil god is not all false.

At least in terms of the concept of these weapons and equipment, he can still see some traces of passing down the line.

On the contrary, Segran, the only human world that lags behind the level of the Middle Ages, is more like that pure outsider!

Or, this discomfort is simply a huge gap from the ruling class who controls everything to the ruled!


When Hanselton thought of this, he suddenly realized that he had unknowingly used the proprietary vocabulary used in the "Book of Wisdom" by the evil god Solethor.

It turned out that a lot of knowledge recorded in the Holy Book of Wisdom had already been accepted by him, but was forcibly buried by him.

Are you kidding yourself?
It was only then that Hanselton realized that it turned out that "Double Carp" and other players' strategies for him fell here.
Hanselton couldn't help but smile bitterly.

For a while, I didn't know whether to criticize my belief that I was not firm enough to fall into the trap of the cultists, or whether I should criticize the evil god Solator for committing the "crime of telling the truth"!
He is no longer innocent!
According to past practice, he, a "fallen person" tempted by evil gods, should be burned to death by the Judiciary.
In fact, not only Hanselton, but also a large number of insightful people in Segrand inevitably had similar thoughts in their hearts.

The more thoughtful one is, the more estranged he is!

How to describe it?
I originally set my heart to the bright moon, but the bright moon shines on the ditch! ! !
Lord, they never had two hearts, why?
Would the outcome of this war have been different if they hadn't been so strictly guarded against them?

And when they began to question what they once believed deeply, the seeds of doubt also began to take root in their hearts and began to grow wildly.

It is even unavoidable to be somewhat alienated from the heavens. And this is the role of public opinion propaganda!
If you don't occupy the high ground of public opinion, the enemy will!

Obviously, the gods of the heavens and even the gods and generals are slightly behind Rhodes in this respect.

For a while, the "faith" of the gods in the world inevitably wavered.

This kind of shaking may just be the beginning, but the butterfly effect caused by it is not small.

The gods felt at the same time that their "anchor" in the world began to shake, and the power of faith they could harvest began to decline!

In normal times, this little bit of wavering in faith is nothing serious at all.

But obviously now is not an ordinary time!
Their anchor point in the world had just been shaken a little, and Rhodes immediately followed up, holding this part of the control in his palm for the first time.

The gods couldn't help but suffer a small loss, and felt depressed for a while!

When there is no obvious generation difference in equipment, the army will test its strategy, tactics, courage and will even more.

Strategically, players communicate with each other in real time, and there are almost no information barriers.

of course.

This point is almost the same for the gods and generals from the heavens.

After all, there are two gods, the sun and the moon, who preside over the overall situation, and they can give guidance to the gods and generals in a very timely manner.

The two are even!

As for tactics——

Players may be amateurs, or even rabble, and they are inferior to more professional magic soldiers and generals in all aspects.


Players can't die and can't be sealed. They can fail many times, but these magic soldiers and generals can only fail once.

Even if it is a clever tactic, if it cannot effectively kill and injure the players, it is useless!
What's more, there are so many players!
In a short period of time, the gods, soldiers, and generals went from being disdainful at the beginning to being terrified now.

There was even a feeling of "Azu surrender, it's all Jackie Chan outside"!

Even if the gods can use various methods to resurrect the gods and generals under their command, they can completely match the players' immortal tactics.

But this kind of resurrection also has a price!

It will inevitably bring a huge consumption of divine power to the true god who made this kind of operation.

As for consumption, the current Rhodes is still very confident!


He is backed by this universe, and he also masters the method of leveraging the energy of the world with the help of players!

He is not afraid of attrition, and if it really becomes a war of attrition, it will be beneficial to Rhodes!
For the players, the better equipment for the gods and generals is undoubtedly - no guns, no cannons, and the enemy made it for us!
In a short period of time, a large number of high-tech equipment of the gods and generals have become the spoils of war for the players.

With the combat skill system and the authority granted by Rhodes, these equipment "dropped" by fighting monsters quickly became the supreme weapon in the hands of players.

For the players, getting a new weapon is something to be happy about anyway.

