After becoming a god, I became the dog planner in the mouth of the players

Chapter 56 Shennong Tastes the Grass 【Please recommend and collect】

Chapter 56 Shennong Tastes Hundreds of Herbs 【Please recommend and collect】

"Is this really the food we made?"

Galen whispered and the other players looked at the almost ink-like black water in the iron pot, and were suddenly speechless.

Even if their cooking skills are not up to the standard now, they won't be able to make such a bad thing!

This thing looks poisonous, right?
Oli: "Probably because you put blackwater flying thorn grass. This kind of grass is hard and tastes bitter. After people eat it, it will cause liver damage. When the juice is heated, it will turn black. One of the most unpopular weeds, even if used as a kindling, it is despised!"

All the players looked at Oli one after another, and Oli felt a little embarrassed.

Did she say something wrong?
"Oli, I didn't expect you to know this!"

"That's right, that's right, do you know other plants?"

The eyes of all the players were shining brightly, and all of them looked at Da Ao with burning eyes.

If they remember correctly, this task can ask for help from NPC.

Originally they thought that Da Ao was a vase responsible for showing off cuteness, but they never thought that she was actually a treasure.

It turned out to be this, Ollie suddenly smiled.

Although she is best at breaking spells, she still knows the characteristics of plants very well!
Oli said confidently, "You can feel free to ask me questions about plants!"

"This is great too!"

"With Ollie's help, we might really come out on top!"

"Ooooh, it's on fire!"


The players climaxed in an instant, and everyone was very excited, but Ollie was a little confused.

Does everyone trust her so much?

Obviously they have known each other for less than half an hour, right?

How did Ollie know, this is the player!

In the player's world, the world is very simple.

There is no need to consider interpersonal relationships, and there is no need to entangle human relationships.

As long as the NPC has relevant skills and their favorability is enough, then everyone is in the same group!
Seeing the players who trusted her so much, Oli suddenly felt a little warm in her heart. Maybe this is the feeling of being welcome!

It feels really good!

Galen said softly: "There's not much firewood left. If you haven't got the participation points yet, try this soup first. Take a sip and you'll get the points!"

"Oh, that's right, let's get the participation points first!"

"I'll come first, I'll come first!"

Players scramble to drink a dark soup of their own making.

Ollie was speechless for a moment.

This is really crazy to die just because you can't die!
Although Oli likes the happy atmosphere among the players, to be honest, this is really not the mentality that a qualified scholar should have.

Adhering to this imprecise approach, it is impossible to achieve any results.

"and many more!"

Everyone looked at the player who spoke, his name was "Organ Garlic".

The mechanism is exhausted: "This world mission is time-limited, and we can't afford it as a single player. You can also ask for NPC assistance. Obviously this is a teamwork mission, and the rewards are probably distributed according to the contribution."

All the players nodded in unison.

Organ Suanjin: "Let's divide up the work briefly. If you like photography, start taking pictures to record our actions; if you are good at statistics, make statistics and compare them to see what effect drinking soup has on different physiques."

The players naturally had no objections, and after a brief discussion, their respective divisions of labor were determined.

Afterwards, the intake was briefly confirmed, and the intake experiment was started.

Oli's beautiful eyes lit up, and she subconsciously looked at the mechanism.

This player's operation is somewhat of a scholar's demeanor!
"I'm starting!"

A player named Orange Cat stretched his waist, and immediately picked up the dark dark soup in the eyes of everyone. Everyone could even see the black mist rising from the poisonous soup.

The orange cat stretched and took a deep breath. The instinct of life made him want to stay away from this bowl of soup.

Taking a small mouthful into the throat, the orange cat stretched and almost didn't spit it out.

What are you playing?This is too bitter!

Although they cooked it with their own hands, they still disliked it. The orange cat stretched and wanted to vomit subconsciously.

Galen whispered and quickly reminded, "Don't vomit, you will get participation points if you drink it!"

The orange cat stretched and heard the words, immediately closed its eyes, and swallowed the soup.

The next moment, everyone saw that the orange cat stretched his waist and the HP above his head began to drop, and a green skull appeared on the status bar next to it, indicating that he had entered a poisoned state.

