Chapter 366 Snowballing

Pagli Continent.

While the gods were terrified, they couldn't help being terrified.

Sea God is one of the high gods, and he is especially good at saving his life. He has fallen so quickly, so is the existence of players really incomprehensible?
And the consequences are even more serious.

First of all, it is military spirit.

Even the gods like them are a little shaken, let alone those god soldiers and generals!
Not to mention the major battlefields of the Segran mainland, even those warriors and generals who followed the Eternal Lord on the expedition to Pagri, the morale of the soldiers will inevitably suffer unprecedented blows.

The sky is raining blood, and the whole world mourns for this fallen one, but it is a true god!

Even the true gods fall so easily. Let alone these little ones?

There is great terror between life and death, and the gods and generals who bear the brunt all suffer huge psychological shocks, and the morale of the army will inevitably be hit and shaken.

On the Pagri battlefield, even the Eternal Master had to go off the field to appease the soldiers, and promised heavy promises and rewards.

The butterfly effect can be seen!
Unlike the battered warriors and generals, the players were all encouraged, as if they had been beaten to death!
They had just watched the "cutscene" and experienced a period of heavy pressure. The intervention of the gods made them fight particularly hard.

They thought that this period of difficulty would last for quite a long time, but they never thought that in this short period of time, His Majesty the God King actually beheaded and killed the Sea God.

All the players seemed to be awakened from the plateau bloodlines, and their spirits were unprecedentedly high, as if the divine sword that had been sharpened for decades suddenly came out of its sheath.

A believing heart is your magic!
At this moment, a large number of players broke the shackles, allowing the contracting elf to achieve another breakthrough.

Don't look at this small "breakthrough", it can "quantitative change lead to qualitative change" on the battlefield.

A large number of players who had been in contact with the players not long ago, after a sudden promotion, directly dealt a head-on blow to those god soldiers who were shaken by the fall of the sea god.

On the battlefield, it's deadly!

Many god soldiers and god generals died directly because of this, and became the experience and money that players need to grow up.

The number of opponents suddenly decreased, which allowed many players to free up their hands to help their teammates. In a short period of time, they formed a joint force, realized more hits and less, and let the snowball get bigger again.

What's more, there are some of the most powerful high-players, relying on the power of their hearts, they have escaped all kinds of negative influences imposed on them by the gods.

There are also some of the most extreme ones, which even digested some of the "distortions" on their bodies!

And to be able to break the shackles of divine arts, for the players, it is definitely something worthy of a special mention, and it can even shine in the annals of history.

It is a very remarkable "great cause"!
Therefore, with the assistance of the combat skill system, these players either received rewards, or forcibly "digested" some of the distortions on their bodies and transformed them into their own.

Then, some players gained supernatural powers with three heads and six arms, and some players could control the growth of tentacles or eyes around the body.

The sudden sudden change of Cthulhu wind made many people feel a little uncomfortable.

But if you can freely control the growth, it will be unprecedented!
The friends are all crying!

And these mutations are further transformed into the advantages of the players, allowing them to snowball once again!

In a short period of time, these magical soldiers and generals in the Pagri Continent seemed to be in a state of defeat.

After the gods' minds faltered for a short time, they quickly showed miracles on a large scale again and forcibly stabilized the situation on the battlefield.

The sun in the sky became blazing like never before.

Not only the players, but even the entire land seemed to be completely ignited. A large number of flowers and crops died directly, and a large number of trees were also ignited.

The whole world is like a torch!
The players who bear the brunt are naturally even more uncomfortable, feeling as if they are in a furnace.

Many players' HP was cleared directly, and then cleared again after resurrection!
This has caused many players to have a lot of opinions about the sun in the sky.

What the hell, is it amazing to be a god?
But at this moment, all the players felt a burst of coolness at the same time.

Not only that, most of them were cursed by the God of Life, and the serious distortions that appeared on their bodies also began to fade away.

Don't waste any thought, the players also know--the god king father is coming!
I have to say that it feels good to be covered by my father!

The fighting spirit of the players has once again become unprecedentedly fierce, showing a posture of swallowing like a tiger.

In contrast, the gods of the heavens became extremely cautious.