What's even more pleasing is that they got it earlier than other counterparts!
In a short period of time, a large number of players became extremely brave because they wanted to "capture" a weapon earlier than other players.

Not to mention those magic soldiers and generals who are "persecuted", even some players couldn't help calling them "perverts".

I even feel that I am out of place with other players because I am not "perverted" enough!

for a while.

All kinds of teasing and showing off on the World Channel!

And what surprises the players even more is that these equipment from the God Realm are extraordinarily useful for killing the gods and generals!

This left the players speechless!

Are these equipments born with the attribute of "killing friends"?

+100 against enemies; +1000 against friends?

The players were happy, with smiles on their faces and light in their eyes!
I have to say that when it comes to killing, no matter which world you live in, your own people are the best at it!

The ones that can't be obtained are always in commotion, and the ones that players are particularly jealous of are undoubtedly those metal alchemy mechanical lives of various shapes.

Now players also know their name - Judge!
Facing such a powerful war machine, the envious players even felt that the puppets and dolls in their hands were not good, so they tried various methods for this.

for example.

Directly mix with the gods and generals to confuse the perception of the judges, so that they cannot release the super powerful annihilation laser.

Facts have proved that this tactic is indeed more effective.

Like the kind of "big move" that directly causes an explosion when fired, it is basically not released because it may affect its own people.


Players still somewhat underestimated the "intelligence" of this judge alchemy mechanical life, even if the players are strangling together, they can continue to release killing rays at fixed points.

Even if the players disguised themselves with the help of elves, they couldn't fool the perception of these alchemy beings.

I don't know the reason, but the sniper kills of those alchemy beings are almost one-by-one, which makes the players especially headache!

For a while, let these magic soldiers and generals applaud again and again!

But are the players the ones who suffer continuously?
Isn't it just that you are going to die?

We blew ourselves up!
As long as I die fast enough, these damned judges can't kill me!

In a short period of time, a large number of players directly rushed to the camp of the gods and generals as soon as they were resurrected, and then began to output crazily.

All kinds of high-explosive props are thrown out like no money!

Once he found that he was locked by the judge, he would directly explode himself with the "Burning Demon Forbidden Curse", which made all the magic soldiers and generals a little dumbfounded!

Player, right? How can there be such a disgusting army in the world? !
He's so rich that he's armed to the teeth, but he's still not dead!
What's even more disgusting is that they can snatch their own equipment, but they can't snatch the player's!

Even if they tried their best to kill the players, they still couldn't get any equipment from the players.

The psychological gap is not small!
Take this kind of "self-explosion flow" that is almost so helpless that people call it a mother, it seems that their deaths really don't have many side effects!
How could this be?
Even if the body is fine, isn't there any loss in the soul?

A large number of god soldiers and generals were disgraced by the bombing, and many god soldiers and generals could even be seen. A large amount of flesh and blood on their bodies was wriggling at a speed visible to the naked eye. The wounds healed quickly, and they were unharmed in a blink of an eye.

It seems to be comparable to the infinite resurrection of players!

My family knows their own affairs. No matter which battlefield it is, these magic soldiers and generals know that if they continue to fight and consume like this, they will never be able to fight!
The look of being truly confident and confident is absolutely different from the pretended wealth!
The more experienced the general, the more he believes in his own judgment, and the more worried he is about the outcome of this battle!
Especially after seeing some "familiar faces" who have been killed by them many times, the aura not only did not decline, but instead increased a little bit, many god soldiers and generals felt a sense of collapse in their hearts.

Rough, rough, rough.
How can there be such a disgusting army in the world?
Why can they die indefinitely, as if at no cost?

Why can they have so many props?

Why can they have such high resistance? !

Why can they become stronger and stronger in such a short period of time?
Is this a beaver? !
If they often play games, they can't help but report to Tiandao - if someone cheats, don't they care?
Divine soldiers and generals are also soldiers of the heavens after all, especially those generals who command soldiers, their knowledge is quite extraordinary!
But in this short period of confrontation with the players, the three views were refreshed again and again.

They also guessed that this should be some kind of super high-level magic, and it even made them unable to understand it!


