All kinds of abnormalities appearing on the players' bodies are essentially the gods trying their best to cover up the sea god's actions.

On this point, they showed a particularly tacit understanding!

And the reason why the players were recruited on a large scale in the first place was because Rhodes wanted to concentrate on killing Seagod.

Rhodes knew this, and so did the gods of the heavens.

They are forcing Rhodes to be unable to completely free his hands!
More precisely, the high-end power has begun to appear unbalanced!

In this regard, Rhodes is very, very clear-headed, but he also needs to make a choice. And this requires the players to resist the pressure for him!


This pressure is really not so easy to resist, after all, the opponent is a crowd of gods!

And in the mortal world, there is a common sense that ordinary people understand—believe in the power of the gods, and don't believe in the benevolence of the gods!

Not to mention, the gods used their authority to directly target them!

In a short time, all the players felt at the same time that the sun in the sky was bigger and hotter.

In the camp of god soldiers and generals, the horns of war sounded louder, and the slogans shouted by the soldiers became louder.

Occasionally, the players could also feel that the weapons of the opponent's magic soldiers and generals had become more silvery and cold.

As for those who are sensitive to breath, they can even feel that their breath of life has become abnormal.
It seems that there are not many, just "some", just like the "little" commonly used in Chinese recipes, but this "little" makes all the players feel like they have fallen from heaven to hell at the same time.

It was just a slightly "warmer" sun, directly making them feel like they were in a stove.

Rao, the vast majority of players have reached a fairly high level of "fire immunity", but they still feel unbearably hot.

Watching the progress bar representing the "heat value" whizzing up in front of them, the players couldn't help being startled, and instinctively switched to the protection with high fire resistance attribute.

But obviously, the gods are also very familiar with the "one-click change" mode of players.

When the players switch to the protection of "Emperor Yan", the weapons of the gods and generals who have been blessed by the power of the moon god can immediately cause a lot of ice damage to the players.

And this directly made the players feel a little unbearable. Even the most fleshy tanks seemed to be suddenly fragile like a little crispy skin.

And some players who are already crispy, at this moment, they are really the existence of being hit by a knife!

Unless it is possible not to be knifed!

For this point, the vast majority of veteran players still have that confidence, at least they can adjust the previous aggressive tactics to kite-walking tactics.


Under the influence of the authority of the God of Life, the bodies of the players will inevitably appear deformed and mutated to varying degrees.

And deformity and mutation are the enemies of speed!
In particular, the enemy has the blessings of Goddess of Art, Vulcan and other gods, and their confidence and strength have doubled. These have become mountains of pressure on the players.

In a short period of time, the players who were still in awe just now, who were comparable to those killed by the magic soldiers and generals, all encountered critical blows head-on.

In a short period of time, a large number of players disappeared into colored bubbles almost in a very short period of time!

Even if it is resurrected, it will instantly fall into the bad rhythm just now.

This made the vast majority of players fall into a hard fight, and the mood inevitably became a little bad!

Obviously, during this period of confrontation, the gods still saw the characteristics and weaknesses of the players!

Players, players are essentially people who are looking for fun!
If there is only pain in one thing and no joy at all, it is a kind of torture for anyone.

And this is the biggest culprit for these immortal players!

It has to be said that these gods not only have vicious eyes, but also have an unprecedented insight into the human heart and human nature!
In a short period of time, many players will inevitably have some opinions.

Resentment began to rise, the head began to congest, screaming for revenge
Seeing this scene, not only the gods, but even the gods and generals couldn't help laughing.

Anger can make people lose their minds!
And the enthusiasm that does not get a response is bound to be impossible to last. Is this the weakness of the players?

They are in a hurry, which means they have found the right way!
At this moment, all the players felt a piece of information rushing into their minds at the same time. It can be regarded as a long-lost memory inheritance!

Rhode's figure appeared in the minds of almost all the players at the same time.

Rhodes didn't talk nonsense, and explained the authority of many gods to the players in the most concise and straightforward way!
In an instant.

All the players understood at the same time why there were so many changes (debuffs) on their bodies in a short period of time.
It is precisely because of understanding that this makes the players feel the heavy weight of the two words "god" and "authority".

