Chapter 42 Miss Anna is collapsing

The rewards for the missions issued to the players are already low, but now Double Carp still charges one gold coin as reward.
Anna silently calculated an account in her heart.

Is there really a player who will accept the mission?
This paid slave will cry when he sees it, right? !
What's more, Shuangli accepted the task of helping to release the task from her, and also received high rewards and rewards.

Isn't this eating the east and the west?
What about the two carp people who agreed to be beautiful and kind?

Why do you feel that there is a black heart under her beautiful appearance?
Anna suspects that both she and Rosalind have been deceived by Shuang Li's beautiful and lovely appearance!
Anna looked at Shuang Li, hesitated to speak, feeling a little regretful.

It doesn't matter if she is cheated, but if she fails the trust of His Majesty the God King.
Or seeing Anna's uneasiness, Shuang Li was also a little embarrassed, but at this time the most indispensable thing was self-confidence.

Shuang Li took care of everything and said confidently, "Anna, don't worry, the players will not only not be unhappy, but they will also be grateful to me after accepting the mission!"

Anna's eyes can speak, full of "you tease me".

While comforting doubts and apprehensions, soon, the first player ran over excitedly.

The moment she saw this player, Anna remembered his name—Master of Non-precepts.

For this player, Anna was very impressed.

Because, his head is shiny and his appearance is very funny. It seems that he is not a good person.

Seeing the master of non-discipline rushing towards him with sparks and lightning, Anna quickly stood up and put her hands in front of her, looking beautiful and elegant, with a beautiful smile on her face.

As a well-educated woman, Anna has absolute confidence in her beauty and etiquette.


What Anna never expected was that after a simple greeting from Master Bujie, he went straight to Shuang Li.

Anna's smiling face stiffened slightly, but she still maintained her elegance.

Master Bujie was in a hurry and couldn't wait to say, "Sister Shuangli, I have already paid for the gold coins. What about the task you mentioned?"

Shuang Li smiled and said, "Master, don't worry, since you have received the money, you will definitely get a satisfactory task. It is because Anna is my good friend that I can get first-hand information."

Master Bujie was surprised and looked at Miss Anna.


Anna didn't understand what it meant, although she felt that Shuang Li was a bit mean, but she didn't mean to let Shuang Li not get off the stage.

After all, Shuang Li was helping her!

"That's right, Shuangli is my good friend!"

Master Bujie gave a thumbs up and said in admiration, "Ah, you have managed to increase Miss Anna's favorability to such a high level in such a short period of time!"

Shuang Li took it for granted, "After all, we are all girls!"

Master Bujie nodded.

There is a big difference between boys and girls in this regard. Girls may be friends with each other when they meet, but boys are much more cautious in making friends.

Of course, this also led to the birth of Plastic Sisters!

However, Master Bujie didn't worry about this, he was more concerned about what tasks he could receive and what kind of rewards he could get.

Knowing that Anna is the key to issuing the mission, the attitude of Master Unruly towards Anna suddenly changed drastically.

[This is too. Realistic! ]
Although Anna complained silently from the bottom of her heart, she still presented the task list that she had prepared earlier to the master of non-discipline.

The Adventurer's Association is actually very experienced in issuing missions.

Her only worry is that the difficulty of the task does not match the reward seriously.

1 minute later.

Master Bujie said with a ruthless face, "That...can I take all of them?"

Anna's beautiful eyes widened, and she was shocked like never before.

Where did this ruthless person come from? !
Is there any special penchant for self-abuse?
All missions are slaves weeping all missions
Is there something wrong with this master of non-precepts?

Anna's eyes couldn't help but fell on the shiny bald head of Master Bujie.

"Absolutely not!"

Shuang Li sternly refused.

If Master Bujie accepts all of them, then she won't be able to receive any price difference later.

The more successful the non-precept master is, the more she will fail as a middleman!
"Ten tasks, please do me a favor, Sister Shuangli."

"Absolutely not!"

"Five, no less!"


".I'll add money!"

Anna Mei's eyes widened, her mouth was dry.

Add money to do coolies?
Your Majesty the God King, this is too crazy!
Anna couldn't help praying and repenting in her heart.

[Your Majesty the God King, I was wrong, I was not qualified enough to understand your deep meaning at the first time, please punish me! ]
In the end, after paying the exorbitant price of two more gold coins, the master of non-discipline successfully received three tasks.