While hiding themselves well, they are even more cautious and united!
Without unity, no one wants to be the next Poseidon.

In this regard, Rhodes' footprints are even more clear!

At the moment of his return, the great sun in the sky, the moon that did not appear to have much brilliance against the background of the great sun, and even the stars that were completely hidden, all began to shine on the sky and the earth in all directions at the same time.

Just hope to find him!
Not only that, God of Life, God of Vulcan, Goddess of Art, Goddess of Agriculture and other gods, while searching for his location, are also searching for the breath of Sea God.

It's not that he thinks that the Sea God is still alive, but he hopes to anchor him completely through this method!

This is like two stealth fighters, whoever locks on to each other can kill each other faster.

Spot it and shoot it down!

The gods have failed after all!

Hunting down the Sea God was essentially a very successful snowballing for his footprint!

First of all, the gods lost control of the sea, and this vacancy was filled by him immediately, allowing him to leverage the power of heaven and earth more effectively.

It's like being untied!

Secondly, the acquisition of the Seagod's divinity, seat, and trident will undoubtedly be of great benefit to the stabilization and improvement of his footprint.

Now, in terms of strength, he has not lost much to the real clone!
And this has allowed him to do a lot of things!
That's why many gods in the heavens are so vigilant. As gods, they undoubtedly understand Rhodes' state better!

After eliminating all kinds of debuffs on the players, Rhode immediately gave blessings to all the players participating in the naval battle, and blessed all the strong ships and guns.

The power of all naval guns began to increase significantly!

In a short period of time, the situation on the battlefield above the ocean began to avalanche!
The fall of the Sea God was the biggest blow to those of them who were favored by the Sea God, and now Rhodes' blessing was undoubtedly the last straw that broke the camel's back.

The God-returner, who had been exceptionally brave just now, was directly defeated!

And the players unceremoniously started chasing death and chasing north!

But any experienced player knows that compared with a tough confrontation, the results of this kind of chasing death and chasing north can often soar ten times, hundreds of times and thousands of times.

In many cases, the enemy troops trampled on each other, and the casualties caused were even higher than those caused by formal duels!
And in the ocean, the sea people who have lost order, "stampede accidents" are not without exception!

A large number of sea clans with six gods and no masters rammed like they were in a daze, and a small piece of sea area seemed to be filled with chaotic sea clans.

For these, the players will not be polite!
All kinds of lethal weapons are being used more and more generously and recklessly!
And those naval guns blessed by Rhodes are even more terrifyingly powerful. Once fired, the sea seems to be overturned.

A large area of ​​the Sea Clan was ruthlessly harvested in an instant!
Even for players who can be killed with a red name, it is inevitable to feel a little bit of sympathy.

The education the players have received since they were young makes them respect life!
of course.

This thought of the Holy Mother is only for a moment!
On the battleship, rays of light rose from the bodies of more and more players at the same time. It was astonishingly that they were full of experience and leveled up!
All the upgraded players have a long-lost feeling!

The later the stage, the more difficult it is to upgrade to a level, and the improvement brought about by the upgrade is even more exaggerated!
Having enjoyed this life-enhancing reward for a long time, all the players felt a little selfless, and suddenly felt that, in the face of difficulties and dangers, the curse of the gods, they can persist until now, it is really great!

It's all worth it!

of course.

For players, satisfaction is always only temporary, never satisfied, always climbing, that is the most regular state!
Players who had harvested hastily, and didn't even have time to clean up the battlefield, turned the bow of the ship directly, and then began to adjust the shooting angle of the naval gun.

The more conscientious ones even sent a message to their companions; while those who died of wolves didn't even send a notification!
A large number of captains, like Li Yunlong incarnate, kicked over the deputy captain, roaring out the most powerful words in history.

Accompanied by the order of "fire" one after another, a large number of naval guns began to roar wildly, and those battlefields within the range of the naval guns immediately bloomed everywhere.

Not to mention those magic soldiers and generals, even the many players who were entangled with the magic soldiers and generals couldn't help cursing the dog players on the ships for being inappropriate!