Rhodes said without nonsense, "Thank you for your bravery and skill in fighting, so that many gods can't sit firmly on the Diaoyutai. At present, they are doing their best to help Seagod solve the threat brought by you brave people, and my The ontology is not here at the moment"

Then, Rhodes explained in detail that his body, clones, and footprints confronted the gods on various battlefields.

If you don't know it, you don't know it. Once you really understand the true god game behind it, many players have a more comprehensive and thorough understanding of the situation in each battlefield.

Only then did everyone know that in this battle of gods, their god king had to rely on his own strength to forcibly resist the pressure of all the gods and authorities in the heavens.

Your Majesty the God King, my God King!
All the players felt sorry for His Majesty the God King for a few seconds, and at the same time their eyes widened, feeling that His Majesty the God King is really amazing!

It was as if he had dragged down the gods of the entire heaven with his own strength.

Full of style!

Afterwards, the players saw His Majesty's request and promise from the cutscenes that were directly imprinted into their minds.

"Heroes, I only have a few footprints left on the continent of Segran, but if I want to concentrate on killing the Sea God, I can't share the burden of the gods for you. Therefore, I hope you can bear this burden. The most difficult time. After all, you are the fourth natural disaster that I will always believe in!"

"No matter what kind of pressure you face, you can bear it, even if it is hell difficulty!"

The players looked at each other in blank dismay.

Dog plotting, blindly sensational!
It is true that they are the fourth natural disaster, but if it is really hell-level difficulty, they will also be afraid of it?

Do you really think that everyone is playing high?

Tucao return to Tucao, many players still can not help but cock their mouths!
As a player, they are very proud to receive such high praise and evaluation from His Majesty the God King!

But every player will basically have this kind of experience - playing games by yourself and playing games with friends are definitely two concepts!

I was abused by myself, and the dog planned improperly!
If you want to smash the keyboard and mouse, it's all light!
And being abused with friends. Fuck, watch me shake people!

It's really a few dishes to be killed by friends together!

Then fight the pressure with your friends and continue to be abused until you fuck the boss to death!

Because of this, many players ridicule some games, the highest configuration is - friends!
Although "Dawn" does not deliberately emphasize social attributes, it is a fully stealth MMORPG game after all, and the sense of immersion is simply not too strong.

For the vast majority of players, this place is almost no different from the other world of sword and magic!
Because of the communication means that the game system comes with, the more experienced players are, the wider the social network will be, and it is no longer simply limited to a single guild.

When friends say it is possible, even if it is not possible, it must be possible!

Afterwards, the players were stunned by a depth bomb.

I've only seen a godhead appear in the hand of His Majesty the God King in the scene animation!

"You must be familiar with the Godhead of this god of misfortune and disaster. I promise now that it will be the highest prize for this main mission. He is indeed the only one, but the virtual Godhead can be divided into three. If I succeed Killing Seagod, I will also differentiate three virtual godheads from Seagod's godhead at that time. These are the seven godheads."

"If you want it, do it well, my heroes!"

After talking about this supreme reward, many players also heard about a series of other rewards.

Almost every one of them said made the players jealous!

Like the number of great sages, artifacts, everything, which made the players collectively climax!

Soon, everyone "watched" the cutscene completely.


All the players seemed to have exploded several atomic bombs in their minds, as if they had completely lost their ability to speak!
Holy shit, damn it!
Although the god of disaster and misfortune was a small character who was easily beheaded by His Majesty the God King, he was a god!

Nowadays, which Daybreak player doesn't know the force of the word "God"?

If you really get this godhead, you will be transcended!

Even if you can't get the godhead of the god of doom and disaster, don't you still have six virtual godheads?
Although his personality is a bit inferior, he is still a god after all!
I have to say that Rhode's cake was so big and round that it made all the players cry!

Isn't it anti-stress?

Isn't it performance?

Who is afraid of who? !
All of a sudden, all the players started screaming like they had been injected with chicken blood at the same time!


Lao Tzu is playing the elite!


