After becoming a god, I became the dog planner in the mouth of the players

Chapter 63 is all rolled up【Ask for tickets and collection】

Chapter 63 is all rolled up【Ask for tickets and collection】

Hearing the generous rewards given by the system, Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Chu immediately grinned.

At this moment, Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Cub even felt more comfortable than killing countless monsters on the battlefield, and his heart was full of a sense of accomplishment!
It's not in vain that he rushed to the big library to search for information, always paid attention to the experimental data uploaded by the players, repeatedly screened the information, and kept thinking. Everything was worth it!

Because of this, Wolongfengchu has a more comprehensive understanding of this game.

The world of dawn is very comprehensive and specific, and the gameplay is even more diverse.

It can open and close on the battlefield with its excellent combat awareness like Changkong Dada;

It is also possible to gain experience and money quickly, almost like primitive accumulation of capital, by conquering NPCs and gaining favor like Shuangli.

It is also possible to make a major contribution to world missions by solving puzzles like him.

And the reward given by the official is the greatest support and encouragement for him to play this way.

Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Hina opened the backpack, and then saw the Demon-Breaking Blade given by Albert "One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind".

This weapon is more like a short dagger, and its shape is much more exquisite than the novice weapon he used before.

Wolongfengchu immediately fell in love with it!
"From now on, I, Wolongfengxiao, will also be a player with great achievements and high-quality weapons!"

Crouching dragon and phoenix chick pinned the short dagger to the waist, and suddenly felt that the whole person's cards were up.

Although it was a step late, he was also the fourth existence in the entire server to have a great career!

What a cool word? !

"Ahhh, I want to continue, and the final contribution must also have a place for me, the dragon and the phoenix."

Crouching dragon and phoenix chick were full of fighting spirit, but suddenly thought of something, opened the internal channel of the team, and then began to edit the information.

"I'm sorry, I accidentally accomplished a great cause. It's a pity that the reward weapon is a dagger, which is a bit short!"




Crouching dragon and phoenix chick triumphantly took a few photos of themselves, and then sent them to several teammates.

I was afraid that they would not see it, so I specially targeted them.

Lin Fan: "."

The brick family suggested that I pay to go to work: "."

Cat abuser Schrödinger: "."

Fever 105°: "."

Lin Fan was a little bit better, after all, he already had a great career.

And paying for work, being a cat abuser, and having a fever of 105° means that the sour teeth all fell down at the same time!

You agreed to hang the tail end together, but you secretly betrayed the revolution
That's all, still showing off in front of them, uncle can bear it, and auntie can't bear it either!
Even Lin Fan felt the slightest bit of pressure.

There are more and more people who have accomplished great achievements, and the great achievement of Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Cub has a far higher gold content than his Hundred People Killing.
How to complete the second great cause? !
Lin Fan didn't want to get involved, but he was also forced!
Lin Fan's eyes were shining brightly, but they were a little on fire.

Isn't it the liver?
He is covered in livers!

Fort community.

Paying to work, having a fever of 105°, and cat abusers look at each other, and sparks fly in each other's eyes.

Both Sky and Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Cub have accomplished great things, and now the pressure is on them.

Paid to work: "Isn't it just introversion? I'll contact Erin Lolita right now, this time I must take the lead in cultivating the Laval Tree!"

Accompanied by a roar, the snowflakes rolled all over, but it had already rushed out with a fever of 105°.

The cat abuser Schrödinger's eyes immediately turned red.

I really thought he couldn't roll it up, did you?

When he rolls up, he is afraid of himself!
Not only Lin Fan's team, but other players who were stimulated also screamed excitedly.

The success of the crouching dragon and phoenix chick brought them not only rewards and incentives, new gameplay, but also new clues to the Tree of Raval, and the task progress bar for the first act of the world quest Valhari's Food Feast.

This allowed them to see new clues and new directions, and at the same time feel unprecedented new pressure.

If they don't give it a try, they won't be able to drink the soup left over from this world quest.

for a while.

All the players in Dawn City rolled up at the same time.

It seems that the air in the whole world has become sticky with scorching heat!
Naturally, the changes of the players cannot be hidden from those elf envoys.

When they learned the reasons for the players' changes, the elves couldn't help but look at each other.

I feel like I know a little more about this group of players!
of course.

What surprised them even more was the breakthrough in the research on the Tree of Laval.

Especially the progress bar that suddenly increased by 50.00% surprised them even more.