The effect is still very significant!
Not to mention those ordinary soldiers, even many generals with outstanding strength were bombarded immediately!
For the gods and generals, their bodies are not to mention superhuman bodies of steel, but they already have the shadow of some mythical creatures in terms of strength.

Speed, perception, agility, especially defense and recovery, have definitely reached a level beyond the reach of ordinary people!

But in the face of these naval guns blessed by Rhodes, each one is as fragile as paper!
What's more, even many guardian mechanical life forms were turned upside down by the bombers immediately, scattered all over the place, and turned into a pile of parts.

As can be seen, a large number of Guardian parts, reassembled in various ways.

But most of them have not yet completed the aggregation, and they were blown to pieces again, turning into a pile of broken copper and rotten iron!
The point is, soldiers on land really have no good way to take these ships for a while!

Seeing that he was about to be sent away by the "friendly army" for his life, he would die worse than a dog, the players' tempers also rose, and they blew themselves up.

For a moment, the players in the harbor city battlefield seemed to have become single-celled organisms who could only bomb.

But I have to admit that this kind of frying really works!

Many of the bewildered soldiers and generals in Harbor City couldn't take it anymore, and deserters began to appear.

One, two, three.
Soon, these deserters turned into a rout!
The army was defeated like a mountain, and then it was time to chase the dead and the north. The battlefield of Harbor City was rotten!
The gods saw it and were anxious in their hearts, but there was really no good way at the moment!

The thought of a footprint powerful enough to kill the Sea God watching from the sidelines made the gods feel like a thorn in their back like a thorn in their throat.

They even looked at the temples subconsciously, hoping to find some instructions and responses from the eternal ruler.

Unfortunately, let them down!
But the gods also know that the Segran battlefield cannot continue to drag on like this, otherwise it may really collapse completely!
The God of Life frantically used the rules of authority to give blessings to many divine soldiers and generals.

Even if they were blown into a pile of rotten meat, as long as their heads were not smashed to pieces in the first blow, the God of Life would have a way to heal these wounded soldiers immediately under the squirming flesh and blood.

The players who watched this couldn't help but be speechless!


Unfortunately, unlike the resurrection of the players, the "resurrection" of the God of Life puts much greater psychological pressure on the divine soldiers and generals.

After all, no matter who sees himself being blown into a pile of rotten meat, and then the cells wriggle and stitch frantically, his mentality will inevitably burst and be distorted!
And in this process, the voice of the goddess of art sounded.

The melody is tactful, as if it can heal all pain!
If it weren't for the continuous bombardment on the battlefield, Rhodes even doubted whether these wounded soldiers would be healed of all their pains immediately!
Obviously, each of these gods has some unique skills!

Previously, he was worried about being beheaded by him against the connection, so he kept it hidden, but now due to the situation, he had to show more miracles!

And like Vulcan and Luna, they directly draw their salaries from the bottom of the pot, targeting the battleships of the players!
In the blink of an eye, the protective runes on the steel battleship were immediately destroyed, and the steel showed signs of ablation and melting.


How could Rhodes allow Vulcan and Luna to destroy the naval wealth he and the players had accumulated so hard?
All kinds of blessings and blessings continue to fight against the various methods of the two gods.

Of course, the most important thing is to find the real body of the gods!
Not only Rhodes is doing this, but the gods are also doing it at the same time.

Rhodes believed that once he attacked any god, the other gods would find a way to completely erase his footprints!

And this is the battle of gods, discovery is the end of the battle!
Or the war has continued until now, and it has really reached the point of life and death, and the gods are becoming more and more aware of their fall.

Seeing that the harbor city battlefield was about to collapse, almost all the gods let go of their hands and feet to the greatest extent.

of course.

So is Rhodes!

On the battlefield, his hidden footprints appeared one after another, constantly confronting and confronting the gods.

Some had the upper hand, but there were also those who lost the battle, and were quickly wiped out by the gods, and the losses were quite heavy!

And Rhodes grasped the footprints of the Sea God Seat, and frantically searched for the real bodies of the gods.

In addition, he is also thinking and choosing!

Who should strike first?

God of life?

sun god?
Goddess of Art?


Rhode's eyes kept sweeping over the most active gods!

The God of Life is currently extremely active and is the most important nanny. It is absolutely right to give priority to killing Him!

