Chapter 62

"Thundergrass, a magical plant in the Pagli Continent, those who like it, hurry up and light up the creature illustrated book, there are holy crystals to get. Picture of Thundergrass.jpg"

"Devil Grass Yanyi mask ten levels from blue gray to deep purple collection guide, friends who like to collect, remember to like and collect after reading it! Mask map.jpg"

"A list of various mushroom illustrations after poisoning, a comparison table about mushroom indicators and phytotoxicity parameters"

"Mushroom set + various magical BGM collection strategies, continuously updated."

"Blood fire vine, black water flying thorn grass, Prunella vulgaris, and devil's weed have brain-hole thinking about the ratio of Chinese medicine to attack poison with poison. Interested friends are welcome to study together. Skirt: 175*****"


Shuang Li browsed through the various dynamics in the circle of friends of Li Xiao, and couldn't help showing a smile on his face when he looked at it.

The various Yanyi masks on the players' faces are really funny, and the various mushroom suits that appear after being poisoned are also really funny.

However, Shuang Li also sensitively realized a problem, what kind of tree is the Laval tree, it really baffled all the players.

Although the brain hole is full of strange things, so far, no player has made breakthrough progress.

By the way, what kind of tree is the Tree of Laval?
And why can it eliminate the curse poison on the big wild boar and wild goat?

According to the information she has collected so far, the curse poison on the wild boar and wild goat is not of the same order of magnitude as the poison of the plants.

Even if you fight poison with fire, you can't do it.

Of course, you can't completely think like this.

One thing falls one thing, maybe the sap of the Laval tree is like a bit of tofu brine, which can turn decay into magic.
[Unfortunately, I couldn't get in touch with Xiaojia Weiyang. Is the real world busy? ]
Shuang Carp felt a little regretful.

For Xiaojiao, the game of solving puzzles should be very popular among them.

At this moment, there was a sound of footsteps, and following the sound, it was Anna.

Seeing Shuang Li sitting leisurely, Anna didn't have the slightest intention to go out to solve the puzzle, so she couldn't help but wonder.

"Everyone is busy looking for the Tree of Laval and wants to get the first prize of the mission. Why don't you seem to be in a hurry at all?"

Because she is qualified to issue missions, Anna also has a clear understanding of players' attitudes towards missions.

What's more, Shuang Li was the first being received by His Majesty the God King alone and granted protection, so he should want to go further.

Therefore, Shuang Li's lazy attitude seemed very different.

Shuang Li was sitting upright, confidently and elegantly said, "It's just solving the riddle, with my wisdom, as long as enough information is collected, it will happen naturally."

Anna didn't speak, but just gave Shuang Li a look, letting her experience it for herself.

After ten seconds.

Shuang Li couldn't hold back at all.

Shuang Li stretched out her hands on the table, like a salted fish, and said helplessly, "Okay, I admit it, I'm too picky about food, but any bad taste will make me feel bad when eating grass, drinking The poisonous concubine Tang Chen can't do it!"

Anna was speechless.

This is really something that can only be said by people who have lived in Fuwowo since childhood!
"Then you don't want to become stronger? Do you have experience in doing tasks, and you can get gold coins?"

Shuang Li: "I'm not a pure power party, and I'm more inclined to play games for leisure and entertainment. Earn experience slowly. As for gold coins, if you really don't have enough, I'll buy some from other players. It's not expensive anyway!"

Anna: "."

For some reason, Anna suddenly felt that Shuang Li was in a hurry, and she didn't even want to talk to Shuang Li anymore.

Anna: "So have you collected enough information?"

Double Carp shook his head.

The information she obtained was second-hand, third-hand, or even transferred several hands, which itself has a serious lag.

Therefore, she actually gave up the reward for this task!

Anna: "So, what kind of tree is the Tree of Laval?"

Shuangli: "We should still miss the key prompt information. Let's review it?"

Anna: "Yes."

Afterwards, the two began to replay the fairy tale that Rhodes told a little bit.

