After becoming a god, I became the dog planner in the mouth of the players

Chapter 55 Da Ao and Xiao Meng 【Please recommend and collect】

Chapter 55 Da Ao and Xiao Meng 【Please recommend and collect】

After posting and talking, Galen whispered and suddenly had nothing to do, so he scooped two bowls of hot water from the iron pot, and handed one of the bowls to Ollie.

Galen whispered and took a sip of hot water, feeling a little hot.

But just the act of "drinking boiled water" made him very excited.

Maybe it was because Ollie was sitting next to her, or it was just because she drank the hot water that she had boiled herself.

It is also possible to make food in other game worlds, but the process is basically simplified.

You don’t need to worry about the heat, as long as you gather all the ingredients and control the fire at the critical moment, the dishes will be cooked.

The dishes are fancy and basically tasteless.

And the reduction rate of the dawn is quite exaggerated, and it is almost no different from the reality at present.

People are so strange sometimes, they always like to pursue fantasy in the real world, but also like to pursue reality in the fantasy world!
Cooking in the real world will feel very boring, and I wish I could generate it with one click, but it feels very distorted in the game.

Restore reality one by one, I feel that the game is awesome and interesting!


【Congratulations, you have obtained 60 daily participation points for the first act of the world quest "Vahari's Eternal Feast" "The Captive of Food". 】

[Game experience +10. 】

[Cooking experience +15. 】

Hearing the point rewards and experience given by the system, Galen whispered and suddenly smiled.

At this moment, Galen whispered and found out that someone clicked on his post, and even liked him.

"It's so dazzling. I have a friend who wants to ask where I can get such a big monster girl"

"I also have a friend who wants to ask!"

"I also have a friend who wants to ask."

"Ask a friend +1"

"Ask a friend +2"

"Ask a friend +3"


"Wake up, you have no friends!"

"Fuck off, what nonsense are you talking about?"


In just a short while, a large number of players flooded in after Galen's whispered words, and they all suddenly had a friend, and then they were ruthlessly exposed.

Galen whispered and smirked while being speechless.

Someone gave him a thumbs up, of course he was very happy.

But the question is, has no one noticed that the game of Daybreak can climb the technology tree?

That's an industrial style game. Is there really no one interested?

This group of lsps!

Ollie watched the smirking Galen speak softly, and couldn't help showing a smile on her face.

Seeing that Galen said something softly because she was happy to have one more thumbs-up "like" after talking about the following, she became more and more curious because of this.

Ollie: "Is that like important?"

Galen scratched his head softly, not knowing how to answer for a moment.

Are likes important?
As if it didn't matter at all!
But if he said it wasn't important, wouldn't it look silly to see him rejoicing every time he got a like?

Galen whispered and thought for a while, then said solemnly, "Likes should be the proof of being recognized."

Galen speaks softly and hates socializing, but is eager to be recognized by others, even if it is just because of a remark that he will get a lot of likes.

However, he regretted it a little after he finished speaking.

Just because of a small "like" is so happy, will it appear that he is too low?
next moment.

Galen was startled when he whispered.

Because Oli's eyes are exceptionally bright, like stars shining in the dark night.

Oli looked curious, and her beautiful eyes were full of seeking knowledge and proof.

"Galen speaks softly, is an existence as profound as you eager to be recognized by others?"

Galen's soft words were suddenly stopped by Ollie. When did he become knowledgeable? !
In fact, what Galen didn't know was that he, who claimed to be a scumbag, could really be regarded as a scholar in Dawn City.

Not only him, but the knowledge background of most players can be regarded as a scholar.

And this is the essence of the information age!
"Excuse me, can you teach me how to talk?"


Galen whispered, dumbfounded.

What is this unfolding? !
"is it not OK?"

Ollie was very disappointed.

Galen felt as if he had made a mistake when he spoke softly, and quickly made up for it, "'s okay, I have a trumpet, and I can use it for you when the time comes!"

"It's really good!"

Ollie rejoiced and smiled like a flower.

Galen was a little distracted when he spoke softly.

The NPC girl in the game world uses his account to send messages, it feels so subtle!
This game seems to be too disrespectful to things like the Dimensional Wall!

time flies.

More and more players began to flock to Garen's Whispering side. They were either attracted by the monster girl Ollie, or they simply had an iron pot because of Galen's Whispering.

When they came, some brought plants they had collected, some brought fish caught in the lake, and some brought dead branches and leaves picked up on the road, or they came here empty-handed.

And Ollie inevitably became cramped!

She was a little worried that she couldn't control her emotions, and then the curse broke out
"Is this Da Ao? This is too amazing!"

"So big! So long!"

"This modeling is too awesome, I want to blow it up!"

"Da Ao, can I take a photo with you?"

"Calm down, everyone calm down, you are scaring people!"

Galen whispered and quickly stood in front of Ollie. Although he hadn't known her for a long time, he still had some understanding of Ollie's character.

Although Oli is tall and looks like a giantess, she is actually a bit introverted and doesn't seem so confident!
The players were suddenly dissatisfied.

Da Ao belongs to everyone, Galen whispered that this kid wants to monopolize it.
However, when they thought of borrowing Galen's whispering iron pot, everyone endured it.

Galen said softly, "Remember what I told you earlier? We players are all the same"

Ollie's eyes flickered, but she finally nodded.

Soon, the players began to take photos with Ollie in an orderly manner.

Soon, the sound of shutters and flashes continued to emerge.

"Big O. No, big sister Oli, can you do a scissorhand? What is a scissorhand? That's it. Yes, 1, 2, 3 eggplants!"

"It's my turn, it's my turn, big sister Ollie, can you do a duck sitting pose? What is a duck sitting pose? Woohoo, my legs"

"Hahaha, I'm dying of laughter, he still wants to pose in such a feminine pose for a man!"

"23333, smile first!"

"Look, Da Ao just laughed. Suddenly I understand why the king didn't go to court early. If I were me, I would be a big fool!"

"Who wakes him up with yellow urine!"

"Wake up, it's time to get up and move bricks!"


"It's my turn, it's my turn, Da Ao cough, it's easy to say, big sister Oli, you are too tall, can I stand on a tree?"

"The Bandle."

"Hey, what Bandle people? Slander, purely slander, can Bandle people be shorter than me?"

"Wow, did you see that, did you see it? In this photo of mine, Da Ao is smiling the happiest. I made a lot of money. This time I really made a lot of money!"

"Go, go, go. It's my happiest smile."

The players talked to each other, admiring each other's group photo with Da Ao, and all of them smiled contentedly from ear to ear.

Seeing the players who were happy and comparing each other and taking pictures with her, the smile on Ollie's face became brighter and brighter.

Is this the player?

Their happiness seems really simple!

Just taking a photo with her makes her smile so happily.

When you are with them, you will be happy without knowing it!
Ollie watched Galen speak softly, and asked with an "innocent" face, "What does Da Ao mean? Why do those players call me Da Ao?"

Galen whispered and immediately sat on the wax.

How should he answer this? !
Da Ao, bah bah bah, something is wrong with Ollie!

Ollie smiled.

Looking down, I suddenly felt more confident than ever before, and suddenly understood the reason for Mengna's complicated eyes earlier.

Oli narrowly said, "You call me Da Ao, but what about Meng Na? Xiao Meng?"


Needle drop is audible.

The players were all choked.

As expected of Breaking Dawn, the NPC's understanding is strong!

They are usually called Mengna little rich woman, but it seems that there is no problem calling them Xiaomeng!

Mona, who was observing Ollie with elf skills, almost staggered, and even the elf skills were interrupted. Can she also be shot?

(End of this chapter)

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