This kind of god's life-saving means is absolutely outrageous, and no one knows which one is his real body
As for the sun god, he is in his lair, but he is not very easy to kill.

But if it is really killed, the benefits will definitely be great!

The sun is definitely the overlord of the sky. After he controls the sun with the authority of the sky, it is equivalent to possessing an unprecedentedly powerful weapon.

However, once occupying the sun, his footprints can't be hidden, and he will directly change from barefoot to wearing shoes
Rhodes has no doubt that after occupying the sun, he will immediately encounter the remaining true gods, and even the clone of the eternal master.

Goddess of Art?

Rhodes lingered in his heart once.

The Goddess may seem to hold idle authority, but her artistic voice is very effective in healing the soul.

If you kill him, it is estimated that most of the gods who suffer from PTSD will be directly abolished. This is also a nanny in essence!
What's more, the war songs, drums, and horns played by the goddess of art can be very effective in boosting morale. In essence, it is another "injury crutch"!
Time passed by every minute and every second, and the Excalibur in Rhodes' heart was never triggered.

But the beautiful eyes of the goddess of art shrank instinctively, and her beautiful body tensed up.

Pi Yin~~~
Along with a sword chant, Rhodes' divine sword suddenly unsheathed.

In the next moment, Vulcan suddenly felt that a beam of sword light was slashing towards his divine essence against the infinite flames he cast.

Fire is the outward expression of all light, flame, and heat.

It is the fire of light, it illuminates the dark, it heats food, it is a sign of civilization, and it is a symbol of spiritual inheritance!

Flame is also the coolest thing in the world, water and fire are ruthless, and can burn everything in the world!

Accompanied by this shocking sword, everything related to flames in Segrand, Pagri, and even the heavens suddenly paused for a moment.

In an instant, the whole world seemed to have lost the concept of "fire"!
Vulcan screamed, and all the flames in the world jumped violently at the same time, as if they let out screams.

But seeing Vulcan going further out of control, the God of Time and Space made a move. With just a little bit of time, Vulcan collapsed and cracked his god essence, and the momentum of collapse stopped immediately.

But also because of this shot, the breath of the God of Time and Space was directly captured by the Goddess of Life, and the endless dark water rushed towards him.

Pluto even followed the trail and grabbed the fate line of the God of Time and Space.

The God of Time and Space froze, and hurriedly dealt with the threat of the Goddess of Life!

at the same time.

God of Life's Staff of Life, Goddess of Art's Star of Art, Sun God's Sunshine, Luna God's Moonlight, and Thor's Endless Thunder almost simultaneously slashed at Rhode's footprint with a sword swung at Vulcan!
next moment.

Rhodes' footprint disappeared like a dream bubble.

Not long after, in the mist of the starry sky, Rhodes' footprint reappeared, but there were a lot of wounds and holes on his body.

For the blow of the gods working together, although he dodged it in time, he was still seriously injured.

"Sure enough?"

Looking at the scarred Rhodes' footprints, looking at the Vulcan who is still crying in pain, it feels a little pity!
Just a footprint clone, is it still too weak after all?
That's right!

After some screening, Rhodes finally did not screen the target on the Pagli battlefield, but instead locked the target on the Vulcan on the Pagli battlefield.

As for the purpose, it is to create an opportunity for the main body to wait for the opportunity to severely injure the eternal master!

It's a pity that the Eternal Master did not make a move!

As for Vulcan, he failed to fully succeed!

Segran battlefield.

The gods were shocked and angry!
A mere footprint can slash towards Pagli's main battlefield with a single sword. But they haven't been able to completely obliterate this footprint!

at the same time.

All the gods felt at the same time that the battlefield of Fadoba city-state in the Segran continent had been severely damaged by Vulcan, and the feast of fire on this battlefield had begun to get out of control!

The hearts of the gods couldn't help but tremble.

Is this what Solethor is for?
Even if he failed to kill Vulcan, the Fadoba city-state battlefield began to collapse, once those players were free.
The gods couldn't help but feel dizzy!
They never thought that one day they would be forced to this point by a group of ants who didn't even reach the mythical level!
(End of this chapter)

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