Chapter 68 Dreams and Realities

Thanks to the system that forces players to go offline after [-]:[-] p.m., Wu Qi has a lot of time.

In about two hours, he completed the latest video.

Save, upload, all in one go.

After doing this, Wu Qi suddenly thought of something, put his hands together, bowed three times, and muttered something.

"Your Majesty the God King, I ask you to bless my video to become popular. As long as my wish comes true, I will definitely invite a statue of your god to be placed at home, and my heart will burn three sticks of incense every day."

To be honest, Wu Qi's prayer etiquette is very unprofessional.

It is very similar to offering sacrifices to Laojun and Bodhisattvas in Taoist temples or Bodhisattva temples, and promises to fulfill the vow once His Majesty the God King appears.

I have to say, this is very heavenly!

For this, Wu Qi actually had a temporary idea.

Just like what he said in the video, hurry up and set up a statue of His Majesty the God King, and worship him from time to time. What if it is over?
In fact, this is only Wu Qi's first worship in the real world.

In Daybreak World, he had really been to the cathedral a few times secretly!

Or that sentence, what if it manifests?

Anyway, for the people of the Celestial Dynasty, worshiping Buddha at temples and worshiping gods when meeting gods is not a problem!

After finishing a whole set of business, he realized that he hadn't eaten dinner until his stomach complained again and again.

This made Wu Qi couldn't help but sigh with emotion, doing what he likes, he can really forget about eating and sleeping, and he doesn't have a very specific concept of time.

I ordered a takeaway casually, and became a little empty again.

Looking at the empty houses, he suddenly wanted to go back to Lixiao, as if where was his home!

Obviously Breaking Dawn is just a game, obviously he was forced to go offline before seven o'clock in the evening, obviously the food there is terrible, obviously he just went offline not long ago.
Wu Qi was lying on the bed, staring blankly at the ceiling, his eyes suddenly became distant.

It seems that he has a sword in his hand, he can pull the knife light, he can jump several meters high, and he can turn into an exaggerated Yanyi face because of a blade of grass.

After being in a trance for a while, Wu Qi came back to his senses again, which made him feel a little embarrassed.

Fortunately, no one saw it, otherwise he might have met with death.

"I'm really poisoned. Fuck, don't think about it, what's new in this version update?"

"Sky, awesome!"

After the training match, teammate Mo Yu frivolously gave Lin Fan a thumbs up.

The cooperation with Changkong just now was really cool.

For a while, he thought that this was not a training match where he knew himself and the enemy, but a trumpet abuse.

The other teammates also applauded, cheering for Chang Kong's superb operation just now.

There is indeed a phenomenon of seniority in clubs, but when a person's skills are good enough to a certain level, various prejudices can also be broken.

Although Changkong is still a junior and does not have much qualifications to play, but in the recent training match, Changkong's style of play has become more and more sharp.

Especially every time he can directly defeat the opponent, bring up the rhythm of all walks of life, let the team's economy snowball, and his teammates are willing to play with his rhythm.

Mo Yu frivolously said, "Long Sky, you've made so much progress recently, it's almost as if you're cheating, how did you do it? Do you have any tricks?"

"Yes, Changkong, you can't hide your secrets!"

All the teammates agreed one after another, and they were also very curious about Changkong's progress.

The higher the level, the harder it is to make progress.

However, Changkong's recent progress is like a rocket, which puts pressure on well-trained professional players like them. One can imagine how big this leap is.

Lin Fan smiled, and said calmly, "There are no skills, maybe it's just because my state is good, and my potential has been tapped and released!"

Everyone nodded, feeling the same.

The e-sports industry needs to rely on training, but more depends on talent, which belongs to God's reward.

Changkong has improved so fast recently, it should be that he has found the peak state.

This is the ideal state that all e-sports players dream of.

This also made the teammates pay more and more attention to Chang Kong, wishing to let Chang Kong replace Xie Yi on the field, and directly confront the Weiguo team head-on.

However, when I think about the coach and Xie Yi.
Everyone smiled and stopped dwelling on this topic.

Even the distance that had been shortened by a beautiful game just now became a little distant again.

That's all for the game, if you get too close to Changkong, isn't that a slap in the face of the coach?

Even elementary school students know how to alienate students who are disliked by their teachers, let alone adults who have been beaten by society.

Xie Yi is the face of their Longqi team, and there are many very profitable commercial endorsement coaches on him, so they will definitely not let Chang Kong, a substitute, replace Xie Yi on the field!
The e-sports industry has never been just about good technology!
What's more, Sky still has a contract with the club, and it is impossible to breach the contract.

Several teammates looked at the sky, and there was even a touch of sympathy in their eyes.

The most ideal state of an e-sports player is rare, and if you miss it, it may be difficult to climb to the top.

In addition, although they are teammates, they are unwilling to let them give up the opportunity to make way for the sky.

Whose opportunity is not an opportunity?

Several people exchanged a few pleasantries, and then their attitudes gradually faded.

Feeling the alienation of his teammates, Lin Fan suddenly lost his interest in talking, and even felt a little tired.

[Oath, my dream once]
[I really didn't expect that one day, just thinking about it will make me feel tired! ]
[Fortunately, there is a dawn. Will there be a PVP mode and an e-sports match in the dawn? ]
Thinking of this, Lin Fan's eyes suddenly brightened up, shining brightly.

If Lixiao really engages in e-sports confrontation like the oath, he will definitely surpass the oath!
Although it hasn't been long since he was offline, Lin Fan suddenly couldn't wait to return to the dawn world.

In other words, what new changes will this Daybreak update have?

Will you learn from the opinions of the players and change the bad strategy of forcing players to go offline after seven o'clock?
At this moment, Lin Fan's cell phone vibrated.

When I opened it, it turned out to be a message from Wolongfengchu.

"Is Chang Kongda free? If you are free, let's get together!"

Lin Fan looked around and saw that no one was paying attention, so he typed immediately, "Okay, tell me the room number, and I'll be there in a while!"


The crouching dragon and phoenix come back in seconds.

Not long after, a room number was sent.

Virtual cyber world.

Wolongfengchu built a room very skillfully, and soon the cat abuser Schrödinger, paying for work, having a fever of 105°, and Lin Fan came to the room one after another.

They all used their own avatars, which were very different from reality.

However, after all, several people have known each other for a long time, and they have met online more than once, so there is nothing unfamiliar.

With a fever of 105°, that is Wu Qi, he said bluntly, "What's the matter with Wolongfengchu, tell me quickly, I just ordered takeaway."

Crouching dragon and phoenix chick: "Isn't it just takeaway, just let the robot girlfriend collect it for you."

Wu Qi rolled his eyes and said speechlessly, "It's muddy, why don't you say why don't you eat minced meat?"

The crouching dragon and phoenix scratched their heads.

"The economical ones are not expensive, can they?"

Wu Qi: "."

Lin Fan: ".After all, I'm still unworthy!"

I feel offended when I pay to work, "If you show off your wealth again, you will lose my friend completely!"

Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Chuck laughed, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry. The dawn will be updated soon, I don't believe you can sleep peacefully!"

Lin Fan was speechless.

This change of subject is too blunt!

However, as soon as this topic came out, the embarrassing atmosphere was instantly broken and the distance between several people was brought closer.

(End of this chapter)

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