The gourmet kingdom of Wahari, the god of rain and fire, and the good weather, the two became a couple with droughts and floods, and Olaf was a matchmaker. The two joined forces to kill Olaf, sacrifice the golden goat and the wild boar king, and the sap of the Raval tree.
The god of rain and fire, they thought of the climate;
The tree of Laval shall not be desecrated, they thought of poison;
The golden goat and wild boar king thought of the qualitative change brought about by roasting together.
It seems that there is still a lack of a matchmaker, Olaf.
Being a matchmaker and making a marriage was killed. Could it be that this is a matchmaking technique?
A thunderbolt suddenly flashed in Shuang Li's mind.

"Is this supposed to be grafting?"

Anna's eyes lit up when she heard this.

Grafting is a very old technology, and it is actually quite mature in Dawn City.

In the improvement of Saka, this technology was actually used.

Shuang Li excitedly said, ""Avril Lavigne's Guide to Saka Improvement", this book mentions grafting. No, I have to write a copy quickly and send my conjecture to the circle of friends!"

The core reason why Double Carp is acting so Buddhist is their picky appetite.

But now that there is a way to get contribution without eating grass, she won't miss it.

Anna was also excited.

"I also understand, this may be the true meaning of His Majesty the God King bestowing on me the elf art "All things grow"! "

"That's right, players can seek cooperation with NPCs for this task, so spawning elves is also very important. Anna is the matchmaker Olaf!"

The second daughter became more and more excited as she thought about it.

Not only because of task rewards, but also because of the sense of accomplishment that drives the historical process!
However, just when Anna was about to edit the copy, her account sent several push copy one after another.

"A few conjectures about the cultivation of Laval's tree by grafting:"

"After experimenting successively with Prunella vulgaris, Bloodfire Vine, Saka, and Long Fennel branches, we will find that these succulent plants that grow in the alternating rain and heat zones cannot effectively remove the poison in the bodies of wild boars and wild goats. .”

"Then, after review and scrutiny, it will be interesting to find that we have neglected an important character in the fairy tale, the prince Olaf of the Kingdom of Valhali who was jointly killed by the god of rain and fire."

"Obviously, Olaf is a reckless man. He even thought of introducing partners to the God of Rain and Fire God, and was killed in the end."

"Because of this, I speculate that the so-called rain god and fire god may represent plants with cold, poisonous and fire poisonous attributes. If we introduce 'objects' with similar attributes to them, they may be able to turn things against each other, prompting them to explode, and release the poison that can kill the matchmaker. Olaf's poisonousness, but this poisonousness will in turn encourage them to entangle and grow together."

"Reminiscent of His Majesty the God King bestowing upon Anna the elf technique "All things grow", the two plants in this entangled state may be able to quickly be born with the elf technique."

"And this is obviously in line with the current version of the situation. You may already know that the Sun Tower of the Dawn Capital is already approaching failure."

Shuang Li's beautiful eyes widened, a little unbelievable.

Who is this?
Even deeper than she thought?

Sure enough, you can't underestimate any player!
Shuang Li quickly pulled the copywriting, and then saw the author of the copywriting. Crouching dragon and phoenix chick!

Well, it turned out to be him!
Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Cub is currently considered to be a relatively well-known player in Lixiao, because he is a teammate of Great God Changkong.


At this moment, a system notification sounded in Shuangli's ears.

[Congratulations to the player "Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Young" for solving the mystery of the Nursery Rhyme Laval Tree, the progress of the world mission "The Prisoner of Food" is +50%. 】

[Complete the great cause "One small step for me, one giant leap for mankind", get the permanent title "Wise Man", and reward the weapon "Demon-Breaking Blade". 】

[Reward 3200 contribution points, 5 free attribute points, 10 Saint Quartz. 】

In an instant, all the players in the entire dawn world boiled together.

What kind of reward is this?
Great achievements, titles, weapons, points, free attribute points, and Saint Quartz won!
Shuang Li's red lips parted wide, and she felt a little silly for a moment.

It's just half a step slow, just half a step. Ahhhhh!

She is so angry!


Buddha is a fart, this time she is going to explode!

Her double carp is not weaker than others in her life!
(End of this chapter)

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