At any rate, there are so many great gods in the heavens, and what's more, there are taller and more stalwart gods. Don't you have nothing to do?
The gods are also anxious!

Ever since the Eternal Lord attacked the Pagri Continent, they have hardly seen any miracles from the Lord.

This made them feel a little confused for a while!

These players are too wicked!

As god-level existences, their vision naturally sees more than those divine soldiers and generals.

for example.

Not only can they see that these players are not only invincible, but what is even more outrageous is that after they kill the gods and generals, they will burst out a lot of "gold coins", and there is even a kind of "experience" named by the players. the concept of.

These gold coins can be used by players to buy equipment and props, and these "experiences" are bridges to higher levels
This is just outrageously close to home!
Isn't this just like, the weapons that the players killed the gods and generals, or did they spend their own money to buy them?
The gods once again realized that the battle cannot continue like this!

Among the gods, there is no shortage of decisive people. When they saw these key points, they naturally directly destroyed them.

for example.

Cutting off the money and gold coins dropped by players fighting monsters in advance, from the level of rewards, makes annihilating enemies unprofitable or even loss-making!

But in the end, these attempts failed after all!
Still can't see through the essence of the divine art of "player"?
More precisely, is it impossible to find where the earth is?

The gods looked dimly.

If this continues, Solator's army of players will not only be unable to be annihilated, but will become stronger as they fight!

And this blow to morale is fatal!

If it is not done well in the Heavenly World War, it will collapse because of this.

But what made them all feel troublesome was that they didn't have a good way to crack this outrageous magic in a short time!

Seeing the visible or invisible "footprints", the hearts of the gods couldn't help sinking.

It's okay to use some small tricks to provide some protection and help to the magic soldiers and generals.

But if you want to give more help, even crack the magic from the source, it is far from as simple as imagined!
Unless you take a risk!

Be prepared to fall!
"I'll go!"

To the surprise of all the gods, it was Sea God again who stood up this time!

Such a high level of consciousness, even a god who has never dealt with Seagod before, can't help but feel respect for Seagod's feat at this moment.

The god of fire, the god of life, the god of forging, the goddess of art, the sun god, the moon god and other gods paid respects to the sea god one after another.

Even Rhodes couldn't help but look at Seagod with admiration!


These gods who feed from the heavens are very clear about what it means to investigate the truth about "players"!
Then we must find where the earth is!
If you can't find it, your physical body may directly fall into an eternal sleep!

Not to mention that there are still strong enemies around now, even in ordinary times, it is quite an adventure!
Obviously, Sea God is really ready to fall for it!
Even Rhodes was slightly surprised.

This grumpy, sloppy-looking man is really not small in terms of courage!
The Sea God held the trident and said with a smile, "After all, I am a member of the gods in the heavens. Although I don't like to dominate His Majesty's eternity, this is our world after all. I will go!"

After the Sea God finished speaking, he sat cross-legged, and then directly stabbed a large number of players with his divine sense.

In an instant.

The bodies of a large number of players froze directly, as if they had become marionettes.

And Rhodes' footprints moved immediately!

However, the other gods immediately attacked Rhode's footprints and began to try their best to prevent Rhode's actions.

Like the sky, the sun and the moon are shining together.

The Sun God and the Moon God support Sea God's adventures at the same time, like a lens with no dead angle around the clock, so that Rhodes' large footprints can't be hidden!

The other gods cooperated tacitly, and immediately gave the most heartfelt greetings.

A large number of footprints hidden in the dark were instantly wiped out on a large scale!

Not only that, other gods have miracles in the world.

Just like the god of life, as soon as he made a move, a large number of slimy tentacles, eyes, and ears began to grow on the players' bodies
What's even more frightening is that these eyes, tentacles and ears have an extremely strong human-to-human transmission effect.

In a short period of time, the whole world has changed.

There are also a large number of female players whose bodies are directly tied up by tentacles and vines coming out of nowhere, which makes the eyes of a large number of male players shine.

Is this planning to give them benefits?

As for the female players, they exclaimed again and again, feeling disgusted!

I have to say that things like tentacles are really a girl's lifelong enemy!
And these are just the beginning!
(End of this chapter)

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