After becoming a god, I became the dog planner in the mouth of the players

Chapter 67 Fever Log【Seek tickets for collection】

Chapter 67 Fever Log【Seek tickets for collection】

time flies.

Under the constant flickering of the Tower of the Sun, the players also realized that it was almost time to go offline again.

This made a group of players extremely upset - they haven't played enough yet!

Even if the naivety is dark, even if they just stay in the hotel and do nothing, they are willing!

This is not the voice of a single player, but the voice of all players.


Now the real world time is about [-] pm, which is a good time to play games, but it is so inhumane to force them to go offline at this time.

With a fever of 105°, the eyes slowly regain focus, and what you see is the familiar game cabin.

"Fuck, I was forced to go offline again. Li Xiao's rubbish operation is based on the hope that there will be no competitors, right?"

Wu Qi, who has a fever of 105° and turns on the light in the room, still feels a little uncomfortable.

He is also a "fever master" in the oath circle, but at dawn, he has not even completed a great cause.

As a UP master, it made him even more embarrassed.

Recently, some people have been brainlessly spraying him with "food"!
However, he is a UP master after all, and he still has to rely on videos and traffic for a living.

After thinking about it, I still opened my own account, planning to make another issue about the experience of playing the dawn.

There are really too many things to share, and Wu Qi is full of desire to express.

As soon as he logged into the account, Wu Qi saw countless reminders popping up in the account.

After opening it, Wu Qi found that he had published 10 "Fever Diaries", and the number of clicks, likes, reposts, collections and coins had skyrocketed.

Seeing this, Wu Qi suddenly showed a satisfied smile on his face, just like an old farmer who grows crops when he sees the fields and the crops have a good harvest.

Full of energy!

Among them, the conjecture about the world's energy and food crisis in Poxiao, and the video calling on all players to save Poxiao together, have already exceeded one million hits.

And the editing of the highlights of the dawn BGM that he recorded has also received a huge response, and it has even begun to show signs of breaking the circle.

If it weren't for worrying about copyright issues, Wu Qi would have wanted Tianyi to sing.

This makes Wu Qi very sorry!

As for some interesting things in completing the world mission "The Captive of Food", they are now talking about it.

For example, various Yanyi masks after poisoning by devil's weed have now become the first choice of many people's emoticons.

After watching the growth of each video, Wu Qi is like an old lion who has inspected his territory, full of ambition.

After thinking about it, I began to screen the recently collected new materials and write the copywriting for the new video.

"Sharing about the end of the first act of the first world mission "Vahari's Eternal Feast" and speculation about the future."

"My friends who follow me, hello everyone, the 11th issue of "Fever Diary" that everyone is looking forward to is here."

"Different from the past, the mystery of the 'Sacred Tree of Laval' that everyone has been looking forward to in the 11th issue has finally been revealed."

Afterwards, Wu Qi edited part of the video in the official announcement in which several players in Panda without dark circles assisted Anna in cultivating the Tree of Laval.

Although it is not the first time I saw it, Wu Qi was still a little emotional during the process of making the video.

"Are you a little stunned? Haha, the strange plants in the dawn world are so magical!"

"This world quest started with an absurd and uninhibited story about the separation and reunion of the rain god and the fire god, but at the end it was the strange combination of four plants, and together they gave birth to an unprecedented holy tree."

"The birth process of the holy tree is full of epic sense. Whether it is solving puzzles in the early stage, finding clues, or dying stone circles, players participate in the whole process. What's more, all the clues are in this nursery rhyme and In the few books suggested by His Majesty the God King."

"The process may be a bit convoluted and cumbersome, but at the moment when I finally witnessed the birth of the holy tree, there is even a feeling that the players have created a miracle together!"

Afterwards, Wu Qi released the video of Miss Anna knowing that she might be killed by the "Rain God" and "Vulcan" together, but still did not hesitate to show all things grow and give birth to the Laval Tree.

These include Anna's determination, her devotion before releasing the elf, and her beauty and sanctity when she released the elf.

To be honest, Wu Qi's eyes were a little straight.

I have to say, Miss Anna is really beautiful and sassy!
"Dawn City needs the birth of the holy tree, and she just has the ability to make the birth of the holy tree, so why doesn't she do it?"

"This is Miss Anna's heartfelt voice before she casts the elf spell "All Things Grow". It may feel like a virgin when I hear it at other times.But I participated in it personally, heard it with my own ears and saw it with my own eyes, and I was really moved by Miss Anna's determination! "

"Perhaps, this is why I like the world of Daybreak. The NPCs here, no, calling them NPCs may not respect them enough. I feel that they are all human beings with flesh and blood and soul!"

"Compared to the reality, the aborigines of Daybreak World are too pure. Their happiness is simple and direct, purely for living and to be full."

"They are willing to give and are not afraid of sacrifice. In my opinion, they really look like the former martyrs."

"Especially Miss Anna, this is her second self-sacrifice. The reason for the sacrifice is only because of the needs of Dawn City, and she has the ability. I suddenly feel that she is so romantic!"

"If you have the Tao in your heart and a sword in your hand, you will be in the world when you go out!"

After playing Miss Anna, Wu Qi focused on editing the expression of Dunfu Dawei Tianlong and the micro-expression of the round-faced fat chicken.

"I bet a bag of spicy strips, Dawei Tianlong must be tempted, and there is a round-faced fat chicken, she must be slapped by Miss Anna hehehe (><)"

"By the way, who wouldn't like Miss Anna like this?"

"Miss Anna's beautiful picture, please lick it first."

Afterwards, Wu Qi focused on blowing the god king Solethor again.

"I have to say that in the end, His Majesty the God King came to the rescue, which really gave me goosebumps. This man really feels so safe!"

"I have a fever of 105° and solemnly declare that from today onwards, I will also be an out-and-out Chef of God!"

"And this also fully demonstrates the importance of reporting to parents before going out to do things b( ̄▽ ̄)d, have you learned another trick? Don't thank me, hurry up and set up your majesty's Like, then worship up!"

Finally, Wu Qi thought for a while and posted a short video of the "ruthless man" Qu Shang Weimeng's sister "playing hooligans" with Thief Weasel.

He had a premonition that Qushang Weimeng's sister was going to be popular, but the "war" between her and Thief Weasel was so funny!
At first, Wu Qi thought it would be like this, but suddenly remembered that Lixiao seemed to be updating.

Continue to write this time——

"In the latest announcement, the dawn official stated that it will be updated, but I don't know if it will listen to the opinions of the players and cancel the setting of compulsory offline at seven o'clock."

"Regardless of whether or not Poxiao knows his mistakes and corrects them, I still continue to appeal to the officials, hoping that they can listen to the opinions of our players and make Poxiao better and better."

"I hope that the operation of Lixiao will not be ignorant, hehehe!"

"By the way, I will put a little pressure on you when Aite visits the Heavenly Network at the end of the day, so get up early, please!"

 PS: Thanks to "Sikong Lin Jiuxing", "What name should I choose", "Book friend 20220512113925102" for the 100 starting point coins reward. ^_^
(End of this chapter)

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