Chapter 66 Completion of the First Act


Accompanied by the fluttering two words, the raging Tree of Laval instantly lost all its arrogant capital.

Even so, the Tree of Laval is still a little mad, and seems unwilling to let it go.



Rhodes said nothing, but he couldn't follow what he said.

The extremely rebellious Tree of Laval was instantly divided into two by Rhodes, and a very illusory figure flew out directly, and then fell into Rhodes' book of rules.

All information about the Tree of Laval was instantly deciphered and assimilated by the Book of Rules, and became part of Rhodes' knowledge.

Since then, the Tree of Laval has been completely washed away from its unruly and human-hating side.

Rhodes turned back, looked at Anna, smiled and praised, "You did a good job, I am very satisfied."

Anna was in a daze, and then she came back to her senses, and quickly knelt down to pay respects.

"Anna thanks His Majesty the God King for saving her life!"

Rhodes: "You are the people I protect, and I have the ability to save, so I will naturally not stand by."

Anna's pretty face blushed.

Because what His Majesty the God King said was almost the same as the reason why she decided to give birth to the Tree of Laval regardless of her life.

She has reason to suspect that His Majesty the God King heard her heart!

In this regard, she did not feel any discomfort, but was extremely excited.

Because, she knew that she was always under His Majesty's gaze. And this is the best reward for a pious believer!

Anna felt very happy and content.

In an instant, Rhodes felt the power of unprecedented pious faith rushing towards him.

Even the shattered Kingdom of God began to show signs of improvement.

Rhodes was surprised.

But she never expected that Anna's belief in him would be so devout.

Fanatics, they are all qualified to be a saint, it would be a pity not to make her a banner of faith!
Rhodes thought for a while and said, "A drop of blood."

Anna was taken aback.

Without any hesitation, he immediately bit his index finger.

Blood dripped and floated directly in front of Rhodes, and Anna's fingers healed instantly without the slightest pain.

He said he wanted a drop of blood, and that was just a drop of blood, even if he wanted to give more!

With a thought in Rhodes' mind, a very small tree floated out, which was the projection of the holy tree of Laval after being assimilated by him.

After the blood submerged into the projection, a contract circle was formed, and Anna immediately felt that she could summon the projection of the holy tree.

It seems that this projection is a part of her life.

Rhodes: "This is the method of summoning the projection of the holy tree "Sacred Tree Arrival". It can be used to solve curses, destroy evil spirits, and detoxify. After cooperating with the elf technique "All Things Grow", it can promote the growth of the holy tree at the shortest speed. The sap dripping from the tree can be used to restore life and elemental energy, I hope you can make good use of this technique. "

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for bestowing the law!"

Anna was overjoyed and hurriedly saluted to express her gratitude.

Rhodes nodded and encouraged, "Keep going."


Anna's pretty face was flushed with excitement, and her soul seemed to be flying out.

Afterwards, Rhode's figure disappeared directly.

Anna also found that she had returned to the place where the tree of Laval was born.

At this time, the tree no longer had the slightest rebelliousness, but only tranquility.

I can clearly feel that under the radiance of the holy tree, the curse and the cold energy of the underworld are dispelled little by little.

She just stood under the holy tree, and her body and mind were quiet, as if she had been washed away from all filth.

At this moment, Anna saw that water vapor began to gather on the leaves of the holy tree, as if it was about to condense into water droplets.

Anna was taken aback.

Could this be the sap of the Laval tree mentioned in the nursery rhyme?

Doesn't that mean that there will be endless meat in Dawn City in the future? !

Anna was so excited that she couldn't contain herself.

After praying devoutly to express her gratitude to His Majesty the God King, she immediately exploded her aura to the maximum extent.

She is not Mona, and she does not know the kind of large-scale perception and communication elves, and cannot directly contact other members of the Knights.


She can make the Knights find her in turn!
Sure enough, after her unreserved burst of aura, all the powerful high-level members of the Knights immediately sensed Anna's aura.

Martina, the deputy head, stood up immediately and shouted to the door, "Come on."

Two waiters came in the first time.

Martina: "Send Mona over here"


Just as the two waiters were about to act, Martina still couldn't hold back her heart, and disappeared in a flash.

The speed was so fast that the two waiters couldn't catch it at all. There was only the residual voice of Martina's deputy head.

"Forget it, I'll go there by myself!"

The two waiters were stunned.

Immediately, a guess came to mind.

Is it what they guessed?

in the case of.
The two were ecstatic, but the smiles on their faces could no longer be restrained.

And this is not yet an example, soon wild laughter came from everywhere in Dawn City.

The 17th floor of the Tower of the Sun.