Progress bar. It really makes them envious and jealous of their ability!
Not to mention the players, even they, once they have a progress bar, they will be infinitely firm in their pursuit of the goal!

In the past, they might have been envious of His Majesty the God King's love for the players, but now they have figured it out.

Players have a progress bar, isn't it the same as they have a progress bar? !
In the eyes of His Majesty the God King, they and the players may only have different positions.

A scholar looked excited and couldn't wait to say, "Master John, when will we issue tasks for the players to cooperate with the experiment?"

"Yes, yes, the player's mushroom parameters and HP decay rate are very, very important reference indicators!"

After a scholar proposed, other scholars also stood up one after another, expressing their eagerness for players to join the experiment.

[This may be the picture His Majesty the God King expects to see! ]
John said solemnly, "I can issue tasks at any time and invite players to cooperate with our experiment, but you have to remember one thing, it is to invite players to cooperate, not to treat players as experimental guinea pigs. You don't want to let Players say to you 'too bad you don't have a health bar'?"

All the fanatical researchers were heartbroken.

They can still vividly remember the performance of the players in the weighing battle.

Once the player really utters the slang term "bright blood bar", maybe one day it will really disappear!

"Master John, don't worry, we will keep the bottom line in mind, and we will definitely not arouse the disgust of the players too much!"

"Yes, Lord John, please rest assured!"

All the researchers made promises one after another.

Some people even suggested that players are stubborn and need to stroke their hair rather than force their heads to let them drink water.

John Keppel nodded.

That's it!

For this group of fanatical researchers, if they are not given a limit, it is estimated that they will be able to commit endless crimes.

After reaching an agreement with the fanatical researchers, John Keppel began to issue tasks in the manner in "Memory Inheritance".

Not long after, a blue exclamation mark appeared above Keppel's head.

Soon, the players found the exclamation mark that suddenly appeared through the small map.

For a moment, the eyes of all the players lit up.

Then they all ran towards the direction of the Tower of the Sun!

There is fast hand, no hand is slow.

In this world where introversion is ubiquitous, the players have already seen through it. If they want to stand up, they must scroll to the end!

Fanatical researchers soon discovered that - the players are really easy to use!
Whether it's all kinds of chores, all kinds of dangerous test drugs, or the precise expression of experimental feelings, the quality displayed by the players is beyond imagination.

This is not at all the level of knowledge that ordinary civilians possess!
What's more, some players can participate in their experiments all the way, and give unique views and suggestions.

This is not just a guinea pig, but a combination of a guinea pig and a researcher.

Fanatical researchers even turned red-eyed, and some wanted to dissect a few players to see.

And what really dispels their crazy thoughts is the slang words that the players may pop up at any time, it's a pity you don't have a blood bar!
While the researchers are happy, the players are also happy!
Because, there are suddenly more tasks.

They upgrade, earn money, and accumulate experience much faster, and they can even feel that they are getting stronger little by little at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Moreover, all kinds of cooperation with university scholars to do research also made them feel more novel, a kind of role-playing feeling.

Every time the performance is successful, the researchers will encourage them without hesitation, and even give them various rewards.

for example.

Berserker potion!
This is a life-burning potion researched by Dawn City, which can make soldiers unleash amazing fighting power in a short period of time.

It is said that it is still a new product and cannot be bought in the market!
The players are satisfied and have gained a lot.

The researcher is also satisfied, and finally can accurately obtain the clinical data of the Berserker Potion.

It seems that he can finally graduate, woo woo woo!

Seeing the scene in front of him, Rhodes on the 100th floor of the Tower of the Sun also showed a satisfied smile.

A weighing battle, first let Dawn City take the lead in understanding the cruelty of the players, and establish the bottom line of the players;
Now through various guidance, let them understand the "easy to use" of the players, so that they can use the players with confidence and boldness.

The aborigines will not be unscrupulous just because the players are "easy to use", which will arouse the disgust of the players;

Players also gain more attention and popularity because of the bottom line of the aborigines, thus gaining a higher sense of identity and satisfaction.

And this is the relationship model that Rhodes wants to establish!

It was also the real intention of his controversial and even uncomfortable weighing battle!
The years passed without a trace, passing quickly as the tower of the sun flickered again and again.

Various cultivation experiments on the Laval tree are also in full swing and moving forward steadily.

 PS: Thanks to "A Little Cat Girl" for the reward of 688 book coins. ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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