Turning against the wind, that is the real king!
It has to be said that the power of the pie is infinite. Even if it is this pie, only a few people can eat it, but what if the pie falls on their own heads?
If people have no dreams, what is the difference between them and salted fish? !

Players who combine greed and dreams have burst out with unprecedented potential!
Especially beside the players, the floating little elves exude a dreamlike color on their bodies.

And in the entire Pugri, the most ideal power of miracles is the heart that believes!

Just in the blink of an eye, all the players burst out with super strength.

Everyone's body seems to be covered with a layer of soft white light of mind. Under the blessing of this light, the strength is enhanced, the speed is faster, and the durability is improved.

What's more, even the speed of thinking has suddenly increased a lot!

In a short period of time, all the magic soldiers and generals were hit head-on, making it inevitable that their previous rainbow-like aura would be hit!

As for the gods, Qiqi carefully watched the changes of the players.

Is the footprints shot again?

For this kind of thing, they are happy to hear it!
After all, it would be much more convenient for Seagod to act by focusing Solator's power here!
Poseidon inevitably fell into a logical trap.

If you want to trace back to the source of the players, you must first find the earth.

But the earth is in another universe!
Regarding this point, the Seagod, who is the seat of God, had actually obtained the information, but when he really tried it himself, he discovered that it was more difficult than he imagined.

Misty mist fills the air, and Poseidon refuels the conceptual "sea", quickly tracing time and space.

If it was in the past, he might not have a good way!


He is the seat of God after all, and he has seen too many players.

No matter how well Rhodes protects him, how can he prevent him from grabbing the meaning of the sea in the hearts of the players?

As long as the world the players live in has the concept of ocean!
But at this moment, Sea God suddenly saw a figure appearing in front of him not far away!
The figure is very, very illusory, it is Rhodes' footprints!
But compared to other footprints, this footprint is obviously more charming and powerful, and it should be equivalent to one of the killer features.

Sea God guessed that Rhodes might come, but he didn't expect Rhodes to come so fast and so decisively!
However, for a god seat like Seagod, even such a scene is nothing!
Just as Rhodes' footprint wanted to kill Seagod, why didn't Seagod want to destroy Rhodes' footprint?

Left and right are just a contest of life and death!

The trident in Seagod's hand lightly pointed in the direction of Rhodes.

In an instant, the entire "emptiness", which is almost a concept, set off boundless waves that seemed to swallow everything.

This is the sea in Seagod's heart, the authority of the sea, the concept of the sea, but it is also true!

Sea water, storm, thunder, waves and clouds are treacherous.
For the sea, the climate is impermanent and boundless, that is its eternal theme!
Is violent, but also synonymous with fear!
Rhodes didn't have any fancy means, and a Seagod Trident appeared directly in his hand.

Gently pointing to the ground, all the raging waves rolling towards him seemed to calm down suddenly.

He is not the god of the sea, but he is the master of the ocean!
The Sea God suddenly felt that the sea in his heart seemed to be taken away by Ping Jing, especially the personality was faintly suppressed!

Sea God was depressed.

This so-called God-King His Majesty has too much authority, and he is really... insatiable!
"You are just a footprint, and you still want to suppress me with a high status?"

Sea God, who was already grumpy, suddenly appeared behind him. God Seat!

Impressively, it is the symbol representing the personality of the Lord God of the Heaven Realm!
As soon as the seat of God came out, Rhodes immediately felt that the Sea God's sea spirit became unparalleled, and seemed to be able to drown everything!
For the sea, it is not only the source of life, but also the source of disaster in the true sense!

Ruthless water and fire!

In the face of a real tsunami, any creature will feel its own insignificance, even the true god is no exception!
Rhodes didn't panic.

All kinds of changes suddenly appeared under one step and behind one's back.

The Sea God suddenly felt that his meaning of the endless sea seemed to be contained by the endless starry sky!

For the starry sky, the ocean is undoubtedly small!
Is Xinghai also a sea?
Isn't this too rambunctious?

Sea God felt a little stunned and aggrieved.

Only then did he remember that His Majesty the God King in front of him is not only the master of the sea, but also the master of the sky and the guider of the starry sky.
To be honest, if it wasn't for a real fight, Sea God really wouldn't believe this so-called title!