At the same time, the orange cat stretched out a very funny red umbrella that looked a bit like a hat.

The very funny and even magical BGM sounded directly at the scene!

"Red umbrellas, white poles, eating and sleeping together"

The players immediately became amused, what is this?

There is also the "hat" similar to the red umbrella, which feels so funny and cute!

"Is this a mushroom suit? I want it too, I want it too, let me do it first, please remember to take a picture of me when Galen whispered, I want to keep it and post it on Moments!"

After the player finished speaking, he immediately drank the poisonous soup in his hand.

However, maybe he drank too much, and mushrooms of various colors grew densely on his body, making everyone burst out laughing.

Soon, more than a dozen players with red umbrella "hats" appeared here, and the more ridiculous they looked.

But the players laughed heartlessly one by one, and even began to compare who had the cutest red umbrella hat on their heads.

Ollie was a little dumbfounded and a little speechless.

This really looks like a farce!
But the players were all laughing so happily!

Soon, each player experienced the situation of a long red umbrella hat.

At this moment, everyone exclaimed again.

"Wow, I received the reward points from the system to make me healthy?"

[Shen Nong tasted all kinds of herbs, and after the medicine, he had a prescription.Thanks to "Orange Cat Stretch" for his hard work on the road to discover new ingredients, task points +10, game experience +10, poison resistance +1. 】

Not only the orange cat stretched to receive the reward experience, but other players also received the system's notification sound at the same time.

All the players were stunned at the same time.

It turns out that what they are doing now is not just for rewards and nonsense?
Shennong tasted all kinds of herbs, and after the medicine, there was a prescription. Zizizi!
Inexplicably feels very compelling!
The orange cat stretched its waist and said solemnly, "The machine is exhausted, just remember, after I just finished drinking the thick soup made from black thorn grass, my mouth tasted bitter, my tongue was slightly numb, and my HP dropped. After about 15 minutes, my HP dropped. 72 points. My current level is 7, my HP is 1450, and my resistance is 12. Remember to check the data of ordinary people in Dawn City."

Galen said softly: "Remember when the garlic is exhausted, the black water flying thorn grass soup I drank was boiled for a longer time, and the concentration should be higher."

After Galen whispered, he was like a wave in the waves. He also described his feelings after taking the decoction and the point of HP drop in as much detail as possible.

The organ Suanjin wrote down one by one, and then said, "This is actually not accurate enough. We should use more accurate timing, water volume, heat, and cooking time, as well as the number of mushrooms growing on our bodies. In fact, It’s also a measure in itself.”

"By the way, after we sort it out, maybe we can post the experimental data and conjectures to the official website, so that other players don't have to repeat the experiment, or have more experimental data!"


"Maybe we can try to find ways to reduce the number of mushrooms. If there are no mushrooms growing on our bodies, maybe the toxicity will be gone!"

"Not bad, let's experiment in groups and try to bring in some more people!"


[There is no difficulty in the ultimate way, only choice.The right direction is the first step to success.Congratulations to the player "Organ Garlic" who put forward the correct research direction, and took the lead in choosing to share information with other players. The progress of the task is 1%, the special reward is 120 contribution points, and the game experience is 40. 】

Hearing the rewards and affirmations given by the system, the organ Suanjin suddenly became excited.

He wants to experiment until it explodes!

Life goes on and experiments go on.


Seeing the excited players, Oli suddenly fell silent.

These players are playing around, but they are indeed scholars!
Oli tidied up her clothes, stood solemnly in front of the players, and made a serious gift.

"The mechanism is exhausted, Galen whispers, the orange cat stretches, and the waves are in the waves. I want to apologize to you. I shouldn't question your professionalism before, and I shouldn't think that you are just messing around."

The players collectively froze.

They are just messing around!


Such a beautiful monster girl suddenly apologized to them so formally, which also made them feel unprecedentedly emotional.

The game of Daybreak always touches their heartstrings in some inconspicuous details!

Well, the next time you scold the dog for planning, just scold him softly!

(End of this chapter)

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