Shuang Li was very satisfied with this, and Master Bujie was also very satisfied.

Before leaving, he also expressed his gratitude to Shuangli and Anna, and said that he had the opportunity to invite them to dinner.

Anna was numb, and the elegance on her face almost turned into a drop of equipment.

If there is one, there are two, and soon there are new players who bought information from Shuangli, and rushed over in a hurry.

Or the Master of Discipline shocked Anna like never before, so that it was difficult for the players behind to pluck Anna's heartstrings.

Even if the players paid the gold coins and received the difficult tasks, they still expressed their gratitude to them with satisfaction.
Anna originally thought so!

Until, a few players appeared excitedly.

"Haha, did you see that, let me say that the task was sent by Miss Anna, right? That chick Shuangli thought she could get my uncle's wool?"

"Crouching dragon and phoenix chick, you are awesome!"

"I'm taking it!"

"I'm convinced too!"


Enjoying the worship of everyone, Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Chu proudly shared his process of investigation and reasoning.

"First of all, Shuangli is a player just like us, she cannot have the ability to issue missions;"

"Secondly, there are only a few famous NPCs, Martina's deputy head, knights, apprentice knights, and humanoid elf Anna. The scope is further narrowed."

"Finally, as long as we do a small survey, we can learn from the citizens that the Masters of Unrule are rushing to the Tower of the Sun."

Anna lost her eyes.

It's not because of how smart Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Cub are, but because the players are able to fight to such an extent in order to be coolies!

Finally, they are all so happy!
Last night, Anna stayed up all night and worked hard to do her homework. She thought that if she was not foolproof, she could at least be prepared.

Unexpectedly, everything that happened today was beyond her expectation!

Is this the player?

After one mission after another was released one after another, the number of players scrambling to take over the mission finally began to slowly decrease.

Around noon, Anna and the second daughter of Shuangli had some free time.

Shuang Li stretched out her green fingers, swiped in the air, and a money bag appeared in Shuang Li's hands out of thin air, and her hands sank under the pressure.

Shuangli smiled happily, "A lot of money, a bumper harvest, a bumper harvest!"

Previously, Anna felt that Shuangli was a bit "white and black", but after seeing the players' various mysterious operations, Anna suddenly felt that Shuangli's behavior was not so unacceptable.

At this moment, Anna suddenly saw that Shuang Li split the money bag in two, and handed half to her.

Anna Mei's eyes widened, as if she had seen a ghost.

Shuang Li is so greedy for money, she eats everything she eats. She didn't expect to be willing to share half of her money!

Anna wanted to refuse, but Shuang Li seemed to have guessed what she was thinking, and forced the half of the money into her arms.

Anna only felt a heaviness in her chest, which was unbelievably heavy.


Anna couldn't understand it.

The more she interacts with players, the more she understands their greed.

Shuangli: "Why? How can I earn so much money without you? Okay, okay, let's go to lunch together, you are the host, take me to eat the most unique food!"

Before Anna could think back, her body was pushed and shoved by Shuang Li, and she followed her subconsciously.

Walking, walking, Anna's footsteps became more and more light, and the smile on her face gradually became brighter.

Senior Rosalind is right, Miss Shuangli is really a very different player!

What Anna didn't know was that when her mood improved, Shuang Li's mood also improved.

Anna may have made money, but she definitely won't lose money either!

This game is really getting more and more interesting!

Soon, Anna brought the double carp to Stio's deli.

It is said that this store has a history of hundreds of years and has inherited the classic flavor of the Kingdom of Wesero.

As the host, Anna specially ordered the most classic signature dish for Shuangli, "Saka Roll with Stewed Soliberry".

The sweet and sour berry and the smoothness of Saka are a perfect match!
Seeing Anna's strong comfort, Shuang Li took a sip full of anticipation.

next moment.

Shuang Li's cute and beautiful face was directly distorted into an exaggerated Yanyi expression pack.

Did you learn this cooking skill from a British chef?

Miss Shuangli is collapsing.
 PS: Thanks to "Eternal Scorpion" for the reward of 1500 starting coins; thanks to "Tian Yi Meng Tian Dao" for the reward of 500 starting coins.Thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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