After all, it's one thing to type this thing out, but it's another thing to actually get it recognized!

It's like the "Qingjun side" that has been played badly. No matter how loud the slogan is, who doesn't know what it means?
What made Seagod even dumbfounded was that the Solethor in front of him not only really possessed the authority of the sea and the starry sky, but he was also able to perfectly blend and graft the two together.

This is simply off the charts!
Even if Solator holds the coordinates of another universe, it wouldn't be so open, right?

With so much authority, isn't there no other true god to fight for? !

Unfortunately, not really!
Knowing too little information about the earth, Seagod directly got into a misunderstanding.

And this is enough to be fatal in the battle of gods!
Rhodes grafted the concept of "ocean" with the concept of "starry sky", and extended it to "star sea", but completely crushed Seagod in dimension.

Not only that, Rhodes also directly equated the concepts of stars and stars!
In an instant.

The Sea God felt that his ocean suddenly fell into the sun!

That incomparably terrifying high temperature instantly engulfed the Seagod!
The Sea God was in pain, and felt like he was about to be evaporated!

His omnipotent ocean seems to be completely dried up by the sun!
How can this be?

Sea God's eyes widened angrily.

This place is obviously a starry sky, why did the stars suddenly become the sun?And it's so hot? !

"Impossible, the sun and the sea have never been in trouble, and the sun has never dried up the ocean!"

"Nothing is impossible. The universe is dead and there is no water. That is the normal state of the planet!"

After Rhodes finished speaking, several "stars" approached one after another, transmitting a lot of light and heat.

For him, or in the opinion of Rhodes and most people on Earth, an Earth with oceans and water is the real miracle.

And a dead planet without any water, that is the cold truth of the universe!

Because he believes, even firmly believes, this concept is completely achievable!

A large amount of "water vapor" began to appear on the body of the sea god, and it was obvious that the water belonging to the ocean was "evaporating" rapidly.

It's at the conceptual level, but it also touches on the true nature of the Seagod!
Poseidon was seriously injured directly, and without any hesitation, he turned his head and ran away.

As a true God, especially when he is still alive and dying, his senses are still very keen!
The meaning of "boiling the sea" that Solethor presented to Him is entirely based on "distance".

As long as he moves away fast enough and far enough away, the temperature will drop completely!


Poseidon quickly found out in despair. He was lost!

It is the authority of the guide of the starry sky, without my guidance, it is a god who should get lost or get lost!
Not only that, Rhodes also borrowed more suns.

One, two, three.
When the number of suns exceeded a threshold, Seagod could no longer maintain his true god essence, but was completely shocked.

At the last moment, the Sea God looked at Solator not far away, and couldn't help feeling a little desperate.

Were they wrong back then?
There is no answer!

He has fallen!

There is only one godhead, god seat and sea god trident left!
With one move, Rhodes took all the spoils and filled them into the book of rules.

Whoa, whoa!

The book of rules turns pages quickly, and the number of pages increases rapidly.

The authority and knowledge about the ocean suddenly became richer!
Not only that, but this knowledge was also spontaneously classified under the "Ocean Master", and what's more, it was also somewhat connected with the authority of the former Pluto.


Many powers of Pluto explain fear, death, underworld water and endless abyss, but these overlap somewhat with Seagod's authority.

Not only that, fear, disaster, and doom overlap somewhat with the authority of the God of Disaster and Doom.

And this knowledge is a great supplement to Rhodes!
His footprint suddenly became stronger!
Especially the seat of the Sea God, which gave Rhodes infinite inspiration!
After all, this is the heavenly realm, second only to the personality of the eternal ruler, and is the true personality of the Lord God!

at the same time.

The heavenly realm, the human realm, and especially the oceanic realm of Segran's continent suddenly began to rain blood.

The meaning of sadness permeates the whole world.

The gods couldn't help being stunned.

Sea God has fallen. So fast? !

This made them terrified!

All Solator can free up is just a footprint!

Even if Seagod fell into the logical trap, it was only his soul, but this is too scary!
The whole world can't help but tremble!

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