Wolongfengchu's face was pitch black, and even the clothes on her body were damaged in many places.

The experiment just now failed again. Which step went wrong?

According to various experiments, the so-called matchmaking between Olaf and the God of Rain and Vulcan represents the combination of two cold plants and two fire plants.

And their contact will in turn prompt the "Rain God" and "Vulcan" to reconnect and reunite.

There is no problem with this idea at all, and the game system has confirmed its correctness.

In the experiment, Olaf, who was forcibly matched, was also killed by the god of rain and fire, and he was indeed backlashed. What went wrong?

Is there any detail he left out?

Could it be a problem with "Irina's Travel Notes Volume [-]"?

The more Wolongfengchu thought about it, the more he felt it was possible, as if he hadn't used this book at the moment.

At this moment, the World Channel suddenly sounded an official announcement.

[Congratulations to players "Panda has no dark circles", "Qu Shang Wei Meng", "Evening Breeze Keeps People Drunk", "Dawei Tianlong", "Round Face Fat Chicken" for helping Anna bring about the birth of the Laval Tree, the world task The mission progress of "The Prisoner of Food" has reached 100%, and the first act of the prisoner of food has been completed. 】

[Complete the great cause "Sacred Tree Breeder", jointly obtain the title "Best Matchmaker Olaf", and each reward a boutique weapon. 】

[Respectively reward 1200 contribution points, 2 free attribute points, 5 holy crystals, and 3 drops of Laval tree juice. 】

[Vahari's Eternal Feast Act [-]: The Ultimate Delicacy Begins. 】

[Specific tasks and reward details will be announced after the version is updated. 】

Hearing the world announcement, all the players were stunned for a moment.

World Quest Act [-] completed?

What the hell is a version update?

Isn't this too bald? !

After that, there were all kinds of madness and regret, and even envy and hatred for the few European emperors who completed the task.

By the way, how did these guys complete the task?


Soon, they realized the truth of the matter.

A video appeared in the world announcement. In the video, it was Robber Itachi who stole the purse of player Qu Shang Weimeng.

Then, Qu Shang Weimeng started the "war" with Thief Weasel.

Originally Qu Shang Weimeng had given up, but Thief Treasure Weasel came to provoke him cheaply, and the sound of laughing while patting his stomach was like Captain Teemo's cheap laugh.

How could Qu Shang Weimeng suffer such grievances, so he became ruthless and directly flattened the mountain where the robber weasel settled down.

The players sweated profusely.

Thief Treasure Weasel is also a bad brain, who is not good to offend, but offend Qu Shang Weimeng, a narrow-minded woman.

Next, all the players saw that Treasure Weasel was forced by Qu Shang Weimeng to have no choice but to return the purse and pay huge "war reparations" in humiliation.

Then, all the players saw at the same time that Qu Shang Weimeng took back the money bag to accept the war indemnity, then puffed up her chubby cheeks, and said softly, "The truth is only within the range of the gun, Rua!"

All the players laughed at the same time.

Qu Shang Weimeng, this female player is cruel enough, she uttered the cruelest words in the softest tone!

Thief Weasel was completely bankrupt, and Qu Shang Weimeng died immediately!

Afterwards, all the players saw at the same time how Panda did not have black eye circles and others to dismantle the Treasure Weasel's home, and then build a stone formation with the principle of bionics.

And how did Miss Anna conceive the holy tree with her determination to die?
The sacred tree turned back, and the shield assistant Dawei Tianlong desperately rescued; the round-faced fat chicken, Panda without dark circles, the evening wind left people drunk, and Qu Shangwei Meng stood in front of Anna defiantly.

But in the end it fell short!
Seeing the huge root system of the Tree of Laval engulfing Miss Anna like the mouth of an abyss, all the players became nervous.

Afterwards, everyone saw His Majesty the God King coming like a savior
At this moment, the eyes of all the players brightened up, and the big stone in their hearts fell immediately.

At this moment, they suddenly discovered that His Majesty the God King is really reassuring, and the sense of security is simply unparalleled!
His Majesty the God King is really handsome!

Although it was only a short video, it gave them an unprecedented sense of belonging.

And if you want to ask who is the most lost, it must be Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Young.

"I'm really stupid. I only know that every book given by His Majesty the God King is useful, but I forgot to investigate the ferret who stole the hat!"

"There was a second great career in front of me, but I failed to grasp it. I regretted it until I lost it."

A few researchers who still don't know what's going on are dumbfounded, are they stunned?

Crouching dragon and phoenix chick will not be spoiled by them, right?

Several researchers feel guilty for no reason!
 PS: Ask for tickets, please collect and read, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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