Chapter 43 The Confidence of the Foodie Empire
Seeing the exaggerated changes in Shuang Li's expression, Anna, who was enjoying the delicious food, felt very surprised.

"Why? Not to your liking? This is the court delicacy back then. It is said that the queen and princess liked it very much!"

Shuang Li looked serious, "Anna, do you want to hear the truth or lies?"

".Let's tell lies!"

Anna scooped up a small spoonful of sourberry sauce with a small wooden spoon and sipped it carefully.

She wanted to enjoy it one last time before hearing bad comments from Shuang Li.

This is her last stubbornness!

Double carp: "( ̄┏∞┓ ̄)"

Miss Anna is not playing cards according to common sense!

It's really uncomfortable to feel that you can only speak half of it!

However, the double carp did not disturb Anna's enjoyment of the delicious food, but just silently watched Anna chewing slowly.

Shuang Li could see that Anna cherished this "food" very much!
Soon, the braised saka rolls with sosauberries on the small plate in front of Anna ran out.

"If you don't mind me tasting it, I can give it to you too!"

Anna's beautiful eyes lit up.

"Is it really possible?"

Shuang Li didn't say much, but just moved her share to Anna.

Anna clasped her hands together to express her gratitude, and then began to enjoy the taste feast brought by the food, it seemed that this one was extra delicious!
She could feel that Shuang Li really wanted to complain, but in order not to affect her appetite, she tried her best to restrain her desire.

Anna suddenly understood why senior Rosalind had such a high opinion of Shuang Li.

Shuang Li's gentleness and kindness are imprinted in his bones.

Miss Shuangli is really great, it's really great to be friends with her!

Soon, Anna wiped out the delicacy that Shuangli gave her.

"Okay, now you can say your evaluation!"

Shuang Li suppressed it for a long time, like a volcano erupting, speaking as fast as Gatling.

"This saka roll stewed with Haloxylon berries has a sticky and sour taste, and the taste is more sour and sweet, but the sweetness is obviously not enough"

Anna listened carefully to Shuang Li's comments. Many words were too unfamiliar for her to understand, but this did not prevent her from feeling very powerful.

She really didn't expect that with just one piece of food, Shuang Li could say so many words of evaluation.

After a few minutes.

Ana finally got a chance to interject, "So what do you consider real food?"

Shuang Li: "It's hard to say. As far as I'm concerned, I'm a sweetie. If it's just desserts, I prefer cakes, puffs, etc., but I have a fat-prone physique, so I need to exercise restraint at all times! "

Speaking of this, Shuang Li felt sad and wept.

In reality, she needs to pay attention to gaining weight, but in the game, she can enjoy food as much as she wants, but this world is a desert of food!

Can't eat more because of fear of getting fat?
Anna's beautiful eyes were a little lost.

Shuangli's hometown delicacies are so many that they can't finish them all, do they even need to rely on great perseverance to restrain their appetite?
Anna envied, "Whenever Dawn City can eat whatever it wants!"

Shuang Li wanted to comfort her, but suddenly a flash of lightning flashed through her mind.

"Anna, how about we have a food festival?"

Anna was a little confused.

But seeing the beautiful eyes of the double carp shining, they cheered happily, as if they were about to fly.

Anna didn't want to pour cold water on her friends, but her family knew about her own affairs.

The root of all problems in Dawn City, to put it bluntly, is the shortage of supplies!

They just survived and tried their best. Where is there any extra food to hold a food festival?

Double Carp has made up its mind to hold it!

Not for anything else, just for the freedom to eat and drink in the dawn world in the future!
Shuang Li: "Anna, don't worry, as long as you are willing to help me, the food festival will be held smoothly!"

Anna is very yearning, but more rational.

"Shuangli, we really don't have enough food. There is almost no surplus in the staple food rye every year. Even if it is a good year, we must stock up as much as possible."

"For example, other grains, such as peas, soybeans, and broad beans, are even more in short supply. There is not enough for people to eat, and some of them must be left to feed war horses."

Shuang Li stretched out her hands to attack, pinching Anna's cheek.

"Relax, what are you thinking? Since I proposed to hold a food festival, all the food will naturally be figured out by our players, so why do you ask you to use the food reserves?"

Anna was stunned.

How can this be?

Can the players conjure food out of thin air? !
As if guessing what Anna was thinking, Shuang Li said confidently, "Of course it is impossible to conjure food out of thin air. But, do you know what my hometown is called?"


Anna suddenly became very curious about the hometown of Shuangli and the players.

Shuang Li put his hands on his hips and said proudly, "The big foodie empire!"

Foodie. Empire?

Shuangli raised her head and said disdainfully, "That's right, in the eyes of us foodies, there are only three kinds of things in the world, one is delicious, and the other is delicious in the future."

Anna lost his mind, Shuang Li's words were too domineering, right?
However, she still has reason, and she feels that she can't believe it all.

Reading history can be wise. Anna, who is familiar with history, understands that many problems in the kingdom of Wesero are fundamentally the problem of food shortage.

The predicament of Dawn City is actually the same in essence.

Man cannot live by eating stones!
However, Anna still couldn't help being curious, and couldn't help asking, "What about the third type?"

Shuangli: "Use it as medicine!"


Anna swallowed, feeling that the delicacies of the big foodie empire were beckoning to her.

"What are you going to do?"

Shuang Li: "Anna, send me a series of tasks first. It's called the Almighty Food Team, the importance of having enough food!"


Anna suddenly felt a pair of black wings growing on the back of the white-haired double carp.

Selling news to other players to collect intermediary fees, using her relationship with her to confidently send missions to herself, or a series of missions. It's too thick-skinned!
Because the authority to issue missions is a blessing from His Majesty the God King, Anna attaches great importance to it, and she doesn't want to lose her principles even if it is Shuangli.

"Don't you think this is using power for personal gain?"

Shuang Li was serious, and said as a matter of course, "Yeah, who told us to be good sisters, I will go through the back door!"

Looking at Shuang Li's natural appearance, Anna suddenly felt that something precious in her heart was shattered.

"No, you have to prove to me that food festivals are really possible without wasting any food!"

Shuang Li: "Are you familiar with this store? Can we go into their back kitchen and take a look?"

Anna is puzzled.

With her influence, it should be fine to just enter the back kitchen but
"No problem, let's go!"

Anna's body inexplicably moved at the pace of Shuang Li.

Perhaps in her heart, she is also eager to hold a food festival successfully? !

back kitchen.

The bearded chef, Boris, kept rubbing his hands together, feeling very nervous, and his tongue was trembling.

"I don't know. What advice do you have for Mr. Brave and Miss Anna to visit?"

Shuang Li immediately bowed and quickly explained the purpose of this trip.

It was only then that Boris eased his nervousness a little. When he learned that Shuangli planned to hold a food festival and that Dawn City had not yet used Dawn City to store food, he frowned.

In terms of identity and status, he naturally cannot compare with Anna Shuangli at all, but in terms of cooking skills, this is his ancestral iron rice bowl!

Boris: "Impossible, this is absolutely impossible, as long as we can enter the border of Dawn City, we have almost excavated to the extreme!"

People take food as their heaven!
In the era when planting any crops required the face of the tower of the sun, any disturbance in the power of the leylines would cause a great famine.

And once people are hungry to the extreme, they will stuff even soil into their mouths, what else can they eat, they haven't discovered it?

Although Boris still respected the brave Shuang Li very much, he felt that this little girl knew nothing about the sky and the earth.

Anna's pretty face flushed, a little ashamed.

Even she felt that Shuang Li was a little arrogant!

(End of this chapter)

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